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9 <title>16.4: Line Input and Output
10 (<TT>fgets</TT>, <TT>fputs</TT>, etc.)</title>
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16 <H2>16.4: Line Input and Output
17 (<TT>fgets</TT>, <TT>fputs</TT>, etc.)</H2>
19 <p>The function
20 <pre>
21 char *gets(char *line)
22 </pre>
23 reads the next line of text
24 (i.e. up to the next <TT>\n</TT>)
25 from the standard input
26 and places the characters
27 (except for the <TT>\n</TT>)
28 in the character array
30 pointed to by <TT>line</TT>.
31 It returns a pointer to the line
32 (that is,
33 it returns the same pointer value you gave it),
34 unless it reaches end-of-file,
35 in which case it returns a null pointer.
36 It is assumed that <TT>line</TT> points to enough memory
37 to hold all of the characters read,
38 plus a terminating <TT>\0</TT>
39 (so that the line will be usable as a string).
40 Since there's usually no way for anyone to guarantee
41 that the array is big enough,
42 and no way
43 for <TT>gets</TT>
44 to check it,
45 <TT>gets</TT> is actually a useless function,
46 and no serious program should call it.
47 </p><p>The function
48 <pre>
49 char *fgets(char *line, int max, FILE *fp)
50 </pre>
51 is somewhat more useful.
52 It reads the next line of input from the stream <TT>fp</TT>
53 and places the characters,
54 <em>including</em> the <TT>\n</TT>,
55 in the character array pointed to by <TT>line</TT>.
56 The second argument, <TT>max</TT>,
57 gives the maximum number of characters to be written to the array,
58 and is usually the size of the array.
59 Like <TT>gets</TT>,
60 <TT>fgets</TT> returns a pointer to the line it reads,
61 or a null pointer if it reaches end-of-file.
63 Unlike <TT>gets</TT>,
64 <TT>fgets</TT> does include the <TT>\n</TT>
65 in the string it copies to the array.
66 Therefore,
67 the number of characters in the line,
68 plus
69 the <TT>\n</TT>,
70 plus
71 the <TT>\0</TT>,
72 will always be less than or equal to <TT>max</TT>.
73 (If <TT>fgets</TT> reads <TT>max-1</TT> characters
74 without finding a <TT>\n</TT>,
75 it stops reading there,
76 copies a <TT>\0</TT> to the last element of the array,
77 and leaves the rest of the line to be read next time.)
78 Since <TT>fgets</TT> does let you guarantee
79 that the line being read won't go off the end of the array,
80 you should always use <TT>fgets</TT> instead of <TT>gets</TT>.
81 (If you want to read a line from standard input,
82 you can just pass the constant <TT>stdin</TT> as the third argument.)
83 If you'd rather not have the <TT>\n</TT> retained in the input line,
84 you can either remove it right after calling <TT>fgets</TT>
85 (perhaps by calling <TT>strchr</TT>
86 and overwriting the <TT>\n</TT> with a <TT>\0</TT>),
87 or maybe call the <TT>getline</TT> or <TT>fgetline</TT>
89 function we've been using instead.
90 (See chapters
93 and
95 12;
96 these functions are also handy
97 in that they return the length of the line read.
98 They differ from <TT>fgets</TT> in their treatment of overlong lines,
99 though.)
100 </p><p>The function
101 <pre>
102 int puts(char *line)
103 </pre>
104 writes the string pointed to by <TT>line</TT> to the standard output,
105 and writes a <TT>\n</TT> to terminate it.
106 It returns a nonnegative value
107 (we don't really care what the value is)
108 unless there's some kind of a write error,
109 in which case it returns <TT>EOF</TT>.
110 </p><p>Finally,
111 the function
112 <pre>
113 int fputs(char *line, FILE *fp)
114 </pre>
115 writes the string pointed to by <TT>line</TT>
116 to the stream <TT>fp</TT>.
117 Like <TT>puts</TT>,
118 <TT>fputs</TT> returns a nonnegative value
119 or <TT>EOF</TT> on error.
120 Unlike <TT>puts</TT>,
121 <TT>fputs</TT> does <em>not</em> automatically append a <TT>\n</TT>.
122 </p><hr>
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131 This page by <a href="http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/">Steve Summit</a>
132 // <a href="copyright.html">Copyright</a> 1996-1999
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