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[maxima.git] / archive / src / rat3f.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;; (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 (in-package "MAXIMA")
12 (import '(compiler::inline-unsafe compiler::inline-always compiler::boolean
13 compiler::definline ) 'cl-maxima)
14 (macsyma-module rat3f)
16 (clines "#include \"rat3f-hc.c\"")
19 ;;plan make file crat.c to include in the macsyma build
20 ;;it will have the necessary primitives, and we will then
21 ;;put inline things for ctimes,...
22 ;;the symbol-value cell of modulus will be snarfed, and
23 ;;consulted by the ctimes and friends.
24 ;; make #ifdef MC68020 for the ftimes and dblrem stuff,
25 ;; but add defs that will work on the vax.
26 ;;kclrat.lisp file to be loaded before compiling rat3a
27 ;;cplus,etc commented out for kcl
30 (eval-when (compile)
31 (setf (get 'cload-time 'compiler::t1) #'(lambda (&rest l)
32 (push (list 'load-time (car l))
33 compiler::*top-level-forms*)))
34 (setf (get 'cload-time 'compiler::t2) #'(lambda (&rest l)
35 (apply 'compiler::wt-nl (car l)))))
40 (defmacro definline
41 (property return-type side-effect-p new-object-p name arg-types
42 body)
43 `(push
44 '(,arg-types ,return-type ,side-effect-p ,new-object-p ,body)
45 (get ',name ',property)))
49 ;;the bignum mod does not work.
50 ;(defentry fplus (object object) (object fplus))
51 (defentry fplus (int int) (object fplus))
52 (defentry my-mcmod (object object) (object mcmod))
53 (defentry myctimes (object object object) (object ctimes))
54 (defentry mycplus (object object object) (object cplus))
55 (defentry mycdifference (object object object) (object cdifference))
56 (defentry my-doublerem (int int int) (int dblrem))
57 (defentry plusrem (int int int) (int plusrem))
58 (defentry subrem (int int int) (int subrem))
60 (defun new-ctimes (x y)
61 (myctimes x y modulus))
63 (defun new-cplus (x y)
64 (mycplus x y modulus))
66 (defun new-cdifference (x y)
67 (mycdifference x y modulus))
69 (defun cdiff (x y)
70 (let ((res (mod (- x y) modulus)))
71 (cond ((> res (floor modulus 2))
72 (- (mod res modulus) modulus))
73 (t res))))
76 #+debug
77 (defun comp (modulus &aux (bi most-positive-fixnum) (li most-negative-fixnum)
78 ( lis (list bi bi li (+ bi 1) (- li 3) )))
79 (sloop for u in lis
80 do (sloop for w in lis
81 when (not (equal (new-cplus u w) (cplus u w)))
82 do (print (list 'bad (list u w (fixnump u)(fixnump w)))))))
84 #+debug
85 (defun comp (modulus &aux (bi most-positive-fixnum) (li most-negative-fixnum)
86 ( lis (list 7 8 bi bi li (+ bi 1) (- li 3) )))
87 (sloop for u in lis
88 do (sloop for w in lis with nans and ans
89 when (not (equal (setq nans (new-cdifference u w))
90 (setq ans(cdiff u w))))
91 do (print (list 'bad nans ans (list u w (fixnump u)(fixnump w)))))))
92 ;(BAD (2147483647 -2147483648 T T))
94 #+debug
95 (defun te (x n)
96 (let ((a (my-mcmod x n))
97 (b (let ((modulus n)) (mcmod x n))))
98 (list (- a b) a b)))
101 #+debug
102 (defun te (x n)
103 (let ((a (+ x n))
104 (b (fplus x n)))
105 (list (- a b) a b)))
107 #+debug
108 (progn
109 (setf (symbol-function 'cplus) (symbol-function 'new-cplus))
110 (setf (symbol-function 'ctimes) (symbol-function 'new-ctimes))
111 (setf (symbol-function 'cdifference) (symbol-function 'new-cdifference)))
114 (progn
115 (proclaim '(function ptimes (t t) t))
116 (proclaim '(function ptimes1 (t t) t))
117 (proclaim '(function pctimes (t t) t))
118 (proclaim '(function pctimes1 (t t) t))
120 (proclaim '(function pplus (t t) t))
121 (proclaim '(function ptptplus (t t) t))
122 (proclaim '(function pcplus (t t) t))
123 (proclaim '(function pcplus1 (t t) t))
125 (proclaim '(function pdifference (t t) t))
126 (proclaim '(function ptptdiffer (t t) t))
127 (proclaim '(function pcdiffer (t t) t))
128 (proclaim '(function ptcdiffer (t t) t))
131 (proclaim '(function psimp1 (t t) t))
132 (proclaim '(function palgsimp (t t t) t))
133 (proclaim '(function alg (t) t))
135 (definline inline-always boolean nil nil pointergp (t t)
136 "((fix((#0)->s.s_dbind)) > fix(((#1)->s.s_dbind)))")
139 (definline inline-always boolean nil nil pzerop (t )
140 "(type_of(#0)==t_fixnum ? (fix(#0)==0)
141 :type_of(#0)==t_shortfloat ? (sf(#0)==0.0)
142 :(type_of(#0)==t_longfloat && (lf(#0)==0.0)))")
147 ;;fix pzerop to maybe assume fixnum or bignum entry??
148 ;;thus just == will work!!
153 #+debug
154 (defun comp (
155 &aux (bi most-positive-fixnum) (li most-negative-fixnum)
156 ( lis (list bi bi li (+ bi 1) (- li 3) ))
157 (moduli (list nil 23 47 bi (+ bi 10)))
158 (funs '(new-cdifference cdifference new-ctimes
159 ctimes new-cplus cplus)))
160 (sloop for (fun1 fun2) on funs by 'cddr
162 (sloop for m in moduli
164 (let ((modulus m))
165 (sloop for u in lis
166 do (sloop for w in lis
167 do (setq u (cmod u) w (cmod w))
168 when (not (equal (setq ans1(funcall fun1 u w))
169 (setq ans2(funcall fun2 u w))))
170 do (print
171 (list 'bad ans1 ans2
172 (list fun1 u w modulus
173 (fixnump u)(fixnump w)(fixnump modulus)))
174 )))))))