* add p cc
[mascara-docs.git] / compilers / pcc / pcc-1.0.0 / f77 / fcom / gram.head
1 %{
3 #include "defines.h"
4 #include "defs.h"
6 static int nstars;
7 static int ndim;
8 static int vartype;
9 static ftnint varleng;
10 struct uux dims[8];
11 static struct labelblock *labarray[100];
12 static int lastwasbranch = NO;
13 static int thiswasbranch = NO;
17 /* Specify precedences and associativies. */
19 %left SCOMMA
20 %nonassoc SCOLON
21 %right SEQUALS
22 %left SEQV SNEQV
23 %left SOR
24 %left SAND
25 %left SNOT
26 %nonassoc SLT SGT SLE SGE SEQ SNE
27 %left SCONCAT
30 %right SPOWER
32 %union {
33         struct labelblock *label;
34         struct extsym *extsym;
36         bigptr bigptr;
37         chainp chainp;
39         ftnint fint;
40         char *str;
41         char token;
42         int num;
45 %type <label>   thislabel label labelval
46 %type <str>     filename
47 %type <num>     SLABEL type dcl typename addop relop
48                 stop nameeq
49 %type <extsym>  progname entryname common comblock
50 %type <bigptr>  name var call lhs simple inelt other bit_const
51                 value simple_const complex_const arg
52 %type <chainp>  args datavarlist datavar dospec funarglist funargs exprlist
53                 callarglist inlist outlist out2 equivlist arglist
54 %type <fint>    lengspec
55 %type <token>   letter
56 %type <bigptr>  uexpr callarg opt_expr unpar_fexpr ubound expr fexpr
60 program:
61         | program stat SEOS
62         ;
64 stat:     thislabel entry
65                 { lastwasbranch = NO; }
66         | thislabel  spec
67         | thislabel  exec
68                 { if($1 && ($1->labelno==dorange))
69                         enddo($1->labelno);
70                   if(lastwasbranch && thislabel==NULL)
71                         warn1("statement cannot be reached");
72                   lastwasbranch = thiswasbranch;
73                   thiswasbranch = NO;
74                 }
75         | thislabel SINCLUDE filename
76                 { doinclude( $3 ); }
77         | thislabel  SEND  end_spec
78                 { lastwasbranch = NO;  endproc(); }
79         | thislabel SUNKNOWN
80                 { execerr("unclassifiable statement", 0);  flline(); }
81         | error
82                 { flline();  needkwd = NO;  inioctl = NO; 
83                   yyerrok; yyclearin; }
84         ;
86 thislabel:  SLABEL
87                 {
88                 if($1)
89                         {
90                         $$ = thislabel =  mklabel( (ftnint) $1);
91                         if( ! headerdone )
92                                 puthead(NULL);
93                         if(thislabel->labdefined)
94                                 execerr("label %s already defined",
95                                         convic(thislabel->stateno) );
96                         else    {
97                                 if(thislabel->blklevel!=0 && thislabel->blklevel<blklevel
98                                     && thislabel->labtype!=LABFORMAT)
99                                         warn1("there is a branch to label %s from outside block",
100                                               convic( (ftnint) (thislabel->stateno) ) );
101                                 thislabel->blklevel = blklevel;
102                                 thislabel->labdefined = YES;
103                                 if(thislabel->labtype != LABFORMAT)
104                                         putlabel(thislabel->labelno);
105                                 }
106                         }
107                 else    $$ = thislabel = NULL;
108                 }
109         ;
111 entry:    SPROGRAM new_proc progname
112                 { startproc($3, CLMAIN); }
113         | SBLOCK new_proc progname
114                 { startproc($3, CLBLOCK); }
115         | SSUBROUTINE new_proc entryname arglist
116                 { entrypt(CLPROC, TYSUBR, (ftnint) 0,  $3, $4); }
117         | SFUNCTION new_proc entryname arglist
118                 { entrypt(CLPROC, TYUNKNOWN, (ftnint) 0, $3, $4); }
119         | type SFUNCTION new_proc entryname arglist
120                 { entrypt(CLPROC, $1, varleng, $4, $5); }
121         | SENTRY entryname arglist
122                 { if(parstate==OUTSIDE || procclass==CLMAIN
123                         || procclass==CLBLOCK)
124                                 execerr("misplaced entry statement", 0);
125                   entrypt(CLENTRY, 0, (ftnint) 0, $2, $3);
126                 }
127         ;
129 new_proc:
130                 { newproc(); }
131         ;
133 entryname:  name
134                 { $$ = newentry($1); }
135         ;
137 name:     SFNAME
138                 { $$ = mkname(toklen, token); }
139         ;
141 progname:               { $$ = NULL; }
142         | entryname
143         ;
145 arglist:
146                 { $$ = 0; }
147         | SLPAR SRPAR
148                 { $$ = 0; }
149         | SLPAR args SRPAR
150                 {$$ = $2; }
151         ;
153 args:     arg
154                 { $$ = ($1 ? mkchain($1,0) : 0 ); }
155         | args SCOMMA arg
156                 { if($3) $1 = $$ = hookup($1, mkchain($3,0)); }
157         ;
159 arg:      name
160                 { $1->vstg = STGARG; }
161         | SSTAR
162                 { $$ = 0;  substars = YES; }
163         ;
167 filename:   SHOLLERITH
168                 {
169                 char *s;
170                 s = copyn(toklen+1, token);
171                 s[toklen] = '\0';
172                 $$ = s;
173                 }
174         ;