Add mathjax for dlange
[maxima.git] / archive / src / iffun.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
9 (in-package "MAXIMA")
10 ;;;transformation funtions - part of the PLOT package
12 (declare-top(special logbas cosang sinang))
14 (setq logbas (log 10.0))
16 (defun $clog (xf) (// (cond ((= 0.0 xf) -90.0) (t (log (abs xf)))) logbas))
18 (defun $polarx (xf yf) (*$ yf (cos xf)))
20 (defun $polary (xf yf) (*$ yf (sin xf)))
22 (defun $reflect (xf) (-$ xf))
24 (defun $ytox (xf yf) xf yf)
26 (defun $xtoy (xf yf) yf xf)
28 (defun $ztoy (xf yf zf) xf yf zf zf)
30 (defun $ztox (xf yf zf) xf yf zf)
32 (declare-top(special cosang sinang))
34 (defun $initrotate (ang) (setq cosang (cos ang) sinang (sin ang)) nil)
36 ($initrotate (atan 1. 0.))
38 (defun $rotatex (xf yf) (-$ (*$ xf cosang) (*$ yf sinang)))
40 (defun $rotatey (xf yf) (+$ (*$ xf sinang) (*$ yf cosang)))
42 (declare-top (special ex ey ez cosal cosbe cosga singa2 x0 z0))
44 (defun $initperspec (xf yf zf xf1 yf1 zf1) xf
45 ((lambda (ax ay az dx dy dz d r)
46 (setq ax xf ay yf az zf ex xf1 ey yf1 ez zf1
47 dx (-$ xf xf1) dy (-$ yf yf1) dz (-$ zf zf1)
48 d (sqrt (+$ (*$ dx dx) (*$ dy dy) (*$ dz dz)))
49 cosal (// dx d) cosbe (// dy d) cosga (// dz d)
50 singa2 (-$ 1.0 (*$ cosga cosga))
51 x0 (// ex ey) z0 (// ez ey)
53 (or (car (errset (// (sqrt (-$ 1.0 (*$ cosga cosga))))))
54 1.0d40)
55 ) ;;Some big number??
56 nil)
57 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0))
59 (comment
60 (defun $p3dx (xf yf zf)
61 ((lambda (q)
62 (*$ (-$ (*$ (+$ ex (*$ q (-$ xf ex)) (-$ ax)) cosbe)
63 (*$ (+$ ey (*$ q (-$ yf ey)) (-$ ay)) cosal))
64 r))
65 (// d (+$ (*$ (-$ xf ex) cosal) (*$ (-$ yf ey) cosbe) (*$ (-$ zf ez) cosga)))))
67 (defun $p3dy (xf yf zf)
68 ((lambda (q)
69 (*$ (+$ ez (*$ q (-$ zf ez)) (-$ az)) r))
70 (// d (+$ (*$ (-$ xf ex) cosal) (*$ (-$ yf ey) cosbe) (*$ (-$ zf ez) cosga)))))
71 ) ;;end of comment
73 (defun $p3dx (xf yf zf)
74 (setq xf (-$ xf ex) yf (-$ yf ey))
75 (// (-$ (*$ xf cosbe) (*$ yf cosal))
76 (+$ (*$ xf cosal) (*$ yf cosbe) (*$ (-$ zf ez) cosga))))
78 (defun $p3dy (xf yf zf)
79 (setq zf (-$ zf ez))
80 (// zf (+$ (*$ (-$ xf ex) cosal) (*$ (-$ yf ey) cosbe) (*$ zf cosga))))
82 (defun $p3dxr (xf yf zf) (-$ ($p3dx xf yf zf)))
84 (setf (symbol-function '$p3dyr) #'$p3dy)
86 (defun $howclose3d (xf yf zf)
87 (setq xf (-$ xf ex) yf (-$ yf ey) zf (-$ zf ez))
88 (sqrt (+$ (*$ xf xf) (*$ yf yf) (*$ zf zf))))
90 (defun $np3dx (xf yf) (-$ (*$ cosbe xf) (*$ cosal yf)))
92 (defun $np3dy (xf yf zf)
93 (-$ (*$ singa2 zf) (*$ cosga (+$ (*$ cosbe yf) (*$ cosal xf)))))
95 (defun $np3dxr (xf yf) (-$ ($np3dx xf yf)))
97 (setf (symbol-function '$np3dyr) #'$np3dy)
99 (defun $howclosenp3d (xf yf zf) (+$ (*$ xf cosal) (*$ yf cosbe) (*$ zf cosga)))
101 (defun $old3dx (xf yf) (// (-$ xf ex) (-$ yf ey)))
102 (defun $old3dy (xf yf zf) xf (// (-$ zf ez) cosbe (-$ yf ey)))
103 (defun $old3dxr (xf yf) (-$ ($old3dx xf yf)))
105 (setf (symbol-function '$old3dyr) #'$old3dy)
107 (setf (symbol-function '$howcloseold3d) #'$howclose3d)
109 (defun $oldnp3dx (xf yf) (*$ cosbe (-$ xf (*$ yf x0))))
110 (defun $oldnp3dy (xf yf zf) xf (-$ zf (*$ yf z0)))
111 (defun $oldnp3dxr (xf yf) (-$ ($oldnp3dx xf yf)))
113 (setf (symbol-function '$oldnp3dyr) #'$oldnp3dy)
115 (defun $howcloseoldnp3d (xf yf zf) (*$ cosbe (+$ (*$ x0 xf) yf (*$ z0 zf))))