Rename *ll* and *ul* to ll and ul in defint
[maxima.git] / lisp-utils / make-depends.lisp
1 (in-package :mk)
3 (defvar *oos-dependency-stream* t
4 "Output stream for list-dependencies-operation")
6 (defvar *oos-dependency-targets* nil
7 "Output targets for list-dependencies-operation")
9 (defun list-dependencies-operation (component force)
10 (declare (ignore force))
11 (dolist (target *oos-dependency-targets*)
12 (let ((dep-name (format nil "~A.~A"
13 (component-source-pathname component)
14 (component-source-extension component))))
15 (unless (string= target dep-name)
16 (format *oos-dependency-stream* "~A : ~A~%" target dep-name)))))
18 (component-operation :list-dependencies 'list-dependencies-operation)
20 (defun create-dependency-file (targets file)
21 (with-open-file (dependency-file file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
22 (setq *oos-dependency-targets*
23 (if (stringp targets)
24 (list targets)
25 targets))
26 (setq *oos-dependency-stream* dependency-file)
27 (operate-on-system 'maxima :list-dependencies)
28 (format dependency-file "~%")))