2 image: ghcr.io/maxking/mailman-ci-runner
5 - template: 'Workflows/MergeRequest-Pipelines.gitlab-ci.yml'
10 - tox -e py39-django42-git
15 - tox -e py310-django42-git
20 - tox -e py311-django42-git
25 - tox -e py312-django42-git
30 - tox -e py312-django50-git
35 - tox -e py312-django50
37 # Uncomment when we have a better way to run tests against the
38 # master. Currently, there are version constraints in all the
39 # sub-packages, which leads to all failing tests.
40 # py310-django-latest:
44 # - printf "Remove all django version restriction from setup.py.\n"
45 # - sed -E 's/django[<=>,.[:digit:]]+/django/' -i setup.py
46 # - tox -e py310-django-latest
65 - tox -e upstream-client
70 upstream-django-mailman3:
73 - tox -e upstream-django-mailman3
79 - template: SAST.gitlab-ci.yml
82 SAST_DEFAULT_ANALYZERS: "bandit,secrets"