[lldb] Fix some tests that fail with system libstdc++ (#106885)
[llvm-project.git] / mlir / utils / vscode / tablegen-language-configuration.json
2   "comments": {
3     "lineComment": "//",
4     "blockComment": [
5       "/*",
6       "*/"
7     ]
8   },
9   "colorizedBracketPairs": [
10     [
11       "{",
12       "}"
13     ],
14     [
15       "[",
16       "]"
17     ],
18     [
19       "(",
20       ")"
21     ],
22     [
23       "<",
24       ">"
25     ]
26   ],
27   "brackets": [
28     [
29       "{",
30       "}"
31     ],
32     [
33       "[",
34       "]"
35     ],
36     [
37       "(",
38       ")"
39     ],
40     [
41       "<",
42       ">"
43     ]
44   ],
45   "autoClosingPairs": [
46     [
47       "{",
48       "}"
49     ],
50     [
51       "[",
52       "]"
53     ],
54     [
55       "(",
56       ")"
57     ],
58     [
59       "<",
60       ">"
61     ],
62     [
63       "\"",
64       "\""
65     ]
66   ],
67   "surroundingPairs": [
68     [
69       "{",
70       "}"
71     ],
72     [
73       "[",
74       "]"
75     ],
76     [
77       "(",
78       ")"
79     ],
80     [
81       "<",
82       ">"
83     ],
84     [
85       "\"",
86       "\""
87     ]
88   ]