Use the object_list.total_size to get the total number of Members.
[mailman-postorious.git] / tox.ini
1 [tox]
2 envlist = py{35,36,37}-django{111,20,latest},pep8
4 [testenv]
5 usedevelop = True
6 changedir = {toxinidir}/example_project
7 deps =
8 mock
9 beautifulsoup4
10 git+
11 git+
12 pytest
13 pytest-django
14 head: git+
15 dev: -e../mailmanclient
16 dev: -e../django-mailman3
17 dev:
18 django20: Django>=2.0,<2.1
19 django21: Django>=2.1,<2.2
20 django22: Django>=2.2,<2.3
21 django30: Django>=3.0,<3.1
22 django31: Django>=3.1,<3.2
23 django-latest:
24 commands =
25 pytest {posargs:../src}
26 setenv =
27 LC_ALL = C.UTF-8
28 LANG = C.UTF-8
30 [testenv:coverage]
31 basepython = python3
32 deps =
33 {[testenv]deps}
34 Django>=2.1,<2.2
35 coverage
36 commands =
37 coverage run -m pytest {posargs:../src/postorius}
38 coverage html
39 coverage report -m
40 setenv =
41 LC_ALL = C.UTF-8
42 LANG = C.UTF-8
44 [testenv:pep8]
45 basepython = python3
46 changedir = {toxinidir}
47 deps =
48 flake8
49 Django>1.11,<2.2
50 isort
51 commands =
52 flake8 {posargs}
53 python isort
56 [flake8]
57 basepython = python3
58 ignore = E123, E133, W504
59 show-source = True
60 exclude = .git,.tox,dist,*egg,src/postorius/doc,example_project
63 [isort]
64 line_length=79
65 multi_line_output=4
66 balanced_wrapping=True
67 known_django=django
69 no_lines_before=LOCALFOLDER
70 lines_after_imports=2
71 use_parentheses=True
72 default_section=THIRDPARTY
73 known_first_party=postorius