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9 <title>Assignment #3 Answers</title>
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12 <H1>Assignment #3 Answers</H1>
18 <B>Introductory C Programming
19 <br>
20 <br>
21 UW Experimental College
22 <br>
23 <br>
24 Assignment #3 ANSWERS
25 </B><br>
26 <br>
27 <p>Question 1.
28 <I>How many elements does the array
29 </I><TT>int a[5]
30 </TT><I>contain?
31 Which is the first element?
32 The last?
33 </I><p>The array has 5 elements.
34 The first is <TT>a[0]</TT>;
35 the last is <TT>a[4]</TT>.
36 <p>Question 2.
37 <I>What's wrong with the scrap of code in the question?
38 </I><p>The array is of size 5, but the loop is from 1 to 5,
39 so an attempt will be made to access the nonexistent element <TT>a[5]</TT>.
40 A correct loop over this array would run from 0 to 4.
41 <p>Question 3.
42 <I>How might you rewrite the dice-rolling program
43 without arrays?
44 </I><p>About all I can think of would be to declare 11 different variables:
45 <pre>
46 int roll2, roll3, roll4, roll5, roll6, roll7, roll8, roll9,
47 roll10, roll11, roll12;
49 sum = d1 + d2; /* sum two die rolls */
51 if(sum == 2)
52 roll2 = roll2 + 1;
53 else (sum == 3)
54 roll3 = roll3 + 1;
55 else (sum == 4)
56 roll4 = roll4 + 1;
57 else (sum == 5)
58 roll5 = roll5 + 1;
59 ...
60 </pre>
61 What a nuisance!
62 (Fortunately, we never have to write code like this;
63 we just use arrays,
64 since this
65 sort of
66 situation
67 is exactly what arrays are for.)
68 <p>Question 4.
69 <I>What is the difference between a defining instance and an external declaration?
70 </I><p>A <dfn>defining instance</dfn>
71 is a declaration of a variable or function
72 that actually defines and allocates space for that variable or function.
73 In the case of a variable,
74 the defining instance may also supply an initial value,
75 using an <dfn>initializer</dfn> in the declaration.
76 In the case of a function,
77 the defining instance supplies the body of the function.
78 <p>An <dfn>external declaration</dfn>
79 is a declaration which mentions the name and type of a variable
80 or function which is defined elsewhere.
81 An external declaration does not allocate space;
82 it cannot supply the initial value of a variable;
83 it does not need to supply the size of an array;
84 it does not supply the body of a function.
85 (In the case of functions, however,
86 an external declaration may include argument type information;
87 in this case it is an <dfn>external prototype declaration</dfn>.)
88 <p>Question 5.
89 <I>What are the four important parts of a function?
90 Which three does a caller need to know?
91 </I><p>The name, the number and type of the arguments,
92 the return type,
93 and the body.
94 The caller needs to know the first three.
95 <p>Tutorial 3.
96 <I>Modify the array-of-squares program to also print cubes.
97 </I><p><pre>
98 #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
100 int main()
102 int i;
103 int squares[11]; /* [0..10]; [0] ignored */
104 int cubes[11];
105 /* fill arrays: */
106 for(i = 1; i &lt;= 10; i = i + 1)
108 squares[i] = i * i;
109 cubes[i] = i * i * i;
111 /* print table: */
112 printf("n\tsquare\tcube\n");
113 for(i = 1; i &lt;= 10; i = i + 1)
114 printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", i, squares[i], cubes[i]);
115 return 0;
117 </pre>
119 <p>Tutorial 4.
120 <I>Rewrite the simple graphics program to print ``open'' boxes.
121 </I><p>I made a new version of the original <TT>printsquare</TT> function
122 called <TT>printbox</TT>, like this:
123 <pre>
124 int printbox(int n)
126 int i, j;
127 for(j = 0; j &lt; n; j = j + 1)
128 printf("*");
129 printf("\n");
130 for(i = 0; i &lt; n-2; i = i + 1)
132 printf("*");
133 for(j = 0; j &lt; n-2; j = j + 1)
134 printf(" ");
135 printf("*\n");
137 for(j = 0; j &lt; n; j = j + 1)
138 printf("*");
139 printf("\n");
140 return 0;
142 </pre>
143 A box of size 1 or 2 doesn't have all three parts.
144 If you want the function to handle those sizes more appropriately,
145 here are the
146 necessary
148 modifications:
149 <pre>
150 int printbox(int n)
152 int i, j;
153 for(j = 0; j &lt; n; j = j + 1)
154 printf("*");
155 printf("\n");
156 for(i = 0; i &lt; n-2; i = i + 1)
158 printf("*");
159 for(j = 0; j &lt; n-2; j = j + 1)
160 printf(" ");
161 if(n &gt; 1)
162 printf("*\n");
164 if(n &gt; 1)
166 for(j = 0; j &lt; n; j = j + 1)
167 printf("*");
168 printf("\n");
170 return 0;
172 </pre>
173 <p>Exercise 1.
174 <I>Write code to sum the elements of an array of <TT>int</TT>.
175 </I><p>Here is a little array-summing function:
176 <pre>
177 int sumnum(int a[], int n)
179 int i;
180 int sum = 0;
181 for(i = 0; i &lt; n; i = i + 1)
182 sum = sum + a[i];
183 return sum;
185 </pre>
186 Here is a test program to call it:
187 <pre>
188 #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
190 int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
192 int sumnum(int [], int);
194 int main()
196 printf("%d\n", sumnum(a, 6));
197 return 0;
199 </pre>
200 <p>Exercise 2.
201 <I>Write a loop to call the <TT>multbytwo</TT> function
202 on the numbers 1-10.
203 </I><br><pre>
204 #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
206 int multbytwo(int);
208 int main()
210 int i;
211 for(i = 1; i &lt;= 10; i++)
212 printf("%d %d\n", i, multbytwo(i));
213 return 0;
215 </pre>
216 <p>Exercise 3.
217 <I>Write a <TT>square()</TT> function
218 and use it to print the squares of the numbers 1-10.
219 </I><p>The squaring function is quite simple:
220 <pre>
221 int square(int x)
223 return x * x;
225 </pre>
226 Here is a loop and main program to call it:
227 <pre>
228 #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
230 int square(int);
232 int main()
234 int i;
236 for(i = 1; i &lt;= 10; i = i + 1)
237 printf("%d %d\n", i, square(i));
239 return 0;
241 </pre>
242 <p>Exercise 4.
243 <I>Write a <TT>printnchars</TT> function,
244 and use it to rewrite the triangle-printing program.
245 </I><p>Here is the function:
246 <pre>
247 void printnchars(int ch, int n)
249 int i;
251 for(i = 0; i &lt; n; i++)
252 printf("%c", ch);
254 </pre>
255 Here is the rewritten triangle-printing program:
256 <pre>
257 #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
259 int main()
261 int i;
263 for(i = 1; i &lt;= 10; i = i + 1)
265 printnchars('*', i);
266 printf("\n");
269 return 0;
271 </pre>
272 <p>Exercise 5.
273 <I>Write a function to compute the factorial of a number,
274 and use it to print the factorials of the numbers 1-7.
275 </I><p>Here is the function:
276 <pre>
277 int factorial(int x)
279 int i;
280 int fact = 1;
281 for(i = 2; i &lt;= x; i = i + 1)
282 fact = fact * i;
283 return fact;
285 </pre>
286 Here is a driver program:
287 <pre>
288 #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
290 int factorial(int);
292 int main()
294 int i;
296 for(i = 1; i &lt;= 7; i = i + 1)
297 printf("%d %d\n", i, factorial(i));
299 return 0;
301 </pre>
302 <p>The answer to the ``extra credit'' problem is that to
303 portably compute factorials beyond <TT>factorial(7)</TT>,
304 it would be necessary to declare the <TT>factorial()</TT>
305 function as returning <TT>long int</TT>
306 (and to declare its local <TT>fact</TT> variable as
307 <TT>long int</TT> as well,
308 and to use <TT>%ld</TT> in the call to <TT>printf</TT>).
309 8! (``eight factorial'') is 40320,
310 but remember,
311 type <TT>int</TT> is only guaranteed to hold integers up to 32767.
312 <p>(Some machines, but not all,
313 have <TT>int</TT>s that can hold more than 32767,
314 so computing larger factorials on those machines would happen to work,
315 but not portably.
316 Some textbooks would tell you to
317 ``use <TT>long int</TT>
318 if your machine has 16-bit <TT>int</TT>s,''
319 but why write code two different ways depending on what kind of
320 machine you happen to be using today?
321 I prefer to say,
322 ``Use <TT>long int</TT>
323 if you would like results greater than 32767.'')
324 <p>Exercise 6.
325 <I>Write a function <TT>celsius()</TT>
326 to convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius.
327 Use it to print a Fahrenheit-to-Centigrade table
328 for -40 to 220 degrees Fahrenheit, in increments of 10 degrees.
329 </I><p>Here is the function:
330 <pre>
331 double celsius(double f)
333 return 5. / 9. * (f - 32);
335 </pre>
336 Here is the driver program:
337 <pre>
338 #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
340 double celsius(double);
342 int main()
344 double f;
346 for(f = -40; f &lt;= 220; f = f + 10)
347 printf("%f\t%f\n", f, celsius(f));
349 return 0;
351 </pre>
352 <p>Exercise 7.
353 <I>Modify the dice-rolling program
354 so that it computes the average
355 (and, optionally, the standard deviation)
356 of all the rolls of the pair of dice.
357 </I><p>The new code involves declaring new variables
358 <TT>sum</TT>, <TT>n</TT>, and <TT>mean</TT>
359 (and, for the extra credit problem, <TT>sumsq</TT> and <TT>stdev</TT>),
360 adding code in the main dice-rolling loop to update <TT>sum</TT> and <TT>n</TT>
361 (and maybe also <TT>sumsq</TT>),
362 and finally adding code at the end to compute the mean
363 (and standard deviation)
364 and print them out.
365 <pre>
366 #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
367 #include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
368 #include &lt;math.h&gt;
370 int main()
372 int i;
373 int d1, d2;
374 int a[13]; /* uses [2..12] */
375 double sum = 0;
376 double sumsq = 0;
377 int n = 0;
378 double mean;
379 double stdev;
381 for(i = 2; i &lt;= 12; i = i + 1)
382 a[i] = 0;
384 for(i = 0; i &lt; 100; i = i + 1)
386 d1 = rand() % 6 + 1;
387 d2 = rand() % 6 + 1;
388 a[d1 + d2] = a[d1 + d2] + 1;
389 sum = sum + d1 + d2;
390 sumsq = sumsq + (d1 + d2) * (d1 + d2);
391 n = n + 1;
394 for(i = 2; i &lt;= 12; i = i + 1)
395 printf("%d: %d\n", i, a[i]);
397 printf("\n");
398 mean = sum / n;
399 stdev = sqrt((sumsq - sum * sum / n) / (n - 1));
400 printf("average: %f\n", mean);
401 printf("std. dev.: %f\n", stdev);
403 return 0;
405 </pre>
406 <p>Exercise 8.
407 <I>Write a <TT>randrange</TT> function.
408 </I><p>Here is a straightforward implementation
409 of <TT>randrange2</TT>:
410 <pre>
411 #include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
413 int randrange2(int m, int n)
415 return rand() % (n - m + 1) + m;
417 </pre>
418 Here is one using the suggested ``better way of reducing the
419 range of the <TT>rand</TT> function'':
420 <pre>
421 #include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
423 int randrange2(int m, int n)
425 return rand() / (RAND_MAX / (n - m + 1) + 1) + m;
427 </pre>
428 Notice that I've replaced N in the suggested general form
429 with the expression <TT>n - m + 1</TT>.
430 <p>You could implement the simpler <TT>randrange</TT> function either as
431 <pre>
432 int randrange(int n)
434 return rand() % n + 1;
436 </pre>
437 or, using the improvement,
438 <pre>
439 int randrange(int n)
441 return rand() / (RAND_MAX / n + 1) + 1;
443 </pre>
445 by writing it ``on top of''
446 the more general <TT>randrange2</TT>
447 you already wrote,
448 <pre>
449 int randrange(int n)
451 return randrange2(1, n);
453 </pre>
454 <p>The various ``fudge factors'' in these expressions
455 deserve some explanation.
456 The first
457 one is straightforward:
458 The <TT>+ 1</TT> in <TT>(n - m + 1)</TT>
459 simply gives us the number of numbers in the range <TT>m</TT> to
460 <TT>n</TT>, <em>including</em> <TT>m</TT> and <TT>n</TT>.
461 (Leaving out the <TT>+ 1</TT> in this case is the classic
462 example of a <dfn>fencepost error</dfn>,
463 named after the old puzzle,
465 ``How many pickets are there in
466 a picket fence ten feet long, with the pickets one foot apart?'')
467 <p>The other <TT>+1</TT> is a bit trickier.
468 First let's consider the second implementation of <TT>randrange</TT>.
469 We want to divide <TT>rand</TT>'s output by some number
470 so that the results will come out in the range 0 to <TT>n - </TT>1.
471 (Then we'll add in 1 to get numbers in the range 1
472 through <TT>n</TT>.)
473 Left to its own devices,
474 <TT>rand</TT> will return numbers in the range 0 to <TT>RAND_MAX</TT>
475 (where <TT>RAND_MAX</TT> is a
477 constant defined for us in <TT>&lt;stdlib.h&gt;</TT>).
478 The division, remember, is going to be integer division,
479 which will truncate.
480 So numbers which would have come out in the range
481 0.0 to 0.99999... (if the division were exact) will all truncate to 0,
482 numbers which would have come out in the range
483 1.0 to 1.99999... will all truncate to 1,
484 2.0 to 2.99999... will all truncate to 2,
485 etc.
486 If we were to divide <TT>rand</TT>'s output
487 by the quantity
488 <pre>
489 RAND_MAX / n
490 </pre>
491 that is, if we were to write
492 <pre>
493 rand() / (RAND_MAX / n)
494 </pre>
495 then when <TT>rand</TT> returned <TT>RAND_MAX</TT>,
496 the division
497 could
498 yield exactly
499 <TT>n</TT>,
500 which is one too many.
501 (This wouldn't happen too often--only when <TT>rand</TT>
502 returned that one value, its maximum value--but it would be a
503 bug, and a hard one to find, because it wouldn't show up very
504 often.)
505 So if we add one to the denominator,
506 that is,
507 divide by the quantity
508 <pre>
509 RAND_MAX / n + 1
510 </pre>
511 then when <TT>rand</TT> returns <TT>RAND_MAX</TT>,
512 the division will yield a number just shy of
513 <TT>n</TT>,
514 which will then be truncated to
515 <TT>n - </TT>1,
516 which is just what we want.
517 We add in 1, and we're done.
518 <p>In the case of the more general <TT>randrange2</TT>,
519 everything we've said applies,
520 with <TT>n</TT> replaced by <TT>n - m + 1</TT>.
521 Dividing by
522 <pre>
523 RAND_MAX / (n - m + 1)
524 </pre>
525 would occasionally give us a number one too big
526 (<TT>n + 1</TT>, after adding in <TT>m</TT>),
527 so we divide by
528 <pre>
529 RAND_MAX / (n - m + 1) + 1
530 </pre>
531 instead.
532 <p>Finally, just two lines in the dice-rolling program would need
533 to be changed
534 to make use of the new function:
535 <pre>
536 d1 = randrange(6);
537 d2 = randrange(6);
538 </pre>
540 <pre>
541 d1 = randrange2(1, 6);
542 d2 = randrange2(1, 6);
543 </pre>
544 <p>The answer to the extra-credit portion of the exercise
545 is that under some compilers,
546 the output of the <TT>rand</TT> function
547 is not quite as random as you might wish.
548 In particular, it's not uncommon for the <TT>rand</TT> funciton
549 to produce alternately even and odd numbers,
550 such that if you repeatedly compute <TT>rand % 2</TT>,
551 you'll get the decidedly non-random sequence 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1... .
552 It's for this reason that
553 the slightly more elaborate range-reduction techniques
554 involving the constant <TT>RAND_MAX</TT>
555 are recommended.
556 <p>Exercise 9.
557 <I>Rewrite the dice-rolling program to also print a histogram.
558 </I><br><pre>
559 #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
560 #include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
562 int main()
564 int i;
565 int d1, d2;
566 int a[13]; /* uses [2..12] */
568 for(i = 2; i &lt;= 12; i = i + 1)
569 a[i] = 0;
571 for(i = 0; i &lt; 100; i = i + 1)
573 d1 = rand() % 6 + 1;
574 d2 = rand() % 6 + 1;
575 a[d1 + d2] = a[d1 + d2] + 1;
578 for(i = 2; i &lt;= 12; i = i + 1)
580 printf("%d: %d\t", i, a[i]);
581 printnchars('*', a[i]);
582 printf("\n");
585 return 0;
587 </pre>
588 The <TT>\t</TT> in the second-to-last call to <TT>printf</TT>
589 prints a tab character,
590 so that the histogram bars will all be lined up,
591 regardless of the number of digits
592 in the particular values of <TT>i</TT> or <TT>a[i]</TT>.
593 Another possibility would be to use <TT>printf</TT>'s
594 width specifier
595 (which we haven't really covered yet)
596 to keep the digits lined up.
597 That approach might look like this:
598 <pre>
599 printf("%2d: %3d ", i, a[i])
600 </pre>
601 <hr>
602 <hr>
604 This page by <a href="http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/">Steve Summit</a>
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