3 \mainpage Library for MARitime NAVigation
5 \copyright (c) 2022 Mario Konrad \<mario.konrad@gmx.net\>
9 \section toc Table of Contents
15 - \ref development_environment
16 - \ref technical_overview
18 \section abstract Abstract
19 This is a C++17 library for maritime navigation purposes.
20 It supports (partially):
23 - \ref features_seatalk
24 - Reading data from serial ports (NMEA, SeaTalk)
25 - Basic geodesic functions, suitable for martime navigation.
26 - Calculation of CPA (closest point of approach)
27 and TCPA (time to closest point of approach)
28 - Distance of two points on a sphere
29 - Distance of two points on an ellipsoid using formula of Vincenty
30 - Distance of two points on an ellipsoid using formula of Lambert
34 There are already implementaions for reading and writing NMEA-0183 or AIS.
35 The goal of this library is
36 - to have an implementation in modern C++
37 - easy to use API (std lib like, integrating well)
38 - unit tested (high test coverage)
39 - trivial integration into projects (liberal license, as few dependencies as possible)
40 - (more or less) well documented
44 \section sec_authors Authors
45 (extracted from git repository, sorted alphabetically)
49 \section license License
50 \note The official NMEA 0183 Standard document is not available for free. It was not
51 consulted at any point during the development of this library. All information
52 was found from free sources on the internet. This library (especially the NMEA
53 part) is not derivative work of this standard.