1 // RUN: mlir-opt --split-input-file --tosa-to-tensor %s -o -| FileCheck %s
5 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_0d_same_s2s_explicit
6 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<f32>
7 // CHECK: return %[[ARG_0]] : tensor<f32>
8 func.func @test_reshape_0d_same_s2s_explicit(%arg0: tensor<f32>) -> tensor<f32> {
9 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64>} : (tensor<f32>) -> tensor<f32>
10 return %0 : tensor<f32>
15 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_0d_up_s2d_auto
16 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<f32>
17 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[ARG_0]] [] output_shape [1] : tensor<f32> into tensor<1xf32>
18 // CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<1xf32> to tensor<?xf32>
19 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xf32>
20 func.func @test_reshape_0d_up_s2d_auto(%arg0: tensor<f32>) -> tensor<?xf32> {
21 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: -1>} : (tensor<f32>) -> tensor<?xf32>
22 return %0 : tensor<?xf32>
27 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_0d_up_s2d_explicit
28 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<f32>
29 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[ARG_0]] [] output_shape [1] : tensor<f32> into tensor<1xf32>
30 // CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<1xf32> to tensor<?xf32>
31 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xf32>
32 func.func @test_reshape_0d_up_s2d_explicit(%arg0: tensor<f32>) -> tensor<?xf32> {
33 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 1>} : (tensor<f32>) -> tensor<?xf32>
34 return %0 : tensor<?xf32>
39 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_0d_up_s2s_auto
40 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<f32>
41 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[ARG_0]] [] output_shape [1] : tensor<f32> into tensor<1xf32>
42 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<1xf32>
43 func.func @test_reshape_0d_up_s2s_auto(%arg0: tensor<f32>) -> tensor<1xf32> {
44 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: -1>} : (tensor<f32>) -> tensor<1xf32>
45 return %0 : tensor<1xf32>
50 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_0d_up_s2s_explicit
51 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<f32>
52 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[ARG_0]] [] output_shape [1] : tensor<f32> into tensor<1xf32>
53 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<1xf32>
54 func.func @test_reshape_0d_up_s2s_explicit(%arg0: tensor<f32>) -> tensor<1xf32> {
55 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 1>} : (tensor<f32>) -> tensor<1xf32>
56 return %0 : tensor<1xf32>
61 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_1d_down_d2s_explicit
62 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<?xf32>
63 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[ARG_0]] : tensor<?xf32> to tensor<1xf32>
64 // CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[VAL_0]] [] : tensor<1xf32> into tensor<f32>
65 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<f32>
66 func.func @test_reshape_1d_down_d2s_explicit(%arg0: tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<f32> {
67 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64>} : (tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<f32>
68 return %0 : tensor<f32>
73 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_1d_down_s2s_explicit
74 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<1xf32>
75 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] [] : tensor<1xf32> into tensor<f32>
76 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<f32>
77 func.func @test_reshape_1d_down_s2s_explicit(%arg0: tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<f32> {
78 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64>} : (tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<f32>
79 return %0 : tensor<f32>
84 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_1d_up_d2d_auto
85 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<?xf32>
86 // CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
87 // CHECK: %[[DIM:.*]] = tensor.dim %arg0, %[[C0]] : tensor<?xf32>
88 // CHECK: %[[C2:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : index
89 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = arith.divui %[[DIM]], %[[C2]] : index
90 // CHECK: %[[EXPANDED:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1]] output_shape [2, %[[VAL_0]]] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<2x?xf32>
91 // CHECK: return %[[EXPANDED]] : tensor<2x?xf32>
92 func.func @test_reshape_1d_up_d2d_auto(%arg0: tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<2x?xf32> {
93 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 2, -1>} : (tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<2x?xf32>
94 return %0 : tensor<2x?xf32>
99 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_1d_up_s2s_explicit
100 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<6xf32>
101 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1]] output_shape [2, 3] : tensor<6xf32> into tensor<2x3xf32>
102 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<2x3xf32>
103 func.func @test_reshape_1d_up_s2s_explicit(%arg0: tensor<6xf32>) -> tensor<2x3xf32> {
104 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 2, 3>} : (tensor<6xf32>) -> tensor<2x3xf32>
105 return %0 : tensor<2x3xf32>
110 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_2d_down_d2d_auto
111 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<2x?xf32>
112 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1]] : tensor<2x?xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
113 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<?xf32>
114 func.func @test_reshape_2d_down_d2d_auto(%arg0: tensor<2x?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32> {
115 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: -1>} : (tensor<2x?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32>
116 return %0 : tensor<?xf32>
121 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_2d_down_s2s_explicit
122 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<2x3xf32>
123 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1]] : tensor<2x3xf32> into tensor<6xf32>
124 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<6xf32>
125 func.func @test_reshape_2d_down_s2s_explicit(%arg0: tensor<2x3xf32>) -> tensor<6xf32> {
126 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 6>} : (tensor<2x3xf32>) -> tensor<6xf32>
127 return %0 : tensor<6xf32>
132 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_2d_same_d2d_auto
133 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<?x2xf32>
134 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1]] : tensor<?x2xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
135 // CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
136 // CHECK: %[[DIM:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?xf32>
137 // CHECK: %[[C2:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : index
138 // CHECK: %[[DIV:.*]] = arith.divui %[[DIM]], %[[C2]] : index
139 // CHECK: %[[EXPANDED:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[VAL_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1]] output_shape [2, %[[DIV]]] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<2x?xf32>
140 // CHECK: return %[[EXPANDED]] : tensor<2x?xf32>
141 func.func @test_reshape_2d_same_d2d_auto(%arg0: tensor<?x2xf32>) -> tensor<2x?xf32> {
142 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 2, -1>} : (tensor<?x2xf32>) -> tensor<2x?xf32>
143 return %0 : tensor<2x?xf32>
148 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_2d_same_s2d_auto
149 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<2x4xf32>
150 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1]] : tensor<2x4xf32> into tensor<8xf32>
151 // CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[VAL_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1]] output_shape [4, 2] : tensor<8xf32> into tensor<4x2xf32>
152 // CHECK: %[[VAL_2:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<4x2xf32> to tensor<?x2xf32>
153 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<?x2xf32>
154 func.func @test_reshape_2d_same_s2d_auto(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf32>) -> tensor<?x2xf32> {
155 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: -1, 2>} : (tensor<2x4xf32>) -> tensor<?x2xf32>
156 return %0 : tensor<?x2xf32>
161 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_2d_same_s2d_explicit
162 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<2x4xf32>
163 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1]] : tensor<2x4xf32> into tensor<8xf32>
164 // CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[VAL_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1]] output_shape [4, 2] : tensor<8xf32> into tensor<4x2xf32>
165 // CHECK: %[[VAL_2:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<4x2xf32> to tensor<?x2xf32>
166 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<?x2xf32>
167 func.func @test_reshape_2d_same_s2d_explicit(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf32>) -> tensor<?x2xf32> {
168 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 4, 2>} : (tensor<2x4xf32>) -> tensor<?x2xf32>
169 return %0 : tensor<?x2xf32>
174 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_2d_same_s2s_explicit
175 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<3x2xf32>
176 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1]] : tensor<3x2xf32> into tensor<6xf32>
177 // CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[VAL_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1]] output_shape [2, 3] : tensor<6xf32> into tensor<2x3xf32>
178 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<2x3xf32>
179 func.func @test_reshape_2d_same_s2s_explicit(%arg0: tensor<3x2xf32>) -> tensor<2x3xf32> {
180 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 2, 3>} : (tensor<3x2xf32>) -> tensor<2x3xf32>
181 return %0 : tensor<2x3xf32>
186 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_3d_same_d2d_auto_empty
187 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<3x2x?xf32>
188 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] : tensor<3x2x?xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
189 // CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
190 // CHECK: %[[DIM:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?xf32>
191 // CHECK: %[[C0_0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
192 // CHECK: %[[DIV:.*]] = arith.divui %[[DIM]], %[[C0_0]] : index
193 // CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[VAL_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] output_shape [0, 3, %[[DIV]]] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<0x3x?xf32>
194 // CHECK: %[[VAL_2:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<0x3x?xf32> to tensor<?x?x?xf32>
195 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
196 func.func @test_reshape_3d_same_d2d_auto_empty(%arg0: tensor<3x2x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?xf32> {
197 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 0, 3, -1>} : (tensor<3x2x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?xf32>
198 return %0 : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
203 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_3d_same_d2d_auto
204 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<2x?x?xf32>
205 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] : tensor<2x?x?xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
206 // CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
207 // CHECK: %[[DIM:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?xf32>
208 // CHECK: %[[C8:.*]] = arith.constant 8 : index
209 // CHECK: %[[DIV:.*]] = arith.divui %[[DIM]], %[[C8]] : index
210 // CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[VAL_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] output_shape [2, %[[DIV]], 4] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<2x?x4xf32>
211 // CHECK: %[[VAL_2:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<2x?x4xf32> to tensor<?x?x?xf32>
212 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
213 func.func @test_reshape_3d_same_d2d_auto(%arg0: tensor<2x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?xf32> {
214 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 2, -1, 4>} : (tensor<2x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?xf32>
215 return %0 : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
220 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_3d_same_d2d_auto_identity
221 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<?x3x4xf32>
222 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] : tensor<?x3x4xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
223 // CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
224 // CHECK: %[[DIM:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?xf32>
225 // CHECK: %[[C6:.*]] = arith.constant 6 : index
226 // CHECK: %[[DIV:.*]] = arith.divui %[[DIM]], %[[C6]] : index
227 // CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[VAL_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] output_shape [2, 3, %[[DIV]]] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<2x3x?xf32>
228 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<2x3x?xf32>
229 func.func @test_reshape_3d_same_d2d_auto_identity(%arg0: tensor<?x3x4xf32>) -> tensor<2x3x?xf32> {
230 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 2, 3, -1>} : (tensor<?x3x4xf32>) -> tensor<2x3x?xf32>
231 return %0 : tensor<2x3x?xf32>
236 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_3d_same_d2d_explicit_empty
237 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<3x2x?xf32>
238 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] : tensor<3x2x?xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
239 // CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
240 // CHECK: %[[DIM:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?xf32>
241 // CHECK: %[[C6:.*]] = arith.constant 6 : index
242 // CHECK: %[[DIV:.*]] = arith.divui %[[DIM]], %[[C6]] : index
243 // CHECK: %[[EXPANDED:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[VAL_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] output_shape [%[[DIV]], 3, 2] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<?x3x2xf32>
244 // CHECK: %[[VAL_2:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[EXPANDED]] : tensor<?x3x2xf32> to tensor<?x?x?xf32>
245 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
246 func.func @test_reshape_3d_same_d2d_explicit_empty(%arg0: tensor<3x2x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?xf32> {
247 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 0, 3, 2>} : (tensor<3x2x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?xf32>
248 return %0 : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
253 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_3d_same_d2d_explicit
254 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<?x?x?xf32>
255 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] : tensor<?x?x?xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
256 // CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
257 // CHECK: %[[DIM:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?xf32>
258 // CHECK: %[[C12:.*]] = arith.constant 12 : index
259 // CHECK: %[[DIV:.*]] = arith.divui %[[DIM]], %[[C12]] : index
260 // CHECK: %[[EXPANDED:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[VAL_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] output_shape [%[[DIV]], 3, 4] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<?x3x4xf32>
261 // CHECK: %[[VAL_2:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[EXPANDED]] : tensor<?x3x4xf32> to tensor<?x?x?xf32>
262 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
263 func.func @test_reshape_3d_same_d2d_explicit(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?xf32> {
264 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 2, 3, 4>} : (tensor<?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?xf32>
265 return %0 : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
270 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_3d_same_d2d_explicit_identity
271 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<?x3x4xf32>
272 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[ARG_0]] : tensor<?x3x4xf32> to tensor<2x3x?xf32>
273 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<2x3x?xf32>
274 func.func @test_reshape_3d_same_d2d_explicit_identity(%arg0: tensor<?x3x4xf32>) -> tensor<2x3x?xf32> {
275 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 2, 3, 4>} : (tensor<?x3x4xf32>) -> tensor<2x3x?xf32>
276 return %0 : tensor<2x3x?xf32>
281 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_3d_same_d2s_auto
282 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<?x?x?xf32>
283 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] : tensor<?x?x?xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
284 // CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
285 // CHECK: %[[DIM:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?xf32>
286 // CHECK: %[[C8:.*]] = arith.constant 8 : index
287 // CHECK: %[[DIV:.*]] = arith.divui %[[DIM]], %[[C8]] : index
288 // CHECK: %[[EXPANDED:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[VAL_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] output_shape [2, %[[DIV]], 4] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<2x?x4xf32>
289 // CHECK: %[[VAL_2:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[EXPANDED]] : tensor<2x?x4xf32> to tensor<2x3x4xf32>
290 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<2x3x4xf32>
291 func.func @test_reshape_3d_same_d2s_auto(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<2x3x4xf32> {
292 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 2, -1, 4>} : (tensor<?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<2x3x4xf32>
293 return %0 : tensor<2x3x4xf32>
298 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_3d_same_d2s_explicit
299 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<?x?x?xf32>
300 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] : tensor<?x?x?xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
301 // CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
302 // CHECK: %[[DIM:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?xf32>
303 // CHECK: %[[C12:.*]] = arith.constant 12 : index
304 // CHECK: %[[DIV:.*]] = arith.divui %[[DIM]], %[[C12]] : index
305 // CHECK: %[[EXPANDED:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[VAL_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] output_shape [%[[DIV]], 3, 4] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<?x3x4xf32>
306 // CHECK: %[[VAL_2:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[EXPANDED]] : tensor<?x3x4xf32> to tensor<2x3x4xf32>
307 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<2x3x4xf32>
308 func.func @test_reshape_3d_same_d2s_explicit(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<2x3x4xf32> {
309 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 2, 3, 4>} : (tensor<?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<2x3x4xf32>
310 return %0 : tensor<2x3x4xf32>
315 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_3d_same_s2s_explicit_identity
316 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<2x3x4xf32>
317 // CHECK: return %[[ARG_0]] : tensor<2x3x4xf32>
318 func.func @test_reshape_3d_same_s2s_explicit_identity(%arg0: tensor<2x3x4xf32>) -> tensor<2x3x4xf32> {
319 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 2, 3, 4>} : (tensor<2x3x4xf32>) -> tensor<2x3x4xf32>
320 return %0 : tensor<2x3x4xf32>
325 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_3d_up_d2s_explicit
326 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<?x?x?xf32>
327 // CHECK: %[[COLLAPSED:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] : tensor<?x?x?xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
328 // CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
329 // CHECK: %[[DIM:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[COLLAPSED]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?xf32>
330 // CHECK: %[[C6:.*]] = arith.constant 6 : index
331 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = arith.divui %[[DIM]], %[[C6]] : index
332 // CHECK: %[[EXPANDED:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[COLLAPSED]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2, 3]] output_shape [%[[VAL_0]], 3, 2, 1] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<?x3x2x1xf32>
333 // CHECK: %[[CAST:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[EXPANDED]] : tensor<?x3x2x1xf32> to tensor<1x3x2x1xf32>
334 // CHECK: return %[[CAST]] : tensor<1x3x2x1xf32>
335 func.func @test_reshape_3d_up_d2s_explicit(%input: tensor<?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<1x3x2x1xf32> {
336 %0 = tosa.reshape %input {new_shape = array<i64: 1, 3, 2, 1>} : (tensor<?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<1x3x2x1xf32>
337 return %0 : tensor<1x3x2x1xf32>
342 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_4d_down_d2s_explicit
343 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
344 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[ARG_0]] : tensor<?x?x?x?xf32> to tensor<1x1x1x1xf32>
345 // CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[VAL_0]] [] : tensor<1x1x1x1xf32> into tensor<f32>
346 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<f32>
347 func.func @test_reshape_4d_down_d2s_explicit(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<f32> {
348 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64>} : (tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<f32>
349 return %0 : tensor<f32>
354 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_5d_down_d2d_auto
355 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<?x?x?x2x3xf32>
356 // CHECK: %[[COLLAPSED:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2, 3, 4]] : tensor<?x?x?x2x3xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
357 // CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
358 // CHECK: %[[DIM:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[COLLAPSED]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?xf32>
359 // CHECK: %[[C6:.*]] = arith.constant 6 : index
360 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = arith.divui %[[DIM]], %[[C6]] : index
361 // CHECK: %[[EXPANDED:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[COLLAPSED]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] output_shape [%[[VAL_0]], 2, 3] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<?x2x3xf32>
362 // CHECK: return %[[EXPANDED]] : tensor<?x2x3xf32>
363 func.func @test_reshape_5d_down_d2d_auto(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?x2x3xf32>) -> tensor<?x2x3xf32> {
364 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: -1, 2, 3>} : (tensor<?x?x?x2x3xf32>) -> tensor<?x2x3xf32>
365 return %0 : tensor<?x2x3xf32>
370 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_6d_down_d2d_auto
371 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<1x2x?x5x7x11xf32>
372 // CHECK: %[[COLLAPSED:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] : tensor<1x2x?x5x7x11xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
373 // CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
374 // CHECK: %[[DIM:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[COLLAPSED]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?xf32>
375 // CHECK: %[[C385:.*]] = arith.constant 385 : index
376 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = arith.divui %[[DIM]], %[[C385]] : index
377 // CHECK: %[[EXPANDED:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[COLLAPSED]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2]] output_shape [%[[VAL_0]], 5, 77] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<?x5x77xf32>
378 // CHECK: return %[[EXPANDED]] : tensor<?x5x77xf32>
379 func.func @test_reshape_6d_down_d2d_auto(%arg0: tensor<1x2x?x5x7x11xf32>) -> tensor<?x5x77xf32> {
380 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: -1, 5, 77>} : (tensor<1x2x?x5x7x11xf32>) -> tensor<?x5x77xf32>
381 return %0 : tensor<?x5x77xf32>
386 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_6d_down_s2s_auto
387 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<1x2x3x5x7x11xf32>
388 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2], [3], [4, 5]] : tensor<1x2x3x5x7x11xf32> into tensor<6x5x77xf32>
389 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<6x5x77xf32>
390 func.func @test_reshape_6d_down_s2s_auto(%arg0: tensor<1x2x3x5x7x11xf32>) -> tensor<6x5x77xf32> {
391 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 6, 5, -1>} : (tensor<1x2x3x5x7x11xf32>) -> tensor<6x5x77xf32>
392 return %0 : tensor<6x5x77xf32>
397 // This test would previously fail on GCC with certain compiler flags.
398 // The GCC issue would cause invalid IR after tosa-to-tensor, so this test
399 // locks down that the code goes through tosa-to-tensor and verifies.
401 // See https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/91521 for a full description.
403 // CHECK-LABEL: reshape_bug_fix
404 // CHECK: tensor.expand_shape
405 func.func @reshape_bug_fix(%arg0: tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<1x1x1x?xf32> {
406 %0 = tosa.reshape %arg0 {new_shape = array<i64: 1, 1, 1, -1>} : (tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<1x1x1x?xf32>
407 return %0 : tensor<1x1x1x?xf32>
412 // CHECK-LABEL: test_reshape_6d_down_s2s_explicit
413 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: tensor<1x2x3x5x7x11xf32>
414 // CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[ARG_0]] {{\[\[}}0, 1, 2], [3], [4, 5]] : tensor<1x2x3x5x7x11xf32> into tensor<6x5x77xf32>
415 // CHECK: return %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<6x5x77xf32>
416 func.func @test_reshape_6d_down_s2s_explicit(%arg0: tensor<1x2x3x5x7x11xf32>) -> tensor<6x5x77xf32> {
417 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 6, 5, 77>} : (tensor<1x2x3x5x7x11xf32>) -> tensor<6x5x77xf32>
418 return %0 : tensor<6x5x77xf32>
423 // CHECK-LABEL: @test_reshape_samerank_unsigned
424 // CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<3x2xui8>)
425 func.func @test_reshape_samerank_unsigned(%arg0: tensor<3x2xui8>) -> tensor<2x3xui8> {
426 // CHECK-NEXT: %[[CAST1:.*]] = builtin.unrealized_conversion_cast %[[ARG0]] : tensor<3x2xui8> to tensor<3x2xi8>
427 // CHECK-NEXT: %[[RESHAPE1:.*]] = tensor.collapse_shape %[[CAST1]] {{\[}}[0, 1]] : tensor<3x2xi8> into tensor<6xi8>
428 // CHECK-NEXT: %[[RESHAPE2:.*]] = tensor.expand_shape %[[RESHAPE1]] {{\[}}[0, 1]] output_shape {{\[}}2, 3] : tensor<6xi8> into tensor<2x3xi8>
429 // CHECK-NEXT: %[[CAST2:.*]] = builtin.unrealized_conversion_cast %[[RESHAPE2]] : tensor<2x3xi8> to tensor<2x3xui8
430 %0 = "tosa.reshape"(%arg0) {new_shape = array<i64: 2, 3>} : (tensor<3x2xui8>) -> tensor<2x3xui8>
431 // CHECK-NEXT: return %[[CAST2]]
432 return %0 : tensor<2x3xui8>
437 // CHECK-LABEL: func @slice
438 func.func @slice(%arg0: tensor<6xf32>) ->() {
439 // CHECK: [[SLICE:%.+]] = tensor.extract_slice %arg0[2] [1] [1]
440 %0 = "tosa.slice"(%arg0) {start = array<i64: 2>, size = array<i64: 1>} : (tensor<6xf32>) -> (tensor<1xf32>)
446 // CHECK-LABEL: @slice_dyn
447 func.func @slice_dyn(%arg0: tensor<?xf32>) -> (tensor<?xf32>) {
448 // CHECK: %[[C0:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
449 // CHECK: %[[DIM:.+]] = tensor.dim %arg0, %[[C0]]
450 // CHECK: %[[C2:.+]] = arith.constant 2 : index
451 // CHECK: %[[SUB:.+]] = arith.subi %[[DIM]], %[[C2]]
452 // CHECK: tensor.extract_slice %arg0[2] [%[[SUB]]] [1]
453 %0 = "tosa.slice"(%arg0) {start = array<i64: 2>, size = array<i64: -1>} : (tensor<?xf32>) -> (tensor<?xf32>)
454 return %0 : tensor<?xf32>
459 // CHECK-LABEL: @pad_float
460 // CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:[0-9a-zA-Z_]*]]:
461 func.func @pad_float(%arg0 : tensor<1x2xf32>) -> (tensor<4x9xf32>) {
462 %0 = arith.constant dense<[[1, 2], [3, 4]]> : tensor<2x2xi32>
463 // TODO: Output contains multiple "arith.constant 1 : index".
464 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX1:%.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
465 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX2:%.+]] = arith.constant 2 : index
466 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX3:%.+]] = arith.constant 3 : index
467 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX4:%.+]] = arith.constant 4 : index
468 // CHECK-DAG: [[CST:%.+]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
469 // CHECK: tensor.pad %[[ARG0]] low{{\[}}%{{.*}}, [[INDEX3]]] high{{\[}}[[INDEX2]], [[INDEX4]]] {
470 // CHECK: tensor.yield [[CST]]
471 // CHECK: } : tensor<1x2xf32> to tensor<4x9xf32>
472 %1 = "tosa.pad"(%arg0, %0) : (tensor<1x2xf32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> (tensor<4x9xf32>)
473 return %1 : tensor<4x9xf32>
476 func.func @pad_int(%arg0 : tensor<1x2xi32>) -> (tensor<4x9xi32>) {
477 %0 = arith.constant dense<[[1, 2], [3, 4]]> : tensor<2x2xi32>
478 // CHECK: [[CST:%.+]] = arith.constant 0 : i32
480 // CHECK: tensor.yield [[CST]]
481 %1 = "tosa.pad"(%arg0, %0) : (tensor<1x2xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> (tensor<4x9xi32>)
482 return %1 : tensor<4x9xi32>
485 func.func @pad_quant(%arg0 : tensor<1x2xi32>) -> (tensor<4x9xi32>) {
486 %0 = arith.constant dense<[[1, 2], [3, 4]]> : tensor<2x2xi32>
487 // CHECK: [[CST:%.+]] = arith.constant 42 : i32
489 // CHECK: tensor.yield [[CST]]
490 %1 = "tosa.pad"(%arg0, %0) {quantization_info = #tosa.pad_quant<input_zp = 42>} : (tensor<1x2xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> (tensor<4x9xi32>)
491 return %1 : tensor<4x9xi32>
496 func.func @pad_float_explicit(%arg0 : tensor<1x2xf32>) -> (tensor<4x9xf32>) {
497 %0 = arith.constant dense<[[1, 2], [3, 4]]> : tensor<2x2xi32>
498 // TODO: Output contains multiple "arith.constant 1 : index".
499 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX1:%.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
500 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX2:%.+]] = arith.constant 2 : index
501 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX3:%.+]] = arith.constant 3 : index
502 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX4:%.+]] = arith.constant 4 : index
503 // CHECK-DAG: [[CST:%.+]] = arith.constant 4.200000e+01 : f32
504 // CHECK: tensor.pad %[[ARG0]] low{{\[}}%{{.*}}, [[INDEX3]]] high{{\[}}[[INDEX2]], [[INDEX4]]] {
505 // CHECK: tensor.yield [[CST]]
506 // CHECK: } : tensor<1x2xf32> to tensor<4x9xf32>
507 %1 = arith.constant dense<42.0> : tensor<f32>
508 %2 = "tosa.pad"(%arg0, %0, %1) : (tensor<1x2xf32>, tensor<2x2xi32>, tensor<f32>) -> (tensor<4x9xf32>)
509 return %2 : tensor<4x9xf32>
514 func.func @pad_dyn_input(%arg0 : tensor<?x2xf32>) -> (tensor<?x9xf32>) {
515 %0 = arith.constant dense<[[1, 2], [3, 4]]> : tensor<2x2xi32>
516 // TODO: Output contains multiple "arith.constant 1 : index".
517 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX1:%.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
518 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX2:%.+]] = arith.constant 2 : index
519 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX3:%.+]] = arith.constant 3 : index
520 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX4:%.+]] = arith.constant 4 : index
521 // CHECK-DAG: [[CST:%.+]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
522 // CHECK: tensor.pad %[[ARG0]] low{{\[}}%{{.*}}, [[INDEX3]]] high{{\[}}[[INDEX2]], [[INDEX4]]] {
523 // CHECK: tensor.yield [[CST]]
524 // CHECK: } : tensor<?x2xf32> to tensor<?x9xf32>
525 %1 = "tosa.pad"(%arg0, %0) : (tensor<?x2xf32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> (tensor<?x9xf32>)
526 return %1 : tensor<?x9xf32>
529 func.func @pad_dyn_padding(%arg0 : tensor<1x2xf32>) -> (tensor<?x9xf32>) {
530 %0 = arith.constant dense<[[-1, 2], [3, 4]]> : tensor<2x2xi32>
531 // TODO: Output contains multiple "arith.constant 1 : index".
532 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX1:%.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
533 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX2:%.+]] = arith.constant 2 : index
534 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX3:%.+]] = arith.constant 3 : index
535 // CHECK-DAG: [[INDEX4:%.+]] = arith.constant 4 : index
536 // CHECK-DAG: [[CST:%.+]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
537 // CHECK: tensor.pad %[[ARG0]] low{{\[}}%{{.*}}, [[INDEX3]]] high{{\[}}[[INDEX2]], [[INDEX4]]] {
538 // CHECK: tensor.yield [[CST]]
539 // CHECK: } : tensor<1x2xf32> to tensor<?x9xf32>
540 %1 = "tosa.pad"(%arg0, %0) : (tensor<1x2xf32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> (tensor<?x9xf32>)
541 return %1 : tensor<?x9xf32>
546 // CHECK-LABEL: @concat
547 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.+]]: tensor<5x1xf32>
548 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG1:.+]]: tensor<6x1xf32>
549 func.func @concat(%arg0: tensor<5x1xf32>, %arg1: tensor<6x1xf32>) -> () {
550 // CHECK-DAG: [[INIT:%.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<11x1xf32>
551 // CHECK-DAG: [[INSERT0:%.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG0]] into [[INIT]][0, 0] [5, 1] [1, 1]
552 // CHECK-DAG: [[INSERT1:%.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG1]] into [[INSERT0]][5, 0] [6, 1] [1, 1]
553 %0 = "tosa.concat"(%arg0, %arg1) { axis = 0 : i32} : (tensor<5x1xf32>, tensor<6x1xf32>) -> (tensor<11x1xf32>)
555 // CHECK-DAG: [[INIT:%.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<5x2xf32>
556 // CHECK-DAG: [[INSERT0:%.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG0]] into [[INIT]][0, 0] [5, 1] [1, 1]
557 // CHECK: [[INSERT1:%.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG0]] into [[INSERT0]][0, 1] [5, 1] [1, 1]
558 %1 = "tosa.concat"(%arg0, %arg0) { axis = 1 : i32} : (tensor<5x1xf32>, tensor<5x1xf32>) -> (tensor<5x2xf32>)
564 // CHECK-LABEL: @concat_non_axis_dyn
565 // CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:[0-9a-zA-Z_]*]]:
566 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG1:[0-9a-zA-Z_]*]]
567 func.func @concat_non_axis_dyn(%arg0: tensor<5x?xf32>, %arg1: tensor<6x?xf32>) -> () {
568 // CHECK-DAG: %[[AXIS:.+]] = arith.constant 0
569 // CHECK-DAG: %[[IDX1:.+]] = arith.constant 1
570 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM0:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG0]], %[[IDX1]]
571 // CHECK-DAG: %[[INIT:.+]] = tensor.empty(%[[DIM0]]) : tensor<11x?xf32>
572 // CHECK-DAG: %[[IDX1_1:.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
573 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM1:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG0]], %[[IDX1_1]]
574 // CHECK-DAG: %[[INSERT0:.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG0]] into %[[INIT]][0, 0] [5, %[[DIM1]]] [1, 1]
575 // CHECK-DAG: %[[IDX1_2:.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
576 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM2:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG1]], %[[IDX1_2]] : tensor<6x?xf32>
577 // CHECK: %[[INSERT1:.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG1]] into %[[INSERT0]][5, 0] [6, %[[DIM2]]] [1, 1]
578 %0 = "tosa.concat"(%arg0, %arg1) { axis = 0 : i32} : (tensor<5x?xf32>, tensor<6x?xf32>) -> (tensor<11x?xf32>)
584 // CHECK-LABEL: @concat_axis_dyn
585 // CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:[0-9a-zA-Z_]*]]:
586 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG1:[0-9a-zA-Z_]*]]:
587 func.func @concat_axis_dyn(%arg0: tensor<?x3xf32>, %arg1: tensor<?x3xf32>) -> () {
588 // CHECK-DAG: %[[AXIS:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
589 // CHECK-DAG: %[[IDX0:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
590 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM0:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG0]], %[[IDX0]] : tensor<?x3xf32>
591 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM1:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG1]], %[[AXIS]] : tensor<?x3xf32>
592 // CHECK-DAG: %[[SUM:.+]] = arith.addi %[[DIM0]], %[[DIM1]] : index
593 // CHECK-DAG: %[[INIT:.+]] = tensor.empty(%[[SUM]]) : tensor<?x3xf32>
594 // CHECK-DAG: %[[IDX0_1:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
595 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM2:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG0]], %[[IDX0_1]] : tensor<?x3xf32>
596 // CHECK-DAG: %[[INSERT0:.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG0]] into %[[INIT]][0, 0] [%[[DIM2]], 3] [1, 1] : tensor<?x3xf32> into tensor<?x3xf32>
597 // CHECK-DAG: %[[IDX0_2:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
598 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM3:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG1]], %[[IDX0_2]] : tensor<?x3xf32>
599 // CHECK: %[[INSERT1:.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG1]] into %[[INSERT0]][%[[DIM0]], 0] [%[[DIM3]], 3] [1, 1] : tensor<?x3xf32> into tensor<?x3xf32>
601 %0 = "tosa.concat"(%arg0, %arg1) { axis = 0 : i32} : (tensor<?x3xf32>, tensor<?x3xf32>) -> (tensor<?x3xf32>)
607 // CHECK-LABEL: @concat_axis_dyn_mixed
608 // CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:[0-9a-zA-Z_]*]]:
609 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG1:[0-9a-zA-Z_]*]]:
610 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG2:[0-9a-zA-Z_]*]]:
611 func.func @concat_axis_dyn_mixed(%arg0: tensor<?x1xf32>, %arg1: tensor<?x1xf32>, %arg2: tensor<?x1xf32>) -> () {
612 // CHECK-DAG: %[[C0:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
613 // CHECK-DAG: %[[C0_0:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
614 // CHECK-DAG: %[[OFFSET0:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG0]], %[[C0_0]] : tensor<?x1xf32>
615 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM1_0:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG1]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?x1xf32>
616 // CHECK-DAG: %[[OFFSET1:.+]] = arith.addi %[[OFFSET0]], %[[DIM1_0]] : index
617 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM2_2:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG2]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?x1xf32>
618 // CHECK-DAG: %[[OFFSET2:.+]] = arith.addi %[[OFFSET1]], %[[DIM2_2]] : index
619 // CHECK-DAG: %[[INIT:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<5x1xf32>
620 // CHECK-DAG: %[[C0_3:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
621 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM_4:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG0]], %[[C0_3]] : tensor<?x1xf32>
622 // CHECK-DAG: %[[INSERT0:.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG0]] into %[[INIT]][0, 0] [%[[DIM_4]], 1] [1, 1] : tensor<?x1xf32> into tensor<5x1xf32>
623 // CHECK-DAG: %[[C0_4:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
624 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM_6:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG1]], %[[C0_4]] : tensor<?x1xf32>
625 // CHECK-DAG: %[[INSERT1:.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG1]] into %[[INSERT0]][%[[OFFSET0]], 0] [%[[DIM_6]], 1] [1, 1] : tensor<?x1xf32> into tensor<5x1xf32>
626 // CHECK-DAG: %[[C0_8:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
627 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM_9:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG2]], %[[C0_8]] : tensor<?x1xf32>
628 // CHECK-DAG: %[[INSERT3:.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG2]] into %[[INSERT1]][%[[OFFSET1]], 0] [%[[DIM_9]], 1] [1, 1] : tensor<?x1xf32> into tensor<5x1xf32>
632 %0 = "tosa.concat"(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2) <{axis = 0 : i32}> : (tensor<?x1xf32>, tensor<?x1xf32>, tensor<?x1xf32>) -> tensor<5x1xf32>
638 // CHECK-LABEL: @concat_non_axis_dyn_mixed
639 // CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:[0-9a-zA-Z_]*]]:
640 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG1:[0-9a-zA-Z_]*]]:
641 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG2:[0-9a-zA-Z_]*]]:
642 func.func @concat_non_axis_dyn_mixed(%arg0: tensor<?x1xf32>, %arg1: tensor<?x1xf32>, %arg2: tensor<?x1xf32>) -> () {
643 // CHECK-DAG: %[[UNUSED0:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
644 // CHECK-DAG: %[[UNUSED1:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG0]], %[[UNUSED0]] : tensor<?x1xf32>
646 // CHECK-DAG: %[[INIT:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<5x3xf32>
647 // CHECK-DAG: %[[C0_0:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
648 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM0_0:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG0]], %[[C0_0]] : tensor<?x1xf32>
649 // CHECK-DAG: %[[INSERT0:.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG0]] into %[[INIT]][0, 0] [%[[DIM0_0]], 1] [1, 1] : tensor<?x1xf32> into tensor<5x3xf32>
650 // CHECK-DAG: %[[C0_1:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
651 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM1_0:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG1]], %[[C0_1]] : tensor<?x1xf32>
652 // CHECK-DAG: %[[INSERT1:.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG1]] into %[[INSERT0]][0, 1] [%[[DIM1_0]], 1] [1, 1] : tensor<?x1xf32> into tensor<5x3xf32>
653 // CHECK-DAG: %[[C0_2:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
654 // CHECK-DAG: %[[DIM2_0:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[ARG2]], %[[C0_2]] : tensor<?x1xf32>
655 // CHECK-DAG: %[[INSERT2:.+]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[ARG2]] into %[[INSERT1]][0, 2] [%[[DIM2_0]], 1] [1, 1] : tensor<?x1xf32> into tensor<5x3xf32>
658 %0 = "tosa.concat"(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2) <{axis = 1 : i32}> : (tensor<?x1xf32>, tensor<?x1xf32>, tensor<?x1xf32>) -> tensor<5x3xf32>