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9 <title>15.4: Pointers to Structures</title>
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15 <H2>15.4: Pointers to Structures</H2>
17 <p>[This section corresponds to K&amp;R Sec. 6.4]
18 </p><p>Pointers in C are general; we can have pointers to any type.
19 It turns out that pointers to structures are particularly useful.
20 </p><p>We declare pointers to structures
21 the same way we declare any other pointers:
22 by preceding the variable name with an asterisk in the declaration.
23 We could declare two pointers to <TT>struct complex</TT>
24 with
25 <pre>
26 struct complex *p1, *p2;
27 </pre>
28 And, as before,
29 we could set these pointers to point to actual variables of type complex:
30 <pre>
31 p1 = &amp;c2;
32 p2 = &amp;c3;
33 </pre>
34 Then,
35 <pre>
36 *p1 = *p2
37 </pre>
38 would copy the structure pointed to by <TT>p2</TT>
39 to the structure pointed to by <TT>p1</TT>
40 (i.e. <TT>c3</TT> to <TT>c2</TT>),
41 and
42 <pre>
43 p1 = p2
44 </pre>
45 would set <TT>p1</TT> to point wherever <TT>p2</TT> points.
46 (None of this is new,
47 these are the obvious analogs of how all
49 pointer assignments work.)
50 If we wanted to access the member of a pointed-to structure,
51 it would be a tiny bit messy--first
52 we'd have to use <TT>*</TT> to get the structure pointed to,
53 then <TT>.</TT> to access the desired member.
54 Furthermore,
55 since <TT>.</TT> has higher precedence than <TT>*</TT>,
56 we'd have to use parentheses:
57 <pre>
58 (*p1).real
59 </pre>
60 (Without the parentheses,
61 i.e. if we wrote simply <TT>*p1.real</TT>,
62 we'd be taking the structure <TT>p1</TT>,
63 selecting its member named <TT>real</TT>,
64 and accessing the value that <TT>p1.real</TT> points to,
65 which would be doubly nonfunctional,
66 since the <TT>real</TT> member is in our ongoing example not a pointer,
67 and <TT>p1</TT> is not a structure
68 but rather a pointer to a structure,
69 so the <TT>.</TT> operator won't work on it.)
70 </p><p>Since pointers to structures are common,
71 and the parentheses in the example above are a nuisance,
72 there's another structure selection operator
73 which works on pointers to structures.
74 If <TT>p</TT> is a pointer to a structure
75 and <TT>m</TT> is a member of that structure,
76 then
77 <pre>
78 p-&gt;m
79 </pre>
80 selects that member of the pointed-to structure.
81 The expression <TT>p-&gt;m</TT> is therefore exactly equivalent to
82 <pre>
83 (*p).m
84 </pre>
85 </p><hr>
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94 This page by <a href="http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/">Steve Summit</a>
95 // <a href="copyright.html">Copyright</a> 1996-1999
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