1 ; =============================================================================
2 ; BareMetal -- a 64-bit OS written in Assembly for x86-64 systems
3 ; Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Return Infinity -- see LICENSE.TXT
6 ; =============================================================================
13 hextable: db '0123456789ABCDEF'
16 system_status_header: db 'BareMetal v0.5.3', 0
17 readymsg: db 'BareMetal is ready.', 0
18 networkmsg: db 'Network Address: ', 0
22 appextension: db '.APP', 0
23 memory_message: db 'Not enough system memory for CPU stacks! System halted.', 0
24 startupapp: db 'startup.app', 0
27 hdbuffer0: equ 0x0000000000070000 ; 32768 bytes 0x070000 -> 0x077FFF
28 hdbuffer1: equ 0x0000000000078000 ; 32768 bytes 0x078000 -> 0x07FFFF
29 cli_temp_string: equ 0x0000000000080000 ; 1024 bytes 0x080000 -> 0x0803FF
30 os_temp_string: equ 0x0000000000080400 ; 1024 bytes 0x080400 -> 0x0807FF
31 secbuffer0: equ 0x0000000000080800 ; 512 bytes 0x080800 -> 0x0809FF
32 secbuffer1: equ 0x0000000000080A00 ; 512 bytes 0x080A00 -> 0x080BFF
33 os_args: equ 0x0000000000080C00
34 os_KernelStart: equ 0x0000000000100000 ; 65536 bytes 0x100000 -> 0x10FFFF - Location of Kernel
35 os_SystemVariables: equ 0x0000000000110000 ; 65536 bytes 0x110000 -> 0x11FFFF - Location of System Variables
36 os_MemoryMap: equ 0x0000000000120000 ; 131072 bytes 0x120000 -> 0x13FFFF - Location of Memory Map - Room to map 256 GiB with 2 MiB pages
37 os_EthernetBuffer: equ 0x0000000000140000 ; 262144 bytes 0x140000 -> 0x17FFFF - Location of Ethernet RX Ring Buffer - Room for 170 packets
38 os_screen: equ 0x0000000000180000 ; 4096 bytes 80x25x2 = 4000
39 os_ethernet_rx_buffer: equ 0x00000000001C0000
40 os_eth_rx_buffer: equ 0x00000000001C8000
41 os_ethernet_tx_buffer: equ 0x00000000001D0000
42 os_eth_tx_buffer: equ 0x00000000001D8000
43 os_eth_temp_buffer: equ 0x00000000001E0000
44 cpustatus: equ 0x00000000001FEF00 ; Location of CPU status data (256 bytes) Bit 0 = Avaiable, Bit 1 = Free/Busy
45 cpuqueue: equ 0x00000000001FF000 ; Location of CPU Queue. Each queue item is 16 bytes. (4KiB before the 2MiB mark, Room for 256 entries)
46 programlocation: equ 0x0000000000200000 ; Location in memory where programs are loaded (the start of 2MiB)
48 ; DQ - Starting at offset 0, increments by 0x8
49 os_LocalAPICAddress: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 0x00
50 os_IOAPICAddress: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 0x08
51 os_ClockCounter: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 0x10
52 os_RandomSeed: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 0x18 ; Seed for RNG
53 screen_cursor_offset: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 0x20
54 hd1_maxlba: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 0x28 ; 64-bit value since at most it will hold a 48-bit value
55 os_StackBase: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 0x30
56 os_net_transmit: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 0x38
57 os_net_poll: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 0x40
58 os_net_ack_int: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 0x48
59 os_NetIOBaseMem: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 0x50
60 os_NetMAC: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 0x58
62 ; DD - Starting at offset 128, increments by 4
63 cpu_speed: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 128 ; in MHz
64 hd1_size: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 132 ; Size in MiB
65 ip: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 136 ; IPv4 Address
66 sn: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 140 ; IPv4 Subnet
67 gw: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 144 ; IPv4 Gateway
69 ; DW - Starting at offset 256, increments by 2
70 os_MemAmount: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 256 ; in MiB
71 os_NumCores: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 258
72 cpuqueuestart: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 260
73 cpuqueuefinish: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 262
74 os_QueueLen: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 264
75 os_QueueLock: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 266 ; Bit 0 clear for unlocked, set for locked.
76 os_NetIOAddress: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 268
77 os_EthernetBusyLock: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 270
79 ; DB - Starting at offset 384, increments by 1
80 cursorx: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 384 ; cursor row location
81 cursory: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 385 ; cursor column location
82 scancode: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 386
83 key: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 387
84 key_shift: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 388
85 screen_cursor_x: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 389
86 screen_cursor_y: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 390
87 hd1_enable: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 391 ; 1 if the drive is there and enabled
88 hd1_lba48: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 392 ; 1 if LBA48 is allowed
89 os_PCIEnabled: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 393 ; 1 if PCI is detected
90 os_NetEnabled: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 394 ; 1 if a supported network card was enabled
91 os_NetIRQ: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 395 ; Set to Interrupt line that NIC is connected to
92 os_NetActivity_TX: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 396
93 os_NetActivity_RX: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 397
94 os_EthernetBuffer_C1: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 398 ; Counter 1 for the Ethernet RX Ring Buffer
95 os_EthernetBuffer_C2: equ os_SystemVariables
+ 399 ; Counter 2 for the Ethernet RX Ring Buffer
99 screen_rows: db 25 ; x
100 screen_cols: db 80 ; y
101 os_show_sysstatus: db 1
104 os_debug_dump_reg_stage: db 0x00
107 fat16_FatStart: dd 0x00000000
108 fat16_TotalSectors: dd 0x00000000
109 fat16_DataStart: dd 0x00000000
110 fat16_RootStart: dd 0x00000000
111 fat16_PartitionOffset: dd 0x00000000
112 fat16_ReservedSectors: dw 0x0000
113 fat16_RootDirEnts: dw 0x0000
114 fat16_SectorsPerFat: dw 0x0000
115 fat16_BytesPerSector: dw 0x0000
116 fat16_SectorsPerCluster: db 0x00
121 db 0x00, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=', 0x0e, 0, 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', 'o', 'p', '[', ']', 0x1c, 0, 'a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', ';', 0, '`', 0, 0, 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v', 'b', 'n', 'm', ',', '.', '/', 0, 0, 0, ' ', 0
123 db 0x00, 0, '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', 0x0e, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '{', '}', 0x1c, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ':', 0, '~', 0, 0, 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', '<', '>', '?', 0, 0, 0, ' ', 0
127 palette: ; These colors are in RGB format. Each color byte is actually 6 bits (0x00 - 0x3F)
128 db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ; 0 Black
129 db 0x33, 0x00, 0x00 ; 1 Red
130 db 0x0F, 0x26, 0x01 ; 2 Green
131 db 0x0D, 0x19, 0x29 ; 3 Blue
132 db 0x31, 0x28, 0x00 ; 4 Orange
133 db 0x1D, 0x14, 0x1E ; 5 Purple
134 db 0x01, 0x26, 0x26 ; 6 Teal
135 db 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A ; 7 Light Gray
136 db 0x15, 0x15, 0x15 ; 8 Dark Gray
137 db 0x3B, 0x0A, 0x0A ; 9 Bright Red
138 db 0x22, 0x38, 0x0D ; 10 Bright Green
139 db 0x1C, 0x27, 0x33 ; 11 Bright Blue
140 db 0x3F, 0x3A, 0x13 ; 12 Yellow
141 db 0x2B, 0x1F, 0x2A ; 13 Bright Purple
142 db 0x0D, 0x38, 0x38 ; 14 Bright Teal
143 db 0x3F, 0x3F, 0x3F ; 15 White
146 os_debug_dump_reg_string00: db ' A:', 0
147 os_debug_dump_reg_string01: db ' B:', 0
148 os_debug_dump_reg_string02: db ' C:', 0
149 os_debug_dump_reg_string03: db ' D:', 0
150 os_debug_dump_reg_string04: db ' SI:', 0
151 os_debug_dump_reg_string05: db ' DI:', 0
152 os_debug_dump_reg_string06: db ' BP:', 0
153 os_debug_dump_reg_string07: db ' SP:', 0
154 os_debug_dump_reg_string08: db ' 8:', 0
155 os_debug_dump_reg_string09: db ' 9:', 0
156 os_debug_dump_reg_string0A: db ' 10:', 0
157 os_debug_dump_reg_string0B: db ' 11:', 0
158 os_debug_dump_reg_string0C: db ' 12:', 0
159 os_debug_dump_reg_string0D: db ' 13:', 0
160 os_debug_dump_reg_string0E: db ' 14:', 0
161 os_debug_dump_reg_string0F: db ' 15:', 0
162 os_debug_dump_reg_string10: db ' RF:', 0
164 os_debug_dump_flag_string0: db ' C:', 0
165 os_debug_dump_flag_string1: db ' Z:', 0
166 os_debug_dump_flag_string2: db ' S:', 0
167 os_debug_dump_flag_string3: db ' D:', 0
168 os_debug_dump_flag_string4: db ' O:', 0
171 cli_command_string: times
14 db 0
175 this_is_the_end: db 'This is the end.'
177 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
equ 8 ; defined by Pure64
181 ; =============================================================================