Big change #1 for personality function references:
[llvm/avr.git] / utils / lit /
1 import os, sys
3 def detectCPUs():
4 """
5 Detects the number of CPUs on a system. Cribbed from pp.
6 """
7 # Linux, Unix and MacOS:
8 if hasattr(os, "sysconf"):
9 if os.sysconf_names.has_key("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN"):
10 # Linux & Unix:
11 ncpus = os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
12 if isinstance(ncpus, int) and ncpus > 0:
13 return ncpus
14 else: # OSX:
15 return int(os.popen2("sysctl -n hw.ncpu")[1].read())
16 # Windows:
17 if os.environ.has_key("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"):
18 ncpus = int(os.environ["NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"]);
19 if ncpus > 0:
20 return ncpus
21 return 1 # Default
23 def mkdir_p(path):
24 """mkdir_p(path) - Make the "path" directory, if it does not exist; this
25 will also make directories for any missing parent directories."""
26 import errno
28 if not path or os.path.exists(path):
29 return
31 parent = os.path.dirname(path)
32 if parent != path:
33 mkdir_p(parent)
35 try:
36 os.mkdir(path)
37 except OSError,e:
38 # Ignore EEXIST, which may occur during a race condition.
39 if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
40 raise
42 def capture(args):
43 import subprocess
44 """capture(command) - Run the given command (or argv list) in a shell and
45 return the standard output."""
46 p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
47 out,_ = p.communicate()
48 return out
50 def which(command, paths = None):
51 """which(command, [paths]) - Look up the given command in the paths string
52 (or the PATH environment variable, if unspecified)."""
54 if paths is None:
55 paths = os.environ.get('PATH','')
57 # Check for absolute match first.
58 if os.path.exists(command):
59 return command
61 # Would be nice if Python had a lib function for this.
62 if not paths:
63 paths = os.defpath
65 # Get suffixes to search.
66 pathext = os.environ.get('PATHEXT', '').split(os.pathsep)
68 # Search the paths...
69 for path in paths.split(os.pathsep):
70 for ext in pathext:
71 p = os.path.join(path, command + ext)
72 if os.path.exists(p):
73 return p
75 return None
77 def printHistogram(items, title = 'Items'):
78 import itertools, math
80 items.sort(key = lambda (_,v): v)
82 maxValue = max([v for _,v in items])
84 # Select first "nice" bar height that produces more than 10 bars.
85 power = int(math.ceil(math.log(maxValue, 10)))
86 for inc in itertools.cycle((5, 2, 2.5, 1)):
87 barH = inc * 10**power
88 N = int(math.ceil(maxValue / barH))
89 if N > 10:
90 break
91 elif inc == 1:
92 power -= 1
94 histo = [set() for i in range(N)]
95 for name,v in items:
96 bin = min(int(N * v/maxValue), N-1)
97 histo[bin].add(name)
99 barW = 40
100 hr = '-' * (barW + 34)
101 print '\nSlowest %s:' % title
102 print hr
103 for name,value in items[-20:]:
104 print '%.2fs: %s' % (value, name)
105 print '\n%s Times:' % title
106 print hr
107 pDigits = int(math.ceil(math.log(maxValue, 10)))
108 pfDigits = max(0, 3-pDigits)
109 if pfDigits:
110 pDigits += pfDigits + 1
111 cDigits = int(math.ceil(math.log(len(items), 10)))
112 print "[%s] :: [%s] :: [%s]" % ('Range'.center((pDigits+1)*2 + 3),
113 'Percentage'.center(barW),
114 'Count'.center(cDigits*2 + 1))
115 print hr
116 for i,row in enumerate(histo):
117 pct = float(len(row)) / len(items)
118 w = int(barW * pct)
119 print "[%*.*fs,%*.*fs)" % (pDigits, pfDigits, i*barH,
120 pDigits, pfDigits, (i+1)*barH),
121 print ":: [%s%s] :: [%*d/%*d]" % ('*'*w, ' '*(barW-w),
122 cDigits, len(row),
123 cDigits, len(items))