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4 <TITLE>80386 Programmer's Reference Manual -- Opcode LAR
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14 <H1>LAR -- Load Access Rights Byte
17 Opcode Instruction Clocks Description
19 0F
02 /r LAR r16,r/m16 pm=
16 r16 := r/m16 masked by FF00
20 0F
02 /r LAR r32,r/m32 pm=
16 r32 := r/m32 masked by
25 The LAR instruction stores a marked form of the second doubleword of
26 the descriptor for the source selector if the selector is visible at the
27 CPL (modified by the selector's RPL) and is a valid descriptor type. The
28 destination register is loaded with the high-order doubleword of the
29 descriptor masked by
00FxFF00, and ZF is set to
1. The x indicates that the
30 four bits corresponding to the upper four bits of the limit are undefined in
31 the value loaded by LAR. If the selector is invisible or of the wrong type,
34 If the
32-bit operand size is specified, the entire
32-bit value is loaded
35 into the
32-bit destination register. If the
16-bit operand size is
36 specified, the lower
16-bits of this value are stored in the
39 All code and data segment descriptors are valid for LAR.
41 The valid special segment and gate descriptor types for LAR are given
42 in the following table:
45 Type Name Valid/Invalid
48 1 Available
80286 TSS Valid
50 3 Busy
80286 TSS Valid
51 4 80286 call gate Valid
52 5 80286/
80386 task gate Valid
53 6 80286 trap gate Valid
54 7 80286 interrupt gate Valid
56 9 Available
80386 TSS Valid
58 B Busy
80386 TSS Valid
59 C
80386 call gate Valid
61 E
80386 trap gate Valid
62 F
80386 interrupt gate Valid
65 <H2>Flags Affected
69 <H2>Protected Mode Exceptions
71 #GP(
0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS,
72 ES, FS, or GS segments; #SS(
0) for an illegal address in the SS segment;
73 #PF(fault-code) for a page fault
75 <H2>Real Address Mode Exceptions
77 Interrupt
6; LAR is unrecognized in Real Address Mode
79 <H2>Virtual
8086 Mode Exceptions
81 Same exceptions as in Real Address Mode
87 <B>up:
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88 Chapter
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80386 Instruction Set
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</B><A HREF=
"LAHF.htm"> LAHF Load Flags into AH Register
90 <B>next:
</B><A HREF=
"LEA.htm"> LEA Load Effective Address