1 function exportData (randomR,randomD,nearestR,nearestD,farthestR,...
2 farthestD,enumR,enumD,coordMatrix,distanceMatrix)
3 % Prompts the user to specify a location to save the file containing the
4 % exported TSP data and then exports it to the specified file.
9 [FileName,PathName] = uiputfile('*.txt','Export Data','ExportData');
10 filePath = [PathName FileName];
12 % Open the file in write mode
13 fid = fopen(filePath, 'wt');
15 % Create the header for the file
16 fprintf(fid,'### TRAVELLING SALESMAN PROBLEM ###\n\n');
18 % Enter the matrix data
19 fprintf(fid,'=== Location Matrix ===\n\n');
20 fprintf(fid,'-#-\t -X-\t -Y-\t\n\n');
21 fprintf(fid,'%.0f\t %.0f\t %.0f\t\n',coordMatrix');
22 fprintf(fid,'\n\n');
24 fprintf(fid,'=== Distance Matrix ===\n\n');
25 for i = 1:size(distanceMatrix,1)
26 for j = 1:size(distanceMatrix,2)
27 fprintf(fid,'%.0f\t',distanceMatrix(i,j));
31 fprintf(fid,'\n\n');
33 % Enter the Random Heuristic data
34 fprintf(fid,'=== Random Heuristic ===\n\n');
35 fprintf(fid,'Route:\t\t');
36 fprintf(fid,randomR);
37 fprintf(fid,'\n\n');
38 fprintf(fid,'Distance:\t');
39 fprintf(fid,'%.3f km\n\n',randomD);
41 % Enter the Nearest Neighbour Heuristic data
42 fprintf(fid,'=== Nearest Neighbour Heuristic ===\n\n');
43 fprintf(fid,'Route:\t\t');
44 fprintf(fid,nearestR);
45 fprintf(fid,'\n\n');
46 fprintf(fid,'Distance:\t');
47 fprintf(fid,'%.3f km\n\n',nearestD);
49 % Enter the Farthest Neighbour Heuristic data
50 fprintf(fid,'=== Farthest Neighbour Heuristic ===\n\n');
51 fprintf(fid,'Route:\t\t');
52 fprintf(fid,farthestR);
53 fprintf(fid,'\n\n');
54 fprintf(fid,'Distance:\t');
55 fprintf(fid,'%.3f km\n\n',farthestD);
57 % Enter the Enumerative Heuristic data
58 fprintf(fid,'=== Enumerative Heuristic ===\n\n');
60 fprintf(fid,'Route:\t\t');
62 fprintf(fid,'\n\n');
63 fprintf(fid,'Distance:\t');
64 fprintf(fid,'%.3f km\n',enumD);
66 fprintf(fid,'Route:\t\t');
67 fprintf(fid,'Not Available\n\n');
68 fprintf(fid,'Distance:\t');
69 fprintf(fid,'Not Available\n');