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4 <TITLE>80386 Programmer's Reference Manual -- Opcode SAHF
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14 <H1>SAHF -- Store AH into Flags
17 Opcode Instruction Clocks Description
19 9E SAHF
3 Store AH into flags SF ZF xx AF xx PF xx CF
25 SF:ZF:xx:AF:xx:PF:xx:CF := AH;
30 SAHF loads the flags listed above with values from the AH register,
31 from bits
2, and
0, respectively.
33 <H2>Flags Affected
35 SF, ZF, AF, PF, and CF as described above
37 <H2>Protected Mode Exceptions
41 <H2>Real Address Mode Exceptions
45 <H2>Virtual
8086 Mode Exceptions
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80386 Instruction Set
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"RET.htm"> RET Return from Procedure
56 <B>next:
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"SAL.htm"> SAL/SAR/SHL/SHR Shift Instructions