1 -- This file is generated by SWIG. Do *not* modify by hand.
4 with Interfaces
7 package LLVM_execution_Engine
9 -- LLVMOpaqueGenericValue
11 type LLVMOpaqueGenericValue
is new
12 Interfaces
14 type LLVMOpaqueGenericValue_array
15 array (Interfaces
range <>)
16 of aliased LLVM_execution_Engine
18 type LLVMOpaqueGenericValue_view
is access all
19 LLVM_execution_Engine
21 -- LLVMGenericValueRef
23 type LLVMGenericValueRef
is access all
24 LLVM_execution_Engine
26 type LLVMGenericValueRef_array
27 array (Interfaces
range <>)
28 of aliased LLVM_execution_Engine
30 type LLVMGenericValueRef_view
is access all
31 LLVM_execution_Engine
33 -- LLVMOpaqueExecutionEngine
35 type LLVMOpaqueExecutionEngine
is new
36 Interfaces
38 type LLVMOpaqueExecutionEngine_array
39 array (Interfaces
range <>)
40 of aliased LLVM_execution_Engine
42 type LLVMOpaqueExecutionEngine_view
is access all
43 LLVM_execution_Engine
45 -- LLVMExecutionEngineRef
47 type LLVMExecutionEngineRef
is access all
48 LLVM_execution_Engine
50 type LLVMExecutionEngineRef_array
51 array (Interfaces
range <>)
52 of aliased LLVM_execution_Engine
54 type LLVMExecutionEngineRef_view
is access all
55 LLVM_execution_Engine
59 type LLVMTargetDataRef
is new Interfaces
61 type LLVMTargetDataRef_array
62 array (Interfaces
range <>)
63 of aliased LLVM_execution_Engine
65 type LLVMTargetDataRef_view
is access all
66 LLVM_execution_Engine
70 type GenericValue
is new Interfaces
72 type GenericValue_array
73 array (Interfaces
range <>)
74 of aliased LLVM_execution_Engine
76 type GenericValue_view
is access all LLVM_execution_Engine
80 type ExecutionEngine
is new Interfaces
82 type ExecutionEngine_array
83 array (Interfaces
range <>)
84 of aliased LLVM_execution_Engine
86 type ExecutionEngine_view
is access all
87 LLVM_execution_Engine
90 end LLVM_execution_Engine