restructure to be a littel more flexible
[lwes-erlang/github-mirror.git] / src / lwes_stats.erl
1 -module (lwes_stats).
3 % the stats module keeps some stats about what lwes is doing, and provides
4 % a few ways to roll those stats up.
6 % the key for most methods is one of two forms
8 % - {Label, {Ip, Port}}
9 % - {Ip, Port}
11 % individual stats are incremented via function calls and the current
12 % stats can be fetched as a proplist via fetch/1, or as a list of lists
13 % via rollup/1
15 %% API
16 -export([ start_link/0,
17 initialize/1, % (Id)
18 increment_sent/1, % (Id)
19 increment_received/1, % (Id)
20 increment_errors/1, % (Id)
21 % these 2 are only used if validating
22 increment_considered/1, % (Id)
23 increment_validated/1, % (Id)
24 delete/1, % (Id)
25 fetch/1, % (Id)
26 rollup/1, % 'id' | 'port' | 'none'
27 print/1
28 ]).
30 %% gen_server callbacks
31 -export ([init/1,
32 handle_call/3,
33 handle_cast/2,
34 handle_info/2,
35 terminate/2,
36 code_change/3]).
38 % gen_server state
39 -record (state, {}).
40 -define (TABLE, lwes_stats).
42 % stats record for db
43 -record (stats, {id, % Id
44 sent = 0,
45 received = 0,
46 errors = 0,
47 considered = 0,
48 validated = 0
49 }).
51 -define (STATS_SENT_INDEX, #stats.sent).
52 -define (STATS_RECEIVED_INDEX, #stats.received).
53 -define (STATS_ERRORS_INDEX, #stats.errors).
54 -define (STATS_CONSIDERED_INDEX, #stats.considered).
55 -define (STATS_VALIDATED_INDEX, #stats.validated).
57 start_link () ->
58 gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
60 initialize (Id = {_, {_,_}}) ->
61 init0 (Id);
62 initialize (Id = {_, _}) ->
63 init0 (Id);
64 initialize (Id) when is_atom(Id) ->
65 init0 (Id);
66 initialize (_) ->
67 erlang:error(badarg).
69 init0 (Id) ->
70 ets:insert_new (?TABLE, #stats {id = Id}).
72 increment_sent (Id) ->
73 [V] = try_update_counter (Id, ?STATS_SENT_INDEX, 1),
76 increment_received (Id) ->
77 [V] = try_update_counter (Id, ?STATS_RECEIVED_INDEX, 1),
80 increment_errors (Id) ->
81 [V] = try_update_counter (Id, ?STATS_ERRORS_INDEX, 1),
84 increment_considered (Id) ->
85 [V] = try_update_counter (Id, ?STATS_CONSIDERED_INDEX, 1),
88 increment_validated (Id) ->
89 [V] = try_update_counter (Id, ?STATS_VALIDATED_INDEX, 1),
92 update_counter (Id, Index, Amount) ->
93 ets:update_counter (?TABLE, Id, [{Index,Amount}]).
95 try_update_counter (Id, Index, Amount) ->
96 try update_counter (Id, Index, Amount) of
97 V -> V
98 catch
99 error:badarg ->
100 initialize (Id),
101 update_counter (Id, Index, Amount)
102 end.
105 delete (Id) ->
106 ets:delete (?TABLE, Id).
108 fetch (Id) ->
109 case ets:lookup (?TABLE, Id) of
110 [] -> undefined;
111 [#stats { sent = Sent,
112 received = Received,
113 errors = Errors,
114 considered = Considered,
115 validated = Validated }] ->
116 [ {sent, Sent},
117 {received, Received},
118 {errors, Errors},
119 {considered, Considered},
120 {validated, Validated}
122 end.
124 pivot_by_key ({Data, Keys}) ->
125 lists:foldl( fun (Key, A) ->
126 [ [ Key, dict:fetch({Key,sent}, Data),
127 dict:fetch({Key,received}, Data),
128 dict:fetch({Key,errors}, Data),
129 dict:fetch({Key,considered}, Data),
130 dict:fetch({Key,validated}, Data) ] | A ]
131 end,
133 dict:fetch_keys(Keys)).
135 add_by_key (Key, S, R, E, C, V, {DataIn, KeysIn}) ->
136 D1 = dict:update_counter({Key,sent},S,DataIn),
137 D2 = dict:update_counter({Key,received},R,D1),
138 D3 = dict:update_counter({Key,errors},E,D2),
139 D4 = dict:update_counter({Key,considered},C,D3),
140 D5 = dict:update_counter({Key,validated},V,D4),
141 KeysOut = dict:update_counter(Key,1,KeysIn),
142 {D5, KeysOut}.
144 % outputs the table in a two dimensional form which should allow for easy
145 % construction of output.
146 % The form is
148 % [ [ id, sent, received, errors, considered, validated],
149 % ...
151 rollup(label) ->
152 pivot_by_key(
153 lists:foldl (
154 fun (#stats {id = {Label,{_,_}},
155 sent = S, received = R, errors = E,
156 considered = C, validated = V}, Accum) ->
157 add_by_key ({Label,{'*','*'}}, S, R, E, C, V, Accum);
158 (#stats {id = M,
159 sent = S, received = R, errors = E,
160 considered = C, validated = V}, Accum) when is_atom(M) ->
161 add_by_key (M, S, R, E, C, V, Accum);
162 (#stats { sent = S, received = R, errors = E,
163 considered = C, validated = V}, Accum) ->
164 add_by_key ({'_',{'*','*'}}, S, R, E, C, V, Accum)
165 end,
166 { dict:new(), dict:new() },
167 ets:tab2list(?TABLE)
170 rollup(port) ->
171 pivot_by_key(
172 lists:foldl (
173 fun (#stats {id = {_,{_,Port}},
174 sent = S, received = R, errors = E,
175 considered = C, validated = V}, Accum) ->
176 add_by_key ({'*',{'*',Port}}, S, R, E, C, V, Accum);
177 (#stats {id = {_, Port},
178 sent = S, received = R, errors = E,
179 considered = C, validated = V}, Accum) ->
180 add_by_key ({'*',{'*',Port}}, S, R, E, C, V, Accum);
181 (#stats {id = M,
182 sent = S, received = R, errors = E,
183 considered = C, validated = V}, Accum) when is_atom(M) ->
184 add_by_key (M, S, R, E, C, V, Accum)
185 end,
186 { dict:new(), dict:new() },
187 ets:tab2list(?TABLE)
190 rollup(none) ->
192 [ case I of
193 M when is_atom(M) -> M ;
194 {_,{_,_}} -> I ;
195 _ -> {'*',I}
196 end, S, R, E, C, V ]
197 || #stats { id = I, sent = S, received = R,
198 errors = E, considered = C, validated = V}
199 <- ets:tab2list(?TABLE)
202 format_ip_port({'*','*'}) -> io_lib:format("*:~-5s",["*"]);
203 format_ip_port({'*', Port}) -> io_lib:format("*:~-5b",[Port]);
204 format_ip_port({Ip, Port}) -> io_lib:format ("~s:~-5b",[lwes_util:ip2bin (Ip), Port]).
206 print (Type) ->
207 io:format ("~-21s ~-21s ~10s ~10s ~10s ~10s ~10s~n",
208 ["label","channel","sent","received",
209 "errors","considered","validated"]),
210 io:format ("~-21s ~-21s ~10s ~10s ~10s ~10s ~10s~n",
211 ["---------------------",
212 "---------------------",
213 "----------","----------",
214 "----------","----------","----------"]),
216 begin
217 {Label, IpPort} =
218 case Key of
219 {L, IP= {_,_}} -> {L, IP};
220 M when is_atom(M) -> {M, {'*','*'}}
221 end,
222 io:format ("~-21w ~-21s ~10b ~10b ~10b ~10b ~10b~n",
223 [Label, format_ip_port (IpPort),
224 Sent, Recv, Err, Cons, Valid]
227 || [ Key, Sent, Recv, Err, Cons, Valid ]
228 <- rollup(Type)
232 %%====================================================================
233 %% gen_server callbacks
234 %%====================================================================
235 init([]) ->
236 ets:new (?TABLE,
237 [ named_table,
238 public,
239 set,
240 {keypos, 2},
241 {write_concurrency, true}
243 {ok, #state { }}.
245 handle_call (_Request, _From, State) ->
246 {reply, ok, State}.
248 handle_cast (_Request, State) ->
249 {noreply, State}.
251 handle_info (_Info, State) ->
252 {noreply, State}.
254 terminate (_Reason, _State) ->
255 ets:delete (?TABLE),
258 code_change (_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
259 {ok, State}.
261 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
262 %%% Test functions
263 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
264 -ifdef (TEST).
265 -include_lib ("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").
267 setup () ->
268 case start_link() of
269 {ok, Pid} -> Pid;
270 {error, {already_started, _}} -> already_started
271 end.
273 cleanup (already_started) -> ok;
274 cleanup (Pid) -> gen_server:stop (Pid).
276 fetch_list (Sent, Received, Errors, Considered, Validated) ->
277 [ {sent, Sent},
278 {received, Received},
279 {errors, Errors},
280 {considered, Considered},
281 {validated, Validated}
284 check_entry ([[_,Sent,Recv,Errors,Considered,Validated]],
285 [[_,Sent,Recv,Errors,Considered,Validated]]) ->
286 true.
288 tests_with_id (Id) ->
290 ?_assertEqual(true, initialize(Id)),
291 % initialization only works once
292 ?_assertEqual(false, initialize(Id)),
293 % rollups should show all zeros
294 ?_assert(check_entry([[dummy,0,0,0,0,0]], rollup(port))),
295 ?_assert(check_entry([[dummy,0,0,0,0,0]], rollup(label))),
296 ?_assert(check_entry([[dummy,0,0,0,0,0]], rollup(none))),
297 % increment all stats and check counts
298 ?_assertEqual(fetch_list(0,0,0,0,0), fetch(Id)),
299 ?_assertEqual(1, increment_sent(Id)),
300 ?_assertEqual(fetch_list(1,0,0,0,0), fetch(Id)),
301 ?_assertEqual(1, increment_received(Id)),
302 ?_assertEqual(fetch_list(1,1,0,0,0), fetch(Id)),
303 ?_assertEqual(2, increment_received(Id)),
304 ?_assertEqual(fetch_list(1,2,0,0,0), fetch(Id)),
305 ?_assertEqual(1, increment_errors(Id)),
306 ?_assertEqual(fetch_list(1,2,1,0,0), fetch(Id)),
307 ?_assertEqual(1, increment_considered(Id)),
308 ?_assertEqual(fetch_list(1,2,1,1,0), fetch(Id)),
309 ?_assertEqual(1, increment_validated(Id)),
310 ?_assertEqual(fetch_list(1,2,1,1,1), fetch(Id)),
311 % see that the rollups reflect the same values
312 ?_assert(check_entry([[dummy,1,2,1,1,1]], rollup(port))),
313 ?_assert(check_entry([[dummy,1,2,1,1,1]], rollup(label))),
314 ?_assert(check_entry([[dummy,1,2,1,1,1]], rollup(none))),
315 % delete the test ids
316 ?_assertEqual(true, delete(Id)),
317 ?_assertEqual(true, delete(Id))
321 lwes_stats_test_ () ->
322 IdWithLabel = {foo,{{127,0,0,1},9191}},
323 IdNoLabel = {{127,0,0,1},9191},
324 BadId = undefined,
325 NonExistentId = {foo, bar,{{127,0,0,1},9292}},
326 { setup,
327 fun setup/0,
328 fun cleanup/1,
330 % tests with different types of ids
331 tests_with_id (IdWithLabel),
332 tests_with_id (IdNoLabel),
333 % test a few cases with bad ids
334 ?_assertEqual(undefined, fetch(BadId)),
335 ?_assertEqual(undefined, fetch(NonExistentId)),
336 ?_assertException(error, badarg, increment_sent(NonExistentId)),
337 % these are for additional coverage on the gen_server calls which
338 % are not currently used for anything
339 ?_assertEqual({reply, ok, #state{}}, handle_call(foo, bar, #state{})),
340 ?_assertEqual({noreply, #state{}}, handle_cast(foo, #state{})),
341 ?_assertEqual({noreply, #state{}}, handle_info(foo, #state{})),
342 ?_assertEqual({ok, #state{}}, code_change(foo, #state{}, bar)),
343 % this just tests the case where we might be running inside of a
344 % larger process, so mostly just here for coverage
345 ?_assertEqual(ok, cleanup(setup()))
349 lwes_stats_rollups_test_ () ->
350 Id1 = {{127,0,0,1},9191},
351 Id2 = {{127,0,0,1},9192},
352 Id3 = {foo, Id1},
353 Id4 = {foo, Id2},
354 LabelRollupId1 = {foo,{'*','*'}},
355 LabelRollupId2 = {'_',{'*','*'}},
356 PortRollupId1 = {'*',{'*',9191}},
357 PortRollupId2 = {'*',{'*',9192}},
358 { setup,
359 fun setup/0,
360 fun cleanup/1,
361 { inorder,
363 [ ?_assertEqual(true, initialize(I)) || I <- [ Id1, Id2, Id3, Id4 ] ],
364 ?_assertEqual(1, increment_sent(Id1)),
365 ?_assertEqual(1, increment_sent(Id4)),
366 ?_assertEqual(1, increment_received(Id2)),
367 ?_assertEqual(1, increment_received(Id3)),
368 ?_assertEqual(1, increment_errors(Id3)),
369 ?_assertEqual(1, increment_errors(Id4)),
370 % check no rollups
371 ?_assertEqual(lists:sort([[{'*',Id1},1,0,0,0,0],
372 [{'*',Id2},0,1,0,0,0],
373 [Id3,0,1,1,0,0],
374 [Id4,1,0,1,0,0]]),
375 lists:sort(rollup(none))),
376 % check rollup by label
377 ?_assertEqual(lists:sort([[LabelRollupId1,1,1,2,0,0],
378 [LabelRollupId2,1,1,0,0,0]]),
379 lists:sort(rollup(label))),
380 % check rollup by port
381 ?_assertEqual(lists:sort([[PortRollupId1,1,1,1,0,0],
382 [PortRollupId2,1,1,1,0,0]]),
383 lists:sort(rollup(port)))
388 -endif.