Fix the inefficient evaluation of translated predicates
[maxima.git] / src / intl.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: INTL -*-
3 ;;; $Revision: 1.16 $
4 ;;; Copyright 1999-2010 Paul Foley (
5 ;;;
6 ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
7 ;;; a copy of this Software to deal in the Software without restriction,
8 ;;; including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
9 ;;; publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
10 ;;; and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
11 ;;; provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice
12 ;;; are included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
13 ;;;
25 ;;; DAMAGE.
26 (in-package :intl)
28 (eval-when #-gcl (:compile-toplevel :execute)
29 #+gcl (compile eval)
30 (defparameter intl::*default-domain* "maxima")
31 (unless (and (fboundp 'intl:read-translatable-string)
32 (eq (get-macro-character #\_)
33 (fdefinition 'intl:read-translatable-string)))
34 (set-macro-character #\_ (lambda (stream char)
35 (declare (ignore char))
36 (case (peek-char nil stream nil nil t)
37 (#\" (values))
38 (#\N (read-char stream t nil t) (values))
39 (otherwise '_)))
40 t)))
41 (defvar *locale-directories* '(#p"/usr/share/locale/"))
42 (defvar *locale* "C")
44 (defvar *default-domain* "maxima"
45 _N"The message-lookup domain used by INTL:GETTEXT and INTL:NGETTEXT.
46 Use (INTL:TEXTDOMAIN \"whatever\") in each source file to set this.")
47 (defvar *loaded-domains* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
48 (defvar *locale-aliases* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
50 (defstruct domain-entry
51 (domain "" :type simple-string)
52 (locale "" :type simple-string)
53 (file #p"" :type pathname)
54 (plurals nil :type (or null function))
55 (hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :type hash-table)
56 (encoding nil)
57 (readfn #'identity :type function))
59 (declaim (ftype (function (stream) (unsigned-byte 32)) read-lelong))
60 (defun read-lelong (stream)
61 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 2)
62 #+CMU (ext:inhibit-warnings 3))) ;quiet about boxing retn
63 (+ (the (unsigned-byte 8) (read-byte stream))
64 (ash (the (unsigned-byte 8) (read-byte stream)) 8)
65 (ash (the (unsigned-byte 8) (read-byte stream)) 16)
66 (ash (the (unsigned-byte 8) (read-byte stream)) 24)))
68 (declaim (ftype (function (stream) (unsigned-byte 32)) read-belong))
69 (defun read-belong (stream)
70 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 2)
71 #+CMU (ext:inhibit-warnings 3))) ;quiet about boxing retn
72 (+ (ash (the (unsigned-byte 8) (read-byte stream)) 24)
73 (ash (the (unsigned-byte 8) (read-byte stream)) 16)
74 (ash (the (unsigned-byte 8) (read-byte stream)) 8)
75 (the (unsigned-byte 8) (read-byte stream))))
77 (defun locate-domain-file (domain locale locale-dir)
78 (flet ((path (locale base)
79 (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory (list :relative locale
81 :name domain :type "mo")
82 base)))
83 (let ((locale (or (gethash locale *locale-aliases*) locale)))
84 (dolist (base (if (listp locale-dir) locale-dir (list locale-dir)))
85 (let ((probe
86 (or (probe-file (path locale base))
87 (let ((dot (position #\. locale)))
88 (and dot (probe-file (path (subseq locale 0 dot) base))))
89 (let ((at (position #\@ locale)))
90 (and at (probe-file (path (subseq locale 0 at) base))))
91 (let ((us (position #\_ locale)))
92 (and us (probe-file (path (subseq locale 0 us) base)))))))
93 (when probe (return probe)))))))
95 (defun find-encoding (domain)
96 (when (null (domain-entry-encoding domain))
97 (setf (domain-entry-encoding domain) :iso-8859-1)
98 (let* ((header (domain-lookup "" domain))
99 (ctype (search "Content-Type: " header))
100 (eoln (and ctype (position #\Newline header :start ctype)))
101 (charset (and ctype (search "; charset=" header
102 :start2 ctype :end2 eoln))))
103 (when charset
104 (incf charset 10)
105 (loop for i upfrom charset below eoln as c = (char header i)
106 while (or (alphanumericp c) (eql c #\-))
107 finally (setf (domain-entry-encoding domain)
108 (intern (nstring-upcase (subseq header charset i))
109 :keyword))))))
110 domain)
112 (defun parse-plurals (domain)
113 (let* ((header (domain-lookup "" domain))
114 (plurals (search "Plural-Forms: " header))
115 (default (lambda (n) (if (= n 1) 0 1))))
116 (if (and plurals
117 (> (length header) (+ plurals 36))
118 (string= header "nplurals="
119 :start1 (+ plurals 14) :end1 (+ plurals 23)))
120 (let ((nplurals
121 (parse-integer header :start (+ plurals 23) :junk-allowed t))
122 (point (+ (position #\; header :start (+ plurals 23)) 2)))
123 (if (and (> (length header) (+ point 10))
124 (string= header "plural=" :start1 point :end1 (+ point 7)))
125 (values (parse-expr header (+ point 7)) nplurals)
126 (values default 2)))
127 (values default 2))))
129 (defun parse-expr (string pos)
130 (labels ((next ()
131 (loop while (member (char string pos) '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline))
132 do (incf pos))
133 (case (char string (1- (incf pos)))
134 (#\n 'n)
135 (#\? 'if)
136 (#\: 'then)
137 (#\( 'lpar)
138 (#\) 'rpar)
139 (#\^ 'logxor)
140 (#\+ 'add)
141 (#\- 'sub)
142 (#\* 'mul)
143 (#\/ 'floor)
144 (#\% 'mod)
145 (#\~ 'lognot32)
146 (#\; 'end)
147 (#\| (if (char= (char string pos) #\|)
148 (progn (incf pos) 'cor)
149 'logior))
150 (#\& (if (char= (char string pos) #\&)
151 (progn (incf pos) 'cand)
152 'logand))
153 (#\= (if (char= (char string pos) #\=)
154 (progn (incf pos) 'cmp=)
155 (error _"Encountered illegal token: =")))
156 (#\! (if (char= (char string pos) #\=)
157 (progn (incf pos) 'cmp/=)
158 'not))
159 (#\< (case (char string pos)
160 (#\= (incf pos) 'cmp<=)
161 (#\< (incf pos) 'shl)
162 (otherwise 'cmp<)))
163 (#\> (case (char string pos)
164 (#\= (incf pos) 'cmp>=)
165 (#\> (incf pos) 'shr)
166 (otherwise 'cmp>)))
167 (otherwise (let ((n (digit-char-p (char string (1- pos)))))
168 (if n
169 (loop for nx = (digit-char-p (char string pos))
170 while nx
171 do (setq n (+ (* n 10) nx)) (incf pos)
172 finally (return n))
173 (error _"Encountered illegal token: ~C"
174 (char string (1- pos))))))))
175 (conditional (tok &aux tree)
176 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (logical-or tok))
177 (when (eql tok 'if)
178 (multiple-value-bind (right next) (logical-or (next))
179 (unless (eql next 'then)
180 (error _"Expected : in ?: construct"))
181 (multiple-value-bind (else next) (conditional (next))
182 (setq tree (list tok (list 'zerop tree) else right)
183 tok next))))
184 (values tree tok))
185 (logical-or (tok &aux tree)
186 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (logical-and tok))
187 (loop while (eql tok 'cor) do
188 (multiple-value-bind (right next) (logical-and (next))
189 (setq tree (list tok tree right)
190 tok next)))
191 (values tree tok))
192 (logical-and (tok &aux tree)
193 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (inclusive-or tok))
194 (loop while (eql tok 'cand) do
195 (multiple-value-bind (right next) (inclusive-or (next))
196 (setq tree (list tok tree right)
197 tok next)))
198 (values tree tok))
199 (inclusive-or (tok &aux tree)
200 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (exclusive-or tok))
201 (loop while (eql tok 'logior) do
202 (multiple-value-bind (right next) (exclusive-or (next))
203 (setq tree (list tok tree right)
204 tok next)))
205 (values tree tok))
206 (exclusive-or (tok &aux tree)
207 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (bitwise-and tok))
208 (loop while (eql tok 'logxor) do
209 (multiple-value-bind (right next) (bitwise-and (next))
210 (setq tree (list tok tree right)
211 tok next)))
212 (values tree tok))
213 (bitwise-and (tok &aux tree)
214 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (equality tok))
215 (loop while (eql tok 'logand) do
216 (multiple-value-bind (right next) (equality (next))
217 (setq tree (list tok tree right)
218 tok next)))
219 (values tree tok))
220 (equality (tok &aux tree)
221 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (relational tok))
222 (loop while (member tok '(cmp= cmp/=)) do
223 (multiple-value-bind (right next) (relational (next))
224 (setq tree (list tok tree right)
225 tok next)))
226 (values tree tok))
227 (relational (tok &aux tree)
228 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (shift tok))
229 (loop while (member tok '(cmp< cmp> cmp<= cmp>=)) do
230 (multiple-value-bind (right next) (shift (next))
231 (setq tree (list tok tree right)
232 tok next)))
233 (values tree tok))
234 (shift (tok &aux tree)
235 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (additive tok))
236 (loop while (member tok '(shl shr)) do
237 (multiple-value-bind (right next) (additive (next))
238 (setq tree (list tok tree right)
239 tok next)))
240 (values tree tok))
241 (additive (tok &aux tree)
242 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (multiplicative tok))
243 (loop while (member tok '(add sub)) do
244 (multiple-value-bind (right next) (multiplicative (next))
245 (setq tree (list tok tree right)
246 tok next)))
247 (values tree tok))
248 (multiplicative (tok &aux tree)
249 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (unary tok))
250 (loop while (member tok '(mul floor mod)) do
251 (multiple-value-bind (right next) (unary (next))
252 (setq tree (list tok tree right)
253 tok next)))
254 (values tree tok))
255 (unary (tok &aux tree)
256 (cond ((eq tok 'lpar)
257 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (conditional (next)))
258 (unless (eq tok 'rpar)
259 (error _"Expected close-paren."))
260 (values tree (next)))
261 ((numberp tok)
262 (values tok (next)))
263 ((eql tok 'n)
264 (values tok (next)))
265 ((eql tok 'add)
266 (unary (next)))
267 ((eql tok 'sub)
268 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (unary (next)))
269 (values (list '- tree) tok))
270 ((eql tok 'lognot32)
271 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (unary (next)))
272 (values (list 'lognot32 tree) tok))
273 ((eql tok 'not)
274 (multiple-value-setq (tree tok) (unary (next)))
275 (values (list 'cnot tree) tok))
277 (error _"Unexpected token: ~S." tok)))))
278 (multiple-value-bind (tree end) (conditional (next))
279 (unless (eq end 'end)
280 (error _"Expecting end of expression. ~S." end))
281 (let (#-gcl
282 (*compile-print* nil))
283 (compile nil
284 `(lambda (n)
285 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) n)
286 (optimize (space 3)))
287 (flet ((add (a b) (ldb (byte 32 0) (+ a b)))
288 (sub (a b) (ldb (byte 32 0) (- a b)))
289 (mul (a b) (ldb (byte 32 0) (* a b)))
290 (shl (a b) (ldb (byte 32 0) (ash a b)))
291 (shr (a b) (ash a (- b)))
292 (cmp= (a b) (if (= a b) 1 0))
293 (cmp/= (a b) (if (/= a b) 1 0))
294 (cmp< (a b) (if (< a b) 1 0))
295 (cmp<= (a b) (if (<= a b) 1 0))
296 (cmp> (a b) (if (> a b) 1 0))
297 (cmp>= (a b) (if (>= a b) 1 0))
298 (cand (a b) (if (or (zerop a) (zerop b)) 0 1))
299 (cor (a b) (if (and (zerop a) (zerop b)) 0 1))
300 (cnot (a) (if a 0 1))
301 (lognot32 (a) (ldb (byte 32 0) (lognot a))))
302 (declare (ignorable #'add #'sub #'mul #'shr #'shl
303 #'cmp= #'cmp/=
304 #'cmp< #'cmp<= #'cmp> #'cmp>=
305 #'cand #'cor #'cnot #'lognot32))
306 ,tree)))))))
308 (defun load-domain (domain locale &optional (locale-dir *locale-directories*))
309 (let ((file (locate-domain-file domain locale locale-dir))
310 (read #'read-lelong))
311 (unless file (return-from load-domain nil))
312 (with-open-file (stream file :direction :input :if-does-not-exist nil
313 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
314 (unless stream (return-from load-domain nil))
315 (let ((magic (read-lelong stream)))
316 (cond ((= magic #x950412de) (setq read #'read-lelong))
317 ((= magic #xde120495) (setq read #'read-belong))
319 (error _"Bad magic number in \"\"." domain))))
320 (let ((version (funcall read stream))
321 (messages (funcall read stream))
322 (master (funcall read stream))
323 (translation (funcall read stream))
324 (entry (make-domain-entry)))
325 (declare (ignore version))
326 (setf (domain-entry-readfn entry) read)
327 (setf (domain-entry-domain entry) domain)
328 (setf (domain-entry-locale entry) locale)
329 (setf (domain-entry-file entry) file)
330 (dotimes (msg messages)
331 (file-position stream (+ master (* 8 msg)))
332 (let ((length (funcall read stream))
333 (start (funcall read stream)))
334 (setf (gethash length (domain-entry-hash entry))
335 (acons start (+ translation (* 8 msg))
336 (gethash length (domain-entry-hash entry))))))
337 (setf (gethash domain *loaded-domains*) entry)
338 (find-encoding entry)))))
340 (defun find-domain (domain locale &optional (locale-dir *locale-directories*))
341 (let ((found (gethash domain *loaded-domains*)))
342 (if (and found (string= (domain-entry-locale found) locale))
343 found
344 (load-domain domain locale locale-dir))))
346 (declaim (inline string-to-octets))
347 (defun string-to-octets (string encoding)
348 (declare (ignorable encoding))
349 #+(and CMU Unicode)
350 (ext:string-to-octets string :external-format encoding)
351 #+scl
352 (ext:make-bytes-from-string string encoding)
353 #+Allegro
354 (excl:string-to-octets string :external-format encoding :null-terminate nil)
355 #+SBCL
356 (sb-ext:string-to-octets string :external-format encoding
357 :null-terminate nil)
358 #+CLISP
359 (ext:convert-string-to-bytes string (ext:make-encoding :charset (symbol-name encoding)))
360 ;;@@ add other implementations
361 #-(or (and CMU Unicode) Allegro SBCL CLISP scl #|others|#)
362 (map-into (make-array (length string) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
363 #'char-code string))
365 (declaim (inline octets-to-string))
366 (defun octets-to-string (octets encoding)
367 (declare (ignorable encoding))
368 #+(and CMU Unicode)
369 (ext:octets-to-string octets :external-format encoding)
370 #+scl
371 (ext:make-string-from-bytes octets encoding)
372 #+Allegro
373 (excl:octets-to-string octets :external-format encoding :end (length octets))
374 #+SBCL
375 (sb-ext:octets-to-string octets :external-format encoding)
376 #+CLISP ;;@@ Not sure if encoding keyword is OK here
377 (ext:convert-string-from-bytes octets (ext:make-encoding :charset (symbol-name encoding)))
378 ;;@@ add other implementations
379 #-(or (and CMU Unicode) Allegro SBCL CLISP scl #|others|#)
380 (map-into (make-string (length octets)) #'code-char octets))
382 (defun octets= (a b &key (start1 0) (end1 (length a))
383 (start2 0) (end2 (length b)))
384 (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) a b)
385 (type (integer 0 #.array-dimension-limit) start1 end1 start2 end2)
386 (optimize (speed 3) (space 2) #-gcl (debug 0)))
387 (when (and (< start1 end1)
388 (< start2 end2))
389 (loop
390 (unless (= (aref a start1) (aref b start2)) (return nil))
391 (when (or (= (incf start1) end1) (= (incf start2) end2)) (return t)))))
393 (defun search-domain (octets domain pos)
394 (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) octets)
395 (type domain-entry domain)
396 (type list pos)
397 (optimize (speed 3) (space 2) #-gcl (debug 0)
398 #+CMU (ext:inhibit-warnings 3))) ; quiet about boxing
399 (when pos
400 (let ((temp (make-array 120 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
401 (length (length octets)))
402 (with-open-file (stream (domain-entry-file domain)
403 :direction :input
404 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
405 (dolist (entry pos)
406 (file-position stream (car entry))
407 (let ((off 0)
408 (end (read-sequence temp stream
409 :end (min 120 length))))
410 (declare (type (integer 0 #.array-dimension-limit) off end))
411 (loop while (octets= octets temp
412 :start1 off
413 :end1 (min (+ off 120) length)
414 :end2 end)
416 (incf off end)
417 (when (< off length)
418 (setf end (read-sequence temp stream
419 :end (min 120 (- length off))))))
420 (when (= off length)
421 (file-position stream (cdr entry))
422 (let* ((len (funcall (domain-entry-readfn domain) stream))
423 (off (funcall (domain-entry-readfn domain) stream))
424 (tmp (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
425 (file-position stream off)
426 (read-sequence tmp stream)
427 (return (values tmp entry))))))))))
429 (defun domain-lookup (string domain)
430 (declare (type string string) (type domain-entry domain)
431 (optimize (speed 3) (space 2)))
432 (or (if (null (domain-entry-encoding domain)) string)
433 (gethash string (domain-entry-hash domain))
434 (let* ((octets (string-to-octets string
435 (domain-entry-encoding domain)))
436 (length (length octets))
437 (pos (gethash length (domain-entry-hash domain))))
438 (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) octets))
439 (multiple-value-bind (tmp entry) (search-domain octets domain pos)
440 (declare (type (or null (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))) tmp))
441 (when tmp
442 (let ((temp (delete entry pos :test #'eq)))
443 (if temp
444 (setf (gethash length (domain-entry-hash domain)) temp)
445 (remhash length (domain-entry-hash domain))))
446 (setf (gethash (copy-seq string) (domain-entry-hash domain))
447 (octets-to-string tmp (domain-entry-encoding domain))))))))
449 (defun domain-lookup-plural (singular plural domain)
450 (declare (type string singular plural) (type domain-entry domain)
451 (optimize (speed 3) (space 2)))
452 (or (if (null (domain-entry-encoding domain)) nil)
453 (gethash (cons singular plural) (domain-entry-hash domain))
454 (let* ((octets (let* ((a (string-to-octets singular
455 (domain-entry-encoding domain)))
456 (b (string-to-octets plural
457 (domain-entry-encoding domain)))
458 (c (make-array (+ (length a) (length b) 1)
459 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
460 (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))
461 a b c))
462 (replace c a)
463 (setf (aref c (length a)) 0)
464 (replace c b :start1 (+ (length a) 1))
466 (length (length octets))
467 (pos (gethash length (domain-entry-hash domain))))
468 (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) octets)
469 (type list pos))
470 (multiple-value-bind (tmp entry) (search-domain octets domain pos)
471 (declare (type (or null (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))) tmp))
472 (when tmp
473 (prog1
474 (setf (gethash (cons (copy-seq singular) (copy-seq plural))
475 (domain-entry-hash domain))
476 (loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
477 as j = (position 0 tmp :start i)
478 collect (octets-to-string (subseq tmp i j)
479 (domain-entry-encoding domain))
480 while j))
481 (let ((temp (delete entry pos :test #'eq)))
482 (if temp
483 (setf (gethash length (domain-entry-hash domain)) temp)
484 (remhash length (domain-entry-hash domain))))
485 (when (null (domain-entry-plurals domain))
486 (setf (domain-entry-plurals domain)
487 (parse-plurals domain)))))))))
489 (declaim (inline getenv)
490 (ftype (function (string) (or null string)) getenv))
491 (defun getenv (var)
492 (let ((val #+CMU (cdr (assoc (intern var "KEYWORD") ext:*environment-list*))
493 #+scl (cdr (assoc var ext:*environment-list* :test 'string=))
494 #+SBCL (sb-ext:posix-getenv var)
495 #+Allegro (system:getenv var)
496 #+LispWorks (hcl:getenv var)
497 #+clisp (ext:getenv var)
498 #+(or openmcl mcl) (ccl::getenv var)
499 #+(or gcl ecl) (si::getenv var)))
500 (if (equal val "") nil val)))
502 (defun setlocale (&optional locale)
503 (setf *locale* (or locale
504 (getenv "LANGUAGE")
505 (getenv "LC_ALL")
506 (getenv "LC_MESSAGES")
507 (getenv "LANG")
508 *locale*)))
510 (defmacro textdomain (domain)
511 `(eval-when #-gcl (:compile-toplevel :execute)
512 #+gcl (compile eval)
513 (setf *default-domain* ,domain)))
515 (defmacro gettext (string)
516 _N"Look up STRING in the current message domain and return its translation."
517 `(dgettext ,*default-domain* ,string))
519 (defmacro ngettext (singular plural n)
520 _N"Look up the singular or plural form of a message in the current domain."
521 `(dngettext ,*default-domain* ,singular ,plural ,n))
523 (declaim (inline dgettext))
524 (defun dgettext (domain string)
525 _N"Look up STRING in the specified message domain and return its translation."
526 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 2)))
527 (let ((domain (and domain (find-domain domain *locale*))))
528 (or (and domain (domain-lookup string domain)) string)))
530 (defun dngettext (domain singular plural n)
531 _N"Look up the singular or plural form of a message in the specified domain."
532 (declare (type integer n)
533 (optimize (speed 3) (space 2)))
534 (let* ((domain (and domain (find-domain domain *locale*)))
535 (list (and domain (domain-lookup-plural singular plural domain))))
536 (if list
537 (nth (the integer
538 (funcall (the function (domain-entry-plurals domain)) n))
539 list)
540 (if (= n 1) singular plural))))
542 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
544 #-runtime
545 (defvar *translator-comment* nil)
547 #-runtime
548 (defvar *translations* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
550 #-runtime
551 (defun note-translatable (domain string &optional plural)
552 (when domain
553 (let* ((hash (or (gethash domain *translations*)
554 (setf (gethash domain *translations*)
555 (make-hash-table :test 'equal))))
556 (key (if plural (cons string plural) string))
557 (val (or (gethash key hash) (cons nil nil))))
558 (pushnew *translator-comment* (car val) :test #'equal)
559 #-gcl
560 (pushnew *compile-file-pathname* (cdr val) :test #'equal)
561 (setf (gethash key hash) val)))
562 (setq *translator-comment* nil))
564 ;; GCL has define-compiler-macro, but it doesn't handle the case where
565 ;; the form is returned. Hence, disable these. These were only
566 ;; needed to note the translatable strings anyway, and maxima does
567 ;; that in a different way.
568 #-gcl
569 (define-compiler-macro dgettext (&whole form domain string)
570 #-runtime
571 (when (and (stringp domain) (stringp string))
572 (note-translatable domain string))
573 form)
575 #-gcl
576 (define-compiler-macro dngettext (&whole form domain singular plural n)
577 (declare (ignore n))
578 #-runtime
579 (when (and (stringp domain) (stringp singular) (stringp plural))
580 (note-translatable domain singular plural))
581 form)
583 (defun read-translatable-string (stream char)
584 (declare (ignore char))
585 (case (peek-char nil stream nil nil t)
586 (#\" (let ((*read-suppress* nil)
587 (string (read stream t nil t)))
588 `(gettext ,string)))
589 (#\N (read-char stream t nil t)
590 (let ((*read-suppress* nil)
591 (string (read stream t nil t)))
592 #-runtime
593 (note-translatable *default-domain* string)
594 string))
595 (#\@ (error _"_@ is a reserved reader macro prefix."))
596 (otherwise
597 (let ((fn (get-macro-character #\_ nil)))
598 (if fn (funcall fn stream #\_) '_)))))
600 #-runtime
601 (defun read-comment (stream char)
602 (declare (optimize (speed 0) (space 3) #-gcl (debug 0))
603 (ignore char))
604 (do ((state 0)
605 (index 0)
606 (text nil)
607 (char (read-char stream nil nil t) (read-char stream nil nil t)))
608 ((or (not char) (char= char #\Newline))
609 (when text (setq *translator-comment* (copy-seq text))))
610 (cond ((and (= state 0) (char= char #\Space)) (setq state 1))
611 ((and (= state 0) (char= char #\T)) (setq state 1 index 1))
612 ((and (= state 0) (char/= char #\;)) (setq state 2))
613 ((and (= state 1) (= index 0) (char= char #\Space)) #|ignore|#)
614 ((= state 1)
615 (if (char= char (char "TRANSLATORS: " index))
616 (when (= (incf index) 13)
617 (setq state 3))
618 (setq state 2)))
619 ((= state 3)
620 (when (null text)
621 (setq text (make-array 50 :element-type 'character
622 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))
623 (vector-push-extend char text))))
624 (values))
626 #-runtime
627 (defun read-nested-comment (stream subchar arg)
628 (declare (ignore subchar arg)
629 (optimize (speed 0) (space 3) #-gcl (debug 0)))
630 (do ((level 1)
631 (state 0)
632 (index 0)
633 (text nil)
634 (prev (read-char stream t nil t) char)
635 (char (read-char stream t nil t) (read-char stream t nil t)))
636 (())
637 (cond ((and (char= prev #\|) (char= char #\#))
638 (when (zerop (decf level))
639 (when text
640 (setq *translator-comment*
641 (string-right-trim '(#\Space #\Newline) text)))
642 (return)))
643 ((and (char= prev #\#) (char= char #\|))
644 (setq state 2)
645 (incf level))
646 ((and (= state 0) (char= prev #\Space)) (setq state 1))
647 ((and (= state 0) (char= prev #\T))
648 (setq state 1 index 1))
649 ((= state 0) (setq state 2))
650 ((and (= state 1) (= index 0) (char= prev #\Space)) #| ignore |#)
651 ((= state 1)
652 (if (char= prev (char "TRANSLATORS: " index))
653 (when (= (incf index) 13)
654 (setq state 3))
655 (setq state 2)))
656 ((= state 3)
657 (when (null text)
658 (setq text (make-array 50 :element-type 'character
659 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))
660 (vector-push-extend prev text))))
661 (values))
663 (defun install ()
664 (set-macro-character #\_ #'read-translatable-string t)
665 #-runtime
666 (set-macro-character #\; #'read-comment)
667 #-runtime
668 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\| #'read-nested-comment)
672 #-(or gcl runtime)
673 (defun dump-pot-files (&key copyright)
674 (declare (optimize (speed 0) (space 3) #-gcl (debug 1)))
675 (labels ((b (key data)
676 (format t "~@[~{~&#. ~A~}~%~]" (delete nil (car data)))
677 (format t "~@[~&~<#: ~@;~@{~A~^ ~}~:@>~%~]"
678 (delete nil (cdr data)))
679 (cond ((consp key)
680 (format t "~&msgid ") (str (car key) 6 0)
681 (format t "~&msgid_plural ") (str (cdr key) 13 0)
682 (format t "~&msgstr[0] \"\"~2%"))
684 (format t "~&msgid ") (str key 6 0)
685 (format t "~&msgstr \"\"~2%"))))
686 (str (string col start)
687 (when (and (plusp col) (> (length string) (- 76 col)))
688 (format t "\"\"~%"))
689 (let ((nl (position #\Newline string :start start)))
690 (cond ((and nl (< (- nl start) 76))
691 (write-char #\")
692 (wstr string start nl)
693 (format t "\\n\"~%")
694 (str string 0 (1+ nl)))
695 ((< (- (length string) start) 76)
696 (write-char #\")
697 (wstr string start (length string))
698 (write-char #\"))
700 (let* ((a (+ start 1))
701 (b (+ start 76))
702 (b1 (position #\Space string :start a :end b
703 :from-end t))
704 (b2 (position-if (lambda (x)
705 (position x ";:,?!)]}"))
706 string :start a :end b
707 :from-end t))
708 (b3 (position-if (lambda (x)
709 (position x "\"'-"))
710 string :start a :end b
711 :from-end t))
712 (b4 (position-if #'digit-char-p
713 string :start a :end b
714 :from-end t))
715 (b5 (position-if #'alpha-char-p
716 string :start a :end b
717 :from-end t))
718 (g1 (if b1 (* (- b b1) (- b b1) .03) 10000))
719 (g2 (if b2 (* (- b b2) (- b b2) .20) 10000))
720 (g3 (if b3 (* (- b b3) (- b b3) .97) 10000))
721 (g4 (if b4 (* (- b b4) (- b b4) 1.3) 10000))
722 (g5 (if b5 (* (- b b5) (- b b5) 2.0) 10000))
723 (g (min g1 g2 g3 g4 g5))
724 (end (1+ (cond ((> g 750) b)
725 ((= g g1) b1)
726 ((= g g2) b2)
727 ((= g g3) b3)
728 ((= g g4) b4)
729 ((= g g5) b5)))))
730 #+(or)
731 (progn
732 (format t "~&Splitting ~S:~%"
733 (subseq string start b))
734 (format t "~{~& b~D=~D; goodness=~F~}~%"
735 (list 1 b1 g1 2 b2 g2 3 b3 g3 4 b4 g4 5 b5 g5
736 6 b 10000))
737 (format t "~& best=~F == ~D~%" g end)
738 (format t "~& Part1=~S~% Part2=~S~%"
739 (subseq string start end)
740 (subseq string end b)))
741 (write-char #\")
742 (wstr string start end)
743 (write-char #\") (terpri)
744 (str string 0 end))))))
745 (wstr (string start end)
746 (loop while (< start end) do
747 (let ((i (position-if (lambda (x)
748 (or (char= x #\") (char= x #\\)))
749 string :start start :end end)))
750 (write-string string nil :start start :end (or i end))
751 (when i (write-char #\\ nil) (write-char (char string i) nil))
752 (setq start (if i (1+ i) end)))))
753 (a (domain hash)
754 (format t "~&#@ ~A~2%" domain)
755 (format t "~&# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE~%")
756 (format t "~@[~&# Copyright (C) YEAR ~A~%~]" copyright)
757 (format t "~&# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL@ADDRESS>, YEAR~%")
758 (format t "~&#~%#, fuzzy~%msgid \"\"~%msgstr \"\"~%")
759 (format t "~&\"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\\n\"~%")
760 (format t "~&\"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \\n\"~%")
761 (format t "~&\"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI +ZONE\\n\"~%")
762 (format t "~&\"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\\n\"~%")
763 (format t "~&\"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\\n\"~%")
764 (format t "~&\"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n\"~%")
765 (format t "~&\"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n\"~%")
766 (format t "~&\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n\"~2%")
767 (maphash #'b hash)))
768 (maphash #'a *translations*)
769 #+(or)
770 (clrhash *translations*))
771 nil)
775 (eval-when #-gcl (:compile-toplevel :execute)
776 #+gcl (compile eval)
777 (setq *default-domain* "maxima")
778 (unless (and (fboundp 'intl:read-translatable-string)
779 (eq (get-macro-character #\_)
780 (fdefinition 'intl:read-translatable-string)))
781 (set-syntax-from-char #\_ #\_)))