Show the error messages from errors encountered when plotting
[maxima.git] / share / dynamics / complex_dynamics.lisp
1 ;; complex_dynamics.lisp - functions julia, mandelbrot and rk
2 ;;
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2006-2021 Jaime E. Villate <>
4 ;;
5 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 ;; (at your option) any later version.
9 ;;
10 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 ;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
18 ;; MA 02110-1301, USA.
21 (in-package :maxima)
22 (macsyma-module dynamics)
24 ;; Function $mandelbrot displays the Mandelbrot set
25 ;; on the region: xmin < x <xmax, ymin < y <ymax.
27 (defmfun $mandelbrot (&rest extra-options)
28 (let (plot output-file (options (copy-tree *plot-options*))
29 a b c d e num dx dy x xmax xmin y ymax ymin m nx ny)
30 (setf (getf options :type) "plot2d")
31 (unless (getf options :x) (setf (getf options :x) '(-2 2)))
32 (unless (getf options :y) (setf (getf options :y) '(-2 2)))
33 (unless (getf options :iterations) (setf (getf options :iterations) 9))
34 (unless (getf options :xlabel) (setf (getf options :xlabel) "x"))
35 (unless (getf options :ylabel) (setf (getf options :ylabel) "y"))
36 (unless (member :color_bar options) (setf (getf options :color_bar) t))
37 (setf (getf options :palette)
38 '(((mlist) $gradient $magenta $violet $blue $cyan $green $yellow
39 $orange $red $brown $black)))
41 ;; Parses the options given in the command line
42 (setq options (plot-options-parser extra-options options))
43 (unless (getf options :yx_ratio) (setf (getf options :same_xy) t))
44 (setq xmin (car (getf options :x)))
45 (setq xmax (cadr (getf options :x)))
46 (setq ymin (car (getf options :y)))
47 (setq ymax (cadr (getf options :y)))
48 (setq m (getf options :iterations))
49 (setq nx (or (car (getf options :grid)) 30))
50 (setq ny (or (cadr (getf options :grid)) 30))
51 (setq dx (/ (rationalize (- xmax xmin)) nx)) ; x incr. per pixel
52 (setq dy (/ (rationalize (- ymax ymin)) ny)) ; y incr. per pixel
54 ;; Creates the object that will be passed to the external graphic program
55 (setq plot (make-instance 'gnuplot-plot))
56 (if (eq (getf options :plot_format) '$gnuplot_pipes)
57 (setf (slot-value plot 'pipe) T)
58 (setf (getf options :plot_format) '$gnuplot))
60 (setq output-file (plot-preamble plot options))
61 (setf
62 (slot-value plot 'data)
63 (concatenate
64 'string
65 (slot-value plot 'data)
66 (with-output-to-string (st)
67 (format st "set palette ~a~%"
68 (gnuplot-palette (rest (first (getf options :palette)))))
69 (format st "unset key~%")
70 (format st "plot '-' with image~%")
71 ;; iterates through all grid points
72 (dotimes (i ny)
73 (setq y (+ ymin (/ dy 2) (* i dy)))
74 (dotimes (j nx)
75 (setq x (+ xmin (/ dx 2) (* j dx)))
76 (setq a 0) (setq b 0)
77 (setq num m)
78 (dotimes (l m)
79 (setq c (* a a))
80 (setq d (* b b))
81 (setq e (* 2 a b))
82 (when (> (+ c d) 4) (progn (setq num l) (return)))
83 (setq a (+ (float x) (- c d)))
84 (setq b (+ (float y) e)))
85 (format st "~f ~f ~d~%" x y num)))
86 (format st "e~%"))))
87 (plot-shipout plot options output-file)))
89 ;; Function $julia(x,y) displays the Julia set for the
90 ;; point (x,y) of the complex plane, on the region: xmin < x <xmax,
91 ;; ymin < y <ymax.
93 (defmfun $julia (x y &rest extra-options)
94 (let (plot output-file (options (copy-tree *plot-options*))
95 num dx dy xmax xmin ymax ymin a b c d e a0 b0 m nx ny)
96 (setf (getf options :type) "plot2d")
97 (unless (getf options :x) (setf (getf options :x) '(-2 2)))
98 (unless (getf options :y) (setf (getf options :y) '(-2 2)))
99 (unless (getf options :iterations) (setf (getf options :iterations) 9))
100 (unless (getf options :xlabel) (setf (getf options :xlabel) "x"))
101 (unless (getf options :ylabel) (setf (getf options :ylabel) "y"))
102 (unless (member :color_bar options) (setf (getf options :color_bar) t))
103 (setf (getf options :palette)
104 '(((mlist) $gradient $magenta $violet $blue $cyan $green $yellow
105 $orange $red $brown $black)))
107 ;; Parses the options given in the command line
108 (setq options (plot-options-parser extra-options options))
109 (unless (getf options :yx_ratio) (setf (getf options :same_xy) t))
110 (setq xmin (car (getf options :x)))
111 (setq xmax (cadr (getf options :x)))
112 (setq ymin (car (getf options :y)))
113 (setq ymax (cadr (getf options :y)))
114 (setq m (getf options :iterations))
115 (setq nx (or (car (getf options :grid)) 30))
116 (setq ny (or (cadr (getf options :grid)) 30))
117 (setq dx (/ (rationalize (- xmax xmin)) nx)) ; x incr. per pixel
118 (setq dy (/ (rationalize (- ymax ymin)) ny)) ; y incr. per pixel
120 ;; Creates the object that will be passed to the external graphic program
121 (setq plot (make-instance 'gnuplot-plot))
122 (if (eq (getf options :plot_format) '$gnuplot_pipes)
123 (setf (slot-value plot 'pipe) T)
124 (setf (getf options :plot_format) '$gnuplot))
126 (setq output-file (plot-preamble plot options))
127 (setf
128 (slot-value plot 'data)
129 (concatenate
130 'string
131 (slot-value plot 'data)
132 (with-output-to-string (st)
133 (format st "set palette ~a~%"
134 (gnuplot-palette (rest (first (getf options :palette)))))
135 (format st "unset key~%")
136 (format st "plot '-' with image~%")
138 ;; iterates through all grid points
139 (dotimes (i ny)
140 (setq b0 (+ ymin (/ dy 2) (* i dy)))
141 (dotimes (j nx)
142 (setq a0 (+ xmin (/ dx 2) (* j dx)))
143 (setq a (float a0))
144 (setq b (float b0))
145 (setq num m)
146 (dotimes (l m)
147 (setq c (* a a))
148 (setq d (* b b))
149 (setq e (* 2 a b))
150 (when (> (+ c d) 4) (progn (setq num l) (return)))
151 (setq a (+ x (- c d)))
152 (setq b (+ y e)))
153 (format st "~f ~f ~d~%" a0 b0 num)))
154 (format st "e~%"))))
155 (plot-shipout plot options output-file)))
157 ;; Function $rk implements the 4th order Runge-Kutta numerical method.
158 ;; exprs: an expression or maxima list with n expressions
159 ;; vars: name of (or list of names of) the independent variable(s)
160 ;; initial: initial value for the variable (or list of initial values)
161 ;; domain: maxima list with four elements (name of the independent
162 ;; variable, its initial and final values and its increment)
163 (defmfun $rk (exprs vars initial domain
164 &aux d u fun k1 k2 k3 k4 r1 r2 r3 traj r
165 (it (mapcar #'coerce-float (cddr domain))))
166 (unless ($listp exprs) (setq exprs `((mlist) ,exprs)))
167 (unless ($listp initial) (setq initial `((mlist) ,initial)))
168 (unless ($listp vars) (setq vars `((mlist) ,vars)))
169 (dolist (var (cdr vars))
170 (unless (symbolp var)
171 (merror (intl:gettext "rk: variable name expected; found: ~M") var)))
172 (unless (symbolp (cadr domain))
173 (merror (intl:gettext "rk: variable name expected; found: ~M")
174 (cadr domain)))
175 (setq vars (concatenate 'list '((mlist)) (list (cadr domain)) (cdr vars)))
176 (setq r (concatenate 'list `(,(car it)) (mapcar #'coerce-float (cdr initial))))
177 (setq fun (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce-float-fun x vars)) (cdr exprs)))
178 (setq d (/ (- (cadr it) (car it)) (caddr it)))
179 (setq traj (list (cons '(mlist) r)))
180 (do ((m 1 (1+ m))) ((> m d))
181 (ignore-errors
182 (setq k1 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply x r)) fun))
183 (setq r1 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* (/ (caddr it) 2) x)) k1)))
184 (push (+ (car r) (/ (caddr it) 2)) r1)
185 (setq k2 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply x r1)) fun))
186 (setq r2 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* (/ (caddr it) 2) x)) k2)))
187 (push (+ (car r) (/ (caddr it) 2)) r2)
188 (setq k3 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply x r2)) fun))
189 (setq r3 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* (caddr it) x)) k3)))
190 (push (+ (car r) (caddr it)) r3)
191 (setq k4 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply x r3)) fun))
192 (setq u (map 'list #'+
193 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* 1/6 x)) k1)
194 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* 1/3 x)) k2)
195 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* 1/3 x)) k3)
196 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* 1/6 x)) k4)))
197 (setq r
198 (concatenate 'list
199 `(,(+ (car it) (* m (caddr it))))
200 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* (caddr it) x)) u))))
201 (push (cons '(mlist) r) traj)))
202 (when (< (car r) (cadr it))
203 (let ((s (- (cadr it) (car r))))
204 (ignore-errors
205 (setq k1 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply x r)) fun))
206 (setq r1 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* (/ s 2) x)) k1)))
207 (push (+ (car r) (/ s 2)) r1)
208 (setq k2 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply x r1)) fun))
209 (setq r2 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* (/ s 2) x)) k2)))
210 (push (+ (car r) (/ s 2)) r2)
211 (setq k3 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply x r2)) fun))
212 (setq r3 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* s x)) k3)))
213 (push (+ (car r) s) r3)
214 (setq k4 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply x r3)) fun))
215 (setq u (map 'list #'+
216 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* 1/6 x)) k1)
217 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* 1/3 x)) k2)
218 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* 1/3 x)) k3)
219 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* 1/6 x)) k4)))
220 (setq r
221 (concatenate 'list
222 `(,(cadr it))
223 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* s x)) u))))
224 (push (cons '(mlist) r) traj))))
225 (cons '(mlist) (nreverse traj)))