update ChangeLog
[lwes-erlang/github-mirror.git] / src / lwes_channel.erl
1 -module (lwes_channel).
3 -behaviour (gen_server).
5 -include_lib ("lwes.hrl").
6 -include ("lwes_internal.hrl").
8 %% API
9 -export ([ start_link/1,
10 new/2,
11 open/1,
12 register_callback/4,
13 send_to/2,
14 close/1
15 ]).
17 %% gen_server callbacks
18 -export ([ init/1,
19 handle_call/3,
20 handle_cast/2,
21 handle_info/2,
22 terminate/2,
23 code_change/3
24 ]).
26 -record (state, {socket, channel, type, callback}).
27 -record (callback, {function, format, state}).
29 %%====================================================================
30 %% API functions
31 %%====================================================================
32 start_link (Channel) ->
33 gen_server:start_link (?MODULE, [Channel], []).
35 new (Type, Config) ->
36 #lwes_channel {
37 type = Type,
38 config = lwes_net_udp:new (Type, Config),
39 ref = make_ref()
42 open (Channel) ->
43 { ok, _Pid } = lwes_channel_manager:open_channel (Channel),
44 { ok, Channel}.
46 register_callback (Channel, CallbackFunction, EventType, CallbackState) ->
47 find_and_call ( Channel,
48 { register, CallbackFunction, EventType, CallbackState }).
50 send_to (Channel, Msg) ->
51 find_and_call (Channel, { send, Msg }).
53 close (Channel) ->
54 find_and_cast (Channel, stop).
56 %%====================================================================
57 %% gen_server callbacks
58 %%====================================================================
59 init ([ Channel = #lwes_channel { type = Type, config = Config } ]) ->
60 { ok, Socket } = lwes_net_udp:open (Type, Config),
61 lwes_stats:initialize (lwes_net_udp:address(Config)),
62 lwes_channel_manager:register_channel (Channel, self()),
63 { ok, #state { socket = Socket,
64 channel = Channel,
65 type = Type
69 handle_call ({ register, Function, Format, Accum },
70 _From,
71 State = #state {
72 channel = #lwes_channel {type = listener }
73 }) ->
74 { reply,
75 ok,
76 State#state { callback = #callback { function = Function,
77 format = Format,
78 state = Accum } } };
80 handle_call ({ send, Packet },
81 _From,
82 State = #state {
83 socket = Socket,
84 channel = #lwes_channel { config = Config }
85 }) ->
86 Reply =
87 case lwes_net_udp:send (Socket, Config, Packet) of
88 ok ->
89 lwes_stats:increment_sent(lwes_net_udp:address(Config)),
90 ok;
91 {error, Error} ->
92 lwes_stats:increment_errors(lwes_net_udp:address(Config)),
93 {error, Error}
94 end,
95 { reply, Reply, State };
96 handle_call (_Request, _From, State) ->
97 { reply, ok, State }.
99 handle_cast (stop, State) ->
100 {stop, normal, State};
101 handle_cast (_Request, State) ->
102 { noreply, State }.
104 % skip if we don't have a handler
105 handle_info ( {udp, _, _, _, _},
106 State = #state {
107 type = listener,
108 channel = #lwes_channel { config = Config },
109 callback = undefined
110 } ) ->
111 lwes_stats:increment_received (lwes_net_udp:address(Config)),
112 { noreply, State };
114 handle_info ( Packet = {udp, _, _, _, _},
115 State = #state {
116 type = listener,
117 channel = #lwes_channel { config = Config },
118 callback = #callback { function = Function,
119 format = Format,
120 state = CbState }
121 } ) ->
122 lwes_stats:increment_received (lwes_net_udp:address(Config)),
123 Event = lwes_event:from_udp_packet (Packet, Format),
124 NewCbState = Function (Event, CbState),
125 { noreply,
126 State#state { callback = #callback { function = Function,
127 format = Format,
128 state = NewCbState }
132 handle_info (_Request, State) ->
133 {noreply, State}.
135 terminate (_Reason, #state {socket = Socket, channel = Channel}) ->
136 lwes_net_udp:close (Socket),
137 lwes_channel_manager:unregister_channel (Channel).
139 code_change (_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
140 {ok, State}.
142 %%====================================================================
143 %% Internal functions
144 %%====================================================================
145 find_and_call (Channel, Msg) ->
146 case lwes_channel_manager:find_channel (Channel) of
147 {error, not_open} ->
148 {error, not_open};
149 Pid ->
150 gen_server:call ( Pid, Msg )
151 end.
153 find_and_cast (Channel, Msg) ->
154 case lwes_channel_manager:find_channel (Channel) of
155 {error, not_open} ->
156 {error, not_open};
157 Pid ->
158 gen_server:cast ( Pid, Msg )
159 end.
161 %%====================================================================
162 %% Test functions
163 %%====================================================================
164 -ifdef (TEST).
165 -include_lib ("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").
167 -endif.