1 luajson v1.3 Release Notes
2 ==========================
6 A global 'nothrow' option was added to change the behavior of parsing
7 to not throw, but return `nil, error`.
8 Error messages were also enhanced for many cases to include better details as
9 to why the parsing may have failed.
13 unexpected character @ character: 3 0:3 [i] line:
16 Unclosed elements present
18 The parser was also unrolled so that LPeg was placed more into a lexer role
19 rather than full-blown parser. This solves the problem of LPeg running into
20 problems in my parser due to unclosed choices at a small performance cost.
22 Plans for next release
23 ----------------------
24 A future release will have a stronger focus on decoder performance. It may
25 mean a reduction in flexibility by removing options and breaking compatibility.
31 Thomas Harning Jr (9):
34 update option processing system to do more pre-configuration to better prepare for future changes
36 rockspec scm-4 added due to file layout change
37 fixes luajson-scm-4.rockspec
39 adds global 'nothrow' option to protect call automatically
40 error detection enhancements from next branch
41 overhaul update to be iterative to avoid call-stack buildup w/ limits and horrible performance hit
43 adds null array roundtrip issue per gh-4
46 fix loadstring when Lua 5.2 is strict
47 fix test suite with Lua 5.2