1 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------
3 ; Based on keyboard.asm from MikeOS
4 ; Use Z key rightwards for an octave
5 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------
9 [ORG 0x0000000000200000]
22 ; And start matching keys with notes
27 call b_print_char
; Print note
35 call b_print_char
; Print note
43 call b_print_char
; Print note
51 call b_print_char
; Print note
59 call b_print_char
; Print note
67 call b_print_char
; Print note
102 jmp .retry
; Didn't get any key we were expecting so try again.
109 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------
111 startstring: db 'Musical keyboard. Use "Z"-"," to play notes. Space to stop the note. Q to quit.', 0