Windows installer: update Gnuplot
[maxima.git] / share / trigonometry / trgsmp.mac
1 /*-*-MACSYMA-*-*/
2 /*Code added 7/5/80 by ELL for mapping all trig and hyper trig functions
3 into sin and cos (in lower case)*/
4 /* 4:00pm  Tuesday, 11 August 1981 -GJC
5    Added more eval_when conditionals to complement the improvement
6    in Defrule translation and to invoke TRANSCOMPILE.
7 11/20/83 11:08:42
8   reformatting and some streamlining for translation. -asb
9 */
11 eval_when([translate],
12           transcompile:true,
13           tr_bound_function_applyp:false,
14           mode_declare(function(expnlength,argslength),fixnum))$
16 /* Variable definitions */
18 define_variable(bestlength,0,fixnum)$
19 define_variable(trylength,0,fixnum)$
21 /* Properties */
23 /* The following properties are used to implement the four identities:
28 put('sin,'cos,'complement_function)$
29 put('cos,'sin,'complement_function)$
30 put('sinh,'cosh,'complement_function)$
31 put('cosh,'sinh,'complement_function)$
32 put('cos,1,'unitcof)$
33 put('sin,1,'unitcof)$
34 put('cosh,1,'unitcof)$
35 put('sinh,-1,'unitcof)$
36 put('cos,-1,'complement_cof)$
37 put('sin,-1,'complement_cof)$
38 put('cosh,1,'complement_cof)$
39 put('sinh,1,'complement_cof)$
41 put('sin,'trigonometric,'type)$
42 put('cos,'trigonometric,'type)$
43 put('sinh,'hyper_trigonometric,'type)$
44 put('cosh,'hyper_trigonometric,'type)$
46 /* Declarations */
48 eval_when([translate,batch,demo],
49           matchdeclare(a,true))$
51 /* Predicates */
53 trigonometricp(exp):=
54   if not atom(exp) and symbolp(inpart(exp, 0))
55     then is(get(inpart(exp,0),'type)='trigonometric
56               or get(piece,'type)='hyper_trigonometric)$
58 /* Rules */
60 defrule(trigrule1,tan(a),sin(a)/cos(a))$
61 defrule(trigrule2,sec(a),1/cos(a))$
62 defrule(trigrule3,csc(a),1/sin(a))$
63 defrule(trigrule4,cot(a),cos(a)/sin(a))$
64 defrule(htrigrule1,tanh(a),sinh(a)/cosh(a))$
65 defrule(htrigrule2,sech(a),1/cosh(a))$
66 defrule(htrigrule3,csch(a),1/sinh(a))$
67 defrule(htrigrule4,coth(a),cosh(a)/sinh(a))$
69 /* Functions */
71 trigsimp(x%):=
72   trigsimp3(ratsimp(apply1(x%,
73                           trigrule1,trigrule2,trigrule3,trigrule4,
74                           htrigrule1,htrigrule2,htrigrule3,htrigrule4)))$
77  * Original version, left for posterity
78  */
80 trigsimp3(expn):=
81    (expn:totaldisrep(expn),
82     ratsimp(trigsimp1(num(expn))/trigsimp1(denom(expn)))) $
86  * Like the original except that if expn is a list, we recurse over
87  * the list one at a time instead of doing it all at once.  This
88  * prevents quadratic (or exponential) behavior as the list gets
89  * longer.
90  *
91  * See bug 965926
92  */
94 trigsimp3(expn):=
95    if listp(expn)
96    then
97      if expn = []
98      then 
99         []
100      else
101         cons(ratsimp(trigsimp1(num(expn[1]))/trigsimp1(denom(expn[1]))),
102              trigsimp3(rest(expn)))
103    else
104      ratsimp(trigsimp1(num(expn))/trigsimp1(denom(expn)))$
106 trigsimp1(expn):=block(
107    [listoftrigsq, bestlength, trylength],
108    listoftrigsq: listoftrigsq(expn),
109    bestlength: 999999,
110    if listoftrigsq#[]
111    then improve(expn,expn,listoftrigsq)
112    else expn)$
114 improve(expn,subsofar,listoftrigsq):=
115   if listoftrigsq=[]
116   then (if (trylength:expnlength(subsofar))<bestlength
117         then (bestlength:trylength,subsofar)
118         else expn)
119   else (subsofar:improve(expn,subsofar,rest(listoftrigsq)),
120         for alt in first(listoftrigsq) do 
121             subsofar:
122             improve(subsofar,
123                     ratsubst(get(inpart(alt,0),'unitcof)
124                              +get(piece,'complement_cof)
125                               *get(piece,'complement_function)(first(alt))^2,
126                              alt^2,subsofar),
127                     rest(listoftrigsq)),
128         subsofar)$
130 listoftrigsq(expn):=
131   if atom(expn)
132   then []
133   else block([inflag, ans:[]],
134              if inpart(expn,0)="^" and integerp(inpart(expn,2))
135                 and piece>=2
136              then if atom(expn:inpart(expn,1))
137                   then return([])
138                   else if trigonometricp(expn)
139                        then return([[expn]]),
140              inflag:true,
141              for arg in expn do
142                  ans:specialunion(listoftrigsq(arg),ans),
143              ans)$
145 specialunion(list1,list2):=
146   if list1=[]
147   then list2
148   else if list2=[]
149        then list1
150        else block([alternates:first(list1)],
151                   for alt in alternates do
152                       list2:update(alt,get(inpart(alt,0),'complement_function)),
153                   specialunion(rest(list1),list2))$
155 update(form, complement):=block(
156    [ans],
157    complement: apply(complement,[inpart(form,1)]),
158    ans: for element in list2 do
159       if member(form, element) then return('found)
160       else if member(complement,element) then return(
161          cons([form,complement], delete(element,list2))),
162    if ans='found
163    then list2
164    else if ans='done
165         then cons([form],list2)
166         else ans)$
168 expnlength(expr):=block(
169   [inflag:false],
170   if atom(expr)
171   then 1
172   else 1+argslength(args(expr)))$
174 argslength(args):=
175   apply("+",map('expnlength,args))$