2 * Copyright (C) 2010 Mark H. Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
4 * drawdf: Direction field plotting package for Maxima
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
22 * If you encounter stack overflows when drawing complex plots,
23 * try redefining draw-transform (from draw.lisp) as follows:
25 * (defun draw-transform (expr transform)
27 * (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (draw-transform-one x transform))
32 if not get('draw,'version) then load("draw") $
34 default_aspect_ratio: 4/3 $
35 default_horiz_grid_steps: 30 $
36 default_horiz_arrow_spots: 30 $
38 vec_mag(v) := sqrt(v.v)$
39 normalize_vec(v) := v/sqrt(v.v)$
40 if drawdf_translate='drawdf_translate then drawdf_translate:false;
41 if drawdf_translate then translate(normalize_vec);
43 make_f_rk_4(dxdt_expr, dydt_expr, x_var, y_var, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, partition_expr) := (
44 define(funmake('f_rk_4,vars),
46 [ dxdt_expr, dydt_expr, dxdt_var:?gensym(), dydt_var:?gensym(),
47 x_var, y_var, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, partition_expr ],
48 block([dxdt_var, dydt_var],
49 if x_var<x_min or x_var>x_max or y_var<y_min or y_var>y_max then error(),
50 if partition_expr#current_partition then (
51 if current_partition='init then current_partition:partition_expr
55 if imagpart(dxdt_var)^2 > 0 or imagpart(dydt_var)^2 > 0 then error(),
56 [dxdt_var,dydt_var]))),
57 if drawdf_translate then translate(f_rk_4)) $
59 /* Derived from rk in dynamics.mac by Jaime E. Villate <villate@fe.up.pt> */
60 calc_soln_curve(derivs, vars, init, mins, maxs, max_step, max_tstep, min_tstep, duration, max_nsteps, partition_expr) :=
62 [ xxx,ddd,k1,k2,k3,k4,t0,t1,r,dxxx,nxxx,nk1,tstep,
63 current_partition:'init,
64 numer:true,display2d:false ],
66 make_f_rk_4(first(derivs), second(derivs), first(vars), second(vars),
67 first(mins), first(maxs), second(mins), second(maxs), partition_expr),
70 r: errcatch ( k1: apply('f_rk_4,xxx) ),
71 if length(r)=0 then return([]),
74 while max_nsteps > 0 and t0 < duration do (
75 max_nsteps: max_nsteps-1,
78 k2: apply('f_rk_4,xxx+k1*tstep/2),
79 k3: apply('f_rk_4,xxx+k2*tstep/2),
80 k4: apply('f_rk_4,xxx+k3*tstep),
81 dxxx: tstep*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6,
83 nk1: apply('f_rk_4,nxxx)),
86 if tstep < min_tstep then return())
87 else if (abs(first(dxxx)) > first(max_step) or
88 abs(second(dxxx)) > second(max_step)) and
89 tstep/2 >= min_tstep then (
92 /* print("t:", t1, "dt:", tstep, "x:", nxxx, "dx:", dxxx), */
97 ddd: cons(xxx, ddd))),
99 if drawdf_translate then translate(calc_soln_curve);
102 * Note: if dir='reverse, this will return the curve in
103 * reverse time order (starting from the initial point),
104 * in order to help solution_arrows() draw the arrows
105 * around saddle points more nicely. In general, you
106 * should not rely on the direction of the returned curve.
108 calc_dir_soln_curve(derivs, vars, init, mins, maxs, max_step, dir, max_tstep, min_tstep, duration, max_nsteps, partition_expr) := (
109 if elementp(dir, {'forward,'right}) then (
110 calc_soln_curve(derivs, vars, init, mins, maxs, max_step, max_tstep, min_tstep, duration, max_nsteps, partition_expr))
111 elseif elementp(dir, {'reverse,'left}) then (
112 calc_soln_curve(-derivs, vars, init, mins, maxs, max_step, max_tstep, min_tstep, duration, max_nsteps, partition_expr))
113 elseif dir = 'both then block(
114 [ rev:calc_soln_curve(-derivs, vars, init, mins, maxs, max_step, max_tstep, min_tstep, duration, max_nsteps, partition_expr),
115 fwd:calc_soln_curve(derivs, vars, init, mins, maxs, max_step, max_tstep, min_tstep, duration, max_nsteps, partition_expr) ],
116 if fwd = [] then reverse(rev)
117 else if rev = [] then fwd
118 else append(reverse(rev), rest(fwd)))
119 else error("Invalid direction:",dir))$
121 disallow_arrows_in(x_lo, y_lo, x_hi, y_hi) := block(
122 [ x_step, y_step, a_spot_x, a_spot_y, b_spot_x, b_spot_y,
123 a_spot_x_hi, a_spot_y_hi, b_spot_x_hi, b_spot_y_hi ],
125 x_step: (x_max-x_min) / horiz_arrow_spots,
126 y_step: (y_max-y_min) / vert_arrow_spots,
128 calc_point_vars([x_hi,y_hi]),
129 a_spot_x_hi:a_spot_x, a_spot_y_hi:a_spot_y,
130 b_spot_x_hi:b_spot_x, b_spot_y_hi:b_spot_y,
131 calc_point_vars([x_lo,y_lo]),
133 for y:a_spot_y thru a_spot_y_hi do (
134 for x:a_spot_x thru a_spot_x_hi do (
135 soln_arrow_a_spots[x,y]:2 )),
137 for y:b_spot_y thru b_spot_y_hi do (
138 for x:b_spot_x thru b_spot_x_hi do (
139 soln_arrow_b_spots[x,y]:2 )))$
141 solution_arrows(curve) := block(
142 [ arrows:[], margin:0.5,
143 spacing:12, start_space:6, end_space:4, edge_space:4,
144 possible_arrow_dist:0, possible_arrow_pt:false,
145 last_arrow_dist:0, new_dist, last_pt:first(curve),
146 gr_x, gr_y, a_spot_x, a_spot_y, b_spot_x, b_spot_y,
147 x_step, y_step, grid_step_vec, dv,
150 x_step: (x_max-x_min) / horiz_arrow_spots,
151 y_step: (y_max-y_min) / vert_arrow_spots,
152 grid_step_vec: [x_step,y_step] * 0.3,
154 define(funmake('f_calc_dv,[x_var,y_var]),
155 float(grid_step_vec * normalize_vec([dxdt,dydt] / grid_step_vec))),
156 if drawdf_translate then translate(f_calc_dv),
158 last_arrow_dist:spacing - start_space,
161 if (gr_x < margin or gr_x > horiz_arrow_spots - margin or
162 gr_y < margin or gr_y > vert_arrow_spots - margin or
163 soln_arrow_a_spots[a_spot_x,a_spot_y] = 2 or
164 soln_arrow_b_spots[b_spot_x,b_spot_y] = 2) then (
165 if (possible_arrow_pt # false and possible_arrow_dist >= edge_space) then (
166 confirm_solution_arrow(possible_arrow_pt) ),
167 last_pt:pt, possible_arrow_pt:false, last_arrow_dist:spacing - edge_space )
169 new_dist:vec_mag((pt - last_pt) / grid_step_vec),
171 possible_arrow_dist:possible_arrow_dist + new_dist,
172 last_arrow_dist:last_arrow_dist + new_dist,
173 if (soln_arrow_a_spots[a_spot_x,a_spot_y] = 1 or
174 soln_arrow_b_spots[b_spot_x,b_spot_y] = 1) then (
175 if (possible_arrow_pt # false and possible_arrow_dist < spacing) then (
176 possible_arrow_pt:false ),
178 elseif (possible_arrow_pt = false and last_arrow_dist >= spacing) then (
179 possible_arrow_pt:pt, possible_arrow_dist:0 )
180 elseif (possible_arrow_pt # false and possible_arrow_dist >= spacing) then (
181 confirm_solution_arrow(possible_arrow_pt),
182 possible_arrow_pt:pt, possible_arrow_dist:0 ))),
183 if (possible_arrow_pt # false and possible_arrow_dist >= end_space) then (
184 confirm_solution_arrow(possible_arrow_pt) ),
187 calc_point_vars(pt) := (
188 gr_x: (first(pt)-x_min)/x_step,
189 gr_y: (second(pt)-y_min)/y_step,
190 a_spot_x: fix(gr_x + 1),
191 a_spot_y: fix(gr_y + 1),
192 b_spot_x: fix(gr_x + 0.5),
193 b_spot_y: fix(gr_y + 0.5) )$
195 confirm_solution_arrow(pt) := block (
196 [ gr_x, gr_y, a_spot_x, a_spot_y, b_spot_x, b_spot_y ],
198 last_arrow_dist:possible_arrow_dist,
199 soln_arrow_a_spots[a_spot_x,a_spot_y]:1,
200 soln_arrow_b_spots[b_spot_x,b_spot_y]:1,
201 dv:apply('f_calc_dv, pt),
202 arrows:cons(funmake('vector, [pt-dv/2, dv]), arrows) )$
204 solution_plot(pt) := block( [ curve, duration, numer:true ],
206 if soln_duration#false then soln_duration
207 else if soln_nsteps#false then soln_nsteps*soln_tstep
209 curve: calc_dir_soln_curve(
210 [dxdt,dydt], [x_var,y_var], float(pt),
211 [x_min-(x_max-x_min), y_min-(y_max-y_min)],
212 [x_max+(x_max-x_min), y_max+(y_max-y_min)],
213 [x_max-x_min, y_max-y_min]/100,
214 soln_direction, soln_tstep, soln_tstep/300, duration, 100000, partition_expr),
215 if curve=[] then curve:[pt],
216 [ 'point_type='none, funmake('soln_curve, [curve, 'soln_arrows = soln_arrows]) ] )$
219 * Ideally, this should probably detect and remove overlaps in the curve.
221 equipotential_plot(pt) := block(
222 [ dxdt:dydt, dydt:-dxdt, soln_arrows:false, soln_direction:'both ],
225 linearize_at(pt, derivs, vars) := block(
226 [ subs: map("=", vars, pt) ],
227 subst(subs, apply('matrix, outermap('diff, derivs, vars))))$
230 * WARNING: this currently assumes you are running a new enough version
231 * of Maxima to have the new improved eigenvectors function!
233 saddle_plot(pt) := block(
234 [ eigen_info, eigvals, eigval, eigvects, the_graphics:[], soln_direction ],
236 eigen_info: block( [numer:false, keepfloat:false],
237 float(eigenvectors(linearize_at(pt, [dxdt,dydt], [x_var,y_var])))),
239 eigvals: inpart(eigen_info,1,1),
240 for i:1 thru length(eigvals) do (
241 eigval: inpart(eigvals,i),
242 if (imagpart(eigval) = 0 and eigval # 0) then (
243 soln_direction: (if eigval > 0 then 'forward else 'reverse),
244 eigvects: inpart(eigen_info,2,i),
245 for eigvect in eigvects do (
246 the_graphics: append(
247 solution_plot(pt + 0.001 * normalize_vec(eigvect)),
248 solution_plot(pt - 0.001 * normalize_vec(eigvect)),
252 valid_var_lo_hi_spec(spec) := (
253 is(listp(spec) and length(spec)=3 and symbolp(first(spec)) and
254 numberp(float(second(spec))) and numberp(float(third(spec)))))$
256 list_of_points_from(params) := block([],
257 params: args(params),
258 if length(params) # 1 then return(params),
259 params: first(params),
260 if (length(params) # 2) or listp(first(params)) then return(params),
263 df_graphics(derivs_spec, [params]) := block(
264 [ dxdt:1, dydt, x_var:'x, y_var:'y, x_min:-10, x_max:10, y_min:-10, y_max:10,
265 aspect_ratio:'auto, horiz_grid_steps:'auto, vert_grid_steps:'auto,
266 horiz_arrow_spots:'auto, vert_arrow_spots:'auto,
267 soln_tinitial:0, soln_tstep:0.1, soln_nsteps:false, soln_duration:false,
268 field_tstep:0.1, field_nsteps:false, field_duration:false,
269 soln_direction:'both, soln_arrows:false,
270 show_field:true, field_arrows:'auto, field_degree:1,
271 field_horiz_offset:0, field_vert_offset:0, partition_expr:false,
272 field_color:'auto, init_soln_color:'auto,
273 field_head_size:0.5, field_head_type:'filled_circle,
274 temp_params:[], param, pvar, pvar_table,
275 x_step, y_step, grid_step_vec, the_graphics:[], pre_graphics:[],
276 soln_arrow_a_spots, soln_arrow_b_spots,
277 numer:true, keepfloat:true ],
280 if listp(derivs_spec) then (
281 if length(derivs_spec) = 1 then [dydt]: derivs_spec
282 elseif length(derivs_spec) = 2 then [dxdt,dydt]: derivs_spec
283 else error("Invalid derivs_spec", derivs_spec))
284 else dydt: derivs_spec,
286 if (length(params) >= 1 and listp(first(params)) and
287 length(first(params)) = 2 and every('symbolp, first(params))) then (
288 [x_var,y_var]: first(params),
289 params: rest(params))
290 elseif (length(params) >= 2 and valid_var_lo_hi_spec(first(params)) and
291 valid_var_lo_hi_spec(second(params))) then (
292 [x_var,x_min,x_max]: float(first(params)),
293 [y_var,y_min,y_max]: float(second(params)),
294 params: rest(params,2)),
297 param: first(params),
298 params: rest(params),
299 if (operatorp(param, "=") and elementp(lhs(param), {'aspect_ratio,
300 'horiz_grid_steps,'vert_grid_steps,'horiz_arrow_spots,'vert_arrow_spots}))
301 then lhs(param) :: float(rhs(param))
302 else if (operatorp(param, "=") and lhs(param)='field_grid and
303 listp(rhs(param)) and length(rhs(param))=2)
304 then [horiz_grid_steps,vert_grid_steps]: float(rhs(param))
305 else if (listp(param) and first(param) = x_var and length(param) = 3)
306 then [x_min,x_max]: float(rest(param))
307 else if (listp(param) and first(param) = y_var and length(param) = 3)
308 then [y_min,y_max]: float(rest(param))
309 else if (listp(param) and not atom(first(param)))
310 then params: append(param, params)
311 else temp_params: cons(param, temp_params) ),
312 params: reverse(temp_params),
314 if aspect_ratio = 'auto then aspect_ratio:(
315 if (horiz_grid_steps # 'auto and vert_grid_steps # 'auto)
316 then horiz_grid_steps / vert_grid_steps
317 elseif (horiz_arrow_spots # 'auto and vert_arrow_spots # 'auto)
318 then horiz_arrow_spots / vert_arrow_spots
319 else default_aspect_ratio ),
321 if horiz_grid_steps = 'auto then horiz_grid_steps:(
322 if vert_grid_steps # 'auto
323 then fix(vert_grid_steps * aspect_ratio)
324 else default_horiz_grid_steps ),
325 if vert_grid_steps = 'auto
326 then vert_grid_steps:fix(horiz_grid_steps / aspect_ratio),
328 if horiz_arrow_spots = 'auto then horiz_arrow_spots:(
329 if vert_arrow_spots # 'auto
330 then fix(vert_arrow_spots * aspect_ratio)
331 else default_horiz_arrow_spots ),
332 if vert_arrow_spots = 'auto
333 then vert_arrow_spots:fix(horiz_arrow_spots / aspect_ratio),
335 soln_arrow_a_spots: make_array(fixnum, horiz_arrow_spots+2, vert_arrow_spots+2),
336 soln_arrow_b_spots: make_array(fixnum, horiz_arrow_spots+2, vert_arrow_spots+2),
338 pvar_table: '[ direction = soln_direction,
339 dir = soln_direction,
340 tinitial = soln_tinitial,
342 nsteps = soln_nsteps,
343 duration = soln_duration,
344 field_tstep = field_tstep,
345 field_nsteps = field_nsteps,
346 field_duration = field_duration,
347 soln_arrows = soln_arrows,
348 show_field = show_field,
349 partition_expr = partition_expr,
350 field_horiz_offset = field_horiz_offset,
351 field_vert_offset = field_vert_offset,
352 field_color = field_color,
353 field_arrows = field_arrows,
354 field_head_size = field_head_size,
355 field_head_type = field_head_type,
356 field_degree = field_degree ],
358 for param in params do (
359 if listp(param) then (
360 if (pvar:assoc(first(param),pvar_table)) # false then pvar :: second(param)
361 elseif (first(param) = 'trajectory_at and length(param) >= 3)
362 then pre_graphics: append(reverse(solution_plot(rest(param))), pre_graphics)
363 else error("Invalid parameter:", param))
364 else if operatorp(param, "=") then (
365 if (pvar:assoc(lhs(param),pvar_table)) # false then pvar :: rhs(param)
366 else pre_graphics: cons(param, pre_graphics))
367 else if operatorp(param, 'point_at)
368 then pre_graphics: append(reverse([ 'point_type = 'filled_circle, funmake('points, [[args(param)]]) ]), pre_graphics)
369 else if operatorp(param, 'points_at)
370 then for pt in list_of_points_from(param) do (
371 pre_graphics: append(reverse([ 'point_type = 'filled_circle, funmake('points, [[pt]]) ]), pre_graphics))
372 else if operatorp(param, 'soln_at)
373 then pre_graphics: append(reverse(solution_plot(args(param))), pre_graphics)
374 else if operatorp(param, 'solns_at)
375 then for pt in list_of_points_from(param) do pre_graphics: append(reverse(solution_plot(pt)), pre_graphics)
376 else if operatorp(param, 'equipot_at)
377 then pre_graphics: append(reverse(equipotential_plot(args(param))), pre_graphics)
378 else if operatorp(param, 'equipots_at)
379 then for pt in list_of_points_from(param) do pre_graphics: append(reverse(equipotential_plot(pt)), pre_graphics)
380 else if operatorp(param, 'saddle_at)
381 then pre_graphics: append(reverse(saddle_plot(args(param))), pre_graphics)
382 else if operatorp(param, 'saddles_at)
383 then for pt in list_of_points_from(param) do pre_graphics: append(reverse(saddle_plot(pt)), pre_graphics)
384 else if operatorp(param, 'no_arrows_in)
385 then apply('disallow_arrows_in, args(param))
386 else pre_graphics: cons(param, pre_graphics)),
388 for element in pre_graphics do (
389 if operatorp(element, 'soln_curve) then (
390 the_graphics: cons(funmake('points, [first(element)]), the_graphics),
391 if assoc('soln_arrows, rest(args(element)), false) then (
392 the_graphics: append(solution_arrows(first(element)), the_graphics)))
393 else the_graphics: cons(element, the_graphics)),
395 if soln_arrows or not show_field then (
396 if field_arrows = 'auto then field_arrows: false,
397 if field_color = 'auto then field_color: red,
398 if init_soln_color = 'auto then init_soln_color: black )
400 if field_arrows = 'auto then field_arrows: true,
401 if field_color = 'auto then field_color: black,
402 if init_soln_color = 'auto then init_soln_color: red ),
404 x_step: (x_max-x_min) / horiz_grid_steps,
405 y_step: (y_max-y_min) / vert_grid_steps,
406 grid_step_vec: [x_step,y_step] * (if field_degree#1 then 0.7 else if field_arrows then 0.8 else 0.5),
408 the_graphics: append(
409 [ 'point_type = 'none,
411 'color = init_soln_color,
412 'head_length = 0.6 * x_step,
416 if show_field then block ( [numer:true],
417 if field_degree=1 then (
418 define(funmake('f_calc_dv,[x_var,y_var]),
419 float(grid_step_vec * normalize_vec([dxdt,dydt] / grid_step_vec))),
420 if drawdf_translate then translate(f_calc_dv),
421 for x: (x_min + x_step/2 + field_horiz_offset) step x_step thru x_max do (
422 for y: (y_min + y_step/2 + field_vert_offset) step y_step thru y_max do (
423 the_graphics: append(
425 block([v:[x,y], dv:apply('f_calc_dv,[x,y]), rdv, idv],
426 rdv: realpart(dv), idv: imagpart(dv),
427 if idv.idv > ratepsilon then error()
428 else if field_arrows then funmake('vector, [v-rdv/2, rdv])
429 else funmake('points, [[v-rdv/2, v+rdv/2]]))),
431 else if field_degree=2 then block (
432 [ dxdt2: diff(dxdt,x_var)*dxdt + diff(dxdt,y_var)*dydt,
433 dydt2: diff(dydt,x_var)*dxdt + diff(dydt,y_var)*dydt,
435 define(funmake('f_calc_dv,[x_var,y_var]),
437 define(funmake('f_calc_dv2,[x_var,y_var]),
438 float([dxdt2,dydt2])),
439 if drawdf_translate then translate(f_calc_dv),
440 if drawdf_translate then translate(f_calc_dv2),
441 for x: (x_min + x_step/2 + field_horiz_offset) step x_step thru x_max do (
442 for y: (y_min + y_step/2 + field_vert_offset) step y_step thru y_max do (
443 the_graphics: append(
447 [ v:[x,y], dv:apply('f_calc_dv,[x,y]), rdv, idv,
448 dv2:apply('f_calc_dv2,[x,y]), rdv2, idv2,
449 curve, t_min:false, t_max:false, programmode:true ],
450 rdv: realpart(dv), idv: imagpart(dv),
451 rdv2: realpart(dv2), idv2: imagpart(dv2),
452 if idv.idv > ratepsilon or idv2.idv2 > ratepsilon then error(),
453 curve: rdv2*t_var^2/2 + rdv*t_var,
454 for unit_vec in [[1,0],[-1,0],[0,1],[0,-1]] do (
455 for root in map('float,map('rhs,realroots(((unit_vec.(curve/grid_step_vec))-0.5)))) do (
457 if t_max=false or t_max>root then t_max:root
458 ) else if root<0 then (
459 if t_min=false or t_min<root then t_min:root
462 [ funmake('parametric, append(curve + v, [t_var,t_min,t_max])) ],
463 if field_arrows then [ point_type = field_head_type, funmake('points, [[at(curve+v, [t_var=t_max])]]) ] else [])))),
465 else if field_degree='solns then block (
468 if field_duration#false then field_duration
469 else if field_nsteps#false then field_nsteps*field_tstep
471 for x: (x_min + x_step/2 + field_horiz_offset) step x_step thru x_max do (
472 for y: (y_min + y_step/2 + field_vert_offset) step y_step thru y_max do (
473 the_graphics: append(
476 for fudge in [[0,0],[1,1],[-1,1],[-1,-1],[1,-1],'done] do (
477 if fudge='done then error(),
479 calc_dir_soln_curve([dxdt,dydt], [x_var,y_var], [x,y]+fudge*grid_step_vec*1e-8,
480 [x,y]-grid_step_vec/2, [x,y]+grid_step_vec/2,
481 grid_step_vec/5, 'both,
482 field_tstep, field_tstep/300, duration, 100, partition_expr)),
483 if curve#[] then return(curve)),
485 [ point_type = 'none, funmake('points, [curve]) ],
486 if field_arrows then [ point_type = field_head_type, funmake('points, [[first(curve)]]) ] else []))),
488 else error("field_degree must be either 1, 2, or 'solns")),
490 the_graphics: append(
491 [ 'head_length = 0.3 * x_step,
494 'point_size = field_head_size,
495 'points_joined = true,
496 'xrange = [x_min, x_max],
497 'yrange = [y_min, y_max],
498 'color = field_color ],
501 apply('gr2d, the_graphics))$
503 drawdf([params]) := (draw(apply('df_graphics, params)), 0)$
504 wxdrawdf([params]) := (wxdraw(apply('df_graphics, params)), 0)$
510 drawdf(x^2+y^2, [x,-5,5], [y,-5,5], solns_at([1,1], [2,1], [3,4]))$
512 drawdf([y,-9*sin(x)-y/5], [x,1,5], [y,-2,2])$
513 drawdf([y,-9*sin(x)-y/5], [x,1,5], [y,-2,2], field_degree=2)$
514 drawdf([y,-9*sin(x)-y/5], [x,1,5], [y,-2,2], tstep=0.01, soln_at(3.14,0))$
516 drawdf(y, [x,-2,2], [y,-10,10], tstep=0.05, duration=3, solns_at([0,1], [0,-1], [0,0]))$
517 drawdf(y, [x,-2,2], [y,-10,10], tstep=0.05, duration=3, soln_arrows=true, solns_at([0,1], [0,-1], [0,0]))$
519 drawdf([x-x*y/2, (x*y - 3*y)/4], [x,2.5,3.5], [y,1.5,2.5], solns_at([3,1.8],[3,1.85],[3,1.9],[3,1.95])) $
521 drawdf(exp(-t)+y, [t,y], [t,-5,5], [y,-20,20], soln_at(0,-0.5))$
523 drawdf(3*sin(t)+1+y, [t,y], solns_at([0,-2.6],[0,-2.4]), color=blue, soln_at(0,-2.5))$
524 drawdf(3*sin(t)+1+y, [t,y], soln_arrows=true, solns_at([0,-2.6],[0,-2.4],[0,-2.5]))$
526 /* competing species */
527 drawdf([x*(1-x-y), y*(3/4-y-x/2)], [x,0,1.1], [y,0,1], duration=40, soln_arrows=true, point_at(1/2,1/2), solns_at([0.1,0.2], [0.2,0.1], [1,0.8], [0.8,1], [0.1,0.1], [0.6,0.05], [0.05,0.4], [1,0.01], [0.01,0.75])) $
529 /* damped pendulum phase portraits */
530 drawdf([y,-9*sin(x)-y/5], tstep=0.05, soln_arrows=true, saddles_at([%pi,0], [-%pi,0]))$
531 drawdf([y,-9*sin(x)-y/5], tstep=0.05, show_field=false, soln_arrows=true, saddles_at([3*%pi,0], [-3*%pi,0], [%pi,0], [-%pi,0]))$
533 /* direction fields sampled quadratically and numerically */
534 drawdf([x*(1-x-y), y*(3/4-y-x/2)], [x,0,1.1], [y,0,1], duration=40, soln_arrows=true, field_degree=2, point_at(1/2,1/2), solns_at([0.1,0.2], [0.2,0.1], [1,0.8], [0.8,1], [0.1,0.1], [0.6,0.05], [0.05,0.4], [1,0.01], [0.01,0.75])) $
535 drawdf([x*(1-x-y), y*(3/4-y-x/2)], [x,0,1.1], [y,0,1], duration=40, soln_arrows=true, field_degree='solns, point_at(1/2,1/2), solns_at([0.1,0.2], [0.2,0.1], [1,0.8], [0.8,1], [0.1,0.1], [0.6,0.05], [0.05,0.4], [1,0.01], [0.01,0.75])) $
537 drawdf([y,-9*sin(x)-y/5], tstep=0.05, soln_arrows=true, field_degree=2, saddles_at([%pi,0], [-%pi,0]))$
538 drawdf([y,-9*sin(x)-y/5], tstep=0.05, soln_arrows=true, field_degree='solns, saddles_at([%pi,0], [-%pi,0]))$