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15 <H2>C Preprocessor</H2>
17 <p>If you're careful,
18 it's possible
19 (and
20 can be
21 useful)
22 to use <TT>#include</TT> within a header file,
23 so that you end up with ``nested header files.''
24 </p><p>It's possible to use <TT>#define</TT>
25 to define ``function-like'' macros
26 that accept arguments;
27 the expansion of the macro can therefore depend on the
28 arguments it's ``invoked'' with.
29 </p><p>Two special preprocessing operators <TT>#</TT> and <TT>##</TT>
30 let you control the expansion of macro arguments
31 in fancier ways.
32 </p><p>The preprocessor directive <TT>#if</TT> lets you conditionally
33 include (or, with <TT>#else</TT>, conditionally not include)
34 a section of code depending on some arbitrary compile-time expression.
35 (<TT>#if</TT> can also do the same macro-definedness tests
36 as <TT>#ifdef</TT> and <TT>#ifndef</TT>,
37 because the expression can
38 use
39 a <TT>defined()</TT> operator.)
40 </p><p>Other preprocessing directives are
41 <TT>#elif</TT>, <TT>#error</TT>,
42 <TT>#line</TT>, and <TT>#pragma</TT>.
43 </p><p>There are a few predefined preprocessor macros,
44 some required by the C standard,
45 others perhaps defined by
46 particular compilation environments.
47 These are useful for conditional compilation
48 (<TT>#ifdef</TT>, <TT>#ifndef</TT>).
49 </p><hr>
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58 This page by <a href="http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/">Steve Summit</a>
59 // <a href="copyright.html">Copyright</a> 1995, 1996
60 // <a href="mailto:scs@eskimo.com">mail feedback</a>
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