Rename *ll* and *ul* to ll and ul in ztoinf and mtoinf
[maxima.git] / src / cl-info.lisp
1 (in-package :cl-info)
3 (defvar *info-tables* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
5 ;; Gcl doesn't like equalp hashtables.
6 (defvar *html-index*
7 (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
8 "Hash table for looking up which html file contains the
9 documentation. The key is the topic we're looking for and the value
10 is a cons consisting of the html file and the id for the key.")
13 (defun print-prompt (prompt-count)
14 (fresh-line)
15 (maxima::format-prompt
16 t "~a"
17 (if (zerop prompt-count)
18 (intl:gettext "Enter space-separated numbers, `all' or `none': ")
19 (intl:gettext "Still waiting: "))))
21 (defvar +select-by-keyword-alist+
22 '((noop "") (all "a" "al" "all") (none "n" "no" "non" "none")))
24 (defun parse-user-choice (nitems)
25 (loop
26 with line = (read-line #+(or sbcl cmu) *standard-input*) and nth and pos = 0
27 while (multiple-value-setq (nth pos)
28 (parse-integer line :start pos :junk-allowed t))
29 if (or (minusp nth) (>= nth nitems))
30 do (format *debug-io* (intl:gettext "~&Discarding invalid number ~d.") nth)
31 else collect nth into list
32 finally
33 (let ((keyword
34 (car (rassoc
35 (string-right-trim
36 '(#\space #\tab #\newline #\;) (subseq line pos))
37 +select-by-keyword-alist+
38 :test #'(lambda (item list)
39 (member item list :test #'string-equal))))))
40 (unless keyword
41 (setq keyword 'noop)
42 (format *debug-io* (intl:gettext "~&Ignoring trailing garbage in input.")))
43 (return (cons keyword list)))))
45 (defun select-info-items (selection items)
46 (case (pop selection)
47 (noop (loop
48 for i in selection
49 collect (nth i items)))
50 (all items)
51 (none 'none)))
53 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
56 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
58 ; ------------------ search help topics ------------------
60 (defun maxima::combine-path (&rest list)
61 "splice a '/' between the path components given as arguments"
62 (format nil "~{~A~^/~}" list))
64 (defun load-primary-index ()
65 ;; Is with-standard-io-syntax too much for what we want?
66 (let*
67 ((subdir-bit (or maxima::*maxima-lang-subdir* "."))
68 (path-to-index (maxima::combine-path maxima::*maxima-infodir* subdir-bit "maxima-index.lisp"))
69 (path-to-html-index
70 (maxima::combine-path maxima::*maxima-infodir* subdir-bit "maxima-index-html.lisp")))
71 ;; Set the default of the html URL base to be a file URL pointing
72 ;; to the info dir.
73 (setf maxima::$url_base (concatenate 'string
74 "file://"
75 (if maxima::*maxima-lang-subdir*
76 (maxima::combine-path maxima::*maxima-htmldir*
77 maxima::*maxima-lang-subdir*)
78 maxima::*maxima-htmldir*)))
80 (handler-case
81 (with-standard-io-syntax (load path-to-index))
82 (error (condition) (warn (intl:gettext (format nil "~&Maxima is unable to set up the help system.~&(Details: CL-INFO::LOAD-PRIMARY-INDEX: ~a)~&" condition)))))
83 (handler-case
84 (with-standard-io-syntax (load path-to-html-index))
85 (error (condition) (warn (intl:gettext (format nil "~&Maxima is unable to set up the help system.~&(Details: CL-INFO::LOAD-PRIMARY-INDEX: ~a)~&" condition)))))))
88 (defun info-exact (x)
89 (setq x (strip-quotes x))
90 (let ((exact-matches (exact-topic-match x)))
91 (if (not (some-exact x exact-matches))
92 (progn
93 (format t (intl:gettext " No exact match found for topic `~a'.~% Try `?? ~a' (inexact match) instead.~%~%") x x)
94 nil)
95 (progn
96 (display-items exact-matches)
97 (if (some-inexact x (inexact-topic-match x))
98 (format t (intl:gettext " There are also some inexact matches for `~a'.~% Try `?? ~a' to see them.~%~%") x x))
99 t))))
101 (defun some-exact (x matches)
102 (some #'identity (flatten-matches x matches)))
104 (defun some-inexact (x matches)
105 (some #'null (flatten-matches x matches)))
107 (defun flatten-matches (x matches)
109 (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (equal y x)) (mapcar #'first (apply #'append (mapcar #'second matches)))))
111 (defun exact-topic-match (topic)
112 (setq topic (regex-sanitize topic))
113 (loop for dir-name being the hash-keys of *info-tables*
114 collect (list dir-name (exact-topic-match-1 topic dir-name))))
116 (defun exact-topic-match-1 (topic d)
117 (let*
118 ((section-table (first (gethash d *info-tables*)))
119 (defn-table (second (gethash d *info-tables*)))
120 (regex1 (concatenate 'string "^" topic "$"))
121 (regex2 (concatenate 'string "^" topic " *<[0-9]+>$")))
122 (append
123 (find-regex-matches regex1 section-table)
124 (find-regex-matches regex1 defn-table)
125 (find-regex-matches regex2 section-table)
126 (find-regex-matches regex2 defn-table))))
128 (defun info-inexact (x)
129 (setq x (strip-quotes x))
130 (let ((inexact-matches (inexact-topic-match x)))
131 (when inexact-matches
132 (display-items inexact-matches))
133 (not (null inexact-matches))))
135 ;; MATCHES looks like ((D1 (I11 I12 I12 ...)) (D2 (I21 I22 I23 ...)))
136 ;; Rearrange it to ((D1 I11) (D1 I12) (D1 I13) ... (D2 I21) (D2 I22) (D2 I23) ...)
137 (defun rearrange-matches (matches)
138 (apply #'append (mapcar #'(lambda (di) (let ((d (first di)) (i (second di))) (mapcar #'(lambda (i1) (list d i1)) i))) matches)))
140 (defun display-items (items)
141 (let*
142 ((items-list (rearrange-matches items))
143 (nitems (length items-list))
144 wanted)
146 (loop for i from 0 for item in items-list do
147 (when (> nitems 1)
148 (let
149 ((heading-title (nth 4 (second item)))
150 (item-name (first (second item))))
151 (format t "~% ~d: ~a~@[ (~a)~]" i item-name heading-title))))
153 (setq wanted
154 (if (> nitems 1)
155 (prog1
156 (loop
157 for prompt-count from 0
158 thereis (progn
159 (finish-output *debug-io*)
160 (print-prompt prompt-count)
161 (finish-output)
162 #-(or sbcl cmu) (clear-input)
163 (select-info-items
164 (parse-user-choice nitems) items-list)))
165 #-(or sbcl cmu) (clear-input))
166 items-list))
167 (finish-output *debug-io*)
168 (when (consp wanted)
169 (format t "~%")
170 (funcall maxima::*help-display-function* wanted)
171 #+nil
172 (cond
173 (maxima::$describe_uses_html
174 (when maxima::*debug-display-html-help*
175 (format *debug-io* "wanted = ~A~%" wanted))
176 (loop for (dir entry) in wanted
177 do (maxima::display-html-help (car entry))))
179 (loop for item in wanted
180 do (let ((doc (read-info-text (first item) (second item))))
181 (if doc
182 (format t "~A~%~%" doc)
183 (format t "Unable to find documentation for `~A'.~%~
184 Possible bug maxima-index.lisp or"
185 (first (second item)))))))))))
187 (defun inexact-topic-match (topic)
188 (setq topic (regex-sanitize topic))
189 (let ((foo (loop for dir-name being the hash-keys of *info-tables*
190 collect (list dir-name (inexact-topic-match-1 topic dir-name)))))
191 (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (null (second x))) foo)))
193 (defun inexact-topic-match-1 (topic d)
194 (let*
195 ((section-table (first (gethash d *info-tables*)))
196 (defn-table (second (gethash d *info-tables*))))
197 (append
198 (find-regex-matches topic section-table)
199 (find-regex-matches topic defn-table))))
201 ;; If S is enclosed in single quotes or double quotes,
202 ;; return the quoted string.
203 (defun strip-quotes (s)
204 (let ((n (length s)))
205 (if (<= n 2) s ;; incidentally return "" or '' verbatim
206 (let ((first-char (aref s 0)) (last-char (aref s (1- n))))
207 (if (or (and (eql first-char #\') (eql last-char #\'))
208 (and (eql first-char #\") (eql last-char #\")))
209 (subseq s 1 (1- n))
210 s)))))
212 (defun regex-sanitize (s)
213 "Precede any regex special characters with a backslash."
214 (pregexp:pregexp-quote s))
216 (defun find-regex-matches (regex-string hashtable)
217 (let*
218 ;; Do the search ignoring case by wrapping the regex-string in
219 ;; "(?i:...)"
220 ((regex (concatenate 'string "(?i:" regex-string ")"))
221 (regex-matches nil))
222 (maphash
223 #'(lambda (key value)
224 (when (pregexp:pregexp-match-positions regex key)
225 #+nil
226 (format t "key value: ~S ~S: match ~A~%"
227 key value (pregexp:pregexp-match-positiions regex key))
228 (setq regex-matches (cons `(,key . ,value) regex-matches))))
229 hashtable)
230 (stable-sort regex-matches #'string-lessp :key #'car)))
232 (defun read-info-text (dir-name parameters)
233 (let*
234 ((value (cdr parameters))
235 (filename (car value))
236 (byte-offset (cadr value))
237 (char-count (caddr value))
238 (text (make-string char-count))
239 (path+filename (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name filename) dir-name)))
240 (handler-case
241 (with-open-file (in path+filename :direction :input)
242 (unless (plusp byte-offset)
243 ;; If byte-offset isn't positive there must be some error in
244 ;; the index. Return nil and let the caller deal with it.
245 (return-from read-info-text nil))
246 (file-position in byte-offset)
247 (read-sequence text in :start 0 :end char-count)
248 text)
249 (error () (maxima::merror "Cannot find documentation for `~M': missing info file ~M~%"
250 (car parameters) (namestring path+filename))))))
252 ; --------------- build help topic indices ---------------
254 (defun load-info-hashtables (dir-name deffn-defvr-pairs section-pairs)
255 (if (and (zerop (length section-pairs))
256 (zerop (length deffn-defvr-pairs)))
257 (format t (intl:gettext "warning: ignoring an empty documentation index in ~a~%") dir-name)
258 (destructuring-bind
259 (section-hashtable deffn-defvr-hashtable)
260 (ensure-info-tables dir-name)
261 (mapc #'(lambda (x) (setf (gethash (car x) section-hashtable) (cdr x))) section-pairs)
262 (mapc #'(lambda (x) (setf (gethash (car x) deffn-defvr-hashtable) (cdr x))) deffn-defvr-pairs))))
264 (defun ensure-info-tables (dir-name)
265 (or (gethash dir-name *info-tables*)
266 (let
267 ((t1 (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
268 (t2 (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
269 (setf (gethash dir-name *info-tables*) (list t1 t2)))))
271 (defun load-html-index (entries)
272 (clrhash *html-index*)
273 ;; Go through the entries and add it to the html index hashtable.
274 ;; Each entry is a list of 3 items: the item key for the hash table,
275 ;; the path to the html file containing the item we're interested in
276 ;; and the html id for the item.
277 (dolist (entry entries)
278 (destructuring-bind (item path id)
279 entry
280 (setf (gethash item *html-index*) (cons path id)))))