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4 <TITLE>80386 Programmer's Reference Manual -- Section
7 <B>up:
</B> <A HREF=
8 Chapter
6 -- Protection
9 <B>prev:
</B> <A HREF=
"s06_01.htm">6.1 Why Protection?
10 <B>next:
</B> <A HREF=
"s06_03.htm">6.3 Segment-Level Protection
14 <H1>6.2 Overview of
80386 Protection Mechanisms
15 Protection in the
80386 has five aspects:
19 <LI> Restriction of addressable domain
20 <LI> Restriction of procedure entry points
21 <LI> Restriction of instruction set
23 The protection hardware of the
80386 is an integral part of the memory
24 management hardware. Protection applies both to segment translation and to
27 Each reference to memory is checked by the hardware to verify that it
28 satisfies the protection criteria. All these checks are made before the
29 memory cycle is started; any violation prevents that cycle from starting and
30 results in an exception. Since the checks are performed concurrently with
31 address formation, there is no performance penalty.
33 Invalid attempts to access memory result in an exception. Refer to
35 <A HREF=
36 for an explanation of the exception mechanism . The present
37 chapter defines the protection violations that lead to exceptions.
39 The concept of
"privilege" is central to several aspects of protection
40 (numbers
4, and
5 in the preceeding list). Applied to procedures,
41 privilege is the degree to which the procedure can be trusted not to make a
42 mistake that might affect other procedures or data. Applied to data,
43 privilege is the degree of protection that a data structure should have
44 from less trusted procedures.
46 The concept of privilege applies both to segment protection and to page
51 <B>up:
</B> <A HREF=
52 Chapter
6 -- Protection
53 <B>prev:
</B> <A HREF=
"s06_01.htm">6.1 Why Protection?
54 <B>next:
</B> <A HREF=
"s06_03.htm">6.3 Segment-Level Protection