Minor changes to share packages to quiet warnings when loading diff_form.
[maxima.git] / share / contrib / format / format.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: CLIMAX; Base: 10 -*-
2 ;;;>******************************************************************************************
3 ;;;> Software developed by Bruce R. Miller (miller@cam.nist.gov)
4 ;;;> using Symbolics Common Lisp (system 425.111, ivory revision 4)
5 ;;;> at NIST - Computing and Applied Mathematics Laboratory
6 ;;;> a part of the U.S. Government; it is therefore not subject to copyright.
7 ;;;>******************************************************************************************
8 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
9 ;;;; FORMAT: Package for restructuring expressions in Macsyma
10 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
12 (in-package :maxima)
14 (defun mrelationp (expr)
15 (and (listp expr)
16 (member (caar expr) '(mequal mnotequal mgreaterp mlessp mgeqp mleqp))))
18 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
19 ;;; format(expr,template,...)
20 ;;; Formats EXPR according to the TEMPLATEs given:
22 (defvar *template* nil "The current template")
23 (defvar *templates* nil "The current template chain")
24 (defvar *subtemplates* nil "Current template's subtemplates")
26 (defun $format (expr &rest templates) (format-from-chain expr templates))
28 ;; format according to chain in *templates*
29 (defun format-from-chain (expr &optional (*templates* *templates*))
30 (if (null *templates*) expr
31 (format-one expr (pop *templates*))))
33 ;; format according to tmp, then pieces according to *templates*
34 (defun format-one (expr tmp)
35 (multiple-value-bind (*template* formatter parms *subtemplates*)(parse-template tmp)
36 (cond (formatter (apply #'mfuncall formatter expr parms))
37 ((or (symbolp tmp) ; Apply SPEC as function, if it CAN be
38 (and (listp tmp)(or (eq (caar tmp) 'lambda)(member 'array (cdar tmp)))))
39 (format-from-chain (let ((*templates* nil)) (mfuncall tmp expr))))
40 (t (merror "FORMAT: template ~M must be a template or function." tmp)))))
42 ;;; Format a `piece' of an expression, accounting for any current subtemplates.
43 ;;; If NTH is given, use NTH subtemplate for this piece, else use next subtemplate.
44 ;;; Account for %DITTO'd templates.
45 (defun $format_piece (piece &optional nth)
46 (flet ((dittop (ptrn) ; If %ditto form, return repeated template
47 (and (listp ptrn)(eq (caar ptrn) '$%ditto) (cadr ptrn))))
48 (let ((subtmp (cond ((null *subtemplates*) nil) ; no piecewise templates.
49 ((null nth)(or (dittop (car *subtemplates*)) ; next one %ditto's
50 (pop *subtemplates*))) ; otherwise, remove next one.
51 ((setq nth (nth (1- nth) *subtemplates*)) ; nth subtemplate?
52 (or (dittop nth) nth)) ; strip off possible %ditto
53 ((dittop (car (last *subtemplates*))))))) ; last dittos, reuse it
54 (if subtmp (format-one piece subtmp)(format-from-chain piece)))))
56 ;; Format expr according to remaining chain, but disallowing subtemplates.
57 (defun format-w/o-subtemplates (expr)
58 (when *subtemplates*
59 (merror "FORMAT: Template ~M was given subtemplates ~M" *template*
60 (mlist* *subtemplates*)))
61 (format-from-chain expr))
63 ;;; given a candidate format template, return:
64 ;;; template name, formatter function, parameters (if any) and subtemplates (if any),
65 (defun parse-template (template)
66 (let (op name formatter)
67 (flet ((getform (symbol)
68 (and (setq formatter (or ($get symbol '$formatter)(get symbol 'share-formatter)))
69 (setq name symbol))))
70 (cond (($numberp template) nil)
71 ((atom template) (values (getform template) formatter nil nil))
72 ((eq (caar template) 'mqapply) ; Template w/ subtemplates AND parms
73 (when (and (listp (setq op (cadr template)))
74 (getform (caar op))
75 (not (member 'array (cdar op)))) ; but not T[...][...]
76 (values name formatter (cdr op) (cddr template))))
77 ((getform (caar template)) ; Template w/ parameters OR subtemplates
78 (if (member 'array (cdar template))
79 (values name formatter nil (cdr template))
80 (values name formatter (cdr template) nil)))))))
82 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
83 ;;; Defining format commands.
84 ;;; (user defined ones go on the macsyma property list)
86 (defmacro def-formatter (names parms &body body)
87 (let* ((names (if (listp names) names (list names)))
88 (fmtr (if (atom parms) parms
89 (make-symbol (concatenate 'string (string (car names))
90 (symbol-name '#:-share-formatter))))))
91 `(progn
92 ,(unless (atom parms) `(defun ,fmtr ,parms ,@body))
93 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (name) `(setf (get ',name 'share-formatter) ',fmtr)) names))))
95 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
96 ;;; Subtemplate aids.
98 (def-formatter mlist (expr &rest elements) ; merge elements w/ following chain.
99 (format-from-chain expr (append elements *templates*)))
101 (def-formatter $%preformat (expr &rest templates) ; preformat using template chain
102 (format-w/o-subtemplates (format-from-chain expr templates)))
104 (def-formatter $%noop format-w/o-subtemplates) ; subtemplate filler.
106 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
107 ;;; Arithmetic template: eg. a*%p(x)-b
109 (defun template-p (expr) ; is there a template in expr?
110 (if (and (listp expr)(member (caar expr) '(mplus mtimes mexpt)))
111 (some #'template-p (cdr expr)) ; for arithmetic, find a `real' format in args
112 (parse-template expr)))
114 (defun partition-arithmetic-template (op args)
115 ;; Find the 1 (!) term or factor with a regular template in it.
116 (let ((pat (remove-if-not #'template-p args))) ; find arg with template in it
117 (when (or (null pat)(cdr pat))
118 (merror "FORMAT: Pattern must contain exactly 1 template ~M" (cons (list op) args)))
119 (values (car pat) (simplify (cons (list op) (remove (car pat) args))))))
121 (def-formatter mplus (expr &rest terms)
122 (multiple-value-bind (template rest)(partition-arithmetic-template 'mplus terms)
123 (add (format-one (sub expr rest) template) rest)))
125 (def-formatter mtimes (expr &rest factors)
126 (multiple-value-bind (template rest)(partition-arithmetic-template 'mtimes factors)
127 (mul (format-one (div expr rest) template) rest)))
129 (def-formatter mexpt (expr b p) ; b^p
130 (cond ((template-p b)(power (format-one (power expr (inv p)) b) p))
131 ((template-p p)(power b (format-one (div ($log expr)($log b)) p)))
132 ((merror "FORMAT: Pattern must contain exactly 1 template ~M" (power b p)))))
134 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
135 ;;; Control templates
137 ;;; IF ... ELSEIF ... ELSE
138 (def-formatter $%if (expr &rest predicates)
139 ($format_piece expr (do ((ps predicates (cdr ps))
140 (i 1 (1+ i)))
141 ((or (null ps)(is-boole-check (mfuncall (car ps) expr))) i))))
143 (def-formatter ($%expr $%expression)(expr) ; format arguments/operands
144 (when ($atom expr)
145 (merror "FORMAT %EXPR: ~M doesn't have parts" expr))
146 (map1 #'$format_piece expr))
148 ;;; Convenience templates
149 (def-formatter $%subst (expr &rest listofeqns)
150 (format-w/o-subtemplates ($substitute (mlist* listofeqns) expr)))
152 (def-formatter $%ratsubst (expr &rest listofeqns)
153 (format-w/o-subtemplates (mfuncall '$lratsubst (mlist* listofeqns) expr)))
155 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
156 ;;; `Bag' & Relation templates.
158 ;;; This function tries to get OPER at the top level of EXPR.
159 ;;; OPER must be a BAG or RELATION, as must the top layers of EXPR
160 ;;; (down to wherever OPER is found).
161 ;;; The interpretation is that a list of equations is equivalent to an equation
162 ;;; whose rhs & lhs are lists. (and ditto for all permutations).
163 (defun $coerce_bag (oper expr)
164 (unless (or (mbagp expr)(mrelationp expr))
165 (merror "Error: ~M is not a relation, list or array: can't be made into an ~M" expr oper))
166 (setq oper (getopr oper))
167 (flet ((swap (op x)
168 (cons (list op)
169 (mapcar #'(lambda (l)(simplify (cons (car x) l)))
170 (transpose (mapcar #'(lambda (y)(cdr ($coerce_bag op y)))(cdr x)))))))
171 (cond ((eq (caar expr) oper) expr) ; oper is already at top level.
172 ((eq (caar expr) '$matrix) ; swap levels 2 & 3 (mlist & oper), then 1&2
173 (swap oper (map1 #'(lambda (x)(swap oper x)) expr)))
174 ((eq oper '$matrix) ; swap level 1 & 2 (oper & matrix), then 2 & 3.
175 (map1 #'(lambda (l)(swap 'mlist l))(swap oper expr)))
176 (t (swap oper expr))))) ; swap 1st & 2nd levels.
178 (defun format-bag (expr op)
179 (map1 #'$format_piece ($coerce_bag op expr)))
181 (def-formatter ($%eq $%equation $%rel $%relation) (r &optional (op 'mequal))
182 (format-bag r op))
183 (def-formatter $%list (expr) (format-bag expr 'mlist))
184 (def-formatter $%matrix (expr)(format-bag expr '$matrix))
185 ;;; Note: %matrix subtemplates apply to ROWS. To target elements, use %list for rows.
187 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
188 ;;; Targeting templates.
189 ;;; mostly shorthand for things which can be done using subtemplates, but more concise.
191 (defun format-nth (expr n)
192 (unless (and ($integerp n) (plusp n)(< n (length expr)))
193 (merror "FORMAT ~M: ~M doesn't have an argument #~M" *template* expr n))
194 (let ((new (copy-list expr)))
195 (setf (nth n new)(format-w/o-subtemplates (nth n expr)))
196 (simplify new)))
198 (def-formatter $%arg format-nth)
199 (def-formatter $%lhs (expr &optional (op 'mequal))
200 (format-nth ($coerce_bag op expr) 1))
201 (def-formatter $%rhs (expr &optional (op 'mequal))
202 (format-nth ($coerce_bag op expr) 2))
204 (def-formatter ($%el $%element)(expr &rest indices)
205 (let ((array ($copymatrix ($coerce_bag '$matrix expr))))
206 (apply #'marrayset ($format_piece (apply #'marrayref array indices)) array indices)
207 array))
209 (def-formatter $%num (frac)
210 (div (format-w/o-subtemplates ($num frac))($denom frac)))
211 (def-formatter $%denom (frac)
212 (div ($num frac)(format-w/o-subtemplates ($denom frac))))
214 (def-formatter $%match (expr predicate)
215 (labels ((rec (xpr)
216 (cond ((is-boole-check (mfuncall predicate xpr))(format-w/o-subtemplates xpr))
217 ((atom xpr) xpr)
218 (t (recur-apply #'rec xpr)))))
219 (rec expr)))
221 ;; Actually, more like bothcoeff
222 (def-formatter $%coeff (expr var &optional (n 1))
223 (when (and (listp var)(eq (caar var) 'mexpt))
224 (setq var (cadr var) n (mul n (caddr var))))
225 (let ((coefs ($coeffs expr var)))
226 (add (mul ($format_piece ($get_coef coefs n)) (power (car (cddadr coefs)) n))
227 ($format_piece ($uncoef (delete n coefs :test #'alike1 :key #'caddr))))))
229 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
230 ;;; Polynomial, Trig & Series templates.
232 (defun format-clist (clist &optional (function #'$format_piece))
233 (flet ((mp1 (l)(mapcar #'(lambda (p)(mlist* (funcall function (cadr p)) (cddr p))) l)))
234 ($uncoef (mlist* (cadr clist)
235 (case (cadadr clist)
236 (($%poly $%series $%taylor) (mp1 (cddr clist)))
237 ($%trig (mapcar #'(lambda (l)(mlist* (mp1 (cdr l))))(cddr clist))))))))
239 ;; %POLY(vars,...) : express EXPR as a polynomial in VARS, format the coeffs.
240 (def-formatter ($%poly $%p) (expr &rest vars)
241 (autoldchk '$coeffs)
242 (format-clist (apply #'$coeffs expr vars)))
244 ;; %MONICPOLY : format leading coeff, then poly/lc.
245 (def-formatter ($%monicpoly $%mp) (expr &rest vars)
246 (autoldchk '$coeffs)
247 (let* ((cl (apply #'$coeffs expr vars))
248 (c0 (cadar (last cl))))
249 (mul ($format_piece c0)(format-clist cl #'(lambda (c)($format_piece (div c c0)))))))
251 ;; %TRIG(vars,...): express EXPR as trig. series in VARS, format the coeffs.
252 (def-formatter ($%trig $%t) (expr &rest vars)
253 (autoldchk '$trig_coeffs)
254 (format-clist (apply #'$trig_coeffs expr vars)))
256 ;; %SERIES(var,order), %TAYLOR(var,order): expand EXPR as series in VAR to order ORDER,
257 ;; formats the coeffs. %SERIES only expands arithmetic expressions.
258 (def-formatter ($%series $%s) (expr var order)
259 (autoldchk '$series_coeffs)
260 (format-clist ($series_coeffs expr var order)))
262 (def-formatter $%taylor (expr var order)
263 (autoldchk '$taylor_coeffs)
264 (format-clist ($taylor_coeffs expr var order)))
266 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
267 ;;; Sums
269 (defun format-sum (sum)
270 (cond ((atom sum)($format_piece sum))
271 ((specrepp sum) (format-sum (specdisrep sum)))
272 ((eq (caar sum) 'mplus)(simplify (map1 #'format-sum sum)))
273 ((eq (caar sum) '%sum) (cons (car sum) (cons ($format_piece (cadr sum))(cddr sum))))
274 (t ($format_piece sum))))
276 (def-formatter $%sum format-sum)
277 (def-formatter ($%partfrac $%pf)(expr var)
278 (format-sum ($partfrac expr var)))
280 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
281 ;;; Products
283 (defun format-product (prod)
284 (cond ((atom prod) ($format_piece prod))
285 ((specrepp prod) (format-product (specdisrep prod)))
286 (t (case (caar prod)
287 (mtimes (simplify (map1 #'format-product prod)))
288 (mexpt (power (format-product (second prod))(third prod)))
289 (%product (cons (car prod)(cons ($format_piece (cadr prod))(cddr prod))))
290 (t ($format_piece prod))))))
292 (def-formatter ($%product $%prod) format-product)
293 (def-formatter ($%sqfr $%sf)(expr)
294 (format-product ($sqfr expr)))
295 (def-formatter ($%factor $%f) (expr &optional minpoly)
296 (format-product (cond (($numberp expr) expr)
297 (minpoly ($factor expr minpoly))
298 (t ($factor expr)))))
300 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
301 ;;; Fractions
303 (defun format-fraction (frac)
304 (div ($format_piece ($num frac))
305 ($format_piece ($denom frac))))
307 (def-formatter $%frac format-fraction)
308 (def-formatter ($%ratsimp $%r) (expr)
309 (format-fraction ($ratsimp expr)))
311 ;;;;******************************************************************************************
312 ;;; Complex number templates.
314 ;; Express EXPR = A+%I*B; format A & B.
315 (def-formatter ($%rectform $%g) (expr)
316 (let ((pair (trisplit expr)))
317 (add ($format_piece (car pair))
318 (mul ($format_piece (cdr pair)) '$%i))))
320 ;; Express EXPR = R*exp(%I*P); format R & P.
321 (def-formatter $%polarform (expr)
322 (let ((pair (absarg expr)))
323 (mul ($format_piece (car pair))
324 (power '$%e (mul '$%i ($format_piece (cdr pair)))))))
326 ;;;********************************************************************************
327 ;;; Examples of user defined templates:
328 ;;; format_piece automatically handles the piecewise templates & remaining templates.
330 put(%myrectform,
331 lambda([expr],
332 block([pair:rectformlist(expr)],
333 format_piece(pair[1]) +%I* format_piece(pair[2]))),
334 formatter)$
336 put(%myif,
337 lambda([expr,test],
338 if test(expr) then format_piece(expr,1)
339 else format_piece(expr,2)),
340 formatter)$
342 put(%part, /* Note workaround for substpart (a special form!) */
343 lambda([expr,[spec]],
344 apply(substpart,cons(format_piece(apply(part,cons(expr,spec))),cons(expr,spec)))),
345 formatter)$