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4 <TITLE>80386 Programmer's Reference Manual -- Section 15.1</TITLE>
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7 <B>up:</B> <A HREF="c15.htm">
8 Chapter 15 -- Virtual 8086 Mode</A><BR>
9 <B>prev:</B>
10 <A HREF="c15.htm">Chapter 15 -- Virtual 8086 Mode</A><BR>
11 <B>next:</B> <A HREF="s15_02.htm">15.2 Structure of a V86 Task</A>
12 <P>
13 <HR>
14 <P>
15 <H1>15.1 Executing 8086 Code</H1>
16 The processor executes in V86 mode when the VM (virtual machine) bit in the
17 EFLAGS register is set. The processor tests this flag under two general
18 conditions:
19 <OL>
20 <LI> When loading segment registers to know whether to use 8086-style
21 address formation.
22 <LI> When decoding instructions to determine which instructions are
23 sensitive to IOPL.
24 </OL>
25 Except for these two modifications to its normal operations, the 80386 in
26 V86 mode operated much as in protected mode.
28 <H2>15.1.1 Registers and Instructions</H2>
29 The register set available in V86 mode includes all the registers defined
30 for the 8086 plus the new registers introduced by the 80386: FS, GS, debug
31 registers, control registers, and test registers. New instructions that
32 explicitly operate on the segment registers FS and GS are available, and the
33 new segment-override prefixes can be used to cause instructions to utilize
34 FS and GS for address calculations. Instructions can utilize 32-bit
35 operands through the use of the operand size prefix.
36 <P>
37 8086 programs running as V86 tasks are able to take advantage of the new
38 applications-oriented instructions added to the architecture by the
39 introduction of the 80186/80188, 80286 and 80386:
40 <UL>
41 <LI> New instructions introduced by 80186/80188 and 80286.
42 <UL>
43 <LI> <A HREF="PUSH.htm">PUSH</A> immediate data
44 <LI> Push all and pop all (<A HREF="PUSHA.htm">PUSHA</A> and
45 <A HREF="POPA.htm">POPA</A>)
46 <LI> Multiply immediate data
47 <LI> Shift and rotate by immediate count
48 <LI> String I/O
49 <LI> <A HREF="ENTER.htm">ENTER</A> and
50 <A HREF="LEAVE.htm">LEAVE</A>
51 <LI> <A HREF="BOUND.htm">BOUND</A>
52 </UL>
53 <LI> New instructions introduced by 80386.
54 <UL>
55 <LI> <A HREF="LGS.htm">LSS</A>,
56 <A HREF="LGS.htm">LFS</A>,
57 <A HREF="LGS.htm">LGS</A> instructions
58 <LI> Long-displacement conditional jumps
59 <LI> Single-bit instructions
60 <LI> Bit scan
61 <LI> Double-shift instructions
62 <LI> Byte set on condition
63 <LI> Move with sign/zero extension
64 <LI> Generalized multiply
65 </UL>
66 </UL>
68 <H2>15.1.2 Linear Address Formation</H2>
69 In V86 mode, the 80386 processor does not interpret 8086 selectors by
70 referring to descriptors; instead, it forms linear addresses as an 8086
71 would. It shifts the selector left by four bits to form a 20-bit base
72 address. The effective address is extended with four high-order zeros and
73 added to the base address to create a linear address as
74 <A HREF="#fig15-1">Figure 15-1</A>
75 illustrates.
76 <P>
77 Because of the possibility of a carry, the resulting linear address may
78 contain up to 21 significant bits. An 8086 program may generate linear
79 addresses anywhere in the range 0 to 10FFEFH (one megabyte plus
80 approximately 64 Kbytes) of the task's linear address space.
81 <P>
82 V86 tasks generate 32-bit linear addresses. While an 8086 program can only
83 utilize the low-order 21 bits of a linear address, the linear address can be
84 mapped via page tables to any 32-bit physical address.
85 <P>
86 Unlike the 8086 and 80286, 32-bit effective addresses can be generated (via
87 the address-size prefix); however, the value of a 32-bit address may not
88 exceed 65,535 without causing an exception. For full compatibility with
89 80286 real-address mode, pseudo-protection faults (interrupt 12 or 13 with
90 no error code) occur if an address is generated outside the range 0 through
91 65,535.
92 <P>
93 <A NAME="fig15-1">
94 <IMG align=center SRC="fig15-1.gif" border=0>
95 <P>
96 <HR>
97 <P>
98 <B>up:</B> <A HREF="c15.htm">
99 Chapter 15 -- Virtual 8086 Mode</A><BR>
100 <B>prev:</B>
101 <A HREF="c15.htm">Chapter 15 -- Virtual 8086 Mode</A><BR>
102 <B>next:</B> <A HREF="s15_02.htm">15.2 Structure of a V86 Task</A>
103 </BODY>