3 GRAPHS - graph theory package for Maxima
4 Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Andrej Vodopivec <andrej.vodopivec@gmail.com>
6 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
22 as_directed_graph(g) := block(
24 if is_digraph(g) then return(g),
25 if not is_graph(g) then error("as_directed_graph: the argument is no a graph!", g),
27 dedges: append(edges, map(reverse, edges)),
28 create_graph(vertices(g), dedges, 'directed=true))$
30 relabel_graph_vertices(gr, [options]) := block(
31 [min_id: assoc('min_id, options, 0),
32 new_ids: hash_table(), vrt:[], edg:[]],
33 for v in vertices(gr) do (
34 set_hash(v, new_ids, min_id),
35 vrt: cons(min_id, vrt),
38 edg: cons([get_hash(e[1], new_ids), get_hash(e[2], new_ids)], edg),
39 create_graph(vrt, edg, directed=is_digraph(gr)))$
41 subdivide_edge(e, g, [n]) := block(
42 [pos: get_positions(g), added_vertices],
43 if length(n)=1 then n: first(n) else n:1,
45 added_vertices: add_vertices(n, g),
48 [[e[1], first(added_vertices)]],
49 makelist([added_vertices[i], added_vertices[i+1]], i, 1, n-1),
50 [[last(added_vertices), e[2]]]),
54 makelist([added_vertices[i], (i*assoc(e[1], pos)+(n+1-i)*assoc(e[2],pos))/(n+1)], i, 1, n),
56 set_positions(pos, g),
59 subdivide_edges(e_lst, g, [n]) :=
60 block([n: if length(n)=1 then first(n) else 1],
61 for e in e_lst do subdivide_edge(e, g, n))$
63 random_network(n, p, w) := block(
64 [net, source, sink, u, v],
65 net: empty_digraph(n),
68 add_vertex(source, net),
69 add_vertex(sink, net),
73 if random(1.0)<p then (
74 add_edge([i, j], net),
75 set_edge_weight([i, j], random(w), net)) ))),
77 if random(1.0)<p then (
78 add_edge([i, n+1], net),
79 set_edge_weight([i, n+1], random(w), net)),
80 if random(1.0)<p then (
81 add_edge([n, i], net),
82 set_edge_weight([n, i], random(w), net))),
85 random_regular_graph(n, [d]) := block(
86 [m, D, edg, i, j, e, i0],
87 if length(d)=1 then d: d[1]
95 U: makelist(i0-1,i0,1,m),
97 while length(U)#0 do (
98 i: U[random(length(U))+1],
100 j: U[random(length(U))+1],
104 e: [min(i,j), max(i,j)],
105 if i=j or member(e, edg) then U=[]
106 else edg: cons(e, edg)),
107 if 2*length(edg)<d*n then U: 1
109 create_graph(makelist(i0-1,i0,1,n), edg))$
111 mycielski_graph(g) := block(
112 [mapping:hash_table(), ng, i:0, edges:[], vertices],
113 if not is_graph(g) then error("`mycielsky_graph': argument is not a graph"),
114 for v in vertices(g) do (
115 set_hash(v, mapping, i),
117 vertices : makelist(i, i, 0, 2*i),
118 for e in edges(g) do (
119 edges : cons([get_hash(e[1], mapping), get_hash(e[2], mapping)], edges),
120 edges : cons([get_hash(e[1], mapping)+i, get_hash(e[2], mapping)], edges),
121 edges : cons([get_hash(e[1], mapping), get_hash(e[2], mapping)+i], edges)),
122 for j:0 thru i-1 do edges : cons([i+j, 2*i], edges),
123 create_graph(vertices, edges))$
125 grotzch_graph() := block(
126 [g:mycielski_graph(cycle_graph(5)), positions:[]],
128 positions : cons([i, [sin(2.0*i*%pi/5), cos(2.0*i*%pi/5)]], positions),
129 positions : cons([i+5, [0.5*sin(2.0*i*%pi/5), 0.5*cos(2.0*i*%pi/5)]],
131 positions : cons([10, [0,0]], positions),
132 set_positions(positions, g),
135 complete_bipartite_graph(n, m) := block(
137 if not (integerp(n) and integerp(m)) or
139 error("`complete_bipartite_graph': arguments are not positive integers"),
140 A : makelist(i-1, i, 1, n),
141 B : makelist(i+n-1, i, 1, m),
142 edges : create_list([i,j], i, A, j, B),
143 g : create_graph(append(A, B), edges),
146 makelist([i-1, [0, i-n/2]], i, 1, n),
147 makelist([i+n-1, [1, i-m/2]], i, 1, m)),
152 if not (integerp(n) and integerp(m)) or
154 error("`grid_graph': arguments are not positive integers")
156 [g:graph_product(path_graph(n), path_graph(m)), numer:true, pos:[]],
159 pos:cons([n*j+i, [i/n, j/m]], pos),
160 set_positions(pos, g),
163 grid_graph1(n,m) := block(
171 is( abs(ax-bx)<=1 and abs(ay-by)<=1)))),
172 set_positions(makelist([i-1, divide(i-1, n)], i, n*m), g),
175 tetrahedron_graph() := complete_graph(4)$
177 bipiramid_graph(n) := block(
179 add_vertices([n,n+1], g),
180 pos: makelist([i, [3*cos(2*%pi*i/n), sin(2*%pi*i/n)]], i, 0, n-1),
181 pos: append([[n, [0,5]], [n+1, [0,-5]]], pos),
182 connect_vertices([n,n+1],makelist(i,i,0,n-1),g),
183 set_positions(pos, g),
187 if n<0 then error("cub_graph(n): n can't be negative!")
188 else if n=0 then empty_graph(1)
189 else if n=1 then path_graph(2)
193 g:graph_product(cube_graph(k), cube_graph(k)),
194 if r=1 then g:graph_product(g, path_graph(2)),
197 octahedron_graph() := create_graph(
199 [[3,5],[2,5],[1,5],[0,5],[3,4],[2,4],[1,4],[0,4],
200 [0,3],[2,3],[1,2],[0,1]])$
202 icosahedron_graph() := create_graph(
205 [0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[0,4],
206 [5,6],[6,7],[7,8],[8,9],[5,9],
207 [0,5],[5,1],[1,6],[6,2],[2,7],
208 [7,3],[3,8],[8,4],[4,9],[0,9],
209 [0,10],[1,10],[2,10],[3,10],[4,10],
210 [5,11],[6,11],[7,11],[8,11], [9,11]
213 dodecahedron_graph() := create_graph(
216 [0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[0,4],[0,15],[1,19],
217 [2,18],[3,17],[4,16],[10,15],[10,16],[11,16],
218 [11,17],[12,17],[12,18],[13,18],[13,19],[14,15],
219 [14,19],[6,10],[8,11],[9,12],[7,13],[5,14],[5,6],
220 [6,8],[8,9],[7,9],[5,7]
223 heawood_graph() := block(
228 [0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[5,6],[6,7],[7,8],
229 [8,9],[9,10],[10,11],[11,12],[12,13],[0,13],
230 [0,9],[1,6],[2,11],[3,8],[4,13],[5,10],[7,12]
232 set_positions(circular_positions(g), g),
235 frucht_graph() := create_graph(
243 [11,10],[11,7],[11,8]
246 clebsch_graph() := block(
251 [0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[0,4],
252 [0,10],[1,11],[2,12],[3,13],[4,14],
253 [0,6],[1,7],[2,8],[3,9],[4,5],
254 [0,8],[1,9],[2,5],[3,6],[4,7],
255 [5,11],[6,12],[7,13],[8,14],[9,10],
256 [5,10],[6,11],[7,12],[8,13],[9,14],
257 [5,15],[6,15],[7,15],[8,15],[9,15],
258 [10,12],[11,13],[12,14],[13,10],[14,11]
262 positions : cons([i, [sin(2*i*%pi/5.0), cos(2*i*%pi/5.0)]], positions),
263 positions : cons([i+5,
264 [0.7*sin(2*i*%pi/5.0+%pi/5.0), 0.7*cos(2*i*%pi/5+%pi/5.0)]],
266 positions : cons([i+10,
267 [0.3*sin(2*i*%pi/5.0), 0.3*cos(2*i*%pi/5)]],
269 positions : cons([15, [0,0]], positions),
270 set_positions(positions, g),
273 induced_subgraph1(e_list, gr) := block(
274 [v_list : setify(xreduce(append, e_list))],
275 create_graph(listify(v_list), e_list))$
277 make_graph(vertices, edges_lambda, [dir]) := block(
278 [%n%, v_map, edges:[], j_min, int_vertices, vrt, e_list, directed: assoc('directed, dir, false)],
280 /* Build a list of vertices */
281 if integerp(vertices) then (
283 vrt : makelist(i, i, 1, %n%),
284 v_map : makelist(i=i, i, 1, %n%))
286 %n% : length(vertices),
288 v_map : makelist(i=part(vertices, i), i, 1, %n%)),
290 /* Build a list of edges */
291 if listp(edges_lambda) then block(
292 [inv_map:map(reverse, v_map)],
293 edges : map(lambda([e], [assoc(e[1], inv_map), assoc(e[2], inv_map)]), edges_lambda))
295 for i:1 thru %n% do (
296 if directed=true then
298 if apply(edges_lambda, [assoc(i, v_map), assoc(j, v_map)])=true then
299 edges : cons([i,j], edges),
300 for j:i+1 thru %n% do
301 if apply(edges_lambda, [assoc(i, v_map), assoc(j, v_map)])=true then
302 edges : cons([i,j], edges))),
304 /* Put the labels on vertices if vertices is not a list of integers */
305 if not(integerp(vertices)) then (
306 if every(integerp, vertices) then (
308 edges : map( lambda([u], [assoc(u[1], v_map), assoc(u[2], v_map)]), edges))
310 vrt : makelist([i, part(vertices, i)], i, 1, %n%))),
312 /* Create the graph */
313 if directed=true then
314 create_graph(vrt, edges, 'directed=true)
316 create_graph(vrt, edges))$
318 tutte_graph() := sparse6_decode(
319 ":m`?WSMHDbPwGa@?_QhSs\\NgRaKE`HEdH@QaUbca|MUX`qr[YW\\eVwaAs[nF{UMqclhIYYCfSWCmDT\\QpTYr")$
321 cycle_positions(cycles) := block(
322 [pos:[],r:1,i,v,pi:float(%pi),po,k],
323 po: apply(lcm, map(length, cycles)),
324 if length(first(cycles))=1 then (
325 pos: cons([part(cycles, 1, 1), [0,0]], pos),
326 cycles: rest(cycles)),
328 r: r+1, n: length(c),
331 pos: cons([v, r*[cos(i*k/po), sin(i*k/po)]], pos),
335 pappus_graph() := block(
336 [g: graph6_decode("QhEKA?_C?O?_?P?g?I?@S?DOAG_")],
338 cycle_positions(reverse([[0,1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,10,11],[12,13,14,15,16,17]])),
342 truncated_cube_graph() := graph6_decode("W`CaSG??G??@?@?A?AO@A?CG?_O?K??Q@A?G_O@?o?CC_?G")$
344 truncated_dodecahedron_graph() := sparse6_decode(":{b?GSkRI_owcUgNgSYPQeTcqi`]iWgeyHozGKqBP}?E_cgO]ERa@`{SMO_OPkIEMryLInSkjGYQIkbVssbAOkVQRKgtJEr@u\\UssjUkOUuabE~")$
346 truncated_icosahedron_graph() := sparse6_decode(":{a_gwMQ?AqoG]HEEQX\\C`Ogt`@ISRJRHky^]AdGxUg[ifJDdDapxKiY?Q_cwPaEXoWTdxP^Srcai]dTubiYu\\Rq@Pu_kVSTi}GEMO_`QEEIo@@iAIL~")$
348 truncated_octahedron_graph() := sparse6_decode(":W___``aBabcFdGcDefghLiMjkLkMnPoPqRsTU")$
350 truncated_tetrahedron_graph() := sparse6_decode(":KcAKhcgUs@PEa@wfT")$
352 cuboctahedron_graph() := sparse6_decode(":K`A?WAaIXGdcUXbsKayCi")$
354 icosidodecahedron_graph() := sparse6_decode(":]c?`cdEabjAIbIJeF_CG`DHaBGH_`iPiQRgLMhLNTwPRVqSV_AJP`BKQcEVWdFVX")$
356 great_rhombicosidodecahedron_graph() := sparse6_decode(":~?@w`?A@__QB@WcG_GELBGIB`GUECG[PaGcSagmKbPaMbx?UcP]QEhKZhAA`giM?_WIBaGeIIGkhbaiNIwqLhAadIYWihqm_gRaaMIKxMiomjQ}oKjCrgBQ`LYGuOIKvOYqlPJIrPiO{PIS|PYW}Pi[~P|@Kr[zNtTRStTZOsTbQstiSRDaTRTeURH\\LecyZRx`MUhdNU}`cx]Xgxue[VeQ\\VuU]WEY^WU^OXLDdseZRX|Pg[LTh[\\Xi[l\\j[~")$
358 small_rhombicosidodecahedron_graph() := sparse6_decode(":{`?GKSHFBOGKIF?COPKGSK`apkQIObPqTWGGaaWoiMJjTzDegYiertOw]ifRyAGDLEw@OkY_dQxmCSKFGXSq\\b@r`uOOccXPIURsY\\UnXlWZeE|aqgCTauWgURTIu[iVRtY}cRVJ}BHivwkurb")$
360 great_rhombicuboctahedron_graph() := sparse6_decode(":oa?wSE@?_og[OVDDP`K[PIdqACcbLeDH{wlA`oBCCrDaFG{W|XkUsDhB]PvsQQw`mgCtE`RSSdLXVVTJIaeigV^")$
362 small_rhombicuboctahedron_graph() := sparse6_decode(":Wa?`_`CabE_`aGbHcGdHKeIfJM_C`DOaEObFPQgKhLSiMSjNTU")$
364 snub_dodecahedron_graph() := sparse6_decode(":{a??SCFG??_cCEDbPwSMGEa`xCe@@jDIk?OOHOPHCf?HOQ[GGEEBgWSMLFsBDCr^nScDLBQLGCTKu`Pra`i]TLtAphGeidrYTNAEOpkWSMIHgwk]TRtAqmiVTP`S[UodbEBESLWKXWpSnXQ`il[rgDtQ}aUTjjqDCbngCQLpOJfcJYaUNgE~")$
366 snub_cube_graph() := sparse6_decode(":Wa?@_@eCDcDab_`eIfJcGdH_AGIK`BHJL`AGJM_BHINcEGKMdFHLNdEIKNcFJLM")$
368 chvatal_graph() := graph6_decode("KlDGiCh_hOoh")$
370 coxeter_graph() := sparse6_decode(":[___``aabbcdcdfJeIhLgKfehQgRlRkQUjTiSWnOmPY")$
372 desargues_graph() := sparse6_decode(":S___``aabbcFdEcHdGfHeGiJkLmNoPQ")$
374 tutte_cage_graph() := sparse6_decode(":]_`abcdefg`HidJklaMfNojPqbRgSlT_UpVcWhXmYrZ_E[")$
376 knight_tour_graph(a,[b]) := block(
378 if length(b)=1 then b:b[1] else b:a,
380 listify(cartesian_product(setify(makelist(i,i,1,a)), setify(makelist(i,i,1,b)))),
382 is ( abs(u[1]-v[1])=1 and abs(u[2]-v[2])=2 ) or
383 is ( abs(u[1]-v[1])=2 and abs(u[2]-v[2])=1 ))),
384 for v in vertices(g) do
385 pos: cons([v, divide(v-1, b)], pos),
386 set_positions(pos, g),
389 bull_graph() := create_graph(
391 [[1,2],[2,3],[3,1],[1,4],[2,5]])$
393 kite_graph() := create_graph(
395 [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,1],[2,4],[3,5]])$
397 star_graph(n) := if n=1 then empty_graph(1) else complete_bipartite_graph(1, n-1)$
399 book_graph(n) := graph_product(star_graph(n+1), path_graph(2))$
401 antiprism_graph(n) := block(
402 [g:circulant_graph(2*n, [1, 2])],
406 makelist([2*i-2, 2*[cos(2*i*%pi/n), sin(2*i*%pi/n)]], i, 1, n),
407 makelist([2*i-1, [cos(2*i*%pi/n+%pi/n), sin(2*i*%pi/n+%pi/n)]], i, 1, n)),
411 gear_graph(n) := block(
412 [g:cycle_graph(2*n)],
414 connect_vertices([2*n], makelist(2*i,i,0,n-1),g),
419 makelist([i, [sin(i*%pi/n), cos(i*%pi/n)]], i, 0, 2*n, 2),
420 makelist([i+1, 1.5*[sin((i+1)*%pi/n), cos((i+1)*%pi/n)]], i, 0, 2*n, 2)),
424 mobius_graph(n) := circulant_graph(2*n, [1,n])$
426 sunlet_graph(n) := block(
427 [g: empty_graph(2*n)],
428 add_edges(makelist([i, i+n], i, 0, n-1), g),
429 add_cycle(makelist(i,i,0,n-1), g),
433 makelist([i, [sin(2*i*%pi/n), cos(2*i*%pi/n)]], i, 0, n-1),
434 makelist([i+n, 1.5*[sin(2*i*%pi/n), cos(2*i*%pi/n)]], i, 0, n-1)),
438 cone_graph(n, m) := graph_join(cycle_graph(n), empty_graph(m))$
440 fork_graph() := graph6_decode("DbC")$
442 centipede_graph(n) := block([edg1, edg2],
443 edg1: makelist([i, i+n], i, 0, n-1),
444 edg2: makelist([i,i+1], i, 0, n-2),
445 create_graph(2*n, append(edg1, edg2)))$
448 if not integerp(n) or n<1 then funmake(hanoi_graph, [n])
449 elseif n=1 then block(
450 [hg: cycle_graph(3), pos, numer:true],
451 pos: makelist([i, [cos(%pi/2+2*%pi/3*i), sin(%pi/2+2*%pi/3*i)]], i, 0, 2),
452 set_positions(pos, hg),
455 [hg1: hanoi_graph(n-1), hg, pos1, pos2, pos3, numer:true, a:2.2],
456 hg: graph_union(hg1, hg1, hg1),
457 add_edges([[(3^(n-1)-1)/2, 3^(n-1)],
458 [3^(n-1)-1, 2*3^(n-1)],
459 [2*3^(n-1)-1, (3^(n-1)-1)/2+2*3^(n-1)]], hg),
460 pos1: get_positions(hg1),
461 pos2: map(lambda([p], [3^(n-1)+p[1], a^(n-1)*[cos(%pi/2+2*%pi/3), sin(%pi/2+2*%pi/3)]+p[2]]), pos1),
462 pos3: map(lambda([p], [2*3^(n-1)+p[1], a^(n-1)*[cos(%pi/2+4*%pi/3), sin(%pi/2+4*%pi/3)]+p[2]]), pos1),
463 pos1: map(lambda([p], [p[1], a^(n-1)*[cos(%pi/2), sin(%pi/2)]+p[2]]), pos1),
464 set_positions(append(pos1, pos2, pos3), hg),
467 franklin_graph() := block(
468 [g: cycle_graph(12)],
470 [[6,11], [3,10],[0,9],[5,8],[2,7],[1,4]],
474 crossed_prism_graph(n) := block(
476 if oddp(n) or n<4 then error("crossed_prism_graph: n should be even and at least 4"),
477 g: graph_union(cycle_graph(n), cycle_graph(n)),
478 add_edges(makelist([k,k+n+1], k, 0, n-2, 2), g),
479 add_edges(makelist([k+1, k+n], k, 0, n-2, 2), g),
482 makelist([k, 3*[cos(k*2*pi/n), sin(k*2*pi/n)]], k, 0, n-1),
483 makelist([n+k, 5*[cos(k*2*pi/n), sin(k*2*pi/n)]], k, 0, n-1)),
487 flower_snark(n) := block(
488 [fs: empty_graph(4*n), pi:float(%pi)],
491 makelist([i,i+1], i, 0, n-2),
492 makelist([i,i+n], i, 0, n-1),
493 makelist([i+n, i+2*n], i, 0, n-1),
494 makelist([i+n, i+3*n], i, 0, n-1),
495 makelist([i+2*n, i+3*n+1], i, 0, n-2),
496 makelist([i+3*n, i+2*n+1], i, 0, n-2),
497 [[0,n-1],[3*n, 3*n-1], [2*n,4*n-1]]),
501 makelist([k, 2*[cos(2*k*pi/n), sin(2*k*pi/n)]], k, 0, n-1),
502 makelist([k+n, 4*[cos(2*k*pi/n), sin(2*k*pi/n)]], k, 0, n-1),
503 makelist([k+2*n, 7*[cos(2*k*pi/n-pi/2/n), sin(2*k*pi/n-pi/2/n)]], k, 0, n-1),
504 makelist([k+3*n, 7*[cos(2*k*pi/n+pi/2/n), sin(2*k*pi/n+pi/2/n)]], k, 0, n-1)),
508 complete_kpartite_graph([args]) := block(
509 [graphs: map(complete_graph, args), g, pos, pi:float(%pi)],
510 g: xreduce(graph_union, graphs),
511 n: xreduce("+", args),
512 g: complement_graph(g),
513 pos: makelist([i, [cos(2*i/n*pi), sin(2*i/n*pi)]], i, 0, n-1),
514 set_positions(pos, g),
517 kneser_graph(n,k) := make_graph(powerset(setify(makelist(i,i,n)), k), disjointp)$
519 odd_graph(n) := kneser_graph(2*n-1, n-1)$
522 add_edges(vertices_to_path(lst), g)$
525 add_edges(vertices_to_cycle(lst), g)$