Merge branch 'master' into rtoy-generate-command-line-texi-table
[maxima.git] / archive / share / trash / differ.mac
1                         /* -*-Macsyma-*- */
2 eval_when([batch],ttyoff:true)$ 
3 define_variable(normalize,false,boolean)$
4 define_variable(differverbose,false,boolean)$
5 define_variable(index,'index,any)$
6 define_variable(u,'u,any)$
7 define_variable(array,'array,any)$
8 /*  Linear difference equation package  */ 
10 magnitude(vector):=
11 block([scalarmatrix:true],
12       if listp(vector) or length(vector)=1
13        then return (sqrt(vector.transpose(vector))),
14       if length(transpose(vector))=1
15        then return (sqrt(transpose(vector).vector)),
16       print ("magnitude:  not a vector --",vector), false)$
18 /*  Returns a list of the eigenvalues of a matrix.
19     Does not handle repeated eigenvalues.  */
21 eigenvalues(mx):=
22 block([loadprint:false,programmode:true,charpoly,lambda,result],
23       if length(mx) # length(transpose(mx))
24       then (print ("eigenvalues:  not a square matrix --",mx), return(false)),
25       charpoly:apply('charpoly,[mx,lambda]),
26       result:solve(charpoly,lambda),
27       makelist(rhs(x),x,result))$
30 /*  Returns a list which is a transpose of the eigenvector  */
32 eigenvector(mx,eigenvalue):=
33 block([loadprint:false,programmode:true,ttyoff:true,
34        degree,xlist,xvector,eqnlist,result],
35       degree:length(mx),
36       if degree # length(transpose(mx))
37       then (print("eigenvector:  not a square matrix --",mx), return(false)),
38       xlist:makelist(concat('x,i),i,1,degree),
39       xvector:transpose(matrix(xlist)),
40       mx:mx.xvector-eigenvalue*xvector,
41       eqnlist:makelist(mx[i,1]=0,i,1,degree),
42       if member(0=0,eqnlist)
43          then eqnlist:delete(0=0,eqnlist)
44          else eqnlist:rest(eqnlist),
45       result:first(solve(cons('x1=1,eqnlist),xlist)),
46       result:makelist(part(x,2),x,result),
47       if normalize=true then result/magnitude(result) else result)$
49 /* Puts equations in the form x[n+1] = a x[n] + b y[n] + c z[n] + ...        */
50 /* Be careful for the case where eqn is x[n+1] = x[n+1] and var is x[n]      */
51 /* SOLVE returns ALL for SOLVE(X=X, X), i.e. arbitrarily many solutions.     */
53 standardize(eqn,var):=
54 block([x,y],
55       x:part(var,0)[part(var,1)+1],
56       y:solve(eqn,x),
57       if y = [] then (print("difference:  no",x,"term --",eqn),
58                       throw('missing_term)),
59       if y = 'all then eqn else first(y)
60       )$
62 /*  Solves single first order equations of the form f[n+1] = a f[n] + b  */
64 first_order_difference(eqn,var):=
65 block([a,b,simpsum:true],
66       a:coeff(rhs(eqn),var),
67       b:rhs(eqn)-a*var,
68       var=a^index*array[0]+b*sum(a^k,k,0,index-1))$
70 /*  Solves a single higher order equation by converting to a first order system  */
72 second_order_difference(eqn,var):= block([],
73       part(system([eqn,array[index+1]=array[index+1]],[array[index+1],var]),2,1))$
75 /*  Solves a system of first order equations  */
77 system(eqnlist,varlist):=
78 block([listarith:true,normalize:false,a,u,lambdas,s,sinverse,d],
79       eqnlist:map(lambda([x,y],rhs(standardize(x,y))),eqnlist,varlist),
80       a:makelist(makelist(coeff(eqn,var),var,varlist),eqn,eqnlist),
81       a:apply('matrix,a),
82       u[0]:transpose(makelist(apply('ev,[var,solve(index=0)]),var,varlist)),
83       u[index]:transpose(varlist),
84       if differverbose=true then (apply('ldisplay,['u[index],'u[0],'a]),
85                                   apply('ldisp,['u[index+1]='a*'u[index],
86                                                 'u[index]=
87                                                 '(s.lambda^n.s^^(-1).u[0])])),
88       lambdas:eigenvalues(a),
89       s:makelist(eigenvector(a,lambda),lambda,lambdas),
90       s:transpose(apply('matrix,s)),
91       sinverse:s^^-1,
92       d:lambdas*ident(length(lambdas)),
93       u[index]:s.d^index.sinverse.u[0],
94       transpose(map("=",varlist,part(transpose(u[index]),1))))$
96 /*  General toplevel function  */
98 difference(eqn,var):=
99 block([loadprint:false,programmode:true,array,index,higherorder],
100       if listp(eqn) then (array:makelist(part(x,0),x,var),
101                           index:part(first(var),1),
102                           return (system(eqn,var))),
103       array:part(var,0),
104       index:part(var,1),
105       higherorder:makelist(array[index+n],n,2,5),
106       eqn:catch(standardize(eqn,var)),
107       if eqn = 'missing_term then return(done),
108 /*      if apply("AND",map(lambda([x],freeof(x,eqn)),higherorder)) 
109 This code does not work in DOE MACSYMA due to operand error, so
110 replaced by equivalent test. Leo Harten, Aug 22, 1984 */
111       if not member('false,map(lambda([x],freeof(x,eqn)),higherorder))
112          then first_order_difference(eqn,var)
113          else second_order_difference(eqn,var))$
115 /* Bugs, comments to CWH@MC
116    Things to do:
117    Rewrite this in Lisp
118    Put a catch around the call to standardize from difference.
119    Become more intelligent about cases like f[n]=f[n-1]+f[n-2]. */
121 eval_when([batch],ttyoff:false)$