adopted regression test script to run on windows
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2 scripts</h5> <p>LuaGRAPH scripts are standard Lua scripts and may utilise all the features provided by Lua and it's companion libraries. You start a LuaGRAPH script simply from the command line:</p> <pre>$ lua SCRIPTFILE</pre> <p>However, in order to make use of LuaGRAPH it must be loaded into the Lua universe. This can be done by using Lua's -l commandline option:</p> <pre>$ lua -l graph -l OTHER SCRIPTFILE</pre> <p>or using the Lua <span style="font-weight: bold;">require</span> function.</p> <p>This line starts the Lua interpreter and loads LuaGRAPH and other modules specified via the -l command line option before the user script SCRIPTFILE is loaded and executed.</p> <p style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: normal;">The user script has now access to all the LuaGRAPH definitions via the global table <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">graph.</span></span></p> <p style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: normal;">You can also specify lua as the interpreter to use inside the Lua script, which then allows you to directly execute the script.</span></p> <pre>#!/usr/bin/env lua ... </pre> <p style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: normal;">Note, that this line is NOT standard Lua code and must only appear in the first line of your script.</span></p> <h5><a name="loading_graph" id="loading_graph">Loading module "graph"</a></h5> <p>A more flexible way is to load the  LuaGRAPH library from within your Lua script:</p> <pre>... -- Load the LuaGRAPH module require "graph" ... </pre> <p>This loads all definitions provided by LuaGRAPH into the new global namespace <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">graph</span>.</p> <p>Since the namespaces are accessed frequently, it is recommended to access LuaGRAPH definitions using a local reference to the namespace. It also allows you to rename the namespace.</p> <pre>-- Load the LuaGRAPH module local graph = require "graph" </pre> <p>In the case the user defined Lua code is distributed among different script files, it is always possible to set such local references:</p> <pre>-- Since graph is a symbol in the global Lua namespace the -- following code is always valid: local graph = graph </pre> </div> <div id="footer"><a name="loading_graph" id="loading_graph">(c) 2006-20017 Herbert Leuwer, November 2006    </a><a href="">Contact</a></div> </body> </html>