Finalize version.
[marekmrva_bc.git] / SteppingClass.pas
1 unit SteppingClass;
3 interface
5 uses
6 ConstantsClass, FunctionsClass, HardwareClass, ResourcesClass, TypesClass;
8 type
10 TStepping = class;
12 { TStepBlock }
14 TStepBlock = class
15 private
16 pCall: TInstruction;
17 pError: String;
18 pOwner: TStepping;
19 pPosition: Integer;
20 pBranch: Boolean;
21 function pErrorSet: Boolean; virtual;
22 procedure pSetError(Input: String = GLOB_NO_ERROR); virtual;
23 public
24 constructor Create(Owner: TStepping; Call: TInstruction); virtual;
25 function ExecuteCall: Integer; virtual;
26 function Valid: Boolean; virtual;
27 property CallFunction: TInstruction read pCall write pCall;
28 property LastError: String read pError;
29 property Position: Integer read pPosition write pPosition default -1;
30 property IsBranch: Boolean read pBranch;
31 destructor Destroy; override;
32 end;
34 { TStepping }
36 TStepping = class
37 private
38 pError: String;
39 pSteps: array of TStepBlock;
40 pHardware: THardware;
41 pLength, pStepBlock: Integer;
42 pOldOnOperand, pOnStep: TChangeEvent;
43 pValid: Boolean;
44 function pBlockFromCall(Position: Integer; Call: TInstruction): TStepBlock; virtual;
45 function pErrorSet: Boolean; virtual;
46 function pGetBlock(Position: Integer): TStepBlock; virtual;
47 function pValidPosition(var Position: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
48 procedure pOnOperand(Sender: TObject); virtual;
49 procedure pSetError(Input: String = GLOB_NO_ERROR; Where: String = ''); virtual;
50 procedure pSetHardware(Input: THardware); virtual;
51 procedure pSetStepBlock(Input: Integer); virtual;
52 public
53 constructor Create; virtual;
54 function AddStepBlock(Position: Integer; Call: TInstruction): Boolean; virtual;
55 function ChangeStepBlock(Position: Integer; Call: TInstruction): Boolean; virtual;
56 function RemoveStepBlock(Position: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
57 function Valid: Boolean; virtual;
58 procedure InitializeBlocks; virtual;
59 procedure SingleStep; virtual;
60 // ? function Animate(Input: Pointer); ?
61 destructor Destroy; override;
62 property Block[Position: Integer]: TStepBlock read pGetBlock; default;
63 property Hardware: THardware read pHardware write pSetHardware;
64 property LastError: String read pError;
65 property Length: Integer read pLength default 0;
66 property OnStep: TChangeEvent read pOnStep write pOnStep;
67 property StepBlock: Integer read pStepBlock write pSetStepBlock;
68 end;
71 implementation
73 // ************************************************************************** //
74 // * TStepBlock implementation * //
75 // ************************************************************************** //
77 function TStepBlock.pErrorSet: Boolean;
78 begin
79 Result := not(pError = GLOB_NO_ERROR);
80 end;
82 procedure TStepBlock.pSetError(Input: String = GLOB_NO_ERROR);
83 begin
84 pError := Input;
85 end;
87 constructor TStepBlock.Create(Owner: TStepping; Call: TInstruction);
88 begin
89 pOwner := Owner;
90 pCall := Call;
91 pBranch := (not(Call = nil) and (Call.Branch = BRANCH_BRANCH));
92 pSetError;
93 end;
95 function TStepBlock.ExecuteCall: Integer;
96 begin
97 Result := -1;
98 if not Valid then Exit;
99 if pCall.Execute and IsBranch then
100 Result := StringToAddress(pCall.BranchAddress, Position)
101 else
102 Result := Position + 1;
103 end;
105 function TStepBlock.Valid: Boolean;
107 lbranch: Integer;
108 begin
109 pSetError;
110 Result := False;
111 if (pCall = nil) then pSetError(STEP_NO_CALL_FUNCTION)
112 else if not pCall.Hardware.ValidateInstruction(pCall) then
113 pSetError(pCall.Hardware.LastError)
114 else if IsBranch then
115 begin
116 lbranch := StringToAddress(pCall.BranchAddress, Position);
117 if (lbranch < 0) or (lbranch > pOwner.Length) then
119 end;
120 if not pErrorSet then Result := True;
121 end;
123 destructor TStepBlock.Destroy;
124 begin
125 CallFunction.Free;
126 inherited Destroy;
127 end;
129 // ************************************************************************** //
130 // * TStepping implementation * //
131 // ************************************************************************** //
133 function TStepping.pBlockFromCall(Position: Integer; Call: TInstruction
134 ): TStepBlock;
135 begin
136 Result := nil;
137 if (Call = nil) then
138 begin
140 Exit;
141 end;
142 Result := TStepBlock.Create(Self, Call);
143 Result.Position := Position;
144 pValid := False;
145 end;
147 function TStepping.pErrorSet: Boolean;
148 begin
149 Result := not(pError = GLOB_NO_ERROR);
150 end;
152 function TStepping.pGetBlock(Position: Integer): TStepBlock;
153 begin
154 if pValidPosition(Position) then Result := pSteps[Position]
155 else Result := nil;
156 end;
158 function TStepping.pValidPosition(var Position: Integer): Boolean;
159 begin
160 Result := False;
161 if (Position < STEP_FIRST) then Exit;
162 if (Position = STEP_LAST) then Position := pLength - 1;
163 if (Position < Length) then Result := True;
164 end;
166 procedure TStepping.pOnOperand(Sender: TObject);
167 begin
168 pValid := False;
169 if not(@pOldOnOperand = nil) then pOldOnOperand(Sender);
170 end;
172 procedure TStepping.pSetError(Input: String = GLOB_NO_ERROR;
173 Where: String = '');
174 begin
175 pError := Input;
176 if not(Where = '') then pError := Where + ': ' + pError;
177 if not(pError = GLOB_NO_ERROR) then LogWrite(pError, True);
178 end;
180 procedure TStepping.pSetHardware(Input: THardware);
181 begin
182 if not(pHardware = nil) then pHardware.OnOperand := pOldOnOperand;
183 pHardware := Input;
184 if not(Input = nil) then
185 begin
186 pOldOnOperand := Input.OnOperand;
187 Input.OnOperand := pOnOperand;
188 end;
189 end;
191 procedure TStepping.pSetStepBlock(Input: Integer);
192 begin
193 pSetError;
194 if not pValidPosition(Input) then Input := -1;
195 pStepBlock := Input;
196 if not(@pOnStep = nil) then pOnStep(Self);
197 end;
199 constructor TStepping.Create;
200 begin
201 InitializeBlocks;
202 pSetError;
203 end;
205 function TStepping.AddStepBlock(Position: Integer; Call: TInstruction
206 ): Boolean;
208 i: Integer;
209 lblock: TStepBlock;
210 begin
211 pSetError;
212 Result := False;
213 pLength := pLength + 1;
214 if not pValidPosition(Position) then
215 begin
216 pLength := pLength - 1;
217 Exit;
218 end;
219 lblock := pBlockFromCall(Position, Call);
220 if pErrorSet then
221 begin
222 pLength := pLength - 1;
223 Exit;
224 end;
225 SetLength(pSteps, pLength);
226 for i := (pLength - 2) downto Position do
227 begin
228 pSteps[i + 1] := pSteps[i];
229 pSteps[i + 1].Position := i + 1;
230 end;
231 pSteps[Position] := lblock;
232 if not(Hardware = nil) then Hardware.MaxAddress := pLength;
233 pValid := False;
234 Result := True;
235 end;
237 function TStepping.ChangeStepBlock(Position: Integer; Call: TInstruction
238 ): Boolean;
240 lblock: TStepBlock;
241 begin
242 pSetError;
243 Result := False;
244 if not pValidPosition(Position) then Exit;
245 lblock := pBlockFromCall(Position, Call);
246 if pErrorSet then Exit;
247 pSteps[Position].Free;
248 pSteps[Position] := lblock;
249 pValid := False;
250 Result := True;
251 end;
253 function TStepping.RemoveStepBlock(Position: Integer): Boolean;
255 i: Integer;
256 begin
257 pSetError;
258 Result := False;
259 if not pValidPosition(Position) then Exit;
260 pSteps[Position].Free;
261 for i := Position to (pLength - 2) do
262 begin
263 pSteps[i] := pSteps[i + 1];
264 pSteps[i].Position := i;
265 end;
266 pLength := pLength - 1;
267 SetLength(pSteps, pLength);
268 if not(Hardware = nil) then Hardware.MaxAddress := pLength;
269 pValid := False;
270 Result := True;
271 end;
273 function TStepping.Valid: Boolean;
275 i: Integer;
276 begin
277 pSetError;
278 Result := True;
279 if pValid then Exit;
280 for i := 0 to (pLength - 1) do
281 begin
282 Result := pSteps[i].Valid and Result;
283 if pSteps[i].pErrorSet then
284 pSetError(pSteps[i].LastError, ZeroPaddedInteger(i, CONST_PADDING));
285 end;
286 pValid := Result;
287 end;
289 procedure TStepping.InitializeBlocks;
291 i: Integer;
292 begin
293 StepBlock := -1;
294 for i := 0 to (pLength - 1) do pSteps[i].Free;
295 SetLength(pSteps, 0);
296 pLength := 0;
297 pValid := True;
298 end;
300 procedure TStepping.SingleStep;
302 lpos: Integer;
303 begin
304 pSetError;
305 if (StepBlock < 0) then pValid := False;
306 if not pValid then Valid;
307 if not pValid then
308 begin
309 StepBlock := -1;
310 Exit;
311 end;
312 lpos := StepBlock;
313 if not pValidPosition(lpos) then StepBlock := 0
314 else StepBlock := pSteps[lpos].ExecuteCall;
315 end;
317 destructor TStepping.Destroy;
318 begin
319 while (Length > 0) do RemoveStepBlock(STEP_LAST);
320 inherited Destroy;
321 end;
323 end.