3 Solution of first order ODEs using Lie symmetry methods
8 [1] E. S. Cheb-Terrab, A. D. Roche, Symmetries and First Order
9 ODE Patterns, Computer Physics Communications 113 (1998), p 239.
10 (http://lie.uwaterloo.ca/papers/ode_vii.pdf)
12 [2] E. S. Cheb-Terrab, T. Koloknikov, First Order ODEs,
13 Symmetries and Linear Transformations, European Journal of
14 Applied Mathematics, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 231-246 (2003).
15 (http://arxiv.org/abs/math-ph/0404014)
16 (http://lie.uwaterloo.ca/papers/ode_iv.pdf)
18 [3] G W Bluman, S C Anco, Symmetry and Integration Methods for
19 Differential Equations, Springer, (2002)
22 Copyright (C) 2004 David Billinghurst
24 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
25 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
26 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
27 (at your option) any later version.
29 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
30 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
32 GNU General Public License for more details.
34 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
35 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
36 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
39 put('ode1_lie,001,'version)$
41 /* Solve first order ODE y' = Phi(x,y) using Lie's
42 method of symmetries */
43 ode1_lie(phi,y,x) := block(
46 ode_disp("In ode1_lie"),
48 /* Check that phi is free of dy/dx */
49 if not(freeof('diff(y,x),phi)) then (
50 ode_disp("In ode1_lie: phi not free of dy/dx"),
53 /* Look for symmetry generators [xi,eta] */
56 ode_disp("In ode1_lie: ode1_a returned false"),
59 xi:sym[1], eta:sym[2],
60 ode_disp2("In ode1_lie: xi = ",xi),
61 ode_disp2("In ode1_lie: eta = ",eta),
63 /* Check symmetry generators */
64 r:symtest(phi,xi,eta,y,x),
65 ode_disp2("In ode1_lie: symtest = ",r),
67 /* Derive integrating factor from [xi,eta] */
68 mu:lie_integrating_factor(phi,xi,eta),
70 /* Solve ODE using itegrating factor */
74 /* Determine if ODE y' = Phi(x,y)
75 has linear symmetry of form xi = F(x), eta = P(x)*y + Q(x)
77 If so, we can transform into an ODE with symmetry
78 xi = F(x), eta = H(x) for some F,H using lie_FxHx().
80 We then transform the symmetry back to the original
81 coordinate system. If x=t and y=y(u,t) then
84 = F (d/dx + (dy/dt) d/dy) + H (dy/du) d/dy
85 = F d/dx + (F (dy/dt) + H (dy/du)) d/dy
88 eta = F(dy/dt) + H(dy/du)
90 Return [xi,eta] if successful
94 ode1_a(phi,y,x) := block(
95 [ %A, %Ay, %Ayy, %Ayyy, %phi_yy, %phi_yyy ],
96 ode_disp("In ode1_a ..."),
97 ode_disp2(" phi = ",phi),
99 Using [2], eq (13),(14)
101 /* Confirm that diff(phi,y,3)#0 */
102 %phi_yy: ratsimp(diff(phi,y,2)),
103 %phi_yyy: ratsimp(diff(%phi_yy,y)),
104 if is(%phi_yyy=0) then
106 /* %phi_yyy=0 - Not covered in [2] */
107 ode_disp(" %phi_yyy = 0"),
108 return(lie_FxHx(phi,y,x))
110 %A: ratsimp(%phi_yy/%phi_yyy),
111 %Ay: ratsimp(diff(%A,y)),
112 %Ax: ratsimp(diff(%A,x)),
115 /* Case 1: diff(A,y)=0
116 Change variables using y=A*u (15) */
119 ode_disp(" ..... Case 1 true"),
120 ode_disp(" Change variables using y=A.u"),
121 ode_disp2(" where A is ",%A),
122 /* Here neweq is RHS only */
123 neweq: ratsimp((subst(%A*u,y,phi)-%Ax*u)/%A),
124 ode_disp2(" transformed equation is ",neweq),
126 /* Symmetry generators of u equation */
127 ode_disp(" Finding symmetries of transformed equation"),
128 gen:radcan(lie_FxHx(neweq,u,x)),
129 ode_disp2(" [xi,eta] = ",gen),
134 /* transform [F,H] to [xi,eta] */
135 [_F:gen[1],_H:gen[2],dydt:%Ax*y/%A,dudt:%A],
136 [_F, ratsimp(_F*dydt+_H*dudt)]
139 else if is((%Ayy:ratsimp(diff(%Ay,y)))=0) then
140 /* Case 2: diff(A,y,2)=0 and diff(A,y)#0
141 Change variables using u=ln(A) (17) */
144 ode_disp(" ..... Case 2 true"),
145 ode_disp2(" A is ",%A),
146 ode_disp2(" ln(A) is ",log(%A)),
147 sub: radcan(solve(u=log(%A),y)[1]), /* Robust enough? */
149 neweq: ratsimp(ev(phi,sub)-diff(rhs(sub),x))/diff(rhs(sub),u),
151 ode_disp2(" neweq is ",neweq),
153 /* Symmetry generators of u equation */
154 ode_disp(" Finding symmetries of transformed equation"),
155 gen:lie_FxHx(neweq,u,x),
159 /* transform [F,H] to [xi,eta] */
160 [_F:gen[1],_H:gen[2],dydt,dudt,_xi,_eta],
162 dydt:diff(rhs(sub),x),
163 dudt:diff(rhs(sub),u),
164 _eta: _F*dydt+_H*dudt,
165 /* Now eliminate u from eta */
166 _eta:subst(log(%A),u,_eta),
173 [%Axy,%eye,%Iy,%p,%px],
174 %Axy: ratsimp(diff(%Ay,x)),
175 %eye: ratsimp(%Axy/%Ayy),
176 if %eye # 0 and linear2(y,%eye) then
177 /* Case 3: diff(A,y,2)#0 and I=Axx/Ayy linear in y
178 p=exp(integrate(Iy,x))
179 Substitute y = u/p */
181 [ _F, _H, _xi, _eta, u ],
182 ode_disp(" ..... Case 3 true"),
183 if get('contrib_ode,'verbose) then
188 if not(freeof(y,%Iy)) then (
189 print("I_y not free of y in ode1_a - impossible"),
193 %p: radcan(exp(integrate(%Iy,x))),
194 ode_disp2(" p is ",%p),
196 neweq: ratsimp(%p*subst(u/%p,y,phi)+%px*u/%p),
197 ode_disp2(" neweq is ",neweq),
199 /* Symmetry generators of u equation */
200 ode_disp(" Finding symmetries of transformed equation"),
201 gen:lie_FxHx(neweq,u,x),
202 ode_disp2(" [xi,eta] = ",gen),
207 /* Now we need to transform xi and eta back to original
209 F(x).(d/dx) + H(x).(d/du)
214 ode_disp2(" _xi = ",_xi),
215 _eta: ratsimp(( _H - _F*%px*y )/%p),
216 ode_disp2(" _eta = ",_eta),
221 /* No such symmetry exists */
227 /* Determine if ODE y' = Phi(x,y)
228 has linear symmetry of form xi = F(x), eta = H(x)
230 This uses the notation from [1] E. S. Cheb-Terrab, A. D. Roche,
231 Symmetries and First Order ODE Patterns
233 lie_FxHx(Phi,y,x) := block(
234 [Phi_y, Phi_yy, Q, Q_y,_a,_b,_c,gen],
236 ode_disp2("In lie_FxHx with Phi:",Phi),
237 Phi_y: ratsimp(diff(Phi,y)),
238 Phi_yy: ratsimp(diff(Phi_y,y)),
239 ode_disp2("Phi_yy = ",Phi_yy),
241 /* Phi must be linear in y, say Phi = _a*y + _b */
242 ode_disp(" Phi_yy=0 so Phi must be linear in y"),
243 _c: bothcoef(expand(Phi),y),
245 _b: expand(second(_c)),
246 ode_disp2(" _a: ",_a),
247 ode_disp2(" _b: ",_b),
248 if not(freeof(y,_a)) then error("lie_FxHx: _a not free of ",y),
249 if not(freeof(y,_b)) then error("lie_FxHx: _b not free of ",y),
251 gen:lie_symgen_separable(_b,1,y,x)
253 gen:lie_symgen_linear(_a,_b,y,x)
255 ode_disp2(" xi: ",gen[1]),
256 ode_disp2(" eta: ",gen[2]),
259 Q:ratsimp(Phi_y/Phi_yy), /* (39) */
260 Q_y:ratsimp(diff(Q,y)),
262 if (Q_y#0) then /* Case 1: Q_y # 0 */
264 [Phi_x,Upsilon,Upsilon_x,Upsilon_y,_t,_f,_h],
265 Upsilon: ratsimp(diff(Q,x)/Q_y), /* (40) */
266 Upsilon_y: ratsimp(diff(Upsilon,y)),
267 if is(Upsilon_y#0) then return(false),
269 Upsilon_x: diff(Upsilon,x),
270 _t: ratsimp((Upsilon*Phi_y-Upsilon_x-Phi_x)/(Phi+Upsilon)),
271 if is(ratsimp(diff(_t,y))#0) then return(false),
272 _f: ratsimp(exp(integrate(_t,x))), /* (43) */
273 _h: ratsimp(-Upsilon*_f),
276 else /* Case 2: Q_y = 0 */
279 /* In this case Q is constant and Phi must have the form
280 y' = Phi(x,y) = A(x) + B(x)*exp(y/Q)
281 and F(x), H(x) are simple functions of A and B */
282 _c: bothcoef(expand(Phi),exp(y/Q)),
286 print("Impossible case in lie_FxHx. This cannot happen."),
287 error("Unknown error in lie_FxHx") ),
288 _f: exp(-integrate(_a/Q,x))/_b,
294 /* Check if [ xi(x,y), eta(x,y) ] are symmetry generators
295 of first order ode y'=phi(x,y)
297 Returns 0 when the symmetry generators are OK. If the result is
298 non-zero, then further simplification may reduce it to 0.
300 symtest(phi,xi,eta,y,x) :=
301 ratsimp( diff(eta,x) + (diff(eta,y)-diff(xi,x))*phi
302 - diff(xi,y)*phi^2 - xi*diff(phi,x) - eta*diff(phi,y) )$
304 /* Determine integrating factor of first order ode y'=phi(x,y)
305 given symmetry generators [ xi(x,y), eta(x,y) ]
307 lie_integrating_factor(phi,xi,eta) :=
308 1/ratsimp(eta-xi*phi)$
310 /* Solve DE given integrating factor */
311 lie_exact(phi,mu,y,x) := block(
313 a: integrate(mu*phi,x),
316 ratsimp(-a+integrate(ratsimp(mu+diff(a,y)),y))=%c
322 EXACT(M,N):=BLOCK([A,ynew,%c],
329 /* Find symmetry generators [ xi, eta ] of separable
330 first order ode 'diff(y,x) = phi(x,y) = f(x)*g(y)
332 Can find generator [ xi(x), 0 ] = [ 1/f, 0 ]
334 lie_symgen_separable(f,g,y,x) := block(return([1/f,0]))$
336 /* Find symmetry generators [ xi, eta ] of linear
337 first order ode 'diff(y,x) = phi(x,y) = f(x)*y + g(x)
339 Can find generator [ xi(x), eta(x) ]
341 lie_symgen_linear(f,g,y,x) := block(
343 ode_disp(" In lie_symgen_linear"),
345 ode_disp2(" xi: ",xi),
346 expintf: radcan(exp(integrate(f,x))),
347 ode_disp2(" expintf: ",expintf),
349 eta: expintf*(integrate((f*diff(g,x)-diff(f,x)*g)/(f^2*expintf),x)+%c),
350 ode_disp2(" eta: ",eta),
351 ode_disp(" and after eta:radcan(eta)"),
353 ode_disp2(" eta: ",eta),