transl: do not duplicate the implementation of throw
[maxima.git] / archive / src / serror.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:SERROR; Base:10; Syntax:COMMON-LISP -*-
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; ;;;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (c) 1985,86 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
5 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
6 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 (in-package "SERROR")
9 (export '(def-error-type cond-error cond-any-error condition-case
10 error-name error-string error-continue-string error-format-args
11 ) "SERROR")
14 (eval-when (compile)
15 (proclaim '(optimize (safety 2) (speed 2) (space 2))))
17 ;;do (require "SERROR")
18 ;;(use-package "SERROR")
21 ;;We set up very primitive error catching for a common lisp
22 ;;whose primitive error handler is called si:universal-error-handler (eg kcl).
23 ;;Namely if *catch-error* is not nil then that means
24 ;;there is a (catch ':any-error somewhere up the stack.
25 ;;it is thrown to, along with the condition.
26 ;;At the that point if the condition matches that of
27 ;;the catch, it stops there,
28 ;;otherwise if *catch-error* is still not nil repeat
29 ;;Sample interface
31 ;(defun te (n m)
32 ; (cond-error (er) (hairy-arithmetic m n)
33 ; ((and (= 0 n) (= 0 m))(format t "Hairy arithmetic doesn't like m=0=n") 58)
34 ; ((eql (error-condition-name er) :wrong-type-args)(format t "Bonus for wrong args") 50)
35 ; ((symbolp n)(and (numberp (symbol-value n))(format t "Had to eval n") (te m (symbol-value n)))))
39 ;;if none of the cond clauses hold, then we signal a regular error using
40 ;;the system error handler , unless there are more *catch-error*'s up
41 ;;the stack. Major defect: If none of the conditions hold, we will have
42 ;;to signal our real error up at the topmost *catch-error* so losing the possibility
43 ;;of proceeding. The alternative is to some how get the tests down to where
44 ;;we want them, but that seems to mean consing a closure, and keeping a
45 ;;stack of them. This is getting a little fancy.
46 ;;don't know how to get back (and anyway we have unwound by throwing).
47 ;;Major advantages: If there is no error, no closures are consed, and
48 ;;should be reasonably fast.
52 ;;****** Very system dependent. Redefine main error handler ******
53 (eval-when (load compile eval)
54 #-kcl
55 (defun si::universal-error-handler (&rest args)
56 (format t "Calling orignal error handler ~a" args))
58 (defvar *error-handler-function* 'si::universal-error-handler)
59 (or (get *error-handler-function* :old-definition)
60 (setf (get *error-handler-function* :old-definition)
61 (symbol-function *error-handler-function*)))
64 (defstruct (error-condition :named (:conc-name error-))
65 name
66 string ;the format string given to error.
67 function ;occurs inside here
68 continue-string
69 format-args
70 error-handler-args)
72 (defparameter *catch-error* nil "If t errors will throw to :any-error tag")
73 (defparameter *disable-catch-error* nil "If t only regular error handler will be used")
74 (defparameter *catch-error-stack* (make-array 30 :fill-pointer 0) "If t only regular error handler will be used")
75 (defvar *show-all-debug-info* nil "Set to t if not
76 running interactively")
78 ;;principal interfaces
80 (defmacro cond-error (variables body-form &body clauses)
81 "If a condition is signaled during evaluation of body-form, The first
82 of VARIABLES is bound to the condition, and the clauses are evaluated
83 like cond clauses. Note if the conditions involve lexical variables other than
84 VARIABLES, there will be a new lexical closure cons'd each time through this!!
85 eg:
86 (cond-error (er) (1+ u)
87 ((null u) (princ er) (princ \"null arg to u\"))
88 ((symbolp u) (princ \"symbol arg\"))
89 (t 0))"
90 (or variables (setf variables '(ignore)))
91 (let ((catch-tag (gensym "CATCH-TAG")))
92 (let ((bod `((catch ',catch-tag
93 (return-from cond-error-continue
94 (unwind-protect
95 (progn
96 (vector-push-extend
97 #'(lambda ,variables ,(car variables)
98 (if (or ,@ (mapcar 'car clauses)) ',catch-tag))
99 *catch-error-stack*)
100 ,body-form)
101 (incf (the fixnum (fill-pointer *catch-error-stack*))
102 -1))))
103 (cond ,@ clauses
104 (t (format t "should not get here") )))))
105 (cond (variables
106 (setf bod
107 ` (multiple-value-bind
108 ,variables ,@ bod)))
109 (t (setf bod (cons 'progn bod))))
110 `(block cond-error-continue ,bod))))
112 (defmacro cond-any-error (variables body-form &body clauses)
113 "If a condition is signaled during evaluation of body-form, The first
114 of VARIABLES is bound to the condition, and the clauses are evaluated
115 like cond clauses, If the cond falls off the end, then the error is
116 signaled at this point in the stack. For the moment the rest of the VARIABLES are ignored.
118 (cond-error (er) (1+ u)
119 ((null u) (princ er) (princ \"null arg to u\"))
120 ((symbolp u) (princ \"symbol arg\"))
121 (t 0))"
122 (let ((bod `(
123 (let ((*catch-error* t))
124 (catch ':any-error
125 (return-from cond-error-continue ,body-form)))
126 (cond ,@ clauses
127 (t (inf-signal ,@ variables))))))
128 (cond (variables
129 (setf bod
130 ` (multiple-value-bind
131 ,variables ,@ bod)))
132 (t (setf bod (cons 'progn bod))))
133 `(block cond-error-continue ,bod)))
137 (defun #. (if (boundp '*error-handler-function*)*error-handler-function* 'joe)
138 (&rest error-handler-args)
139 (when *show-all-debug-info*
140 (si::simple-backtrace)(si::backtrace) (si::break-vs))
141 (let ((err (make-error-condition
142 :name (car error-handler-args)
143 :string (fifth error-handler-args)
144 :function (third error-handler-args)
145 :continue-string (fourth error-handler-args)
146 :format-args
147 (copy-list (nthcdr 5 error-handler-args))
148 :error-handler-args (copy-list error-handler-args))))
149 (cond (*catch-error* (throw :any-error err))
150 ((let (flag) (do ((i 0 (the fixnum (1+ i)))
151 (end (the fixnum(fill-pointer (the array
152 *catch-error-stack*)))))
153 ((>= i end))
154 (declare (fixnum i end))
155 (cond ((setq flag
156 (funcall (aref *catch-error-stack* i)
157 err))
158 (throw flag err))))))
159 (t (apply (get *error-handler-function* :old-definition)
160 error-handler-args)))))
162 (defun inf-signal (&rest error-handler-args)
163 (apply *error-handler-function*
164 (error-error-handler-args (car error-handler-args ))))
165 ;(defun inf-signal (&rest error-handler-args)
166 ; (cond ((and *catch-error* (null *disable-catch-error*)) (throw :any-error (apply 'values error-handler-args)))
167 ; (t (apply *error-handler-function*
168 ; (error-error-handler-args (car error-handler-args ))))))
170 ;(defun te (n)
171 ; (cond-error (er) (progn (1+ n) (si:universal-error-handler 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
172 ; ((null n) (print n) (print er) n)
173 ; ((symbolp n) (print n))))
174 (defmacro def-error-type (name (er) &body body)
175 (let ((fname (intern (format nil "~a-tester" name))))
176 `(eval-when (compile eval load)
177 (defun ,fname (,er) ,@ body)
178 (deftype ,name ()`(and error-condition (satisfies ,',fname))))))
179 (def-error-type wta (er) (eql (error-name er) :wrong-type-arg))
180 ;(def-error-type hi-error (er) (eql (error-string er) "hi"))
181 ;this matches error signaled by (error "hi") or (cerror x "hi" ..)
182 ;can use the above so that the user can put
183 ;(cond-error (er ) (hairy-stuff)
184 ; ((typep er 'wta) ...)
185 ; ((typep er '(or hi-error joe)) ...)
186 ;(defun te2 (n)
187 ; (sloop for i below n with x = 0 declare (fixnum x)
188 ; do (cond-any-error (er) (setq x i)
189 ; (t (print "hi")))))
190 ;;In kcl cond-any-error is over 10 times as fast as cond-error, for the above.
191 ;;Note since t a clause we could have optimized to cond-any-error!!
192 ;;cond-error takes 1/1000 of second on sun 2
193 ;;cond-any-error takes 1/10000 of second. (assuming no error!).
196 (def-error-type subscript-out-of-bounds (er)
197 #+ti (member 'si::subscript-out-of-bounds (funcall er :condition-names))
198 #+ekcl(equal (error-string er) "The first index, ~S, to the array~%~S is too large.")) ;should collect all here
199 (def-error-type ERROR (er) (eql (error-name er) :error))
200 (def-error-type WRONG-TYPE-ARGUMENT (er) (eql (error-name er) :WRONG-TYPE-ARGUMENT))
201 (def-error-type TOO-FEW-ARGUMENTS (er) (eql (error-name er) :TOO-FEW-ARGUMENTS))
202 (def-error-type TOO-MANY-ARGUMENTS (er) (eql (error-name er) :TOO-MANY-ARGUMENTS))
203 (def-error-type UNEXPECTED-KEYWORD (er) (eql (error-name er) :UNEXPECTED-KEYWORD))
204 (def-error-type INVALID-FORM (er) (eql (error-name er) :INVALID-FORM))
205 (def-error-type UNBOUND-VARIABLE (er) (eql (error-name er) :UNBOUND-VARIABLE))
206 (def-error-type INVALID-VARIABLE (er) (eql (error-name er) :INVALID-VARIABLE))
207 (def-error-type UNDEFINED-FUNCTION (er) (eql (error-name er) :UNDEFINED-FUNCTION))
208 (def-error-type INVALID-FUNCTION (er) (eql (error-name er) :INVALID-FUNCTION))
210 (defmacro condition-case (vars body-form &rest cases)
211 (let ((er (car vars)))
212 `(cond-error (,er) ,body-form
213 ,@ (sloop for v in cases
214 when (listp (car v))
215 collecting `((typep ,er '(or ,@ (car v))),@ (cdr v))
216 else
217 collecting `((typep ,er ',(car v)),@ (cdr v))))))