transl: do not duplicate the implementation of throw
[maxima.git] / archive / src / qeval.lsp
2 (defvar *q-ops*)
3 (setq *q-ops*'(
4 ;(%ACSCH m_ACSCH 1)
6 ($ImagPART m_imag 1 )
7 ($conjugate m_conj 1)
8 ($abs m_abs 1)
9 (%ACSC m_ACSC 1 )
10 (%ACOS m_ACOS 1 )
11 ;(%SEC m_SEC 1 )
12 ;(%ACOT m_ACOT 1 )
13 (%TAN m_TAN 1 )
14 (%SIN m_SIN 1 )
15 ;(%SECH m_SECH 1 )
16 ; (%ASEC m_ASEC 1 )
17 (%TANH m_TANH 1 )
18 (%COS m_COS 1 )
19 ;(%COT m_COT 1 )
20 ;(%CSC m_CSC 1 )
21 (%ASIN m_ASIN 1 )
22 (%SINH m_SINH 1 )
23 (%COSH m_COSH 1 )
24 ;(%COTH m_COTH 1 )
25 ;(%CSCH m_CSCH 1 )
26 ;(%ERF m_ERF 1 )
27 ;(%ASINH m_ASINH 1 )
28 (%LOG m_LOG 1 )
30 ;(MNOT m_NOT 1 )
31 ;(RAT m_AT 1 )
32 (MAND m_AND n )
33 (MSET m_SET 2 )
34 (MPLUS m_PLUS n )
35 ;(MPROGN m_PROGN n )
37 ;(MSETQ m_SETQ 2 )
38 ;(MCOND m_COND nil)
39 (MGREATERP m_gt 2 )
40 (MLESSP m_Lt 2 )
41 (MQUOTIENT m_div 2 )
43 (MNOTEQUAL m_NE 2 )
44 (MTIMES m_mult n )
45 (MGEQP m_GE 1 )
46 (MEQUAL m_EQ 1 )
49 (MMINUS m_MINUS 1 )
50 (MEXPT m_power 2 )
51 ;(MQUOTE m_QUOTE 1 )
52 (MLEQP m_LE 1 )
53 (MOR m_OR 1 )
55 ;(MLIST m_LIST 1 )
56 ;(MARROW m_ARROW 1 )
57 (nil m_push)
58 ;; push arg.
59 ( m_push_0)
60 ( m_push_1)
61 (m_push_2)
62 (m_push_3)
63 (m_push_i)
64 ( m_pushl_0)
65 ( m_pushl_1)
66 (m_pushl_2)
67 (m_pushl_3)
68 (m_pushl_i)
69 (m_pushc_0)
70 (m_pushc_1)
71 (m_pushc_2)
72 (m_pushc_3)
73 (m_pushc_4)
74 (m_pushc_5)
75 (m_pushc_6)
76 (m_pushc_7)
77 (m_pushc_8)
78 (m_pushc_9)
79 (m_pushc_i)
81 (m_end)
82 (m_reserve)
84 (m_set_sp)
85 (m_set_sp_frame_pointer)
86 (m_return)
88 (defmacro op-number (x)
89 (let ((tem (assoc x *q-ops*)))
90 (or tem (error "unrecognized op ~a" x))
91 (position tem *q-ops*)))
93 (defun write-execute ( &aux x)
94 (with-open-file (st "execute.c" :direction :output)
96 (progn (format st
97 "#include \"plot.h\"
98 #include \"emulate.h\"
99 #include \"const.h\"
100 struct value_function
101 { char * body ;
102 struct value *constants;
104 extern int s_p;
105 extern struct value stack[];
107 enum m_ops {~%")
108 (sloop for v in *q-ops* do (format st "~(~a~),~%" (or (second v) (car v))))
109 (format st "};~%"))
110 (format st "execute_fun(f,n)
111 struct value_function *f;
112 int n;
113 { unsigned char *body;
114 /* frame_pointer points just beyond last frames valid storage */
115 struct value *frame_pointer = &stack[s_p -(n -1)];
116 struct value *constants = f->constants;
117 body = f->body;
118 switch (*body)
121 (sloop for v in *q-ops* do (setq x (or (second v) (car v)))
122 (format st "case ~(~a~): ~(f_~a~)(); break;~%" x
123 (subseq (symbol-name x) 2)))
124 (format st " default:
125 abort();
127 END: s_p = frame_pointer -stack -n;
128 pop(frame_pointer);
129 s_p = frame_pointer -stack -1;
130 return 1;
131 }")))
133 (defvar *max-locals* 0)
134 (defvar *output* nil)
135 (defvar *constants* (make-array 4 :fill-pointer 0))
136 (defun push-constant (x)
137 (let ((tem (position x *constants* :test 'eql)))
138 (unless tem (setq tem (fill-pointer *constants*))
139 (vector-push-extend x *constants*))
140 (cond ((<= tem 9)
141 (q-push (+ tem (op-number m_pushc_0)) 'constant))
143 (q-push (op-number m_pushc_i) 'constant)
144 (q-push tem 'index)
145 ))))
147 (defun compile-expr (expr arglist recursive locals push-result &aux tem n)
148 (let ((*output* (if recursive *output*
149 (cons
150 (make-array 10 :element-type 'fixnum
151 :fill-pointer 0)
152 (make-array 10 :element-type 'long-float
153 :fill-pointer 0)))))
154 (cond ( (not recursive)
155 (setq *max-locals* 0)
156 (setf (fill-pointer *constants* ) 0))
158 (setq *max-locals* (max *max-locals* (length locals)))))
159 (cond ((atom expr)
160 (cond (push-result
161 (cond
162 ((setq tem (position expr locals))
163 (setq tem (- (length locals) tem))
164 (cond ((<= tem 3)
165 (q-push
166 (+ tem (op-number m_pushl_0))))
167 (t (q-push (op-number m_pushl_i *))
168 (q-push tem 'index))))
169 ((setq tem (position expr arglist))
170 (cond ((<= tem 3)
171 (q-push
172 (+ tem (op-number m_push_0))))
173 (t (q-push (op-number m_push_i ))
174 (q-push tem 'index))))
176 ((numberp expr)
177 (push-constant expr))
178 (t (error "unrecognized constant: ~s" expr))))))
179 ((eq (caar expr) 'mprog)
180 (let* ((vars (cdr (second expr)))
181 (offset (length locals))
182 new-locals)
183 (cond ((eql offset 0)
184 (q-push (op-number m_set_sp_frame_pointer )))
186 (q-push (op-number m_set_sp ))
187 (q-push offset'index)))
188 (sloop for v in vars
190 (cond ((symbolp v) (push v new-locals)
191 (push-constant 0))
192 ((and (consp v) (eq (caar v) 'msetq)
193 (symbolp (second v)))
194 (push (second v) new-locals)
195 (compile-expr (third v) arglist t locals t))))
196 (setq new-locals (append new-locals locals))
197 (sloop for v on (cddr expr)
199 (compile-expr (car v) arglist t new-locals (if (cdr v) nil t)))))
200 ((eq (caar expr) 'mprogn)
201 (sloop for v on (cdr expr)
203 (compile-expr (car v) arglist t locals (if (cdr v) nil t))))
204 ((setq tem (assoc (caar expr) *q-ops*))
205 (setq n (position tem *q-ops*))
206 (dolist (v (cdr expr))
207 (compile-expr v arglist t locals t))
208 (q-push n 'call)
209 (cond ((cdddr expr)
210 (cond
211 ((member (caar expr) '(mtimes mplus mminus mquotient))
212 (dolist (v (cdddr expr))
213 (q-push n 'call)))
214 (t (error "unknown nary op ~a ~a args"
215 (caar expr) (length (cdr expr)))))))))))
217 (defun q-push (i &optional (type 'instr))
218 (format t "~%(~a) ~a" i
219 (ecase type
220 (call (second (nth i *q-ops*)))
221 (instr (or (second (nth i *q-ops*)) (car (nth i *q-ops*))))
222 (index 'index)
223 (constant (list
224 (or (second (nth i *q-ops*)) (car (nth i *q-ops*)))
225 (if (< i (op-number m_pushc_i))
226 (aref *constants*
227 (- i (op-number m_pushc_0)))))))))