1 ***** FACTOR TEST *****
2 Sat Dec 26 17:41:27 CST 1987
4 cat doc/time.test | maxima
5 AKCL (Austin Kyoto Common Lisp) Sun Dec 20 13:58:29 CST 1987
6 Maxima 4.52 (with enhancements by W. Schelter).
7 Type (run) to start Maxima.
10 Allocate 1000 cons pages and 150 fixnum pages
13 *cc* is gcc -msoft-float -DVOL=volatile -g
14 For 10 times factor p10:
15 real time : 70.467 secs
16 run time : 68.017 secs
18 For 10 times factor p20:
19 real time : 351.700 secs
20 run time : 338.533 secs