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9 <title>section 7.8.1: String Operations</title>
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15 <H2>section 7.8.1: String Operations</H2>
17 page 166
18 <p>One thing to beware of is that <TT>strcpy</TT>'s
19 arguments--more
20 precisely, the strings pointed to by its
21 arguments--must
22 not overlap.
24 </p><p>Another string function we've seen is <TT>strstr</TT>:
25 </p><p><TT>strstr(s,t)</TT> return pointer to first <TT>t</TT> in <TT>s</TT>, or <TT>NULL</TT> if not present
26 </p><hr>
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35 This page by <a href="http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/">Steve Summit</a>
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