1 ; =============================================================================
2 ; Pure64 -- a 64-bit OS loader written in Assembly for x86-64 systems
3 ; Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Return Infinity -- see LICENSE.TXT
6 ; =============================================================================
10 cfg_smpinit: db 1 ; By default SMP is enabled. Set to 0 to disable.
11 cfg_vesa: db 0 ; By default VESA is disabled. Set to 1 to enable.
12 cfg_default: db 0 ; By default we don't need a config file so set to 0. If a config file is found set to 1.
13 cfg_e820: db 1 ; By default E820 should be present. Pure64 will set this to 0 if not found/usable.
14 cfg_mbr: db 0 ; Did we boot off of a disk with a proper MBR
17 E820Map: equ 0x0000000000004000
18 InfoMap: equ 0x0000000000005000
19 SystemVariables: equ 0x0000000000005A00
20 VBEModeInfoBlock
equ 0x0000000000005C00
21 hdbuffer: equ 0x0000000000070000 ; 32768 bytes = 0x6000 -> 0xDFFF VERIFY THIS!!!
22 hdbuffer1: equ 0x000000000007E000 ; 512 bytes = 0xE000 -> 0xE1FF VERIFY THIS!!!
24 ; DQ - Starting at offset 0, increments by 0x8
25 os_LocalAPICAddress: equ SystemVariables
+ 0x00
26 os_IOAPICAddress: equ SystemVariables
+ 0x08
27 os_ACPITableAddress: equ SystemVariables
+ 0x10
28 screen_cursor_offset: equ SystemVariables
+ 0x18
29 hd1_maxlba: equ SystemVariables
+ 0x20
30 os_Counter: equ SystemVariables
+ 0x28
32 ; DD - Starting at offset 128, increments by 4
33 hd1_size: equ SystemVariables
+ 128
34 fat16_FatStart: equ SystemVariables
+ 132
35 fat16_TotalSectors: equ SystemVariables
+ 136
36 fat16_DataStart: equ SystemVariables
+ 140
37 fat16_RootStart: equ SystemVariables
+ 144
38 fat16_PartitionOffset: equ SystemVariables
+ 148
40 ; DW - Starting at offset 256, increments by 2
41 cpu_speed: equ SystemVariables
+ 256
42 cpu_activated: equ SystemVariables
+ 258
43 cpu_detected: equ SystemVariables
+ 260
44 mem_amount: equ SystemVariables
+ 262
45 fat16_BytesPerSector: equ SystemVariables
+ 264
46 fat16_ReservedSectors: equ SystemVariables
+ 266
47 fat16_SectorsPerFat: equ SystemVariables
+ 268
48 fat16_RootDirEnts: equ SystemVariables
+ 270
50 ; DB - Starting at offset 384, increments by 1
51 hd1_enable: equ SystemVariables
+ 384
52 hd1_lba48: equ SystemVariables
+ 385
53 screen_cursor_x: equ SystemVariables
+ 386
54 screen_cursor_y: equ SystemVariables
+ 387
55 fat16_SectorsPerCluster: equ SystemVariables
+ 388
56 fat16_Fats: equ SystemVariables
+ 389
57 memtempstring: equ SystemVariables
+ 390
58 speedtempstring: equ SystemVariables
+ 400
59 cpu_amount_string: equ SystemVariables
+ 410
60 hdtempstring: equ SystemVariables
+ 420
65 hextable: db '0123456789ABCDEF'
68 kernelerror: db 'FATAL ERROR: Software not found.', 0
69 kernelname: db 'KERNEL64SYS', 0
70 configname: db 'PURE64 CFG', 0
71 msg_done: db ' Done', 0
72 msg_CPU: db '[CPU: ', 0
73 msg_MEM: db '] [MEM: ', 0
74 msg_HDD: db ' [HDD: ', 0
76 msg_mhz: db 'MHz x', 0
77 msg_loadingkernel: db 'Loading software...', 0
78 msg_startingkernel: db 'Starting software.', 0
79 msg_noconfig: db '(default config)', 0
80 no64msg: db 'FATAL ERROR: CPU does not support 64-bit mode. Please run on supported hardware.', 0
81 initStartupMsg: db 'Pure64 v0.4.9 - http://www.returninfinity.com', 13, 10, 13, 10, 'Initializing system...', 0
82 msg_date: db '2011/04/05', 0
85 ; Mandatory information for all VBE revisions
86 VBEModeInfoBlock.ModeAttributes
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 0 ; DW - mode attributes
87 VBEModeInfoBlock.WinAAttributes
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 2 ; DB - window A attributes
88 VBEModeInfoBlock.WinBAttributes
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 3 ; DB - window B attributes
89 VBEModeInfoBlock.WinGranularity
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 4 ; DW - window granularity in KB
90 VBEModeInfoBlock.WinSize
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 6 ; DW - window size in KB
91 VBEModeInfoBlock.WinASegment
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 8 ; DW - window A start segment
92 VBEModeInfoBlock.WinBSegment
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 10 ; DW - window B start segment
93 VBEModeInfoBlock.WinFuncPtr
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 12 ; DD - real mode pointer to window function
94 VBEModeInfoBlock.BytesPerScanLine
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 16 ; DW - bytes per scan line
95 ; Mandatory information for VBE 1.2 and above
96 VBEModeInfoBlock.XResolution
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 18 ; DW - horizontal resolution in pixels or characters
97 VBEModeInfoBlock.YResolution
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 20 ; DW - vertical resolution in pixels or characters
98 VBEModeInfoBlock.XCharSize
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 22 ; DB - character cell width in pixels
99 VBEModeInfoBlock.YCharSize
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 23 ; DB - character cell height in pixels
100 VBEModeInfoBlock.NumberOfPlanes
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 24 ; DB - number of memory planes
101 VBEModeInfoBlock.BitsPerPixel
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 25 ; DB - bits per pixel
102 VBEModeInfoBlock.NumberOfBanks
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 26 ; DB - number of banks
103 VBEModeInfoBlock.MemoryModel
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 27 ; DB - memory model type
104 VBEModeInfoBlock.BankSize
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 28 ; DB - bank size in KB
105 VBEModeInfoBlock.NumberOfImagePages
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 29 ; DB - number of image pages
106 VBEModeInfoBlock.Reserved
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 30 ; DB - reserved (0x00 for VBE 1.0-2.0, 0x01 for VBE 3.0)
107 ; Direct Color fields (required for direct/6 and YUV/7 memory models)
108 VBEModeInfoBlock.RedMaskSize
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 31 ; DB - size of direct color red mask in bits
109 VBEModeInfoBlock.RedFieldPosition
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 32 ; DB - bit position of lsb of red mask
110 VBEModeInfoBlock.GreenMaskSize
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 33 ; DB - size of direct color green mask in bits
111 VBEModeInfoBlock.GreenFieldPosition
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 34 ; DB - bit position of lsb of green mask
112 VBEModeInfoBlock.BlueMaskSize
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 35 ; DB - size of direct color blue mask in bits
113 VBEModeInfoBlock.BlueFieldPosition
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 36 ; DB - bit position of lsb of blue mask
114 VBEModeInfoBlock.RsvdMaskSize
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 37 ; DB - size of direct color reserved mask in bits
115 VBEModeInfoBlock.RsvdFieldPosition
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 38 ; DB - bit position of lsb of reserved mask
116 VBEModeInfoBlock.DirectColorModeInfo
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 39 ; DB - direct color mode attributes
117 ; Mandatory information for VBE 2.0 and above
118 VBEModeInfoBlock.PhysBasePtr
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 40 ; DD - physical address for flat memory frame buffer
119 VBEModeInfoBlock.Reserved1
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 44 ; DD - Reserved - always set to 0
120 VBEModeInfoBlock.Reserved2
equ VBEModeInfoBlock
+ 48 ; DD - Reserved - always set to 0
121 ; Mandatory information for VBE 3.0 and above
122 ;VBEModeInfoBlock.LinBytesPerScanLine dw 0 ; bytes per scan line for linear modes
123 ;VBEModeInfoBlock.BnkNumberOfImagePages db 0 ; number of images for banked modes
124 ;VBEModeInfoBlock.LinNumberOfImagePages db 0 ; number of images for linear modes
125 ;VBEModeInfoBlock.LinRedMaskSize db 0 ; size of direct color red mask (linear modes)
126 ;VBEModeInfoBlock.LinRedFieldPosition db 0 ; bit position of lsb of red mask (linear modes)
127 ;VBEModeInfoBlock.LinGreenMaskSize db 0 ; size of direct color green mask (linear modes)
128 ;VBEModeInfoBlock.LinGreenFieldPosition db 0 ; bit position of lsb of green mask (linear modes)
129 ;VBEModeInfoBlock.LinBlueMaskSize db 0 ; size of direct color blue mask (linear modes)
130 ;VBEModeInfoBlock.LinBlueFieldPosition db 0 ; bit position of lsb of blue mask (linear modes)
131 ;VBEModeInfoBlock.LinRsvdMaskSize db 0 ; size of direct color reserved mask (linear modes)
132 ;VBEModeInfoBlock.LinRsvdFieldPosition db 0 ; bit position of lsb of reserved mask (linear modes)
133 ;VBEModeInfoBlock.MaxPixelClock dd 0 ; maximum pixel clock (in Hz) for graphics mode
136 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 GDTR64: ; Global Descriptors Table Register
139 dw gdt64_end
- gdt64
- 1 ; limit of GDT (size minus one)
140 dq 0x0000000000001000 ; linear address of GDT
143 gdt64: ; This structure is copied to 0x0000000000001000
equ $
; Null Segment
145 dq 0x0000000000000000
equ $
; Code segment, read/execute, nonconforming
147 dq 0x0020980000000000 ; 0x00209A0000000000
equ $
; Data segment, read/write, expand down
149 dq 0x0000900000000000 ; 0x0020920000000000
153 IDTR64: ; Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
154 dw 256*16-1 ; limit of IDT (size minus one) (4096 bytes - 1)
155 dq 0x0000000000000000 ; linear address of IDT
156 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 ; =============================================================================