Rename *ll* and *ul* to ll and ul in ztoinf and mtoinf
[maxima.git] / src / mdebug.lisp
1 (in-package :maxima)
3 (declaim (optimize (safety 2) (space 3)))
5 (eval-when
6 (:compile-toplevel :execute)
8 (defmacro f (op &rest args)
9 `(the fixnum (,op ,@ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(the fixnum ,x)) args))))
11 (defmacro fb (op &rest args)
12 `(,op ,@ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(the fixnum ,x)) args))))
14 (defstruct (line-info (:type list)) line file)
16 (defstruct (bkpt (:type list)) form file file-line function)
18 ;; *mlambda-call-stack*
19 ;; #(NIL ($X) (1) $FF ($BIL $X) ($Y) (36) $JOE ($Y $BIL $X) ($JJX) (36)
20 ;; to get to current values in ff need to unbind bindlist downto ($BIL $X)
21 ;; to get to current values in joe need to unbind bindlist downto ($Y $BIL $X)
23 (defvar *current-frame* 0)
25 (defvar $mdebug_print_length 100 "Length of forms to print out in debugger")
27 (defvar *lisp-quiet-suppressed-prompt* "" "The prompt lisp-quiet has suppressed")
29 (defun frame-info (n)
30 (declare (fixnum n))
31 (let* ((ar *mlambda-call-stack*)
32 (m (length ar))
33 fname vals params backtr lineinfo bdlist)
34 (declare (fixnum m))
35 ;; just in case we do not have an even multiple
36 (setq m (f - m (f mod m 5) (* n 5)))
37 (if (<= m 0) (return-from frame-info nil))
38 (setq fname (aref ar (f- m 1)))
39 (setq vals (aref ar (f- m 2)))
40 (setq params (aref ar (f- m 3)))
41 (setq backtr (aref ar (f- m 4)))
42 (setq bdlist (if (< m (fill-pointer ar)) (aref ar m) bindlist))
43 ; (setq lineinfo (get-lineinfo backtr))
44 (setq lineinfo (if ( < m (fill-pointer ar))
45 (get-lineinfo (aref ar (f+ m 1)))
46 (get-lineinfo *last-meval1-form*)))
47 (values fname vals params backtr lineinfo bdlist)))
49 (defun print-one-frame (n print-frame-number &aux val (st *debug-io*))
50 (multiple-value-bind
51 (fname vals params backtr lineinfo bdlist)
52 (frame-info n)
53 (cond (fname
54 (princ (if print-frame-number
55 ($sconcat "#" n ": " fname "(")
56 ($sconcat fname "("))
57 st)
58 (loop for v on params for w in vals
59 do (setq val ($sconcat w))
60 (if (> (length val) 100)
61 (setq val ($sconcat (subseq val 0 100) "...")))
62 (format st "~(~a~)=~a~a" ($sconcat (car v)) val
63 (if (cdr v) "," "")))
64 (princ ")" st)
65 (and lineinfo
66 (format st (intl:gettext " (~a line ~a)")
67 (short-name (cadr lineinfo)) (car lineinfo)))
68 (terpri st)
69 (values fname vals params backtr lineinfo bdlist))
70 (t nil))))
72 ;; these are in the system package in gcl...
73 #-gcl
74 (progn
75 (defun break-call (key args prop &aux fun)
76 (setq fun (complete-prop key 'keyword prop))
77 (setq key fun)
78 (or fun (return-from break-call nil))
79 (setq fun (get fun prop))
80 (unless (symbolp fun)
81 (let ((gen (gensym)))
82 (setf (symbol-function gen) fun) (setf (get key prop) gen)
83 (setq fun gen)))
84 (cond (fun
85 (setq args (cons fun args))
86 ; jfa temporary hack
87 (eval args)
89 (t (format *debug-io*
90 (intl:gettext "~&~S is an undefined break command.~%")
91 key))))
93 (defun complete-prop (sym package prop &optional return-list)
94 (cond ((and (symbolp sym)(get sym prop)(equal (symbol-package sym)
95 (find-package package)))
96 (return-from complete-prop sym)))
97 (loop for vv being the symbols of package
98 when (and (get vv prop)
99 (eql #+gcl (string-match sym vv)
100 #-gcl (search (symbol-name sym)
101 (symbol-name vv))
103 collect vv into all
104 finally
106 (cond (return-list (return-from complete-prop all))
107 ((> (length all) 1)
108 (format *debug-io*
109 (intl:gettext "~&Break command '~(~s~)' is ambiguous.~%")
110 sym)
111 (format *debug-io*
112 (intl:gettext "Perhaps you meant one of the following: ~(~{~s~^, ~}~).")
113 all)
114 (finish-output *debug-io*))
115 ((null all)
116 (format *debug-io*
117 (intl:gettext "~&Break command '~(~s~)' does not exist.")
118 sym)
119 (finish-output *debug-io*))
120 (t (return-from complete-prop
121 (car all)))))))
123 (defmfun $backtrace (&optional (n 0 n-p))
124 (unless (typep n '(integer 0))
125 (merror
126 (intl:gettext "backtrace: number of frames must be a nonnegative integer; got ~M~%")
128 (let ($display2d)
129 (loop for i from 0
130 for j from *current-frame*
131 when (and n-p (= i n))
132 return nil
133 while (print-one-frame j t))))
135 ;; if this is NIL then nothing more is checked in eval
137 (defvar *break-points* nil)
138 (defvar *break-point-vector* (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
140 (defun init-break-points ()
141 (setf (fill-pointer *break-point-vector*) 0)
142 (setf *break-points* *break-point-vector*))
144 (defvar *break-step* nil)
145 (defvar *step-next* nil)
147 (defun step-into (&optional ignored)
148 (declare (ignore ignored))
149 (or *break-points* (init-break-points))
150 (setq *break-step* 'break-step-into)
151 :resume)
153 (defun step-next (&optional (n 1))
154 (let ((fun (current-step-fun)))
155 (setq *step-next* (cons n fun))
156 (or *break-points* (init-break-points))
157 (setq *break-step* 'break-step-next)
158 :resume))
160 (defun maybe-break (form line-info fun env &aux pos)
161 (declare (ignore env))
162 (cond ((setq pos (position form line-info))
163 (setq *break-step* nil)
164 (or (> (length *break-points*) 0)
165 (setf *break-points* nil))
166 (break-dbm-loop (make-break-point fun line-info pos))
167 t)))
169 ;; These following functions, when they are the value of *break-step*
170 ;; are invoked by an inner hook in eval. They may choose to stop things.
171 (defun break-step-into (form &optional env)
172 (let ((fun (current-step-fun)))
173 (let ((line-info (set-full-lineinfo fun)))
174 (and line-info
175 (maybe-break form line-info fun env)))))
177 (defun break-step-next (form &optional env)
178 (let ((fun (current-step-fun)))
179 (cond ((eql (cdr *step-next*) fun)
180 (let ((line-info (set-full-lineinfo fun)))
181 (maybe-break form line-info fun env))))))
183 (defvar *lineinfo-array-internal* nil)
185 ;; the lineinfo for a function will be a vector of forms
186 ;; such that each one is the first form on a line.
187 ;; we will walk thru the tree taking the first occurrence
188 ;; for each line.
189 (defun set-full-lineinfo (fname &aux te)
190 (let ((body (get fname 'lineinfo)))
191 (cond ((atom body) (return-from set-full-lineinfo body))
192 (t (cond ((null *lineinfo-array-internal*)
193 (setq *lineinfo-array-internal*
194 (make-array 20 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
195 (t (setf (fill-pointer *lineinfo-array-internal*) 0)))
196 (cond ((setq te (get-lineinfo body))
197 (vector-push (car te) *lineinfo-array-internal*)
198 (walk-get-lineinfo body *lineinfo-array-internal*)))
199 (cond ((> (fill-pointer *lineinfo-array-internal*) 0)
200 (setf (get fname 'lineinfo)
201 (copy-seq *lineinfo-array-internal*)))
202 (t (setf (get fname 'lineinfo) nil)))))))
204 (defun walk-get-lineinfo (form ar &aux (i 0) tem)
205 (declare (type (vector t) ar) (fixnum i))
206 (cond ((atom form) nil)
207 ((setq tem (get-lineinfo form))
208 (setq i (f - (line-info-line tem) (aref ar 0) -1))
209 (cond ((< i (fill-pointer ar))
210 (or (aref ar i)
211 (setf (aref ar i) form)))
213 (unless (< i (array-total-size ar))
214 (setq ar (adjust-array ar (+ i 20) :fill-pointer
215 (fill-pointer ar))))
216 (loop for j from (fill-pointer ar) below i
217 do (setf (aref ar j) nil))
218 (setf (fill-pointer ar) (f + i 1))
219 (setf (aref ar i) form)))
220 (loop for v in (cdr form)
221 do (or (atom v)
222 (walk-get-lineinfo v ar))))))
224 (defun first-form-line (form line &aux tem)
225 (cond ((atom form) nil)
226 ((and (setq tem (get-lineinfo form)) (eql (car tem) line))
227 form)
228 (t (loop for v in (cdr form)
229 when (setq tem (first-form-line v line))
230 do (return-from first-form-line tem)))))
232 (defvar *last-dbm-command* nil)
234 ;; split string into a list of strings, split by any of a list of characters
235 ;; in bag. Returns a list. They will have fill pointers..
236 (defun split-string (string bag &optional (start 0) &aux all pos v l)
237 (declare (fixnum start) (type string string))
238 (loop for i from start below (length string)
239 do (setq pos (position (setq v (aref string i)) bag))
240 (setq start (+ start 1))
241 (cond ((null pos) (push v all))
242 (t (if all (loop-finish))))
243 finally
244 (if all
245 (return-from split-string
246 (cons
247 (make-array (setq l (length all))
248 :fill-pointer l
249 :adjustable t
250 :initial-contents (nreverse all)
251 :element-type
252 ' #.(array-element-type "ab"))
253 (split-string string bag start))))))
255 (declaim (special *mread-prompt*))
257 (defvar *need-prompt* t)
259 ;; STREAM, EOF-ERROR-P and EOF-VALUE are analogous to the corresponding
260 ;; arguments to Lisp's READ. REPEAT-IF-NEWLINE, when T, says to repeat
261 ;; the last break command (if available) when only a newline is read.
262 (defun dbm-read (&optional (stream *standard-input*) (eof-error-p t)
263 (eof-value nil) repeat-if-newline &aux tem ch
264 (mprompt *mread-prompt*) (*mread-prompt* ""))
265 (if (and *need-prompt* (> (length mprompt) 0))
266 (progn
267 (fresh-line *standard-output*)
268 (princ mprompt *standard-output*)
269 (finish-output *standard-output*)
270 (setf *prompt-on-read-hang* nil))
271 (progn
272 (setf *prompt-on-read-hang* t)
273 (setf *read-hang-prompt* mprompt)))
275 ;; Read a character to see what we should do.
276 (tagbody
278 (setq ch (read-char stream eof-error-p eof-value))
279 (cond ((or (eql ch #\newline) (eql ch #\return))
280 (if (and repeat-if-newline *last-dbm-command*)
281 (return-from dbm-read *last-dbm-command*))
282 (go top))
283 ((eq ch eof-value)
284 (return-from dbm-read eof-value)))
285 ;; Put that character back, so we can reread the line correctly.
286 (unread-char ch stream))
288 ;; Figure out what to do
289 (cond ((eql #\: ch)
290 ;; This is a Maxima debugger command (I think)
291 (let* ((line (read-line stream eof-error-p eof-value))
292 fun)
293 (multiple-value-bind
294 (keyword n)
295 (read-from-string line)
296 (setq fun (complete-prop keyword 'keyword 'break-command))
297 (and (consp fun) (setq fun (car fun)))
298 ;;(print (list 'line line))
299 (setq *last-dbm-command*
300 (cond ((null fun) '(:_none))
301 ((get fun 'maxima-read)
302 (cons keyword (mapcar 'macsyma-read-string
303 (split-string line " " n))))
304 (t (setq tem
305 ($sconcat "(" (string-right-trim ";" line)
306 ")"))
307 ;;(print (list 'tem tem))
308 (read (make-string-input-stream tem)
309 eof-error-p eof-value)))))))
310 ((eql #\? ch)
311 ;; Process "?" lines. This is either a call to describe or a
312 ;; quick temporary escape to Lisp to call some Lisp function.
314 ;; First, read and discard the #\? since we don't need it anymore.
315 (read-char stream)
316 (let ((next (peek-char nil stream nil)))
317 (cond ((member next '(#\space #\tab #\!))
318 ;; Got "? <stuff>" or "?! <stuff>".
319 ;; Invoke exact search on <stuff>.
320 (let* ((line (string-trim
321 '(#\space #\tab #\; #\$)
322 (subseq
323 (read-line stream eof-error-p eof-value) 1))))
324 `((displayinput) nil (($describe) ,line $exact))))
325 ((equal next #\?)
326 ;; Got "?? <stuff>". Invoke inexact search on <stuff>.
327 (let* ((line (string-trim
328 '(#\space #\tab #\; #\$)
329 (subseq
330 (read-line stream eof-error-p eof-value) 1))))
331 `((displayinput) nil (($describe) ,line $inexact))))
333 ;; Got "?<stuff>" This means a call to a Lisp
334 ;; function. Pass this on to mread which can handle
335 ;; this.
337 ;; Note: There appears to be a bug in Allegro 6.2
338 ;; where concatenated streams don't wait for input
339 ;; on *standard-input*.
340 (mread (make-concatenated-stream
341 (make-string-input-stream "?") stream)
342 eof-value)))))
344 (setq *last-dbm-command* nil)
345 (let ((result (mread stream eof-value))
346 (next-char (read-char-no-hang stream eof-error-p eof-value)))
347 (cond
348 ((or (eql next-char nil) (equal next-char '(nil)))
349 (setf *need-prompt* t))
350 ((member next-char '(#\newline #\return))
351 (setf *need-prompt* t))
353 (setf *need-prompt* nil)
354 (unread-char next-char stream)))
355 result))))
357 (defvar *break-level* nil)
358 (defvar *break-env* nil)
359 (defvar *top-eof* (cons nil nil))
360 (defvar *quit-tag* 'macsyma-quit)
362 (defvar *quit-tags* nil)
364 (defun set-env (bkpt)
365 (format *debug-io*
366 (intl:gettext "(~a line ~a~@[, in function ~a~])")
367 (short-name (bkpt-file bkpt))
368 (bkpt-file-line bkpt)
369 (bkpt-function bkpt))
370 (format *debug-io* "~&\x1a\x1a~a:~a::~%" (bkpt-file bkpt)
371 (bkpt-file-line bkpt)))
373 (defvar *diff-mspeclist* nil)
374 (defvar *diff-bindlist* nil)
376 (defun break-dbm-loop (at)
377 (let* ((*quit-tags* (cons (cons *break-level* *quit-tag*) *quit-tags*))
378 (*break-level* (if (not at) *break-level* (cons t *break-level*)))
379 (*quit-tag* (cons nil nil))
380 (*break-env* *break-env*)
381 (*mread-prompt* "")
382 (*diff-bindlist* nil)
383 (*diff-mspeclist* nil)
384 val)
385 (declare (special *mread-prompt*))
386 (and (consp at) (set-env at))
387 (cond ((null at)
388 (break-frame 0 nil)))
389 (catch 'step-continue
390 (catch *quit-tag*
391 (unwind-protect
392 (do () (())
393 (format-prompt *debug-io* "~&~a"
394 (format nil "~@[(~a:~a) ~]"
395 (unless (stringp at) "dbm")
396 (length *quit-tags*)))
397 (finish-output *debug-io*)
398 (setq val
399 (catch 'macsyma-quit
400 (let ((res (dbm-read *debug-io* nil *top-eof* t)))
401 (declare (special *mread-prompt*))
402 (cond ((and (consp res) (keywordp (car res)))
403 (let ((value (break-call (car res)
404 (cdr res)
405 'break-command)))
406 (cond ((eq value :resume) (return)))))
407 ((eq res *top-eof*)
408 (funcall (get :top 'break-command)))
410 (setq $__ (nth 2 res))
411 (setq $% (meval* $__))
412 (setq $_ $__)
413 (displa $%)))
414 nil)))
415 (and (eql val 'top)
416 (throw-macsyma-top)))
417 (restore-bindings))))))
419 (defun break-quit (&optional (level 0)
420 &aux (current-level (length *break-level*)))
421 (when (and (>= level 0) (< level current-level))
422 (let ((x (nth (- current-level level 1) *quit-tags*)))
423 (if (eq (cdr x) 'macsyma-quit)
424 (throw 'macsyma-quit 'top)
425 (throw (cdr x) (cdr x)))))
426 (throw 'macsyma-quit 'top))
428 (defun break-current ()
429 (if *break-level*
430 (format *debug-io*
431 (intl:gettext "Back to level ~:@(~S~).")
432 (length *break-level*))
433 (format *debug-io* (intl:gettext "~&Top level.")))
434 (values))
436 (defun def-break (keyword fun doc)
437 (setf (get keyword 'break-command) fun)
438 (and doc (setf (get keyword 'break-doc) doc)))
440 (defun break-help (&optional key)
441 (cond (key
442 (if (keywordp key)
443 (dolist (v (complete-prop key 'keyword 'break-doc t))
444 (format t "~&~%~(~s~) ~a" v (get v 'break-doc)))))
446 ; Skip any undocumented break commands
447 (loop for vv being the symbols of 'keyword
448 when (and (get vv 'break-command) (get vv 'break-doc))
449 collect (cons vv (get vv 'break-doc))
450 into all
451 finally (setq all (sort all 'alphalessp))
452 (format t (intl:gettext "~
453 Break commands start with ':'. Any unique substring may be used,~%~
454 eg :r :re :res all work for :resume.~2%~
455 Command Description~%~
456 ----------- --------------------------------------"))
457 (loop for vv in all
458 do (format t "~% ~(~12s~)" (car vv))
459 (format t (cdr vv)))
460 (finish-output)))))
462 (def-break :help 'break-help
463 "Print help on a break command or with no arguments on
464 all break commands")
466 ;; This is an undocumented break command which gets placed in
467 ;; *LAST-DBM-COMMAND* when an invalid (nonexistent or ambiguous)
468 ;; break command is read in.
469 (def-break :_none #'(lambda()) nil)
471 (def-break :next 'step-next
472 "Like :step, except that subroutine calls are stepped over")
474 (def-break :step 'step-into
475 "Step program until it reaches a new source line")
477 ;;(def-break :location 'loc "" )
479 (def-break :quit 'break-quit
480 "Quit this level")
482 (def-break :top #'(lambda( &rest l)l (throw 'macsyma-quit 'top))
483 "Throw to top level")
485 (defun *break-points* (form)
486 (let ((pos(position form *break-points* :key 'car)))
487 (format *debug-io* "Bkpt ~a: " pos)
488 (break-dbm-loop (aref *break-points* pos))))
490 ;; fun = function name eg '$|odeSeriesSolve| and
491 ;; li = offset from beginning of function.
492 ;; Or fun = string (filename) and li = absolute position.
494 (defun break-function (fun &optional (li 0) absolute
495 &aux i tem info form fun-line)
496 (unless *mdebug*
497 (format t "~&Turning on debugging debugmode(true)~%")
498 (setq *mdebug* t))
499 (cond ((stringp fun)
500 (let ((file fun) start)
501 (loop named joe for vv being the symbols of 'maxima with tem with linfo
502 when (and (typep (setq tem (set-full-lineinfo vv))
503 'vector)
504 (setq linfo (get-lineinfo (aref tem 1)))
505 (equal file (cadr linfo))
506 (fb >= li (setq start (aref tem 0)))
507 (fb <= li (+ start (length (the vector tem)))))
508 do (setq fun vv li (f- li start -1))
509 ; (print (list 'found fun fun li (aref tem 0)))
510 (return-from joe nil)
511 finally
512 (format t "No line info for ~a " fun)
513 (return-from break-function nil)))))
514 (setq fun ($concat fun))
515 ; (print (list 'fun fun 'hi))
516 (cond ((and (setq tem (second (mgetl fun '(mexpr mmacro))))
517 (setq info (get-lineinfo (setq form (third tem))))
518 (eq (third info) 'src))
519 (setq fun-line (fifth info))
520 (or (fixnump fun-line) (setq fun-line (line-info-line info)))
521 ; (print (list 'fun-line fun-line))
522 (setq form (first-form-line
523 form
524 (setq i (+
525 (if absolute 0 fun-line) li))))
526 (unless form
527 (if (eql li 0)
528 (return-from break-function (break-function fun 1)))
529 (format t "~& No instructions recorded for this line ~a of ~a" li
530 ($sconcat fun))
531 (return-from break-function nil))
532 (let ((n (insert-break-point (make-bkpt :form form
533 :file-line i
534 :file (line-info-file info)
535 :function fun))))
536 (format t "~&Bkpt ~a for ~a (in ~a line ~a) ~%"
537 n ($sconcat fun) (line-info-file info) i)
539 (t (format t "No line info for ~a " fun))))
541 ;; note need to make the redefine function, fixup the break point list..
543 (defun make-break-point (fun ar i)
544 (declare (fixnum i) (type (vector t) ar))
545 (let* ((tem (aref ar i))
546 (linfo (get-lineinfo tem)))
547 (and linfo (list tem (cadr linfo) (car linfo) fun))))
549 (defun dbm-up (n &aux (cur *current-frame*) (m (length *mlambda-call-stack*)))
550 (declare (fixnum n m cur))
551 (setq m (quotient m 5))
552 (setq n (f + n cur))
553 (cond ((fb > n m)
554 (setq n m))
555 ((fb < n 0)
556 (setq n 0)))
557 (break-frame n nil))
559 (defun insert-break-point (bpt &aux at)
560 (or *break-points* (init-break-points))
561 (setq at (or (position nil *break-points*)
562 (prog1 (length *break-points*)
563 (vector-push-extend nil *break-points*))))
564 (let ((fun (bkpt-function bpt)))
565 (push at (get fun 'break-points)))
566 (setf (aref *break-points* at) bpt)
569 (defun short-name (name)
570 (let ((pos (position #\/ name :from-end t)))
571 (if pos (subseq name (f + 1 pos)) name)))
573 (defun show-break-point (n &aux disabled)
574 (let ((bpt (aref *break-points* n)))
575 (when bpt
576 (when (eq (car bpt) nil)
577 (setq disabled t)
578 (setq bpt (cdr bpt)))
579 (format t "Bkpt ~a: (~a line ~a)~@[ (disabled)~]"
580 n (short-name (second bpt))
581 (third bpt) disabled)
582 (let ((fun (fourth bpt)))
583 (format t " (line ~a of ~a)" (relative-line fun (nth 2 bpt))
584 fun)))))
586 (defun relative-line (fun l)
587 (let ((info (set-full-lineinfo fun)))
588 (if info (f - l (aref info 0))
589 0)))
591 (defun iterate-over-bkpts (l action)
592 (dotimes (i (length *break-points*))
593 (if (or (member i l)
594 (null l))
595 (let ((tem (aref *break-points* i)))
596 (setf (aref *break-points* i)
597 (case action
598 (:delete
599 (unless (car tem)
600 (pop tem)) ; disabled or already deleted bkpt
601 (if tem
602 (setf (get (bkpt-function tem) 'break-points)
603 (delete i
604 (get (bkpt-function tem) 'break-points))))
605 nil)
606 (:enable
607 (if (eq (car tem) nil) (cdr tem) tem))
608 (:disable
609 (if (and tem (not (eq (car tem) nil)))
610 (cons nil tem)
611 tem))
612 (:show
613 (when tem (show-break-point i)
614 (terpri)
615 (finish-output))
616 tem)))))))
618 ;; get the most recent function on the stack with step info.
620 (defun current-step-fun ( &aux fun)
621 (loop for i below 100000
622 while (setq fun (frame-info i))
623 do (cond ((and (symbolp fun) (set-full-lineinfo fun))
624 (return-from current-step-fun fun)))))
626 (def-break :bt '$backtrace "Print a backtrace of the stack frames")
628 (def-break :info #'(lambda (&optional type)
629 (case type
630 (:bkpt (iterate-over-bkpts nil :show)(values))
631 (otherwise
632 (format *debug-io*
633 "usage: :info :bkpt -- show breakpoints"))))
634 "Print information about item")
636 (defmacro lisp-quiet (&rest l-lisp-quiet)
637 (if (not (string= *mread-prompt* ""))
638 (setq *lisp-quiet-suppressed-prompt* *mread-prompt*))
639 (setq *mread-prompt* "")
640 (eval (cons 'progn l-lisp-quiet))
641 nil)
643 (def-break :lisp-quiet 'lisp-quiet
644 "Evaluate the lisp form without printing a prompt")
646 (def-break :lisp 'lisp-eval
647 "Evaluate the lisp form following on the line")
649 (defmacro lisp-eval (&rest l-lisp-eval)
650 (if (string= *mread-prompt* "")
651 (setq *mread-prompt* *lisp-quiet-suppressed-prompt*))
653 (dolist (v-lisp-eval (multiple-value-list (eval (cons 'progn l-lisp-eval))))
654 (fresh-line *standard-output*)
655 (princ v-lisp-eval)))
657 (def-break :delete #'(lambda (&rest l) (iterate-over-bkpts l :delete) (values))
658 "Delete all breakpoints, or if arguments are supplied delete the
659 specified breakpoints")
661 (def-break :frame 'break-frame
662 "With an argument print the selected stack frame.
663 Otherwise the current frame.")
665 (def-break :resume #'(lambda () :resume)
666 "Continue the computation.")
668 (def-break :continue #'(lambda () :resume)
669 "Continue the computation.")
671 (def-break :disable
672 #'(lambda (&rest l) (iterate-over-bkpts l :disable)(values))
673 "Disable the specified breakpoints, or all if none are specified")
675 (def-break :enable #'(lambda (&rest l) (iterate-over-bkpts l :enable)(values))
676 "Enable the specified breakpoints, or all if none are specified")
678 (def-break :break 'do-break
679 "Set a breakpoint in the specified FUNCTION at the
680 specified LINE offset from the beginning of the function.
681 If FUNCTION is given as a string, then it is presumed to be
682 a FILE and LINE is the offset from the beginning of the file.")
684 ;; force the rest of the line to be broken at spaces,
685 ;; and each item read as a maxima atom.
686 (setf (get :break 'maxima-read) t)
688 (defmacro do-break (&optional name &rest l)
689 (declare (special *last-dbl-break*))
690 (cond ((null name)
691 (if *last-dbl-break*
692 (let ((fun (nth 3 *last-dbl-break*)))
693 (break-function fun (nth 2 *last-dbl-break*) t))))
694 (t (eval `(break-function ',name ,@l)))))
696 ;; this just sets up a counter for each stream.. we want
697 ;; it to start at one.
699 (defun get-lineinfo (form)
700 (cond ((consp form)
701 (if (consp (cadar form))
702 (cadar form)
703 (if (consp (caddar form))
704 (caddar form)
705 nil)))
706 (t nil)))
708 ;; restore-bindings from an original binding list.
709 (defun restore-bindings ()
710 (mbind *diff-bindlist* *diff-mspeclist* nil)
711 (setf *diff-bindlist* nil *diff-mspeclist* nil))
713 (defun remove-bindings (the-bindlist)
714 (loop for v on bindlist with var
715 while v
716 until (eq v the-bindlist)
718 (setq var (car v))
719 (push var *diff-bindlist*)
720 (push (symbol-value var) *diff-mspeclist*)
721 (cond ((eq (car mspeclist) munbound)
722 (makunbound var)
723 (setq $values (delete var $values :count 1 :test #'eq)))
724 (t (let ((munbindp t)) (mset var (car mspeclist)))))
725 (setq mspeclist (cdr mspeclist) bindlist (cdr bindlist))))
727 (defun break-frame (&optional (n 0) (print-frame-number t))
728 (restore-bindings)
729 (multiple-value-bind (fname vals params backtr lineinfo bdlist)
730 (print-one-frame n print-frame-number)
731 backtr params vals fname
732 (remove-bindings bdlist)
733 (when lineinfo
734 (fresh-line *debug-io*)
735 (format *debug-io* "\x1a\x1a~a:~a::~%" (cadr lineinfo) (+ 0 (car lineinfo))))
736 (values)))