2 % A GUI for the Travelling Salesman Problem. Four different heuristics are
3 % available to solve the TSP: Random, Nearest Neighbour, Farthest
4 % Neighbour and Enumerative Solving.
6 % Using the buttons on the left, a matrix containing the locations of the
7 % cities can be imported. The same is possible for a matrix containing
8 % with the distances between the cities (if the TSP is an asymmetric one).
10 % Next to importing its own data, the user can also randomly generate
11 % symmetric or asymmetric TSPs and choose between 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 cities.
13 % The Calculate button will then run the heuristics and calculate routes
14 % and distances based on the imported or generated data (the Enumerative
15 % Solver will only work if the number of cities does not exceed ten).
17 % For each heuristic, a plot will be made available. Using the popup menu,
18 % the user can switch between the different heuristics.
20 % Finally, the calculated data can be exported to the hard drive as a
23 % author: Gert Thijs
26 % Initialize and hide the GUI as it is being constructed.
27 f = figure('Visible','off','Position',[495,325,640,640]);
29 % Construct the components.
30 himport1 = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...
31 'String','Import Location','Position',[20,580,100,30],...
32 'Callback',{@import1button_Callback});
33 himport2 = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...
34 'String','Import Distance','Position',[20,545,100,30],...
35 'Callback',{@import2button_Callback});
36 cbh = uicontrol('Style','checkbox',...
37 'String','Asymmetric','Position',[20,480,100,30],...
38 'Value',1,'Callback',{@checkbox_Callback});
39 sth0 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','Number of Cities',...
40 'Position',[20, 465, 100, 11]);
41 hpopup1 = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu',...
42 'String',{'5','10','15','20','25','30'},...
43 'Position',[20,435,100,25],'Callback',{@popup_menu1_Callback});
44 hrandom = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...
45 'String','Random','Position',[20,400,100,30],...
46 'Callback',{@randombutton_Callback});
47 hcalc = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...
48 'String','Calculate','Position',[20,340,100,30],...
49 'Callback',{@calcbutton_Callback});
50 hpopup2 = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu',...
51 'String',{'Random','Nearest','Farthest','Enum'},...
52 'Position',[20,305,100,25],'Callback',{@popup_menu2_Callback});
53 hexport = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...
54 'String','Export','Position',[20,245,100,30],...
55 'Callback',{@exportbutton_Callback});
56 hreset = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...
57 'String','Reset','Position',[20,210,100,30],...
58 'Callback',{@resetbutton_Callback});
59 ha = axes('Units','pixels','Position',[200,215,400,400]);
61 % Initliaze static text concerning 'Random'
62 sth1 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','RANDOM',...
63 'Position',[10, 175, 70, 11]);
64 sth2 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','Route:',...
65 'Position',[20, 160, 70, 11]);
66 sth3 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','Distance:',...
67 'Position',[20, 145, 70, 11]);
68 sth4 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','0',...
69 'Position',[90, 160, 530, 11]);
70 sth5 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','0',...
71 'Position',[90, 145, 530, 11]);
73 % Initliaze static text concerning 'Nearest'
74 sth6 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','NEAREST',...
75 'Position',[10, 130, 70, 11]);
76 sth7 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','Route:',...
77 'Position',[20, 115, 70, 11]);
78 sth8 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','Distance:',...
79 'Position',[20, 100, 70, 11]);
80 sth9 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','0',...
81 'Position',[90, 115, 530, 11]);
82 sth10 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','0',...
83 'Position',[90, 100, 530, 11]);
85 % Initliaze static text concerning 'Farthest'
86 sth11 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','FARTHEST',...
87 'Position',[10, 85, 70, 11]);
88 sth12 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','Route:',...
89 'Position',[20, 70, 70, 11]);
90 sth13 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','Distance:',...
91 'Position',[20, 55, 70, 11]);
92 sth14 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','0',...
93 'Position',[90, 70, 530, 11]);
94 sth15 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','0',...
95 'Position',[90, 55, 530, 11]);
97 % Initliaze static text concerning 'Enumerative'
98 sth16 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','ENUMERATIVE',...
99 'Position',[10, 40, 70, 11]);
100 sth17 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','Route:',...
101 'Position',[20, 25, 70, 11]);
102 sth18 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','Distance:',...
103 'Position',[20, 10, 70, 11]);
104 sth19 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','0',...
105 'Position',[90, 25, 530, 11]);
106 sth20 = uicontrol('Style','text','String','0',...
107 'Position',[90, 10, 530, 11]);
109 % Align the GUI elemtens (except the static text and the axes)
110 align([himport1,himport2,cbh,hrandom,hcalc,hpopup2,hexport,sth0,...
111 hpopup1,hreset],'Center','None');
113 % Initialize the data.
114 coordMatrix = 0; % The coordinates of the cities
115 distanceMatrix = 0; % The distances between the cities
116 asymmetric = 1; % Whether the TSP is an asymmetric one or not
117 plottype = 1; % The current plot type (1=Random,2=Nearest,3=Farthest,4=Enum)
118 numberOfCities = 5; % Number of cities to be used in the 'Random' function
119 routeRandom = 0; % Initializes the 'Random' route
120 distanceRandom = 0; % Initializes the 'Random' distance
121 routeNearest = 0; % Initializes the 'Nearest' route
122 distanceNearest = 0; % Initializes the 'Nearest' distance
123 routeFarthest = 0; % Initializes the 'Farthest' route
124 distanceFarthest = 0; % Initializes the 'Farthest' distance
125 routeEnum = 0;% Initializes the 'Enumerative' route
126 distanceEnum = 0; % Initializes the 'Enumerative' distance
128 % Initialize the GUI.
129 % Change units to normalized so components resize automatically.
130 set([f,himport1,himport2,cbh,hrandom,hcalc,hpopup2,hexport,ha,...
131 sth0,hpopup1,hreset],'Units','normalized');
132 % Assign the GUI a name to appear in the window title.
133 set(f,'Name','Travelling Salesman Problem','NumberTitle','off')
134 % Move the GUI to the center of the screen.
135 movegui(f,'center')
136 % Make the GUI visible.
137 set(f,'Visible','on');
139 % Pop-up menu callback. Read the pop-up menu Value property to
140 % determine which item is currently displayed and set the number of
141 % cities to be generated using the 'Random' function to the current
143 function popup_menu1_Callback(source,eventdata)
144 % Determine the selected integer.
145 str = get(source, 'String');
146 val = get(source,'Value');
147 % Set numberOFCities to the selected integer.
149 case '5' % User selects 5.
150 numberOfCities = 5;
151 case '10' % User selects 10.
152 numberOfCities = 10;
153 case '15' % User selects 15.
154 numberOfCities = 15;
155 case '20' % User selects 20.
156 numberOfCities = 20;
157 case '25' % User selects 25.
158 numberOfCities = 25;
159 case '30' % User selects 30.
160 numberOfCities = 30;
164 % Pop-up menu callback. Read the pop-up menu Value property to
165 % determine which heuristic plot is currently displayed and make it the
166 % current plot type.
167 function popup_menu2_Callback(source,eventdata)
168 % Determine the selected plot type.
169 str = get(source, 'String');
170 val = get(source,'Value');
171 % Set current plot type to the selected one.
173 case 'Random' % User selects Random.
174 plottype = 1; % Sets the plot type to Random (=1)
175 drawAll(routeRandom,coordMatrix)
176 case 'Nearest' % User selects Nearest.
177 plottype = 2; % Sets the plottype to Nearest (=2)
178 drawAll(routeNearest,coordMatrix)
179 case 'Farthest' % User selects Farthest.
180 plottype = 3; % Sets the plottype to Farthest (=3)
181 drawAll(routeFarthest,coordMatrix)
182 case 'Enum' % User selects Farthest.
183 plottype = 4; % Sets the plottype to Enumerative (=4)
184 if size(coordMatrix,1) <= 10
185 drawAll(routeEnum,coordMatrix) % Draw only if # of cities <=10
190 % Push button callbacks.
192 function import1button_Callback(source,eventdata)
193 % Open the import dialog and import a matrix with the locations of
195 importedMatrix = importLocation; % Matrix to be imported
197 % Check if it's a correct location matrix
198 n = size(importedMatrix,1);
200 if importedMatrix(:,1) == i && size(importedMatrix,2) == 3
201 % No problems have occured. Clear previous data and set new
204 coordMatrix = importedMatrix;
205 drawCities(coordMatrix);
206 else % Invalid input
207 h = warndlg('This is not a valid location matrix! Try again!',...
208 'Incorrect location matrix'); % Show the user a warning dialog
213 function import2button_Callback(source,eventdata)
214 % Open the import dialog and import a matrix with the distances
215 % between the cities.
216 importedMatrix = importDistance;
218 % Check if it's a correct distance matrix
219 n = size(importedMatrix,1); % Get number of cities
221 if n == size(importedMatrix,1) && n == size(importedMatrix,2) && i == diag(importedMatrix)
222 distanceMatrix = importedMatrix;
223 asymmetric = 1; % TSP is an asymmetric (will not conflict should distanceMatrix be symmetric)
224 set(cbh,'Value',1);
225 else % Invalid input
226 h = warndlg('This is not a valid distance matrix! Try again!',...
227 'Incorrect distance matrix'); % Show the user a warning dialog
228 distanceMatrix = 0;
233 function randombutton_Callback(source,eventdata)
234 % Generate a random matrix containing the locations of the cities
235 % and the corresponding matrix containing the distances between the
236 % cities. If the 'Asymmetric' checkbox is checked, this latter matrix
237 % will also be a random one.
239 % Reset the previous routes and distances
242 distanceMatrix = 0;
244 % Generate the random matrices
245 coordMatrix = generateRandomCoordMatrix(numberOfCities,100);
247 distanceMatrix = generateRandomDistanceMatrix(coordMatrix,100);
249 distanceMatrix = generateDistanceMatrix(coordMatrix);
251 drawCities(coordMatrix);
254 function checkbox_Callback(source,eventdata)
255 % Controls whether asymmetric is checked or not.
256 if get(source,'Value') == 1
263 function calcbutton_Callback(source,eventdata)
264 % Calculates the optimal route and its distance using three heuristics:
265 % Random, Nearest Neighbour and Farthest Neighbour.
267 % Check for both a location matrix and distance matrix. If any of them
268 % are not present, display an error message.
269 passedChecks = 0; % Boolean variable
271 % Check for location matrix.
272 if coordMatrix == 0 % No location matrix has been imported
273 if distanceMatrix == 0 % No distance matrix has been imported
274 h = warndlg('Please import a location (and distance) matrix or generate random ones!',...
276 else % A distance matrix has been imported
277 h = warndlg('Please import a location matrix!',...
278 'No location matrix found');
280 else % A location matrix has been imported
281 if distanceMatrix == 0 % No distance matrix has been imported
282 if asymmetric == 1 % The TSP is an asymmetric one
283 h = warndlg('Please import a distance matrix or uncheck ''Asymmetric''!',...
284 'No distance matrix found');
285 else % The TSP is symmetric
286 distanceMatrix = generateDistanceMatrix(coordMatrix);
287 passedChecks = 1; % Inputs OK. Data can be calculated
289 else % A distance matrix has been imported
290 if asymmetric == 1 % TSP is asymmetric
291 if size(coordMatrix,1)== size(distanceMatrix,1) % Check if both matrices match
292 passedChecks = 1; % Inputs OK. Data can be calculated
294 h = warndlg('Please import matrices that match!',...
295 'Matrices don''t match');
297 else % TSP is symmetric
298 distanceMatrix = generateDistanceMatrix(coordMatrix);
299 passedChecks = 1; % Inputs OK. Data can be calculated
304 % Calculate the routes using the different heuristics if the checks
306 if passedChecks == 1
307 % Calculate the routes and distances
308 [routeRandom,distanceRandom,routeNearest,distanceNearest,...
309 routeFarthest,distanceFarthest,routeEnum,...
310 distanceEnum] = calculateHeuristics(distanceMatrix);
312 % Update the static text on 'Random'
313 set(sth4,'String',int2str(routeRandom))
314 set(sth5,'String',distanceRandom)
316 % Update the static text on 'Nearest'
317 set(sth9,'String',int2str(routeNearest))
318 set(sth10,'String',distanceNearest)
320 % Update the static text on 'Farthest'
321 set(sth14,'String',int2str(routeFarthest))
322 set(sth15,'String',distanceFarthest)
324 % Update the static text on 'Enum'
326 set(sth19,'String','Too difficult to calculate!')
327 set(sth20,'String','Too difficult to calculate!')
329 set(sth19,'String',int2str(routeEnum))
330 set(sth20,'String',distanceEnum)
333 % Plot the cities and the route between them
335 drawAll(routeRandom,coordMatrix);
336 elseif plottype == 2
337 drawAll(routeNearest,coordMatrix);
338 elseif plottype == 3
339 drawAll(routeFarthest,coordMatrix);
341 if size(coordMatrix,1) <= 10
342 drawAll(routeEnum,coordMatrix)
349 function exportbutton_Callback(source,eventdata)
350 % Exports the route data
351 exportData(int2str(routeRandom),distanceRandom,int2str(routeNearest), ...
352 distanceNearest,int2str(routeFarthest),distanceFarthest,...
353 int2str(routeEnum),distanceEnum,coordMatrix,distanceMatrix);
356 function resetbutton_Callback(source,eventdata)
360 distanceMatrix = 0;
364 % Reset the data displayed on the GUI
367 distanceRandom = 0;
369 distanceNearest = 0;
371 distanceFarthest = 0;
374 set(sth4,'String','0');
375 set(sth5,'String','0');
376 set(sth9,'String','0');
377 set(sth10,'String','0');
378 set(sth14,'String','0');
379 set(sth15,'String','0');
380 set(sth19,'String','0');
381 set(sth20,'String','0');