[lldb] Fix some tests that fail with system libstdc++ (#106885)
[llvm-project.git] / mlir / utils / vscode / package.json
2   "name": "vscode-mlir",
3   "displayName": "MLIR",
4   "description": "MLIR Language Extension",
5   "version": "0.0.11",
6   "publisher": "llvm-vs-code-extensions",
7   "homepage": "https://mlir.llvm.org/",
8   "icon": "icon.png",
9   "engines": {
10     "vscode": "^1.67.0"
11   },
12   "categories": [
13     "Programming Languages"
14   ],
15   "keywords": [
16     "LLVM",
17     "MLIR",
18     "PDLL",
19     "TableGen",
20     "tblgen",
21     "tablegen"
22   ],
23   "activationEvents": [
24     "onFileSystem:mlir.bytecode-mlir",
25     "onCustomEditor:mlir.bytecode",
26     "onLanguage:mlir",
27     "onLanguage:pdll",
28     "onLanguage:tablegen"
29   ],
30   "main": "./out/extension",
31   "scripts": {
32     "vscode:prepublish": "tsc -p ./",
33     "compile": "tsc -watch -p ./",
34     "format": "clang-format -i --glob=\"{src,test}/*.ts\"",
35     "package": "vsce package",
36     "publish": "vsce publish",
37     "git-clang-format": "git-clang-format"
38   },
39   "dependencies": {
40     "base64-js": "^1.5.1",
41     "chokidar": "3.5.2",
42     "vscode-languageclient": "^8.0.2-next.5"
43   },
44   "devDependencies": {
45     "@types/mocha": "^7.0.2",
46     "@types/node": "^14.17.0",
47     "@types/vscode": "~1.67.0",
48     "@vscode/vsce": "^2.19.0",
49     "clang-format": "^1.8.0",
50     "typescript": "^4.6.4",
51     "vscode-test": "^1.3.0"
52   },
53   "repository": {
54     "type": "git",
55     "url": "https://github.com/llvm/vscode-mlir.git"
56   },
57   "contributes": {
58     "customEditors": [
59       {
60         "viewType": "mlir.bytecode",
61         "displayName": "MLIR Bytecode",
62         "priority": "default",
63         "selector": [
64           {
65             "filenamePattern": "*.mlirbc"
66           }
67         ]
68       }
69     ],
70     "languages": [
71       {
72         "id": "mlir",
73         "aliases": [
74           "MLIR",
75           "mlir"
76         ],
77         "extensions": [
78           ".mlir",
79           ".mlirbc"
80         ],
81         "configuration": "./language-configuration.json"
82       },
83       {
84         "id": "mlir-injection"
85       },
86       {
87         "id": "pdll",
88         "aliases": [
89           "PDLL",
90           "pdll"
91         ],
92         "extensions": [
93           ".pdll"
94         ],
95         "configuration": "./pdll-language-configuration.json"
96       },
97       {
98         "id": "tablegen",
99         "aliases": [
100           "TableGen",
101           "tblgen"
102         ],
103         "extensions": [
104           ".td"
105         ],
106         "configuration": "./tablegen-language-configuration.json"
107       }
108     ],
109     "grammars": [
110       {
111         "language": "mlir",
112         "scopeName": "source.mlir",
113         "path": "./grammar.json"
114       },
115       {
116         "language": "mlir-injection",
117         "scopeName": "markdown.mlir.codeblock",
118         "path": "markdown-grammar.json",
119         "injectTo": [
120           "text.html.markdown"
121         ],
122         "embeddedLanguages": {
123           "meta.embedded.block.mlir": "mlir",
124           "meta.embedded.block.pdll": "pdll",
125           "meta.embedded.block.tablegen": "tablegen"
126         }
127       },
128       {
129         "scopeName": "source.cpp.mlir",
130         "path": "./cpp-grammar.json",
131         "injectTo": [
132           "source.cpp"
133         ],
134         "embeddedLanguages": {
135           "source.mlir": "mlir"
136         }
137       },
138       {
139         "language": "pdll",
140         "scopeName": "source.pdll",
141         "path": "./pdll-grammar.json"
142       },
143       {
144         "language": "tablegen",
145         "scopeName": "source.tablegen",
146         "path": "./tablegen-grammar.json"
147       }
148     ],
149     "configuration": {
150       "type": "object",
151       "title": "MLIR",
152       "properties": {
153         "mlir.server_path": {
154           "scope": "resource",
155           "type": "string",
156           "description": "The file path of the mlir-lsp-server executable."
157         },
158         "mlir.pdll_server_path": {
159           "scope": "resource",
160           "type": "string",
161           "description": "The file path of the mlir-pdll-lsp-server executable."
162         },
163         "mlir.pdll_compilation_databases": {
164           "scope": "resource",
165           "type": "array",
166           "description": "A list of `pdll_compile_commands.yml` database files containing information about .pdll files processed by the server."
167         },
168         "mlir.tablegen_server_path": {
169           "scope": "resource",
170           "type": "string",
171           "description": "The file path of the tblgen-lsp-server executable."
172         },
173         "mlir.tablegen_compilation_databases": {
174           "scope": "resource",
175           "type": "array",
176           "description": "A list of `tablegen_compile_commands.yml` database files containing information about .td files processed by the server."
177         },
178         "mlir.onSettingsChanged": {
179           "type": "string",
180           "default": "prompt",
181           "description": "Action taken when a setting change requires a server restart to take effect.",
182           "enum": [
183             "prompt",
184             "restart",
185             "ignore"
186           ],
187           "enumDescriptions": [
188             "Prompt the user for restarting the server",
189             "Automatically restart the server",
190             "Do nothing"
191           ]
192         }
193       }
194     },
195     "commands": [
196       {
197         "command": "mlir.restart",
198         "title": "mlir: Restart language server"
199       },
200       {
201         "command": "mlir.viewPDLLOutput",
202         "title": "mlir-pdll: View PDLL output"
203       }
204     ],
205     "menus": {
206       "editor/context": [
207         {
208           "command": "mlir.viewPDLLOutput",
209           "group": "z_commands",
210           "when": "editorLangId == pdll"
211         }
212       ]
213     }
214   }