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[maxima.git] / archive / src / plot2d_ps.lisp
1 #| Existing documentation from the reference manual:
3 -- Function: plot2d_ps (<expr>, <range>)
4 Writes to pstream a sequence of PostScript commands which plot
5 <expr> over <range>.
7 <expr> is an expression. <range> is a list of the form `[<x>,
8 <min>, <max>]' in which <x> is a variable which appears in <expr>.
10 See also `closeps'.
12 -- Function: closeps ()
13 This should usually becalled at the end of a sequence of plotting
14 commands. It closes the current output stream <pstream>, and sets
15 it to nil. It also may be called at the start of a plot, to
16 ensure pstream is closed if it was open. All commands which
17 write to pstream, open it if necessary. `closeps' is separate
18 from the other plotting commands, since we may want to plot 2
19 ranges or superimpose several plots, and so must keep the stream
20 open.
22 -- Function: psdraw_curve (<ptlist>)
23 Draws a curve connecting the points in <ptlist>. The latter may
24 be of the form `[x0, y0, x1, y1, ...]' or `[[x0, y0], [x1, y1],
25 ...]'
27 The function `join' is handy for taking a list of x's and a list
28 of y's and splicing them together.
30 <psdraw_curve> simply invokes the more primitive function
31 <pscurve>. Here is the definition:
33 (defun $psdraw_curve (lis)
34 (p "newpath")
35 ($pscurve lis)
36 (p "stroke"))
38 -- Function: pscom (<cmd>)
39 <cmd> is inserted in the PostScript file. Example:
40 pscom ("4.5 72 mul 5.5 72 mul translate 14 14 scale");
42 End of stuff from the reference manual.
46 Here is what the user inputs to draw the lattice picture.
48 /*Initially 1 unit = 1 pt = 1/72 inch
49 This makes 1 unit be 50/72 inch
51 ps_scale:[50,50] ;
53 /*This moves the origin to 400/72 inches up and over from bottom left corner
54 [ie roughly center of page]
56 ps_translate:[8,8] ;
59 f(x):=if (x = 0) then 100 else 1/x ;
61 foo():=block([],
62 closeps(),
63 ps_translate:[6,6],
64 ps_scale:[50,50],
65 psdraw_curve(join(xcord,map(f,xcord))),
66 psdraw_curve(join(-xcord,map(f,xcord))),
67 psdraw_curve(join(xcord,-map(f,xcord))),
68 psdraw_curve(join(-xcord,-map(f,xcord))),
69 psdraw_points(lattice),
70 psaxes(8)) ;
73 And here is the output .ps file which you should be
74 able to print on a laserwriter, or view on screen if you have
75 ghostscript (or another postscript screen previewer).
79 ;;(defvar $viewps_command "(gs -I. -Q ~a)")
81 ;;(defvar $viewps_command "echo /def /show {pop} def | cat - ~a | x11ps")
83 ;; If your gs has custom features for understanding mouse clicks
86 ;;Your gs will loop for ever if you don't have showpage at the end of it!!
87 ;;(defvar $viewps_command "echo '/showpage { .copypage readmouseclick /ke exch def ke 1 eq { erasepage initgraphics} {ke 5 ne {quit} if} ifelse} def {(~a) run } loop' | gs -title 'Maxima (click left to exit,middle to redraw)' > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &")
89 (defvar $viewps_command "(ghostview \"~a\")")
91 (defvar $window_size '((mlist)
92 #.(* 8.5 72) #. (* 11 72) ))
94 (defun $getrange (x &optional xrange &aux yrange)
95 (setq yrange (cdr (get-range (cddr x))))
96 (or xrange (setq xrange (cdr (get-range (cdr x)))))
97 (setup-for-ps-range xrange yrange nil))
99 (defun $paramplot (f g range &optional (delta .1 supplied) &aux pts ($numer t))
100 (setq f (coerce-float-fun f))
101 (setq g (coerce-float-fun g))
102 (setq range (meval* range))
103 (or supplied (setq delta (/ (- (nth 2 range) (nth 1 range)) (nth 2 ($get_plot_option '$nticks)))))
104 (setq pts(cons '(mlist)
105 (loop with tt = (coerce-float (nth 1 range))
106 with end = (coerce-float (nth 2 range))
107 while (float-< tt end)
108 collect (funcall f tt)
109 collect (funcall g tt)
110 do (setq tt ($+ tt delta)))))
111 ($closeps)
112 ($getrange pts)
113 ($psdraw_curve pts)
114 ($closeps)
115 ($viewps))
117 (defun $plot2d_ps(fun range &rest options &aux ($numer t) $display2d
118 ($plot_options $plot_options))
119 (dolist (v options) ($set_plot_option v))
120 (setq range (check-range range))
121 (let ((tem (draw2d fun range )))
122 ($closeps)
123 ($getrange tem (cddr range))
124 ($psdraw_curve tem)
125 ($psaxes ($rest range))
126 (p "showpage") ;; IS THIS NEEDED ??? ($viewps WILL APPEND A showpage TOO.)
127 ($viewps)))
129 ;; do-ps-created-date was cribbed from the Common Lisp Cookbook -- Dates and Times.
130 ;; See:
132 (defun do-ps-created-date (my-stream)
133 (let ((day-names #("Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat" "Sun")))
134 (multiple-value-bind
135 (second minute hour date month year day-of-week dst-p tz)
136 (get-decoded-time)
137 (declare (ignore dst-p))
138 (format my-stream "%%CreatedDate: ~2,'0d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d ~a, ~d/~2,'0d/~d (GMT~@d)~%"
139 hour minute second (aref day-names day-of-week) month date year (- tz)))))
142 (defun do-ps-trailer ()
143 (p "showpage")
144 (p "%%Trailer")
145 (p "%%EOF"))
147 ;;When we initialize we move the origin to the middle of $window_size
148 ;;Then to offset from that use translate.
149 (defvar $ps_translate '((mlist) 0 0))
151 ;; initially 1/72 of inch is the scale
152 (defvar $ps_scale '((mlist) 72 72))
155 (defun $pscom (&rest l)
156 (apply 'p l))
158 ;;-10 to 10
159 (defun psx (x) x)
160 (defun psy (y) y)
162 (defun p (&rest l)
163 (assureps)
164 (loop for v in l do
165 (if (symbolp v) (setq v (maxima-string v)))
166 ; (if (numberp v) (setq v (* 70 v)))
167 (cond ((consp v)
168 (loop for w in (cdr v) do (p w)))
169 ((floatp v) (format $pstream "~,4g" v))
170 (t(princ v $pstream)))
171 (princ " " $pstream))
172 (terpri $pstream))
174 (defun psapply (f lis)
175 (if ($listp lis) (setq lis (cdr lis)))
176 (apply 'p lis)
177 (p f))
179 (defun $moveto (x y)
180 (p (psx x) (psy y) "moveto "))
182 (defun $psline (a b c d)
183 (p (psx a) (psy b) "moveto ")
184 (p (psx c) (psy d) "lineto"))
186 (defun setup-for-ps-range (xrange yrange do-prolog)
187 (let* ((cy (/ (+ (nth 1 yrange) (nth 0 yrange)) 2.0))
188 (cx (/ (+ (nth 1 xrange) (nth 0 xrange)) 2.0))
189 (scaley (/ (nth 2 $window_size)
190 (* 1.2 (- (nth 1 yrange) (nth 0 yrange)))))
191 (scalex (/ (nth 1 $window_size)
192 (* 1.2 (- (nth 1 xrange) (nth 0 xrange)))))
193 ($ps_scale
194 (progn
195 (cond ((< scalex scaley)
196 (setq scaley scalex)))
197 `((mlist) , scaley ,scaley)))
198 ($ps_translate `((mlist) , cx ,cy)))
199 (assureps do-prolog)))
201 (defun assureps (&optional do-prolog)
202 (cond ((streamp $pstream))
203 (t (setq do-prolog t)))
204 (or $pstream (setq $pstream (open (plot-temp-file "") :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)))
205 (cond (do-prolog
206 (p "%!PS-Adobe-2.0")
207 (p "%%Title: Maxima 2d plot") ;; title could be filename and/or plot equation
208 (p "%%Creator: Maxima version:" *autoconf-version* "on" (lisp-implementation-type))
209 (do-ps-created-date $pstream)
210 (p "%%DocumentFonts: Helvetica")
212 ;; Put the lower left corner of the bounding box at $ps_translate,
213 ;; and put the upper right corner at ($ps_translate + $window_size).
214 (p "%%BoundingBox:"
215 (round (nth 1 $ps_translate))
216 (round (nth 2 $ps_translate))
217 (round (+ (nth 1 $ps_translate) (nth 1 $window_size)))
218 (round (+ (nth 2 $ps_translate) (nth 2 $window_size))))
220 (p "%%Orientation: Portrait")
221 (p "%%Pages: 1")
222 (p "%%EndComments")
223 (p "%%BeginPrologue")
224 (p "%%EndPrologue")
225 (p "%%BeginSetup")
226 (p "%%PaperSize: Letter")
227 (p "%%EndSetup")
228 (p "%%Page: 1 1")
229 (p (* .5 (nth 1 $window_size))
230 (* .5 (nth 2 $window_size))
231 "translate"
233 (psapply "scale" $ps_scale)
234 (p (- (nth 1 $ps_translate))
235 (- (nth 2 $ps_translate))
236 "translate"
238 (p " 1.5 " (second $ps_scale) "div setlinewidth
239 /Helvetica findfont 14 " (second $ps_scale) " div scalefont setfont
240 /dotradius .05 def
241 /drawdot {
242 /yy exch def
243 /xx exch def
244 gsave
245 xx yy dotradius 0 360 arc
246 fill
247 grestore
248 }def
250 /ticklength .03 def
251 /axiswidth .01 def
252 /drawtick {
253 /yy exch def
254 /xx exch def
255 gsave
256 xx ticklength sub yy moveto
257 xx ticklength add yy lineto
258 stroke
259 xx yy ticklength sub moveto
260 xx yy ticklength add lineto
261 stroke
262 grestore
263 } def
264 "))))
267 (defun $closeps ()
268 (prog1
269 (when (and (streamp $pstream)
271 (p "showpage")
272 (close $pstream))
273 (setq $pstream nil)))
275 (defun ps-fixup-points(lis)
276 (assert ($listp lis))
277 (setq lis (cdr lis))
278 (cond ((numberp (car lis)))
279 ((and ($listp (car lis)) (numberp (nth 1 (car lis))))
280 (setq lis (loop for w in lis collect
281 (nth 1 w)
282 collect (nth 2 w))))
283 (t (error
284 "pscurve:Neither [x0,y0,x1,y1,...] nor [[x0,y0],[x1,y1],...]")))
285 lis)
287 (defun $psdraw_curve (lis &aux (n 0))
288 (declare (fixnum n))
289 (setq lis (ps-fixup-points lis))
290 (p "newpath" (nth 0 lis) (nth 1 lis) "moveto")
291 (loop while lis with second
293 (cond ((eq (car lis) 'moveto)
294 (or (eql n 0) (p "stroke"))
295 (setq n 0) (setq lis (cddr lis))))
296 (or (setq second (cadr lis)) (error "odd length list of points"))
297 (cond ((eql n 0)
298 (p (car lis) second "moveto"))
299 (t (p (car lis) second "lineto")
301 (setq n (+ n 1))
302 (cond ((eql 0 (mod n 20))
303 (p "stroke")
304 (setq n 0))
305 (t (setq lis (cddr lis)))))
306 (or (eql n 0) (p "stroke")))
310 (defun $viewps ( &optional file)
311 (cond ((and (streamp $pstream))
312 (do-ps-trailer)
313 (force-output $pstream)))
314 (cond (file (setq file (maxima-string file)))
315 (t(setq file (plot-temp-file ""))
317 (if (and (streamp $pstream))
318 (force-output $pstream))))
319 (if (equal $viewps_command "(gs -I. -Q ~a)")
320 (format t "~%type `quit' to exit back to affine or maxima
321 To reprint a page do
322 GS>showpage
323 GS>(
324 GS> -150 -150 translate 1.2 1.2 scale (
325 would print it moved 150/72 inches to left, and down, and scaled by 1.2 times
326 showpage clears scaling."))
328 ($system (format nil $viewps_command file)))
330 (defun $chkpt (a)
331 (or (and ($listp a)
332 (numberp (nth 1 a))
333 (numberp (nth 2 a)))
334 (error "illegal pt ~a" a))
337 (defvar $pslineno nil)
338 (defun $psdrawline (a &optional b c d)
339 (cond ((null b)
340 (assert (and ($listp a)
341 ($chkpt (nth 1 a))))
342 (setq b (nth 2 a))
343 (setq a (nth 1 a))))
344 (cond ((null c)
345 ($chkpt b)
346 (setq c (nth 1 b))
347 (setq d (nth 2 b))))
348 (cond (($listp a)
349 (setq b (nth 2 a) a (nth 1 a))))
350 (cond ((null c)
351 (setq c (nth 1 b))
352 (setq c (nth 2 b))))
354 (when $pslineno
355 (incf $pslineno)
356 ($pslabelline a b c d $pslineno))
358 (p a b "moveto")
359 (p c d "lineto")
360 (p "stroke"))
362 (defun $pslabelline (a b c d $pslineno)
363 (p (/ (+ a c) 2)
364 (/ (+ b d) 2)
365 "moveto"
366 (format nil "(<--L~a)show" $pslineno)))
368 (defun $sort_polys (lis)
369 (let ((tem
370 (loop for v in (cdr lis)
371 collect (cons
372 (loop for w in (cdr v)
373 maximize (nth 3 w))
374 v))))
375 (print 'next)
376 (cons '(mlist) (mapcar 'cdr (sortcar tem '<)))))
378 (defun $drawpoly (x)
379 (p "gsave")
380 (p (cdadr x) "moveto")
381 (setq x (cddr x))
382 (loop for edge in x
383 do (p (cdr edge) "lineto")
384 finally (p "1 setgray fill"))
385 ($psdrawline x)
386 (p "grestore"))
388 (defun $psdrawpolys (polys)
389 (dolist (v (cdr polys))
390 ($drawpoly v)))
392 ;; draw the axes through $psdef
393 (defun $psaxes (leng &optional (lengy leng))
394 (p "gsave axiswidth setlinewidth")
395 (let (begx begy endx endy)
396 (cond ((numberp leng)
397 (setq begx (- leng))
398 (setq endx leng))
399 (t (setq begx (nth 1 leng))
400 (setq endx (nth 2 leng))))
401 (cond ((numberp lengy)
402 (setq begy (- lengy))
403 (setq endy lengy))
404 (t (setq begy (nth 1 lengy))
405 (setq endy (nth 2 lengy))))
407 (loop for i from (floor begx) below (ceiling endx)
409 ($psdrawline i 0 (+ i 1) 0)
410 (p i 0 "drawtick")
411 (p (+ i 1) 0 "drawtick"))
413 (loop for i from (floor begy) below (ceiling endy)
415 ($psdrawline 0 i 0 (+ i 1) )
416 (p 0 i "drawtick")
417 (p 0 (+ i 1) "drawtick"))
420 (p "grestore")))
422 (defun $psdraw_points(lis)
423 (assert (and ($listp lis)
424 ($listp (cadr lis))))
425 (loop for w in (cdr lis)
426 do (p (nth 1 w)
427 (nth 2 w)
428 "drawdot")))
430 (defun $ps_axes ( rot )
431 (let ((tem (make-array 9 :element-type 'double-float :initial-element 0d0)))
432 (setf (aref tem 0) 4.0)
433 (setf (aref tem 4) 4.0)
434 (setf (aref tem 8) 4.0)
435 ($rotate_pts tem rot)
436 (p 0 0 "moveto")
437 (p (aref tem 0) (aref tem 1) "lineto stroke")
438 (p (aref tem 0) (aref tem 1) "moveto (x) show")
439 (p 0 0 "moveto")
440 (p (aref tem 3) (aref tem 4) "lineto stroke")
441 (p (aref tem 3) (aref tem 4) "moveto (y) show")
442 (p 0 0 "moveto")
443 (p (aref tem 6) (aref tem 7) "lineto stroke")
444 (p (aref tem 6) (aref tem 7) "moveto (z) show")
447 ;; if this is '$polar_to_xy then the x y coordinates are interpreted as r theta
449 (defun add-ps-finish (opts)
450 (p (if opts
451 "/xr .30 def
452 /xb 0.60 def
453 /xg .60 def
454 /myset { .005 mul dup xr add exch
455 dup xb add exch
456 xg add
457 setrgbcolor} def
459 /myfinish { myset gsave fill grestore 0 setgray stroke } def"
461 "/myfinish {.9 setgray gsave fill grestore .1 setgray stroke } def")))
464 (defun $draw_ngons (pts ngons number_edges &aux (i 0) (j 0) (s 0)
465 (opts *original-points*)
466 (maxz most-negative-double-float))
467 (declare (type (cl:array double-float) pts)
468 #-(or cmu scl sbcl) (type (cl:array double-float) opts)
469 (type (cl:array (mod 64000)) ngons)
470 (fixnum number_edges i s j number_edges)
471 (double-float maxz))
472 (setq j (length ngons))
473 (add-ps-finish opts)
474 (loop while (< i j)
476 (loop initially (setq s number_edges)
478 ;(print-pt (aref pts (f* 3 (aref ngons i))))
479 (print-pt (x-pt pts (aref ngons i)))
480 ;(print-pt (aref pts (f+ 1 (f* 3 (aref ngons i)))))
481 (print-pt (y-pt pts (aref ngons i)))
483 (cond (opts (if (> (z-pt opts (aref ngons i)) maxz)
484 (setq maxz (z-pt opts (aref ngons i))))))
485 (cond ((eql number_edges s) (p " moveto %"
486 ;(aref pts (f+ 2 (f* 3 (aref ngons i))))
489 (t (p "lineto %" ;(aref pts (f+ 2 (f* 3 (aref ngons i))))
491 (setq i (f+ i 1))
492 while (> (setq s (f- s 1)) 0))
493 (setq i (f+ i 1))
494 (cond (opts
495 (p (f+ 1 (round ($* 100.0 ($/ ($- maxz (car *z-range*))
496 (or (third *z-range*)
497 ($- (second *z-range*) (car *z-range*))))))))
498 (setq maxz most-negative-double-float)
500 (p " myfinish")