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4 <TITLE>80386 Programmer's Reference Manual -- Section 9.8</TITLE>
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7 <B>up:</B> <A HREF="c09.htm">
8 Chapter 9 -- Exceptions and Interrupts</A><BR>
9 <B>prev:</B> <A HREF="s09_07.htm">9.7 Error Code</A><BR>
10 <B>next:</B> <A HREF="s09_09.htm">9.9 Exception Summary</A>
11 <P>
12 <HR>
13 <P>
14 <H1>9.8 Exception Conditions</H1>
15 The following sections describe each of the possible exception conditions
16 in detail. Each description classifies the exception as a fault, trap, or
17 abort. This classification provides information needed by systems
18 programmers for restarting the procedure in which the exception occurred:
19 <DL>
20 <DT>
21 Faults
22 <DD>
23 The CS and EIP values saved when a fault is reported point to the
24 instruction causing the fault.
25 <DT>
26 Traps
27 <DD>
28 The CS and EIP values stored when the trap is reported point to the
29 instruction dynamically after the instruction causing the trap. If
30 a trap is detected during an instruction that alters program flow,
31 the reported values of CS and EIP reflect the alteration of program
32 flow. For example, if a trap is detected in a
33 <A HREF="JMP.htm">JMP</A> instruction, the
34 CS and EIP values pushed onto the stack point to the target of the
35 <A HREF="JMP.htm">JMP</A>, not to the instruction after the
36 <A HREF="JMP.htm">JMP</A>.
37 <DT>
38 Aborts
39 <DD>
40 An abort is an exception that permits neither precise location of
41 the instruction causing the exception nor restart of the program
42 that caused the exception. Aborts are used to report severe errors,
43 such as hardware errors and inconsistent or illegal values in
44 system tables.
45 </DL>
47 <H2>9.8.1 Interrupt 0 -- Divide Error</H2>
48 The divide-error fault occurs during a <A HREF="DIV.htm">DIV</A> or an
49 <A HREF="IDIV.htm">IDIV</A> instruction when the
50 divisor is zero.
52 <H2>9.8.2 Interrupt 1 -- Debug Exceptions</H2>
53 The processor triggers this interrupt for any of a number of conditions;
54 whether the exception is a fault or a trap depends on the condition:
55 <UL>
56 <LI> Instruction address breakpoint fault.
57 <LI> Data address breakpoint trap.
58 <LI> General detect fault.
59 <LI> Single-step trap.
60 <LI> Task-switch breakpoint trap.
61 </UL>
62 The processor does not push an error code for this exception. An exception
63 handler can examine the debug registers to determine which condition caused
64 the exception . Refer to
65 <A HREF="c12.htm">Chapter 12</A>
66 for more detailed information about
67 debugging and the debug registers.
69 <H2>9.8.3 Interrupt 3 -- Breakpoint</H2>
70 The <A HREF="INT.htm">INT</A> 3 instruction causes this trap. The
71 <A HREF="INT.htm">INT</A> 3 instruction is one byte
72 long, which makes it easy to replace an opcode in an executable segment with
73 the breakpoint opcode. The operating system or a debugging subsystem can use
74 a data-segment alias for an executable segment to place an
75 <A HREF="INT.htm">INT</A> 3 anywhere it
76 is convenient to arrest normal execution so that some sort of special
77 processing can be performed. Debuggers typically use breakpoints as a way of
78 displaying registers, variables, etc., at crucial points in a task.
79 <P>
80 The saved CS:EIP value points to the byte following the breakpoint. If a
81 debugger replaces a planted breakpoint with a valid opcode, it must subtract
82 one from the saved EIP value before returning . Refer also to
83 <A HREF="c12.htm">Chapter 12</A>
84 for
85 more information on debugging.
87 <H2>9.8.4 Interrupt 4 -- Overflow</H2>
88 This trap occurs when the processor encounters an
89 <A HREF="INT.htm">INTO</A> instruction and the
90 OF (overflow) flag is set. Since signed arithmetic and unsigned arithmetic
91 both use the same arithmetic instructions, the processor cannot determine
92 which is intended and therefore does not cause overflow exceptions
93 automatically. Instead it merely sets OF when the results, if interpreted as
94 signed numbers, would be out of range. When doing arithmetic on signed
95 operands, careful programmers and compilers either test OF directly or use
96 the <A HREF="INT.htm">INTO</A> instruction.
98 <H2>9.8.5 Interrupt 5 -- Bounds Check</H2>
99 This fault occurs when the processor, while executing a
100 <A HREF="BOUND.htm">BOUND</A> instruction,
101 finds that the operand exceeds the specified limits. A program can use the
102 <A HREF="BOUND.htm">BOUND</A>
103 instruction to check a signed array index against signed limits
104 defined in a block of memory.
106 <H2>9.8.6 Interrupt 6 -- Invalid Opcode</H2>
107 This fault occurs when an invalid opcode is detected by the execution unit.
108 (The exception is not detected until an attempt is made to execute the
109 invalid opcode; i.e., prefetching an invalid opcode does not cause this
110 exception.) No error code is pushed on the stack. The exception can be
111 handled within the same task.
113 This exception also occurs when the type of operand is invalid for the
114 given opcode. Examples include an intersegment
115 <A HREF="JMP.htm">JMP</A> referencing a register
116 operand, or an
117 <A HREF="LGS.htm">LES</A> instruction with a register source operand.
119 <H2>9.8.7 Interrupt 7 -- Coprocessor Not Available</H2>
120 This exception occurs in either of two conditions:
121 <UL>
122 <LI> The processor encounters an ESC (escape) instruction, and the EM
123 (emulate) bit ofCR0 (control register zero) is set.
124 <LI> The processor encounters either the
125 <A HREF="WAIT.htm">WAIT</A> instruction or an ESC
126 instruction, and both the MP (monitor coprocessor) and TS (task
127 switched) bits of CR0 are set.
128 </UL>
129 Refer to
130 <A HREF="c11.htm">Chapter 11</A>
131 for information about the coprocessor interface .
133 <H2>9.8.8 Interrupt 8 -- Double Fault</H2>
134 Normally, when the processor detects an exception while trying to invoke
135 the handler for a prior exception, the two exceptions can be handled
136 serially. If, however, the processor cannot handle them serially, it signals
137 the double-fault exception instead. To determine when two faults are to be
138 signalled as a double fault, the 80386 divides the exceptions into three
139 classes: benign exceptions, contributory exceptions, and page faults.
140 <A HREF="#Table 9-3">Table 9-3</A> shows this classification.
142 <A HREF="#Table 9-4">Table 9-4</A>
143 shows which combinations of exceptions cause a double fault and
144 which do not.
146 The processor always pushes an error code onto the stack of the
147 double-fault handler; however, the error code is always zero. The faulting
148 instruction may not be restarted. If any other exception occurs while
149 attempting to invoke the double-fault handler, the processor shuts down.
151 <A NAME="Table 9-3">
152 <PRE>
153 Table 9-3. Double-Fault Detection Classes
155 Class ID Description
157 1 Debug exceptions
158 2 NMI
159 3 Breakpoint
160 Benign 4 Overflow
161 Exceptions 5 Bounds check
162 6 Invalid opcode
163 7 Coprocessor not available
164 16 Coprocessor error
166 0 Divide error
167 9 Coprocessor Segment Overrun
168 Contributory 10 Invalid TSS
169 Exceptions 11 Segment not present
170 12 Stack exception
171 13 General protection
173 Page Faults 14 Page fault
174 </PRE>
175 </A>
176 <HR>
177 <A NAME="Table 9-4">
178 <PRE>
179 Table 9-4. Double-Fault Definition
183 Benign Contributory Page
184 Exception Exception Fault
186 Benign OK OK OK
187 Exception
189 FIRST Contributory OK DOUBLE OK
190 EXCEPTION Exception
192 Page
195 </PRE>
196 </A>
198 <H2>9.8.9 Interrupt 9 -- Coprocessor Segment Overrun</H2>
199 This exception is raised in protected mode if the 80386 detects a page or
200 segment violation while transferring the middle portion of a coprocessor
201 operand to the NPX . This exception is avoidable. Refer to
202 <A HREF="c11.htm">Chapter 11</A>
204 more information about the coprocessor interface.
206 <H2>9.8.10 Interrupt 10 -- Invalid TSS</H2>
207 Interrupt 10 occurs if during a task switch the new TSS is invalid. A TSS
208 is considered invalid in the cases shown in
209 <A HREF="#Table 9-5">Table 9-5</A>. An error code is
210 pushed onto the stack to help identify the cause of the fault. The EXT bit
211 indicates whether the exception was caused by a condition outside the
212 control of the program; e.g., an external interrupt via a task gate
213 triggered a switch to an invalid TSS.
215 This fault can occur either in the context of the original task or in the
216 context of the new task. Until the processor has completely verified the
217 presence of the new TSS, the exception occurs in the context of the original
218 task. Once the existence of the new TSS is verified, the task switch is
219 considered complete; i.e., TR is updated and, if the switch is due to a
220 <A HREF="CALL.htm">CALL</A>
221 or interrupt, the backlink of the new TSS is set to the old TSS. Any
222 errors discovered by the processor after this point are handled in the
223 context of the new task.
225 To insure a proper TSS to process it, the handler for exception 10 must be
226 a task invoked via a task gate.
227 <A NAME="Table 9-5">
228 <PRE>
229 Table 9-5. Conditions That Invalidate the TSS
231 Error Code Condition
233 TSS id + EXT The limit in the TSS descriptor is less than 103
234 LTD id + EXT Invalid LDT selector or LDT not present
235 SS id + EXT Stack segment selector is outside table limit
236 SS id + EXT Stack segment is not a writable segment
237 SS id + EXT Stack segment DPL does not match new CPL
238 SS id + EXT Stack segment selector RPL < > CPL
239 CS id + EXT Code segment selector is outside table limit
240 CS id + EXT Code segment selector does not refer to code
241 segment
242 CS id + EXT DPL of non-conforming code segment < > new CPL
243 CS id + EXT DPL of conforming code segment > new CPL
244 DS/ES/FS/GS id + EXT DS, ES, FS, or GS segment selector is outside
245 table limits
246 DS/ES/FS/GS id + EXT DS, ES, FS, or GS is not readable segment
248 </PRE>
249 </A>
250 <H2>9.8.11 Interrupt 11 -- Segment Not Present</H2>
251 Exception 11 occurs when the processor detects that the present bit of a
252 descriptor is zero. The processor can trigger this fault in any of these
253 cases:
254 <UL>
255 <LI> While attempting to load the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS registers; loading
256 the SS register, however, causes a stack fault.
257 <LI> While attempting loading the LDT register with an
258 <A HREF="LLDT.htm">LLDT</A> instruction;
259 loading the LDT register during a task switch operation, however,
260 causes the "invalid TSS" exception.
261 <LI> While attempting to use a gate descriptor that is marked not-present.
262 </UL>
263 This fault is restartable. If the exception handler makes the segment
264 present and returns, the interrupted program will resume execution.
266 If a not-present exception occurs during a task switch, not all the steps
267 of the task switch are complete. During a task switch, the processor first
268 loads all the segment registers, then checks their contents for validity. If
269 a not-present exception is discovered, the remaining segment registers have
270 not been checked and therefore may not be usable for referencing memory. The
271 not-present handler should not rely on being able to use the values found
272 in CS, SS, DS, ES, FS, and GS without causing another exception. The
273 exception handler should check all segment registers before trying to resume
274 the new task; otherwise, general protection faults may result later under
275 conditions that make diagnosis more difficult. There are three ways to
276 handle this case:
277 <OL>
278 <LI> Handle the not-present fault with a task. The task switch back to the
279 interrupted task will cause the processor to check the registers as it
280 loads them from the TSS.
282 <LI>
283 <A HREF="PUSH.htm">PUSH</A> and
284 <A HREF="POP.htm">POP</A> all segment registers. Each
285 <A HREF="POP.htm">POP</A> causes the processor to
286 check the new contents of the segment register.
288 <LI> Scrutinize the contents of each segment-register image in the TSS,
289 simulating the test that the processor makes when it loads a segment
290 register.
291 </OL>
292 This exception pushes an error code onto the stack. The EXT bit of the
293 error code is set if an event external to the program caused an interrupt
294 that subsequently referenced a not-present segment. The I-bit is set if the
295 error code refers to an IDT entry, e.g., an
296 <A HREF="INT.htm">INT</A> instruction referencing a
297 not-present gate.
299 An operating system typically uses the "segment not present" exception to
300 implement virtual memory at the segment level. A not-present indication in a
301 gate descriptor, however, usually does not indicate that a segment is not
302 present (because gates do not necessarily correspond to segments).
303 Not-present gates may be used by an operating system to trigger exceptions
304 of special significance to the operating system.
306 <H2>9.8.12 Interrupt 12 -- Stack Exception</H2>
307 A stack fault occurs in either of two general conditions:
308 <UL>
309 <LI> As a result of a limit violation in any operation that refers to the
310 SS register. This includes stack-oriented instructions such as
311 <A HREF="POP.htm">POP</A>,
312 <A HREF="PUSH.htm">PUSH</A>,
313 <A HREF="ENTER.htm">ENTER</A>, and
314 <A HREF="LEAVE.htm">LEAVE</A>, as well as other memory references that
315 implicitly use SS (for example, <TT><A HREF="MOV.htm">MOV</A> AX, [BP+6]</TT>).
316 <A HREF="ENTER.htm">ENTER</A> causes this
317 exception when the stack is too small for the indicated local-variable
318 space.
319 <LI> When attempting to load the SS register with a descriptor that is
320 marked not-present but is otherwise valid. This can occur in a task
321 switch, an interlevel
322 <A HREF="CALL.htm">CALL</A>, an interlevel return, an
323 <A HREF="LGS.htm">LSS</A> instruction,
324 or a <A HREF="MOV.htm">MOV</A> or <A HREF="POP.htm">POP</A> instruction to SS.
325 </UL>
326 When the processor detects a stack exception, it pushes an error code onto
327 the stack of the exception handler. If the exception is due to a not-present
328 stack segment or to overflow of the new stack during an interlevel
329 <A HREF="CALL.htm">CALL</A>, the
330 error code contains a selector to the segment in question (the exception
331 handler can test the present bit in the descriptor to determine which
332 exception occurred); otherwise the error code is zero.
334 An instruction that causes this fault is restartable in all cases. The
335 return pointer pushed onto the exception handler's stack points to the
336 instruction that needs to be restarted. This instruction is usually the one
337 that caused the exception; however, in the case of a stack exception due to
338 loading of a not-present stack-segment descriptor during a task switch, the
339 indicated instruction is the first instruction of the new task.
341 When a stack fault occurs during a task switch, the segment registers may
342 not be usable for referencing memory. During a task switch, the selector
343 values are loaded before the descriptors are checked. If a stack fault is
344 discovered, the remaining segment registers have not been checked and
345 therefore may not be usable for referencing memory. The stack fault handler
346 should not rely on being able to use the values found in CS, SS, DS, ES,
347 FS, and GS without causing another exception. The exception handler should
348 check all segment registers before trying to resume the new task; otherwise,
349 general protection faults may result later under conditions that make
350 diagnosis more difficult.
352 <H2>9.8.13 Interrupt 13 -- General Protection Exception</H2>
353 All protection violations that do not cause another exception cause a
354 general protection exception. This includes (but is not limited to):
355 <OL>
356 <LI> Exceeding segment limit when using CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS
357 <LI> Exceeding segment limit when referencing a descriptor table
358 <LI> Transferring control to a segment that is not executable
359 <LI> Writing into a read-only data segment or into a code segment
360 <LI> Reading from an execute-only segment
361 <LI> Loading the SS register with a read-only descriptor (unless the
362 selector comes from the TSS during a task switch, in which case a TSS
363 exception occurs
364 <LI> Loading SS, DS, ES, FS, or GS with the descriptor of a system segment
365 <LI> Loading DS, ES, FS, or GS with the descriptor of an executable
366 segment that is not also readable
367 <LI> Loading SS with the descriptor of an executable segment
368 <LI> Accessing memory via DS, ES, FS, or GS when the segment register
369 contains a null selector
370 <LI> Switching to a busy task
371 <LI> Violating privilege rules
372 <LI> Loading CR0 with PG=1 and PE=0.
373 <LI> Interrupt or exception via trap or interrupt gate from V86 mode to
374 privilege level other than zero.
375 <LI> Exceeding the instruction length limit of 15 bytes (this can occur
376 only if redundant prefixes are placed before an instruction)
377 </OL>
378 The general protection exception is a fault. In response to a general
379 protection exception, the processor pushes an error code onto the exception
380 handler's stack. If loading a descriptor causes the exception, the error
381 code contains a selector to the descriptor; otherwise, the error code is
382 null. The source of the selector in an error code may be any of the
383 following:
384 <OL>
385 <LI> An operand of the instruction.
386 <LI> A selector from a gate that is the operand of the instruction.
387 <LI> A selector from a TSS involved in a task switch.
388 </OL>
390 <H2>9.8.14 Interrupt 14 -- Page Fault</H2>
391 This exception occurs when paging is enabled (PG=1) and the processor
392 detects one of the following conditions while translating a linear address
393 to a physical address:
394 <UL>
395 <LI> The page-directory or page-table entry needed for the address
396 translation has zero in its present bit.
397 <LI> The current procedure does not have sufficient privilege to access the
398 indicated page.
399 </UL>
400 The processor makes available to the page fault handler two items of
401 information that aid in diagnosing the exception and recovering from it:
402 <UL>
403 <LI> An error code on the stack. The error code for a page fault has a
404 format different from that for other exceptions (see
405 <A HREF="#fig9-8">Figure 9-8</A>
406 ). The
407 error code tells the exception handler three things:
408 <OL>
409 <LI> Whether the exception was due to a not present page or to an access
410 rights violation.
411 <LI> Whether the processor was executing at user or supervisor level at
412 the time of the exception.
413 <LI> Whether the memory access that caused the exception was a read or
414 write.
415 </OL>
416 <LI> CR2 (control register two). The processor stores in CR2 the linear
417 address used in the access that caused the exception (see
418 <A HREF="#fig9-9">Figure 9-9</A>).
419 The exception handler can use this address to locate the corresponding
420 page directory and page table entries. If another page fault can occur
421 during execution of the page fault handler, the handler should push CR2
422 onto the stack.
423 </UL>
425 <A NAME="fig9-8">
426 <IMG align=center SRC="fig9-8.gif" border=0>
429 <H3> Page Fault During Task Switch</H3>
430 The processor may access any of four segments during a task switch:
431 <OL>
432 <LI> Writes the state of the original task in the TSS of that task.
433 <LI> Reads the GDT to locate the TSS descriptor of the new task.
434 <LI> Reads the TSS of the new task to check the types of segment
435 descriptors from the TSS.
436 <LI> May read the LDT of the new task in order to verify the segment
437 registers stored in the new TSS.
438 </OL>
439 A page fault can result from accessing any of these segments. In the latter
440 two cases the exception occurs in the context of the new task. The
441 instruction pointer refers to the next instruction of the new task, not to
442 the instruction that caused the task switch. If the design of the operating
443 system permits page faults to occur during task-switches, the page-fault
444 handler should be invoked via a task gate.
446 <A NAME="fig9-9">
447 <IMG align=center SRC="fig9-9.gif" border=0>
449 <H3> Page Fault with Inconsistent Stack Pointer</H3>
450 Special care should be taken to ensure that a page fault does not cause the
451 processor to use an invalid stack pointer (SS:ESP). Software written for
452 earlier processors in the 8086 family often uses a pair of instructions to
453 change to a new stack; for example:
454 <PRE>
455 <A HREF="MOV.htm">MOV</A> SS, AX
456 <A HREF="MOV.htm">MOV</A> SP, StackTop
457 </PRE>
458 With the 80386, because the second instruction accesses memory, it is
459 possible to get a page fault after SS has been changed but before SP has
460 received the corresponding change. At this point, the two parts of the stack
461 pointer SS:SP (or, for 32-bit programs, SS:ESP) are inconsistent.
463 The processor does not use the inconsistent stack pointer if the handling
464 of the page fault causes a stack switch to a well defined stack (i.e., the
465 handler is a task or a more privileged procedure). However, if the page
466 fault handler is invoked by a trap or interrupt gate and the page fault
467 occurs at the same privilege level as the page fault handler, the processor
468 will attempt to use the stack indicated by the current (invalid) stack
469 pointer.
471 In systems that implement paging and that handle page faults within the
472 faulting task (with trap or interrupt gates), software that executes at the
473 same privilege level as the page fault handler should initialize a new stack
474 by using the new
475 <A HREF="LGS.htm">LSS</A> instruction rather than an instruction pair shown
476 above. When the page fault handler executes at privilege level zero (the
477 normal case), the scope of the problem is limited to privilege-level zero
478 code, typically the kernel of the operating system.
480 <H2>9.8.15 Interrupt 16 -- Coprocessor Error</H2>
481 The 80386 reports this exception when it detects a signal from the 80287 or
482 80387 on the 80386's ERROR# input pin. The 80386 tests this pin only at the
483 beginning of certain ESC instructions and when it encounters a
484 <A HREF="WAIT.htm">WAIT</A>
485 instruction while the EM bit of the MSW is zero (no emulation). Refer to
486 <A HREF="c11.htm">Chapter 11</A>
487 for more information on the coprocessor interface.
489 <HR>
491 <B>up:</B> <A HREF="c09.htm">
492 Chapter 9 -- Exceptions and Interrupts</A><BR>
493 <B>prev:</B> <A HREF="s09_07.htm">9.7 Error Code</A><BR>
494 <B>next:</B> <A HREF="s09_09.htm">9.9 Exception Summary</A>
495 </BODY>