Don't use fname to define functions
[maxima.git] / src / numerical / slatec / quadpack.lisp
1 ;;; Maxima interface to quadpack integration
3 (in-package :maxima)
5 ;; This should really be necessary, but the order of compilation in
6 ;; maxima.system is messed up so that this file is compiled before
7 ;; plot.lisp. Rearranging the order of the modules to compile
8 ;; plot.lisp before quadpack.lisp causes other problems.
9 (declaim (special *plot-realpart*))
11 (defvar *debug-quadpack*
12 nil
13 "Set to non-NIL to enable printing of the error object when the
14 Slatec routines throw an error.")
16 #-(or gcl ecl)
17 (defmacro get-integrand (fun var)
18 `(compile nil (coerce-float-fun ,fun `((mlist) ,,var))))
20 #+(or gcl ecl)
21 (defmacro get-integrand (fun var)
22 `(coerce-float-fun ,fun `((mlist) ,,var)))
24 (defun float-or-lose (val)
25 (let ((v ($float val)))
26 (if (numberp v)
28 (error (intl:gettext "~A is not a real floating-point number") val))))
30 ;; Convert the maxima function FUN of the one variable VAR to a
31 ;; compiled lisp function returning a float that is suitable for use
32 ;; as the integrand for the quadpack routines. If the integrand
33 ;; cannot be evaluated at the specified point, signal an error.
34 (defmacro float-integrand-or-lose (name fun var)
35 (let ((f (gensym "COMPILED-FUN-"))
36 (x (gensym "VAR-"))
37 (result (gensym "RESULT-")))
38 `(let ((,f (get-integrand ,fun ,var)))
39 (lambda (,x)
40 (let ((,result (funcall ,f ,x)))
41 (unless (cl:floatp ,result)
42 (merror (intl:gettext "~M: Numerical evaluation of ~M at ~M is not a float or is not defined") ,name ,fun ,x))
43 (float ,result))))))
45 (defmfun $quad_qag (fun var a b key &key
46 (epsrel 1e-8)
47 (limit 200)
48 (epsabs 0.0))
49 (quad_argument_check %%pretty-fname fun var a b)
50 (unless (and (integerp key) (>= key 1) (<= key 6))
51 (merror (intl:gettext "~M: Key must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6; found: ~M")
52 %%pretty-fname key))
53 (let* ((lenw (* 4 limit))
54 (work (make-array lenw :element-type 'flonum))
55 (iwork (make-array limit :element-type 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
56 (*plot-realpart* nil))
57 (handler-case
58 (multiple-value-bind (junk z-a z-b z-epsabs z-epsrel z-key result abserr neval ier
59 z-limit z-lenw last)
60 (slatec:dqag (float-integrand-or-lose '$quad_qag fun var)
61 (float-or-lose a)
62 (float-or-lose b)
63 (float-or-lose epsabs)
64 (float-or-lose epsrel)
65 key
66 0.0 0.0 0 0
67 limit lenw 0 iwork work)
68 (declare (ignore junk z-a z-b z-epsabs z-epsrel z-key z-limit z-lenw last))
69 (list '(mlist) result abserr neval ier))
70 (error (e)
71 (when *debug-quadpack*
72 (format t "~S" e))
73 `(($quad_qag) ,fun ,var ,a ,b ,key
74 ((mequal) $epsrel ,epsrel)
75 ((mequal) $epsabs ,epsabs)
76 ((mequal) $limit ,limit))))))
78 (defmfun $quad_qags (fun var a b &key
79 (epsrel 1e-8)
80 (limit 200)
81 (epsabs 0.0))
82 (quad_argument_check %%pretty-fname fun var a b)
83 (let* ((lenw (* 4 limit))
84 (work (make-array lenw :element-type 'flonum))
85 (iwork (make-array limit :element-type 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
86 (*plot-realpart* nil))
87 (handler-case
88 (multiple-value-bind (junk z-a z-b z-epsabs z-epsrel result abserr neval ier
89 z-limit z-lenw last)
90 (slatec:dqags (float-integrand-or-lose '$quad_qags fun var)
91 (float-or-lose a)
92 (float-or-lose b)
93 (float-or-lose epsabs)
94 (float-or-lose epsrel)
95 0.0 0.0 0 0
96 limit lenw 0 iwork work)
97 (declare (ignore junk z-a z-b z-epsabs z-epsrel z-limit z-lenw last))
98 (list '(mlist) result abserr neval ier))
99 (error (e)
100 (when *debug-quadpack*
101 (format t "~S" e))
102 `(($quad_qags) ,fun ,var ,a ,b
103 ((mequal) $epsrel ,epsrel)
104 ((mequal) $epsabs ,epsabs)
105 ((mequal) $limit ,limit))))))
107 (defmfun $quad_qagi (fun var a b &key
108 (epsrel 1e-8)
109 (limit 200)
110 (epsabs 0.0))
111 (quad_argument_check %%pretty-fname fun var a b)
112 ;; Massage the limits a and b into what Quadpack QAGI wants.
113 (flet ((fixup (low high)
114 (let (bnd inf)
115 ;; Cases to handle: (minf, x), (x, inf), (minf, inf).
116 ;; Everything else is an error.
117 (cond ((eq ($limit low) '$minf)
118 (cond ((eq ($limit high) '$inf)
119 (setf bnd 0)
120 (setf inf 2))
122 (setq bnd ($float high))
123 (setq inf ($limit low)))))
124 ((eq ($limit high) '$inf)
125 (setq bnd ($float low))
126 (setq inf ($limit high)))
128 (merror "~M: Unexpected limits of integration: ~M, ~M~%"
129 %%pretty-fname low high)))
130 (values bnd inf))))
132 (multiple-value-bind (bound inf-type)
133 (fixup a b)
134 (let* ((lenw (* 4 limit))
135 (work (make-array lenw :element-type 'flonum))
136 (iwork (make-array limit :element-type 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
137 (infinity (ecase inf-type
138 ((1 $inf)
139 ;; Interval is [bound, infinity]
141 ((-1 $minf)
142 ;; Interval is [-infinity, bound]
144 ((2 $both)
145 ;; Interval is [-infinity, infinity]
146 2)))
147 (*plot-realpart* nil))
148 (handler-case
149 (multiple-value-bind (junk z-bound z-inf z-epsabs z-epsrel
150 result abserr neval ier
151 z-limit z-lenw last)
152 (slatec:dqagi (float-integrand-or-lose '$quad_qagi fun var)
153 (float-or-lose bound)
154 infinity
155 (float-or-lose epsabs)
156 (float-or-lose epsrel)
157 0.0 0.0 0 0
158 limit lenw 0 iwork work)
159 (declare (ignore junk z-bound z-inf z-epsabs z-epsrel
160 z-limit z-lenw last))
161 (list '(mlist) result abserr neval ier))
162 (error (e)
163 (when *debug-quadpack*
164 (format t "~S" e))
165 `(($quad_qagi) ,fun ,var ,a ,b
166 ((mequal) $epsrel ,epsrel)
167 ((mequal) $epsabs ,epsabs)
168 ((mequal) $limit ,limit))))))))
170 (defmfun $quad_qawc (fun var c a b &key
171 (epsrel 1e-8)
172 (limit 200)
173 (epsabs 0.0))
174 (quad_argument_check %%pretty-fname fun var a b)
175 (let* ((lenw (* 4 limit))
176 (work (make-array lenw :element-type 'flonum))
177 (iwork (make-array limit :element-type 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
178 (*plot-realpart* nil))
179 (handler-case
180 (multiple-value-bind (junk z-a z-b z-c z-epsabs z-epsrel result abserr neval ier
181 z-limit z-lenw last)
182 (slatec:dqawc (float-integrand-or-lose '$quad_qawc fun var)
183 (float-or-lose a)
184 (float-or-lose b)
185 (float-or-lose c)
186 (float-or-lose epsabs)
187 (float-or-lose epsrel)
188 0.0 0.0 0 0
189 limit lenw 0 iwork work)
190 (declare (ignore junk z-a z-b z-c z-epsabs z-epsrel z-limit z-lenw last))
191 (list '(mlist) result abserr neval ier))
192 (error (e)
193 (when *debug-quadpack*
194 (format t "~S" e))
195 `(($quad_qawc) ,fun ,var ,c ,a ,b
196 ((mequal) $epsrel ,epsrel)
197 ((mequal) $epsabs ,epsabs)
198 ((mequal) $limit ,limit))))))
200 (defmfun $quad_qawf (fun var a omega trig &key
201 (epsabs 1e-10)
202 (limit 200)
203 (maxp1 100)
204 (limlst 10))
205 (let* ((leniw limit)
206 (lenw (+ (* 2 leniw) (* 25 maxp1)))
207 (work (make-array lenw :element-type 'flonum))
208 (iwork (make-array leniw :element-type 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
209 (integr (case trig
210 ((1 %cos $cos) 1)
211 ((2 %sin $sin) 2)
212 (otherwise
213 (merror "~M: the name of the trig function should be sin or cos, not ~M."
214 %%pretty-fname
215 trig))))
216 (*plot-realpart* nil))
217 (handler-case
218 (multiple-value-bind (junk z-a z-omega z-integr
219 epsabs result abserr neval ier
220 z-limlst z-lst
221 z-leniw z-maxp1 z-lenw)
222 (slatec:dqawf (float-integrand-or-lose '$quad_qawf fun var)
223 (float-or-lose a)
224 (float-or-lose omega)
225 integr
226 (float-or-lose epsabs)
227 0.0 0.0 0 0
228 limlst 0 leniw maxp1 lenw iwork work)
229 (declare (ignore junk z-a z-omega z-integr epsabs z-limlst z-lst
230 z-leniw z-maxp1 z-lenw))
231 (list '(mlist) result abserr neval ier))
232 (error (e)
233 (when *debug-quadpack*
234 (format t "~S" e))
235 `(($quad_qawf) ,fun ,var ,a ,omega ,trig
236 ((mequal) $epsabs ,epsabs)
237 ((mequal) $limit ,limit)
238 ((mequal) $maxp1 ,maxp1)
239 ((mequal) $limlst ,limlst))))))
241 (defmfun $quad_qawo (fun var a b omega trig_name &key
242 (epsrel 1e-8)
243 (limit 200)
244 (maxp1 100)
245 (epsabs 0.0))
246 (quad_argument_check %%pretty-fname fun var a b)
247 (let* ((leniw limit)
248 (lenw (+ (* 2 leniw) (* 25 maxp1)))
249 (work (make-array lenw :element-type 'flonum))
250 (iwork (make-array leniw :element-type 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
251 (integr (case trig_name
252 ((%cos $cos) 1)
253 ((%sin $sin) 2)
254 (otherwise
255 (merror "~M: the name of the trig function should be sin or cos, not ~M."
256 %%pretty-fname
257 trig_name))))
258 (*plot-realpart* nil))
259 (handler-case
260 (multiple-value-bind (junk z-a z-b z-omega z-integr z-epsabs z-epsrel
261 result abserr neval ier
262 z-leniw z-maxp1 z-lenw z-lst)
263 (slatec:dqawo (float-integrand-or-lose '$quad_qawo fun var)
264 (float-or-lose a)
265 (float-or-lose b)
266 (float-or-lose omega)
267 integr
268 (float-or-lose epsabs)
269 (float-or-lose epsrel)
270 0.0 0.0 0 0
271 leniw maxp1 lenw 0 iwork work)
272 (declare (ignore junk z-a z-b z-omega z-integr z-epsabs z-epsrel
273 z-lst z-leniw z-maxp1 z-lenw))
274 (list '(mlist) result abserr neval ier))
275 (error (e)
276 (when *debug-quadpack*
277 (format t "~S" e))
278 `(($quad_qawo) ,fun ,var ,a ,b ,omega ,trig_name
279 ((mequal) $epsrel ,epsrel)
280 ((mequal) $epsabs ,epsabs)
281 ((mequal) $limit ,limit)
282 ((mequal) $maxp1 ,maxp1))))))
284 (defmfun $quad_qaws (fun var a b alfa beta wfun &key
285 (epsrel 1e-8)
286 (limit 200)
287 (epsabs 0.0))
288 (quad_argument_check %%pretty-fname fun var a b)
289 (let* ((lenw (* 4 limit))
290 (work (make-array lenw :element-type 'flonum))
291 (iwork (make-array limit :element-type 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
292 (*plot-realpart* nil))
293 (handler-case
294 (multiple-value-bind (junk z-a z-b z-alfa z-beta z-int z-epsabs z-epsrel
295 result abserr neval ier
296 z-limit z-lenw last)
297 (slatec:dqaws (float-integrand-or-lose '$quad_qaws fun var)
298 (float-or-lose a)
299 (float-or-lose b)
300 (float-or-lose alfa)
301 (float-or-lose beta)
302 wfun
303 (float-or-lose epsabs)
304 (float-or-lose epsrel)
305 0.0 0.0 0 0
306 limit lenw 0 iwork work)
307 (declare (ignore junk z-a z-b z-alfa z-beta z-int z-epsabs z-epsrel
308 z-limit z-lenw last))
309 (list '(mlist) result abserr neval ier))
310 (error (e)
311 (when *debug-quadpack*
312 (format t "~S" e))
313 `(($quad_qaws) ,fun ,var ,a ,b ,alfa ,beta ,wfun
314 ((mequal) $epsrel ,epsrel)
315 ((mequal) $epsabs ,epsabs)
316 ((mequal) $limit ,limit))))))
318 (defmfun $quad_qagp (fun var a b points
319 &key (epsrel 1e-8) (epsabs 0.0) (limit 200))
320 (quad_argument_check %%pretty-fname fun var a b)
321 (let* ((npts2 (+ 2 (length (cdr points))))
322 (p (make-array npts2 :element-type 'flonum))
323 (leniw (max limit (- (* 3 npts2) 2)))
324 (lenw (- (* 2 leniw) npts2))
325 (work (make-array lenw :element-type 'flonum))
326 (iwork (make-array limit :element-type 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
327 (*plot-realpart* nil))
328 ;; Check the list of singular points. Each point must be a real
329 ;; in the open interval (a, b). If the point is valid, save it to
330 ;; the array P. Otherwise accumulate a list of the invalid points
331 ;; so we can print a nice error message with a list of the invalid
332 ;; points.
333 (let* ((a (float-or-lose a))
334 (b (float-or-lose b))
335 (invalid-points
336 (loop for xp in (cdr points)
337 for x = (float-or-lose xp)
338 for k from 0
339 if (< a x b)
340 do (setf (aref p k) x)
341 else
342 collect x)))
343 ;; If there are invalid points, throw an error.
344 (when invalid-points
345 (merror
346 (intl:gettext "~M: singular points must be in the open interval (~M, ~M): ~M")
347 %%pretty-fname a b (make-mlist-l invalid-points)))
349 (handler-case
350 (multiple-value-bind (junk z-a z-b z-npts z-points z-epsabs z-epsrel
351 result abserr neval ier
352 z-leniw z-lenw last)
353 (slatec:dqagp (float-integrand-or-lose '$quad_qagp fun var)
354 (float-or-lose a)
355 (float-or-lose b)
356 npts2
358 (float-or-lose epsabs)
359 (float-or-lose epsrel)
360 0.0 0.0 0 0
361 leniw lenw 0 iwork work)
362 (declare (ignore junk z-a z-b z-npts z-points z-epsabs z-epsrel
363 z-leniw z-lenw last))
364 (make-mlist result abserr neval ier))
365 (error (e)
366 (when *debug-quadpack*
367 (format t "~S" e))
368 `(($quad_qagp) ,fun ,var ,a ,b ,points
369 ((mequal) $epsrel ,epsrel)
370 ((mequal) $epsabs ,epsabs)
371 ((mequal) $limit ,limit)))))))
373 ;; error checking similar to that done by $defint
374 (defun quad_argument_check (name exp var ll ul)
375 (setq exp (ratdisrep exp))
376 (setq var (ratdisrep var))
377 (setq ll (ratdisrep ll))
378 (setq ul (ratdisrep ul))
379 (cond (($constantp var)
380 (merror "~M: Variable of integration not a variable: ~M" name var)))
381 (cond ((not (or ($subvarp var) (atom var)))
382 (merror "~M: Improper variable of integration: ~M" name var))
383 ((or (among var ul)
384 (among var ll))
385 (merror "~M: Limit contains variable of integration: ~M" name var))))
387 (defun quad-control (parameter &optional new-value)
388 (values
389 (slatec:j4save (case parameter
390 ($current_error 1)
391 ($control 2)
392 ($max_message 4)
393 (otherwise
394 (merror "Parameter should be current_error, control, or max_message")))
395 (or new-value 0)
396 (if new-value t nil))))
398 (defmfun $quad_control (parameter &rest new-value)
399 (quad-control parameter (if new-value (car new-value))))
401 ;; Tests
403 ;; These tests were taken from the QUADPACK book.
406 ;; Test 1
407 ;; integrate(x^alpha*log(1/x),x,0,1)
408 ;; => (1+alpha)^(-2)
410 ;; alpha = 0.9(0.1)0(0.2)2.6
412 ;; QAG with key 1, 3, 6
414 ;; For key = 1, 3, 6: fails for alpha = -0.9 (ier = 3)
416 ;; quad_qag(x^2*log(1/x),x,0,1,3)
418 ;; for alpha : -0.9 thru 0 step 0.1 do print(alpha, float((1+alpha)^(-2)), quad_qag(x^alpha*log(1/x),x,0,1,3));
419 ;; for alpha : 0.0 thru 2.6 step 0.2 do print(alpha, float((1+alpha)^(-2)), quad_qag(x^alpha*log(1/x),x,0,1,3));
421 ;; Test 2
422 ;; integrate(4^(-alpha)/((x - %pi/4)^2 + 16^(-alpha)), x, 0, 1)
423 ;; => atan((4-%pi)*4^(alpha-1)) + atan(%pi*4^(alpha-1))
425 ;; alpha = 0(1)20
426 ;; QAG with key = 1, 3, 6
428 ;; Fails for key = 1: alpha >= 18 (ier = 2)
429 ;; Fails for key = 3, 6: alpha >= 19 (ier = 2)
431 ;; for alpha : 0.0 thru 20 step 1 do print(alpha, float(atan((4-%pi)*4^(alpha-1)) + atan(%pi*4^(alpha-1))), quad_qag(4^(-alpha)/((x - %pi/4)^2 + 16^(-alpha)),x,0,1,3));
433 ;; Test 3
434 ;; integrate(cos(2^alpha*sin(x)), x, 0, %pi)
435 ;; => %pi * J0(2^alpha)
437 ;; alpha = 0(1)10
439 ;; QAG with Key 1, 3, 6
441 ;; for alpha : 0.0 thru 10 step 1 do print(alpha, float(%pi * bessel_j(0,2^alpha)), quad_qag(cos(2^alpha*sin(x)),x,0,float(%pi),3));
443 ;; Test 4 (same integral as 1)
444 ;; integrate(x^alpha*log(1/x),x,0,1)
445 ;; => (1+alpha)^(-2)
447 ;; DQNG, DQAGS, DQAG (key = 1)
449 ;; Failures:
450 ;; DQNG: alpha <= 1.0 (ier = 1)
451 ;; DQAG: alpha = -0.9 (ier = 3)
453 ;; for alpha : -0.9 thru 0 step 0.1 do print(alpha, float((1+alpha)^(-2)), quad_qags(x^alpha*log(1/x),x,0,1));
454 ;; for alpha : 0.0 thru 2.6 step 0.2 do print(alpha, float((1+alpha)^(-2)), quad_qags(x^alpha*log(1/x),x,0,1));
456 ;; for alpha : -0.9 thru 0 step 0.1 do print(alpha, float((1+alpha)^(-2)), quad_qag(x^alpha*log(1/x),x,0,1, 1));
457 ;; for alpha : 0.0 thru 2.6 step 0.2 do print(alpha, float((1+alpha)^(-2)), quad_qag(x^alpha*log(1/x),x,0,1, 1));
460 ;; Test 5
461 ;; Same integral as 2
463 ;; DQNG, DQAGS, DQAG (key = 1)
465 ;; Failures:
466 ;; DQNG: alpha >= 2 (ier = 1)
467 ;; DQAGS: alpha >= 10 (ier = 5)
468 ;; DQAG: alpha >= 18 (ier = 2)
470 ;; for alpha : 0.0 thru 20 step 1 do print(alpha, float(atan((4-%pi)*4^(alpha-1)) + atan(%pi*4^(alpha-1))), quad_qag(4^(-alpha)/((x - %pi/4)^2 + 16^(-alpha)),x,0,1,1));
471 ;; for alpha : 0.0 thru 20 step 1 do print(alpha, float(atan((4-%pi)*4^(alpha-1)) + atan(%pi*4^(alpha-1))), quad_qags(4^(-alpha)/((x - %pi/4)^2 + 16^(-alpha)),x,0,1));
474 ;; Test 6
475 ;; Same integral as test 3
477 ;; DQNG, DQAGS, DQAG (key = 6)
479 ;; for alpha : 0.0 thru 10 step 1 do print(alpha, float(%pi * bessel_j(0,2^alpha)), quad_qags(cos(2^alpha*sin(x)),x,0,float(%pi),3));
480 ;; Failures:
481 ;; DQNG: alpha >= 7 (ier = 1)
483 ;; Test 7
484 ;; integrate(|x - 1/3|^alpha, x, 0, 1)
485 ;; => ((2/3)^(alpha + 1) + (1/3)^(alpha + 1))/(alpha + 1)
487 ;; alpha = -0.8(0.1)2.1
488 ;; DQAGS, DQAGP (point of singularity supplied)
491 ;; for alpha : -8 thru 21 do print(float(alpha/10), float(((2/3)^(alpha/10 + 1) + (1/3)^(alpha/10 + 1))/(alpha/10 + 1)), quad_qags(abs(x-1/3)^(alpha/10), x, 0, 1));
492 ;; No failures.
494 ;; Test 8
495 ;; integrate(abs(x - pi/4)^alpha, x, 0, 1)
496 ;; => ((1-pi/4)^(alpha+1) + (pi/4)^(alpha + 1))/(alpha + 1)
498 ;; alpha = -0.8(0.1)2.1
502 ;; for alpha : -8 thru 21 do print(float(alpha/10), float(((1-%pi/4)^(alpha/10+1) + (%pi/4)^(alpha/10 + 1))/(alpha/10 + 1)), quad_qags(abs(x-%pi/4)^(alpha/10), x, 0, 1));
503 ;; Failures:
504 ;; DQAGS: alpha <= -0.5 (ier = 3)
506 ;; Test 9
508 ;; integrate((1-x*x)^(-1/2)/(x+1+2^(-alpha)),x, -1, 1)
509 ;; => %pi*((1+2^(-alpha))^2-1)^(-1/2)
511 ;; alpha = 1(1)20
513 ;; for alpha : 1 thru 20 do print(alpha, float(%pi*((1+2^(-alpha))^2-1)^(-1/2)),quad_qaws(1/(x+1+2^(-alpha)), x, -1, 1, -0.5, -0.5, 1));
515 ;; Test 10
516 ;; integrate((sin(x))^(alpha - 1), x, 0, %pi/2) =
517 ;; integrate(x^(alpha - 1)*(sin(x)/x)^(alpha-1), x, 0, %pi/2)
518 ;; => 2^(alpha - 2)*(Gamma(alpha/2))^2/Gamma(alpha)
520 ;; alpha = 0.1(0.1)2
523 ;; Failures:
524 ;; None.
525 ;; for alpha : 1 thru 20 do print(alpha/10.0, float(2^(alpha/10 - 2)*(gamma(alpha/20))^2/gamma(alpha/10)),quad_qags((sin(x))^(alpha/10 - 1), x, 0, %pi/2));
527 ;; for alpha : 1 thru 20 do print(alpha/10.0, float(2^(alpha/10 - 2)*(gamma(alpha/20))^2/gamma(alpha/10)),quad_qaws(if equal(x,0.0) then 1 else (sin(x)/x)^(alpha/10 - 1), x, 0, %pi/2, alpha/10-1, 0, 1));
529 ;; Test 11
530 ;; integrate((log(1/x))^(alpha-1), x, 0, 1) =
531 ;; integrate((1-x)^(alpha - 1)*(log(1/x)/(1-x))^(alpha-1), x, 0, 1)
532 ;; => Gamma(alpha)
534 ;; alpha = 0.1(0.1)2
537 ;; for alpha : 1 thru 20 do print(alpha/10.0, float(gamma(alpha/10)),quad_qags(log(1/x)^(alpha/10-1),x,0,1));
539 ;; for alpha : 1 thru 20 do print(alpha/10.0, float(gamma(alpha/10)),quad_qaws(if equal(x,1) then 1 else (log(1/x)/(1-x))^(alpha/10-1),x,0,1,0,alpha/10-1,1));
542 ;; Test 12
543 ;; integrate(exp(20*(x-1))*sin(2^alpha*x), x, 0, 1)
544 ;; => (20*sin(2^alpha) - 2^alpha*cos(2^alpha) + 2^alpha*exp(-20))/(400 + 4^alpha)
546 ;; alpha = 0(1)9
548 ;; DQAG (key = 6), DQAWO
549 ;; Failures:
550 ;; None
552 ;; for alpha : 0 thru 9 do print(alpha, float((20*sin(2^alpha) - 2^alpha*cos(2^alpha) + 2^alpha*exp(-20))/(400 + 4^alpha)), quad_qag(exp(20*(x-1))*sin(2^alpha*x), x, 0, 1, 6));
554 ;; for alpha : 0 thru 9 do print(alpha, float((20*sin(2^alpha) - 2^alpha*cos(2^alpha) + 2^alpha*exp(-20))/(400 + 4^alpha)), quad_qawo(exp(20*(x-1)), x, 0, 1, 2^alpha, 'sin));
557 ;; Test 13
558 ;; integrate((x*(1-x))^(-1/2)*cos(2^alpha*x), x, 0, 1)
559 ;; => cos(2^(alpha-1))*J0(2^(alpha - 1))
561 ;; alpha = 0(1)8
565 ;; Failures:
566 ;; DQAGS: alpha = 4 (ier = 5)
568 ;; for alpha : 0 thru 8 do print(alpha, float(cos(2^(alpha-1))*bessel_j(0,2^(alpha - 1))), quad_qags((x*(1-x))^(-1/2)*cos(2^alpha*x), x, 0, 1));
570 ;; This doesn't work:
571 ;; for alpha : 0 thru 8 do print(alpha, float(cos(2^(alpha-1))*bessel_j(0,2^(alpha - 1))), quad_qawo(if equal(x,0) or equal(x,1) then 0 else (x*(1-x))^(-1/2), x, 0, 1, 2^alpha, 'cos));
573 ;; for alpha : 0 thru 8 do print(alpha, float(cos(2^(alpha-1))*bessel_j(0,2^(alpha - 1))), quad_qaws(cos(2^alpha*x), x, 0, 1, -1/2, -1/2, 1));
575 ;; Test 14
577 ;; integrate(x^(-1/2)*exp(-2^(-alpha)*x) * cos(x), x, 0, inf);
578 ;; => sqrt(%pi)*(1-4^(-alpha))^(-1/4)*cos(atan(2^alpha)/2)
580 ;; quad_qawf(x^(-1/2)*exp(-2^(-2)*x), x, 0, 1, cos)
581 ;; quad_qawf(x^(-1/2)*exp(-2^(-2)*x), x, 1e-8, 1, cos)
582 ;; quad_qawo(x^(-1/2)*exp(-2^(-2)*x), x, 1e-8, 20*2^2, 1, cos)
585 ;; Test 15
587 ;; integrate(x^2*exp(-2^(-alpha)*x), x, 0, inf)
588 ;; => 2^(3*alpha + 1)
590 ;; alpha = 0(1)5
592 ;; quad_qagi(x^2*exp(-2^(-alpha)*x), x, 0, inf)
594 ;; for alpha : 0 thru 5 do print(alpha, float(2^(3*alpha+1)), quad_qagi(x^2*exp(-2^(-alpha)*x), x, 0, inf));
597 ;; Test 16
598 ;; integrate(x^(alpha - 1)/(1+10*x)^2, 0, inf)
599 ;; => 10^(-alpha)*(1-alpha)*pi/sin(pi*alpha)
600 ;; if alpha /= 1. Otherwise result = 1/10 when alpha = 1.
602 ;; alpha = 0.1(0.1)1.9
604 ;; DQAGI
606 ;; Failures: None
608 ;; for alpha : 1 thru 19 do print(alpha/10.0, float(10^(-alpha/10)*(1-alpha/10)*%pi/sin(%pi*alpha/10)), quad_qagi(x^(alpha/10 - 1)/(1+10*x)^2, x, 0, inf));
610 ;; Test 17
612 ;; Cauchy principal value of
614 ;; integrate(2^(-alpha)*(((x-1)^2 + 4^(-alpha))*(x-2))^(-1), x, 0, 5);
615 ;; => (2^(-alpha)*ln(3/2) - 2^(-alpha-1)*ln((16 + 4^(-alpha))/(1+4^(-alpha))) - atan(2^(alpha + 2)) - atan(2^alpha))/(1 + 4^(-alpha))
617 ;; alpha = 0(1)10
619 ;; quad_qawc(2^(-alpha)*((x-1)^2 + 4^(-alpha))^(-1), 2, 0, 5)
621 ;; for alpha : 0 thru 10 do print(alpha, float((2^(-alpha)*log(3/2) - 2^(-alpha-1)*log((16 + 4^(-alpha))/(1+4^(-alpha))) - atan(2^(alpha + 2)) - atan(2^alpha))/(1 + 4^(-alpha))), quad_qawc(2^(-alpha)*((x-1)^2 + 4^(-alpha))^(-1), x, 2, 0, 5));