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9 <title>Chapter 24: Pointers To Functions</title>
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15 <H1>Chapter 24: Pointers To Functions</H1>
17 <p>The pointers we have looked at so far
18 have all been pointers to various types of data objects,
19 but it is also possible to have pointers to functions.
20 Pointers to functions are useful
21 for approximately the same reasons as pointers to data:
22 when you want an extra level of indirection,
23 when you'd like the same piece of code
24 to call different functions depending on circumstances.
25 </p><p><a href="sx10a.html" rel=subdocument>24.1 Declaring, Assigning, and Using Function Pointers</a></p>
26 <p><a href="sx10b.html" rel=subdocument>24.2 What are Function Pointers Good For?</a></p>
27 <p><a href="sx10c.html" rel=subdocument>24.3 Function Pointers and Prototypes</a></p>
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37 This page by <a href="http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/">Steve Summit</a>
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