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15 <H2>section 7.8.3: Ungetc</H2>
17 <p>There's not much more to say about <TT>ungetc</TT>,
18 but two more stdio functions which
19 might
20 deserve mention are
21 <TT>fread</TT> and <TT>fwrite</TT>.
22 </p><p><TT>getc</TT> and <TT>putc</TT>
23 (and <TT>getchar</TT> and <TT>putchar</TT>)
24 allow you to read and write a character at a time,
25 while
26 <TT>fgets</TT> and <TT>fputs</TT> read and write a line at a time.
27 The <TT>printf</TT> family of routines does formatted output,
28 and the <TT>scanf</TT> family does formatted input.
29 But what if you want to read or write a big block of
30 unformatted characters, not necessarily one line long?
31 You could use <TT>getc</TT> or <TT>putc</TT> in a loop,
32 but another solution is to use
33 the <TT>fread</TT> and <TT>fwrite</TT> functions,
34 which are
35 (briefly) described in appendix B1.5 on page 247.
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45 This page by <a href="http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/">Steve Summit</a>
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