1 Gem::Specification.new do |s|
5 s.authors = ["Erik S. Chang", "Frank Maritato"]
6 s.email = %q{lwes-devel@lists.sourceforge.net}
7 s.summary = %q{Ruby bindings for the Light Weight Event System}
8 s.homepage = %q{http://reality-escapes.me/lwes-ruby/}
9 s.extensions = %w(ext/lwes_ext/extconf.rb)
11 The LWES Light-Weight Event System is a framework for allowing the exchange of
12 information from many machines to many machines in a controlled, platform
13 neutral, language neutral way. The exchange of information is done in a
14 connectless fashion using multicast or unicast UDP, and using self describing
15 data so that any platform or language can translate it to it's local dialect.
17 s.files = `git ls-files`.split(/\n/) +
18 %w(ext/lwes_ext/lwes-0.23.1.tar.gz)
19 s.test_files = s.files.grep(%r{\Atest/unit/test_})
20 s.add_development_dependency(%q<rake-compiler>, [">= 0.7.6"])